HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 133, March 1, 1923.4`, Yr�7 yF F .•^' t+ F '� -s! t a� { v � i :, if
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Commissioners''.'Proceedings; .City.'of : Paducah'' "'
- - i;1.4VR THE APFOII1TI-7EII1' OR R I TI011, BY 1'Ifi•: 110ARD OP. 001.2'I3S!OI,`MS OF TW. - CITY OP PADUCAA.
�XISSICIL-33 OF VARCH 27TH. 1922, be introluoed and lay over. . Adopted upon oa31 of the '
•- roll by the 'following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam. Tully,. Washingtan and Katterjohn.-6.
1 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by .5 vase.
• �Adu¢loi •
a F.MRUARY 26TH. 19E 3.
At a Called I'setinR of the Board. of Commissioners'. held in the Commissioners' .
Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kontuoky, on February 26th. 1923, at 11;40 o'clock
A. IL.. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners
•s ,
p Pace. Fulllam,.Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
Mryor Yatterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To adopt an ordinance author
inn Co,wissioner of Yublio' works to advertiso f!ir bide to be received for the con- ?.
_r, r
struction of trunk line extension Bowers, and arm othor business that mi¢ht come be
fore the 9oar:l'.
Commissioner I•ullir.m offered the following motion: I move that a resolution
Resolution adopt-� .'entitled "A 1IMSOI.:T101' A)U:'I'II:G TVA 113..11;.9 FOR TTIA COI19TP.LCTI011 OP :1)'TM19I0179 OP
Arm plane for
trunk line exten TRUIIY LIRL S'^;RS IV 3E mit DISVICT I:UVI317 TIIII ," bo aioptod. Adopted upon sell of .
ulor, sewers, Saw-
a r 0is,trdot J3. [� the rol].by the following vote: Yeas. F,aco. Pulliam, Tully, "faehir.vton and Y.atter-
Commissioner Fu]ltam offered the fol]o.TInR motion: I move that en ordinance
Ord Inaroe author- I
works to advertife'
for bide for oar- Ss'7°RS, III SL7::111 DISTRICT 110. 3. AIM T1if? PLAVITER III '911ICH SAID BIDS ARA 'iV BE RB-
etruotion trunk
g line extension C CF.IYS:D." be adopted. Adopted uron pall of the roll by the followirm vote:
saviors for . i!aroh �.
LOth,1923. { Pace, Pulliam. Tully. '.Tashington and Kattsrjohn,-.6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
Adopted L'L._1!{�. _�PPi�OV ;
�gI MARCH 13T. 1923. '
r AL a Called Ltcetinq of the Boardof Commissioners, hold in the Oommissionere'
N.Ohamber in the City Hall, r,aduocl?. Y.ontuoky, on L'aroh lot, 1923, at 3:20 F. 1t..
Upon *all of the roll tho followinm answered to thotr.names; O'ommiselonare Iull>am.
i 1 Tully.•.9pshington and 13ryor Katterjohn,-4.
tinyor Yetterjohn ntnted reasons for call to-'•rlt: For the. purl:oee of appointing .
r two nl?oolal police officers to nerve notices on property owners of inoreanea in
d _
assosamonts made by the hoard of RquRlization.
a Oommiedioner Tully offered the folloninP motion: I move that' John Ieeman and
-Fred Merry be appointed special patrolmen of the City of Faduoah, for the purroes of
Appointment John
Iseman and Fred serving notices on propm ty holders of increases in assessments made by Lhe Board of
Marry. special
patrolmen to Equalization, said arpointments to be temporary, ars the pay to be at the rate of
i sorve nottoes' i
for Hoard of b.$210.00 per month. Adopted upon oe31 of tho.roll by tiw.fol]owina dote: Yea e,'
1'ulliom, Tully. "1nahlnaton ordLatterjohn,-4. ,~
'i ;.
1 V
T i
t •ANO.• � 13 �l _ , . , � j , 1
Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah
On motion the Board adjourned .upon call. of the roll by 4 vase. f+ ' a
Ade'ts0 1Y�3
....� C• '
���C.': t?
[Al of
tic.-i k'� •�
j�rD'CAY4lt I i pvt
f` jWC$ 6TH, 1923• I( `
At n Regular L'eetina o2 the Board of Commies tonere, held in the Commieaionnre'
OhamDor in the City Hall, Faduoah, rentucky, on March bth; 1.923., Upon orll.of the roll
the following anevrored Lo.their names- Commissioners Fnoe•.Fullinm, Tully. t7nehington � {
s. t
and Vayor Katt erJohn, -6. `
On motion of Oommiesioner.7lashinRton the minutes of-the previous meetings were t
adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, race, Fu111am,.Tully, I
y � c
4 7ashIn¢tan and Katterjohn,-b.. j a
wi motion^ I move that the re ort of the .
Mayor Katterjohn offered the folio ng p
Report 7enereal .Vonereal Cli'nio for the month of February.1923, be rooeived and filed. Adopted upon
i Clin}o.for the..
month of Fob.
call of the roll by, the following voto:..Yeas, Faoe;IuTllam.Tully.:7ashin¢ton and ,
1923. �..
0.t Katterjohn,-6.
tr Commissioner Tully offered the.folloling motion: I move that the accounts for
6 t 7
ReFort Com'r.
1?' -.-the last half of 'the month' of February, amounting to j13,686.9b; as per the report of r i
FuDlio Finance _ •
for last. half the 0ommiesioner.of public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the " ?
y Feb. 1923. o
t, money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll -F
by the following vote: Yeas. Face, Fulham, Tully, Aashington and Y-nt.terjohn,-S.
Qommiesionor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for LJ i
Report Oom'r. the last hdlf of the 'month of February for the 3d Dintriot :)e •ver, as fo7]o•.vu; f '�
jub]lo Finance
-for last half1'ay Roll..... .....J714.G6
�• Feb. 1923, of 8upp3loo............. 401.62
i.. Sewer Districtposh for :;tamps.... 6.00 ^t �_•;
3• Total..:....$iT2�T� be allowed aYKI orderod paid and -
the Commiselonor of Public Finance be authorized and lriutruotod.to drag chocks against (-
/1} • the 11o. 3 Di-striot Sover Fund Account to paysame. Adopted upon call of the rel]by � •, i
the fol7o.vina vote: Yo an, Taos, Pulliam, Tally, .7aahinp,Lon .and Y.atterjohn,-6.
Qommiou}onar Tully offered 'the following motion: I move that the report of the .,
k' Ro}•ort 06m'r. F
Fub]io Finnnoe ' 'Oommisaloner'of Pnb]}a Finance for the month of ebrunry be received, filed and ordore�' t
x for the month:'.. rub IIahad in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol]owlna. .
of February
'•. 19 £3. N13y. '
ti vote; Yoas,.Fnoa Fullinm, 9ushinRton and Katterjohn.-G.
ac .
Commissioner Tully offered the follo.vina motion::. I move .that tho report of the .I '
t Ra)ort Com'r. Oommisstonor. of Tub]}o Finance of the 3d District 3nanr Fund Account for the. month of
I ublto Finance.' v
•for tho month' ..
if. of .Fob. IDE3,''i .'.Fobrnory be received, filed .nnd.ordornd published in the oft loin] nensparar Adopted
+'of. , eowor' Die-
a uron.call 'of'"thn roll by .the fol]owlnR vote: Yeas. Paco. Pullinm..Tuu]]y, .?nshtnv.Lon •I'I ''' ``
trlot 13.
and 11attorjohn,'-6. #
Commissioner nilly offered tho following motion: ,he elan of .?37.60 habing boon
' Oometarp deal paid into, the Troauurq, an -evidenced Do'the •receipt.fi]ed horewith..I, move tint deet.
executed to be exeoiuted Lo t,:nzk Dutirov fur 1oL $36','Blook.44.-on tho llorth:side of Hank 3trnet, ,
�P) HarkBurros
betivo9n Ford and Hnnnan Strnets; in Oak Grove Oemotery.. Adopted upon call of the j
roll by. the following vote: Yens, Fane'$ Iullism, Tully, i7ashington and };attorjohn,
E r
Comm so onor Tully off the following. motion: The num of ,�.17.G0 hnving,baen c
-11 ht
Oemotery, deed'"•: paid .into the' Treaoury, -as ovldonood > y the r000lpt flied hereuvith, 3 move Lhut deo•l be ,
Y executed. to ..
Sun le. Kendall.
executed to Susie Kendall for I.ot #39, Block $4, on the Fnst.side of Ohamblin Street, �.!
t ,tF bot-noon Ford and Hannan Streets In Oak drove Oemetery.. Adopted upon call of: the roll! <<
by the. following•vote;-.Ysao. Faoe;'Fulliam,.Tully. le. shingtan and Ksttorjohn.-b,
! � tom. 45a'P4 �. r¢:"-A'.,f: K S.., .i t1 dV�::�r'k-'. a.,: ..,_y,• .a •u,..+r:: :. 1 t . L ,.W :a. .,w„r- -,.. _..,`c.._.d..•c.,:x�:rl,w i..•r. - _ - .••I :
r /