HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 134, March 5, 1923r`—"wee'""-�9:=4' ...r,.sR.w..acf.*ny^`q '^'rt•^ A i.. }_�'t,^-""�,�y.•. _t'^'en �.,.. `�{'r..ii't'c�.Si . "s`r._%,.'�ij'2!'t �'.+y i= ^7:..'..r`' ,::,w, .b4 ryy,..�'+'• 't."s A L' "..was
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah `" 192=- E
motion the Board adjourned.upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
1 ..A
E. 7 C1rw .. I" F•It"
1 CY - }litilYO,lt. .,
FFA LIARCH 6TH, 1923. ,
At a 3ezular I_'eetina of the Board of Commies loners. held in the Car. lmiasionara'
c� Ohambar in the City Hall. I-aduoah, Eentuoky. on ]tarok 6th, 1923. Upon gall of the roll
i 'Lhe following answered to_thelr acmes: Oommieatonare Faae..Pulliam. Tully, ',Tnshinaton t r
i and. , ha or Katter john; -6. I, .. }
., .y
On motion of Commissioner 'Washington the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, rose, rulliam. Tully.
4 'lashinrrton and Katter'john,4.. I,• �d
Ur-yor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the
',. Report Venereal I `
y Venereal Clinic for the month of February.1923. be received and filed. adopted upon
Cllnio.for the
5 month of Fob ;call of the roll by the following voto:..Yeas, less Fulliam.Tul3y.:7aehinlrton and '
E. 1923.
Y Katterjohn,
k t
f Commissioner Tully offered the .follocrinP motion: I move that the accounts for L �{
Report Com'r. the last half of the month of irobruary. amountinx to X13,695.96. as per, the report of
Iublio Finance
for last. half
nail the.
the Commiseioner.of Public Finanoe-filed herewith. be allowed aril ordered ,paid
Feb. 1923. r
money appropriated from General Find to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll j,
by the following vote: Yeas. Pana. ruMELm;o Tully, '•7ashinaton and Y.at.terjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the'follo••vinm motion:I move that the aocountn for C
Yc .Report Oom'r.+the last' half of the month of February for the 3d District sever, an fo]lo,va:
•IublIa Finanoe
C}i 'tor last half .. - Pay Roll..............714.66 -
°: Feb. 1923, of Supplloo..:.......... 401.62
i . Sewer District Cash for :;tamps...... 5.00'.
{;, .>1l3•
Total ....... $i"2�1.T�, be allowed arK] ordered paid and
the Cornmieaionar of Iublio Finance be authorized and ir,utruo-ted. to draw cheeks against ', t
Fri the No. 3 Dlutrtot -Sower Fiord :i000>mt to paysame. Adopted upon call of the roll by
the following vote: Yeae, Yaae, Pulliam, Tully, :7ashington .and Y.atterjohn.-6.
Commissioner Tull;• offored the following motion: I move that the report of the. �r
Ro)•ort'0amlr.:± 't
+• Iublio FInanae, Oommisnionor'of rnblio Finance for.tho month of February be reonived, tiled arA ordoredl
for the month '
of February pub]iohad 'in Lhe official newspaper. Adopted -upon call of the roll by the fol]owing:.i k
e` I :vote: Yoao',.Fane. Pulliam, lhllly, laahlnmton and Katterjohn,-b. I ?`
�'• Commisetoner 'lhilly offered the following motion::. I move that the report of the
Re) ort Com'r.i
Iublio Finunoe•' Commioeionor of Iublio r'inanao of the 3d llistrlot 3eagr_knnd a000mitaor the month of I.
�• -for tl,.o month' •. •. Fobruary be r000lvod, filed nrd',ordernd. published in the offloirt] novnpnrar: Adopted '
}, of Fob. 1923, 't
of.Uo%vo3,Die- upon'.oall of•thn roll by the following vote: Yeas, race. 'TiMiam..Tu2ly. 7ashlnvton 4
E\. and F'attorjohn,-6..
Commissioner Tully offered the followinir motion: t'he nim of $37.50 havinsr been
v- e . t ed herewith . I move tint dost I'
paid lnto,the Treasury, ns evtdonaod h, the r oetpt i] r,
Oometorp dead ';
executed tobe executed to 1,Eark D�krow for Lot 136, Blook,44, on- the forth aide of Wink 3trnet,
` 11r rk Burrow.
bet•,vo4n Ford sand Hannan'Strnets. in Oak Grove Cemetery., Adopted upon call of the
droll bythe following vote:, Yens, Taoe; Inlliam. Tully, ilaahington and Yattorjohn,-B.,Y.
;h• „ 0ommieotonor Billy offered Nle following mo tion: T}:e num of. ,37.00 having benn.
Oe:eoter deed t
b. paid .into tho'.Troa'qury;',ae ovid'onood't�y the riioolpt Siled,herwaith, I move that deal be, ,
exocutod to.
9unle. Kendall.' 1
r executed to Susie Kendall for Lot ;�39, DlooR4, on the Raat nide of Ohamb7ln Strent.. �.
between Ford and Hannan Stroete;.in Oak drove Cemetery Adopted upon call of: the roll) 7d
by the. folloning vote:''Ysao'. Faoo, Fulllam .Tally, 7aehington and Katterjohn.-6:
. tw--^ 4yaT.R-7.1Ffc:'A� :• ,`K Ks;• -:�Idtrc:.YS.tSi',.5;,<..' A ..,..,;w:a w,,.. ZS .......: .. K +. _r � s . a. ..y.,...x :w w:::.A.,`r...1.F
�... . .
• �I . '; f`3 ' c�; K'tt, >,pa•; t+ � t`iis`'r+°�+,:`rlx��' y v �n �`ylr?��w vet yi�•is,`�fcr� ,z i, � er{y t �` r e ,w.�,ytg -
,,u-. —....- �-i_ac.. 'w•��7.:.__ ... �t }e,ir:..l`.r - 1� , ��,., V! 4 �. /•• l'�' ' +.
'N. r'�....�.F.. ,t I,Y•. �i...4..�.._..�.:•,�.- ..a.L.�r4i,aW �Wv.L^��•.. .• til.:.--' .�+. '
t: : �:.` • N0. /36 r
Commissioners' Proceedings;. City oY Paduoa 192-1 .
Oommiseionor Tully offered the fulloxlnm motions The ouni of 360,00 having boon
4 paid into the Treasury. sa ev,idonood by the r000irt filed .horowlth, I move that deed
Cemetery to Deed
• r er.eouto•.1 t
4 -be exeoutod to Far.nio laosste Trios for Lot 174, B1ooY- iF3, .on 'the. Uorth etas .of Ford
Fannie i?Dacia
. Trios.
Street, botwean I:lillor & Hark Streets in Oak trove Oemetery.• adopted upon call of the
P roll by the following vote; Yean, Iaoe, Tu111am,Tully,".7ashinRton and Katterjohn,-6..'
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The sum of ;`✓60.00 having been
Comotory deed,..
paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith. I.move that dead .
- _ executed to
Mollie Hawkins.
be exeouted to"L'ellie Hawkins for lot )3E, Blook 14, on the Ilorth alAa of Hank Street,
between Ford and Harman Streets', in Oak trove Cemetery. Adopted upon'oall of the roll
by the follovinR voto: Yeas. Taos, r0lIam,4h01y,.7anhinsrton uni Katterjohn,-6.'• .
Rol,ort Oh1of of
I OomminHionor 1'aoe offoreA .tho following motion: I move that 'the rol•ort .of'the: :.
Ioltdv for the
month of hob.
N Ohluf of rolloo for tho month of Fobrunr,y IVP3,bo r000ivoi nrA ;f L7eA. AAo +tai upon
1 p
pall of the roll by the f0.3osvinm votol Ynan, J'noo, 1•0)1nm, Tts1111, 1•7nahinmton arrA
Oommiuoloner I'aoo offnrod the fo]]owtna motion; I movo that thn report of the.-
Iloport Chief of
Ohio of the Piro Department for the month of Fobrunry 1923 be reonivoA anA filed.
Flro Dopar tmor:L..
for ]923.
n� Adoptod upon call of the roll the following vote; Yoan, Taoo, Pulliam, .Tully, .
.by , .
I' ',7ashlnzton and Y.at.torlola• ,-6. ..
1� Oommieuloner Taoe offered the follo'aing motion:. I move that the apl:lioation
C. J: Holmen - '
of 0. J.Holman for a position an.patrolman in the Po)too Dopartm mrt,'be reoelved and
,•,- •�
appointIed patrol✓
filed, aril that 0. J. Holman be appointed an extra patrolman, to take offoot upon the
oxooution of tho.proliar bond. Adopted upon oall'of the roll by the following vote*,,,
Yoae, Iaoo, Tulliam. Tully, ','/anhinnrton and Y.ntterjohn,-8,
Commissioner I-aae offorel the following motions 0. 0. Adamo. having tenlered
O:0 Alamo
f raniar'utloil as
hio roulnnution an a rolioernnn, I move thnt'Hntd roHl••nation be eooniptoi, anA that
. hntro]mun no-
., o0ptnd, and
the lhitiunal iWrety Oomptny bn rnlonnni ,from future ]inht]tty on' null bond, AllopteA
]aattonn) gurnt I
Oo, Ill) 01100d. on
7 y the fu]]w,vinrt votes Yuaas, pose, ]n)]fum, 1hs)]y; 7anhtnafon
I sun u Dal] of the roll b
hLn bond.
anA l:attorjohn,-O.
Oommioutoner Ta]liam offorod the followlna.motI.ons I move that tho employmnnt
" t
'John lindlor, y.•
f� of John.,'Ani]or, au Inatrumortman, at. ))75.00 per month,, in tho iinirinearinm Department
ornp7uyunsnt ars
' �' Inutruu;,)ntman
bo ratified, nn.l that hio oalar;l liar ohurmrnl amatritt tlpo Aonrtmnnta to whioh hio'ner-
� l'
,DnpC. Tub]lo
viona.are un M1. AAopttxl upon oull of thn'roll by. thn fo17o-•71nm vote;. Yoan, pts771am, .
Tally and danhinat•irr.-3; hays, Taoo aryl 1%tturjohr,-D.
Commissioner Tull tam. 'offorod the fol ]owtna.motion; '• I ✓rove That the arrotnt
t... .
l..S.iinoh, np-
lsuir;tmort as
Mont of L. SiFinch as Cit Unitary ::rs ineer, be ratified.' Adopted upon oal] of
Y Y B i P
? ••
City Sarr:ttary
��.the roll by thofollowinR vote: Yeau, Taoo, Tulliam, 17aahlnmton andt:atterjohn,.-4;
hayH, Tu11y,-1.
Oonuniunionor rulllurn uffnrod thn fo37o'winm motions I movo that the outimnte
dorsoby of :vorY,
done by ".il.
of work by ;;. R. 1lnrdinR Oo Inny in Yobrunr )'JE3 on the trunk line uowore in;,
h. ml Y ,
i1ur'1 il:R 00. in
.'•'ob,l'1i3, ln, .''Diatrlot
3A,'bo approv,)d, unA that Hnid i:. R. ilurdinz Oompnnyhe al]o••7ed 3E65e.Ed
vy ;
Diatrlot 3A,
;n.nrr dlotriot,
on.uaid work, au par ;10timat0 h,)rnto sittaohod, and that the Oommtsulonar of Tubllo
Flnanoo bo authori.ced and Airootol to ArtrT ohook nmuinnt the 3r4 Dtntriot Sawer'Fund
A00ount to pqt' prune, un1 that nam,) he ohr.rmnd ngair,ut the 3rd DIatrIat''Sowor Fnn4se .
AdopteA upon oull of.tho roll by the .f03701411 1r;'votoi Yeaa, ]'goo, Ttill,inm, 1411ly.
:70011ingtun and ;:attorjohn,-6..
'•.•r iiutlm^.to of
Oomminnionor Tulliam offorod the following motion; . I move that the'entimata
:p .-;or? Aono by
of work done b;; Z. F. HarAirm Oom]pany in Sobrvary 1923, on the trunk: Ttne ne•.7ern'in
tri "ob. 19f.3,
In Dlutriot SD-'�
Dietriot 3B-30 be approvoA, and that said ?. R. .He rd Ina Company be al]o•im4 ,a1405.f1E `
+ 34,' :im7or ilio-
on saki •.work, as liar 3stirnato lloreto. attaahed, and that the Oomminnionor of Tuhlio
Finanoo b0 authorizod, and,dIreotod to draw ohook.amninet the. 3rd-Dintriot Sovinr Fund
'�;4'?Y; �.ervM'Fi! 3v��Fvi. T���jFf- - �-'�tli!tiY-+,� -n rtx�'c� 17•'; ib - '
P , .. • . . r.a••ai ,... .. ;.r. •lr'• ` -.'3 n 7n. c7, � ;(• r.• J 1 r'' ,
1 No. 124,
Commissioners' Proceedings' .City. of Paducah 192-
�^ A000urit to pay name, aid that came be ohnrmod mmninnt the 3rd Diotriot 3evor Fundo.
Adopted upon call of"the roll by the followinm vote: Yoga, race, TO ]lam, Tully, ',lashing
ton and Katterjohn,-6. „� !
�! Goo. T. GlohCommieuionor Paoe offered the following motion: I move that George T. Gish bo' A '
i, appointed revu-''�
lar•pctrolmmn;,.6apliointod a regular patrolman, effeotive immediately. Adopted upon Gall of tl,.e roll by i'
�s pp
Fthe following vote: Yeas, Feoe, 'Pulliam, Tully Yaehington and KatterjOhn.=G.
i Commissioner Jaehington offered the following motion: I move that a resolution " y,
R, anti t7ad ."A R.:90LU'PhIl I!;Q11IR D1C. iHi:TADUCAH "IAT; R' C0111'A11Y 'm ?}:'ii117 ITS '.7AT::1 1'AIII9 -' ' {; {• #
11es0111tjo) re-. . x?
t•6arinjz-M4uoah, F1t01.: I'PS P;T Srh7 T:'a1.:114U9 011 171tIVAT1: rROP-RTY OPQI BY F; '7. YAT'PiRJOFTIl. OOU1l.;OTI116 ''
"later. Oomph�r�r to .� •• i'.
extend StQ� water OA•1D'7r3,i 9'C3r::T WINBR0:7I1 STR: i:T, i^O A TOI1"L' Ol' B110111 S'1'iii IiT, A DI9T�1I10:: OF i.PT50:(I1AT
1 `
mains on. Brom .
t Street. LY 800 Fi;ZT,". be adopted: Adopted upon Gall .of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas.
Faoe; Pulliam, Tully and 7anhtnmton.-4; Ilave. Kattorjohn,-1.
Oomminoionor ',7auhington offorod the folloninR motion; I mova that AP ORDIKAFOE (, )
1' � Retortion Ordi- AC:;110 1116 `SUB.-3.;0TInil 11, %-;0- Tnt1 4, OF All ORDTIIAF'O:; r.VTI'"L!:D "Al! ORDTIM1103 7110VID TIIG
} A�nonce. of 1922 I
.�amonlod. FOR Tl!:; Ax,rOIII1I:.1IT OR' il;:'I"'11TIOI1, BY Tf'i: BOARD OF 001.11I33TOV:",?3 OP T1!i': CI'PY or•. rAJnOMT, t 1 1
Y,i11VTU04Y, AI1D rimil0 rum H,11AnI 3, rot-no i,L'D )UTI::3." ADOIT D BY T117; BOARD Olt 00111,I8-'
910IT :RS 011.VAROH 27TH, 1922, be aAoptod. Adopted ur,or� Go]] of the roll by the follow
' ins vote: Yeau,. Paae, Pulliam,. Tully; 17aebington and Y.attor.john,-G. .;
Commissioner Jauhtnmton offered tho fo]lowl.nR motion: I move that n Resolution
Rosolution•pro- entitlod "A HiSOLUTI011 1:30X) 114, POR T.41:'OOII3TI1U3TI01l OF 0OIIC1IRT3 3ID.;3A1::3, OUITBS
•flu vidina for side-
-0 &0.' on AI:D GUTTr:i9. AILD ItLi 1: iCiiS:;ARY 11AI1HOL •:3, IIITAZLS,' Sis,7:28 LiM CATCH BASINS, OI1 T!?i: SOUTH z. •'
•S; side Tonn,St. a
\.l from E.Intbr= 4' SIDE OF TEI3lr,SSEE STR:iET, F1101 711:: LAST IITT3112i:0TIOII OF T; 111::SS!.E AND THIID 3i'R:;,^•,TS TO
Goat ton_
.of Tenn.
VIDD;0 TUT SA11317AY B3 I,AID FOR U?O1T i?ls Till (10) YEAR IAYI.y:ITT PIAN." be introluoed
ark-lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folaoainq Vote Yeea,.F600, N2 Item.
Tully, i1aohlnaton and Y,atter.john;-G.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinR motion: I move that a'roaolution on r
it Rosolut ion d,s- !
r olerinR oonstruo-ti.tlod "A RioSOLU`TIOIi DL•'OL.LRIA; TH3 001737"NUOTI011 OF 8ANIVORY 5:,,7rR9'III SL-.7:R BO1TF. 0118, ^`
r• tion of no-oro
i in Sewor Zone 111' IN :;UB-DIVI3I0I1 C, 3::.7::R DIS'H•?TCT NW,13;:1 T11R::,'.; TO BE A II:II!:SSITY, AIIJ SIiTTII;G OUT, Ill_
a nooensity. I 1+
ADOITFD.' Ga.ZRAL T,2.:3, TIM TROI::RTY SUBJ30P TO 111., 1AYI.1.11T OF TIT. COST OF SAIS 3," be .edopted y 1
!Adopted upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas. 'reoe-, Pulliam, Tully. Rash. 1 `• !
inrtOn,-4'; 11aj;s, $atter john,-1.
oeo7ution 3e Commissioner I•ulliam offered the followinm motion: I move that a resolution e.n
4. 07arinv. oon-- I '', 'l
strnot ion of eew- titled "A RcWIUTICI1 DL'C:i.?II1G TT! C0113i1RUITION OF SAIIITARY 57l:-7-•:3 IIT 1:17;-Z� .^,MIE 11UVT,'-z { {
ere in Sewer
Zone -)2'a neo- ' 'TSO, IIr SUS-317ISIOI: B, 03-T-R DI3IF.IGT IfUIB.R 'iT?:,., TO Ba A I2Ci,33ITY. AIID `?:;TTTIIG OUT.
+ douity.
k ;O1TaD. I12 Ga aiAl, 'P-.21,3., T1C: I'iOP RTY SUBJECT TO TIL; L'.Yl.' :T OF TI COST OF SA1.3,." Bi: ADOPT:9.'•' .
Adopted upon Gall of the roll by the following. vote: Yeae, Faoe,'•Iulliam, Tnlly..and �: r
Jashinaton;-4; Ilays, Katterjohn;-1.
�+ Ooolvtion de-' �' Commieuionor Piilliem offered the following�motion I move that a reeolutton en 4
.olarinm son-
/• struotion of +!titled "A R::SOLUTIOII D:;C1•i$II.'G TII3 OO1;STIUOTIO11 OF SAI•'ITARY 3Z',rrRS.;
s0'•vOre in Se.vor
y ".Ona #3 n n000e- III 9%113: R 7,0P:; 11U1,1B R THREE, III SUB-DMS 10118 A. 1,10 B. , 9i:;1i71 D I!;'r? IOT I1U173 2 7P^:?E, TO
sit y. ADO1 T::D. HNN
• b IT.;0i;331'TY, AL"J SLT'PIIIG OUT. III ;31liRAL T.RI'3, T!L•: FTTOF?TY :iIBJ OT TO T??: PAYL:;IiT i.
OF. illi OUST OF Si4.l ." be adopted. Adopted upon Gall of the roll Dy the fo]lo'AInR vote:
' Yeas; Pace; Fulliam., !hilly and i7aohtnaton,-4; Ilaps, Katterjohn,-1. `
Oommiestoner.Pulliem offered. the following motion : I`move that's rseo]ution on
'Resolution do- ';•
;� ]arinR can- ' titlod""A R48OLUTI0A DW1ARI1lG TIC: 00113IRUCTI01l.OF'COIuBII;;D 3TORL AID 3bI1ITARY Sr.7:R3
t,. trust ion o f
ewors.lr, Soser IH,9L'/ T ZO1lE 11U1.B.�•FOUR,,'IP SUB-DIVISIONS A.'AND B.,'3i;IF11 DIST1110T ITUI-23.:R .T??RcW. TO
k� one #4 a n o- t
ity. ADOIT B 3 A 1lBCE.SSITY. AIrD SETTI11O OUT,.-Ill Grit �i::I, T.?11S, TI'M PROP RTY� SUBJ?CT TO T? FAY!31'T
f 0'� TII.; COST OF 9ai:1;." be adopted.' Adopted upon cell of the rola by the followinrr vote, jJ 3
i 1
A=, Z:- w.:an .+. .•. :, :.,, a...n P.:aN .+.,wx.._.�t;:,�+s+t..:.':,iti.,x:mc+at1 t.��d iii _� '
. 1�36.(•1.''�,•L sa:L�" .:ii!•:�M.v�l',.tN.,+.J'l t..iP �
;2_U ty l...std,.,.F:,_"_eK�i?'.!'K'P.:t9.trw`4R°+k�+s'+r�`nt:+,+.ct�,,',aW� .H°::�•`Y2'. tic:<•ti- :P.=^;•,•v'J•. .1.. :a:
-, i � �'i r•.=x i-. '.y' ^. •.'t'A''r +�,. f.. 4Y� ."max,,. e�- ♦'ti}�m, v`4'a'. : rF A' . `* f -;Y' f.e4 .y t 5-Yy '... , - . • .. ..
- .. .. ,
5 No.
Commissioners' Proceedings, City:' * Paducah '�' '' 192-' a` -
' Yoas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, "Jabhi'r:gton ar.,l Yattorjohn,-5.. ;
Oomtraosioner Pulliam offered tha followinq motion; I move that a resolu-
Resolution de- � tion untitled "A R:iSO:.UTI0Y DX11. TING TIM C0L'STRU071011 OF OOi:BII•'?J STORM ICD SAHI'TARY
olacirR con- r
stduotton of Ssi1r�iS Ilt 3 :7;•g" ;0113 PUV13,7.R FIV3. III SUB-DI7121011 A, S '7:;R � 1.97?.IOT 1,1423:'3i' T!II?3.. TO
se.7ors in So -mor r
:ane $5 'a 'n0000- '? B d II3�3S;SITY.:.hD S:1TTt11G OUT, IN G a1:iRnL `I'?:i119, '17?3 1'130P RTY SUBJMT: TO' THE PAY1::11T "
aity. i►DOl"iiJ.,
1 09 TII COS`? OF SAI,:.'," be a;lopted. Adopted 'upon oall of "the roll by the follo'nina
vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, :7ach1ngton and Ye.ttorjohn,-5.•
On motion the Board adjourned,uron call of the, roll by 5 yeas;
Cit. CMr,
eTuh .
'• - � _ 1LARCA 6th, 1923. '
At a Called Lieet.ina of the Board 'of'Comminaionore, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the, City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Yaroh 6th, 1923, at 30 o'clock A, 11
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their nameo: Commientonore Paoe, '
Pulliam, Tully. 'Vaohinaton and Myer Yat ter john', -5. .
Mayor Kattorjohn stated roasono"for oall to -wit; Por the.purroso of opening Y "
.� coaled hills for the enle of the Sahaffur Houno at 1766 Vadieon Strnot, and any other'
Bids on Sohafferbnsinoes that might come beforn the Board.
houne at "-�176G
Ltadisofi Strout, ,.� Oommianionor 7ashington offered the following motion: That all bide opened at
filed. N 10 a olook A. h.., in the Oommissioners' Chamber for the sale and'romoval of house I
1766 Vadison Street, as advertised by the Commisnioner of Pub]lo Property, be reoeived l
and filed, as follows; 4�
Hugh Garrett. .......,........$300.00
r, Jr ........... ...
A.. Jense 7alker.................... 810.00
{,... .;;�.';•> tv Co........... 606.00 : 'i•,
Oonso7l'tato�i pea]
E. D. Thurman ................... 301.00
3. R. and J. V. Brr_dnhaw........ 750.00
Joe. R. Gro Pan.... ........ .601.00 rt
And whereas the canvan of bids show that E. R. Bradaha'.v, Jr. and J. ii. Bradshaw wore
the hirzhest and.bent biddare. I theroforn morn that the lommisnioner"of Public Pro-'
Aoceptanoe of*: party be authorized and empowored to close the halo .vith nnld R.,Bradshaw and
bid of `i. R' and
J: !.'. Bradshaw J. 11. Braduhaw.for the came at x750.00, and natd mim bo orodlted to -the account of
on.hotiao at
417GG�!acltuon So'•vnr .Jletriot Ito. 3. Adoptnd.ul:or, oall of the roll by,the followlna vote: an,
37u0.00. t Paco, Pulliam, Tully,. Wunhington and r'attorjohn,-5.
Commissioner "Tully offered tho following motion; Thut the matter of settlement
` h'.?i.Harllrsi Co.� with Z. R. Harding Company for extra work on
_n, tunnel undor Look prorerty bo referred. "
-extra work on
tunnol'urder 1GOY.° to Mosars. ,'atterjohn. 'Washington and Fulliam as committee to make r000mmen4ation
proyorty reforrod;
to 1:attorjohn, to the Board of Commissioners as to the amount due the
Contractors under theterms
7ushi'prrton aryl • r
I'u]]tum, Cs Com- of the contract. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol]owinP vote: Yoas; Pace. .
mittoe to mr-he t
reoommendation: '` Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katterjohn,-5.
CC Commissioner 7ashin2ton offered the follo:vina motion: Thet the.0ommieelonor of
ry-Public I'r.oporty be authorized to entor into a cor-traot With some
,ao]]ootina Aaonay
k Ur.ye id b11 is due
3ireralde Hospit a to 00'179ot such unpnl9 bills clue Riverside Hospital as he deems advisable. Adopted
al authorized to G wI•
i. .
b.a turr.od.over to upon call of the roll by the follo:vinP vote: Yeas, paoa, Pu]]Sam, Tully. :7ashington
some oolloottng { "
A=ur:oy, by Com'r. and `Y.atterjohn,-6.
3 PubIVo Property.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas, s.
P.4r1'9C) �r
Yi' 'M, ..o1.Y ) w� t C 1' yi^'•'.S�yTo,•i��iC =S,