HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 133, February 28, 1923( r t.0rrti7<t.ia *' '� r 'YN 4.- t 'd "� R - Y••^ Af . r ^r .T 't, ? 6 s - . - - 3 - _ `1! ! tl" < N , i r 3 ,.•tt I� 'E•. :.,.3.. i' fi. ' •ta _� "'...;�ry±o,••.,x-•, :.n-., - its - /33 Na. Commissioners'.. Proceedings; .City. of :Paducah' r -' 192 POR II(T1..EPT OR R..T.1 011, BY 3: 9OARD OF, 001.2'I33IOI'°7i3 OF T3'?, CITY OF PADUOAH, T'iE APFO ,'TI '� ;Y::II'rUQZY. AI'D FIXING TIE',IR SALARIES. T-01ERS AM DPTIM." ADOFTED BY TiV BOKRD OF (log pMISSIC1G113 OF 1.14RCH 21TH, 1922, be introiuoed and l0y over. Adoptei upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Tully,, Washinwton and Katterjohn.-6. - ' On motion the Board adjourned uponcall of the roll by 5 yeas. ' d ��ir5��ei I�PFFv0�117 cit, 0.1, .� A701t F.0RUARY 26TH, 19L 3. gg At a Called Yeeting of the Board. of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' . 7 9 'Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on February 26th. 1923, at 1]:40 o'clock r , A. It.... Upon call of the roll the following enswered to their names: CoMMiaRtoDeTe Poop. Fulllam..Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjuhn,-b. Mayor Yatterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To adopt an ordinance author-.` ry Lng Commissioner of Fiablio"vorkB to advertiso fnr bide to be rooelved for the con- -struotion of trunk line extension severe, ani am' othor business tl et might Dome be: fore the Boar:l'. Commissioner Fullirm offered the following motion: I move that a resolatfon Ree0lutlon adopt- an tit70d "A 1I 301:: 'iI01! ASU::C TH 7'1..1118 FOR TTL? COIISTP!"C TIO 11 OF ;nT,7110ITS OF i ing plane for trunk line exten- TRUHL LIVE 3 M713 III DISt.1CT 1:U3.1' TTI O.". be adopted. Adopted upon call of _ sior, sewers, sew- - or 0is,trdot 3. I, 'the roll by the fo]]owing vote: Yeas. Taco. Fulliam. Tully, '•7ashir.eton and Y.atter- ;'.''•,. john.-6. commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance " , - I A UL IAM C01.1.ISSIOIIFR OF entitled A11 ORD AUTHORL.IIiG.AI'D DIR::OTIIG H31RY T L . Ordinanoe author -Ii ing Com'r.Publio l . IUBLIO•7,'RX3. TO ADVrMTISB FOR BIDS, FOR TPA COMTRUOTION OF TARUITY. LI11R ?.XT:?NSICII works to advertiea' for bide for oar.- 3sr-,,R3, I11Ss,T•;R DISIBIOT 110. 3, APD TIU? PAIIN1 n IF 'THICIL SAID BIDS ARF. M BE RE- " struotion trunk line extension CEIVi?D." be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.. sewore for.Y'aroh £oth,1923. Pace, Fulliam. Tully, 7ashington and Xatterjohn.-.b. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. - •._ . ... ,- j Aiopled�`�e�_1!� .�PPi��OY:.T� • yy • Gy C6.1.. !AYrf - N LARCH 1ST. 1923. At s Called Meatinq of the Board of Oommisuioners, hold in the Oommiesidnere' iichamber in the City Hall, I.Qduonh. Y.antuokY. on Uaroh lot ,.1023. at 3:20 I. No. ; k Upon cal] of the roll the fol]o-sinm answered to their.namse; O'ommiedionere IulItem. �. 1 Tully.'.7,lehington and Liryour Katterjohn.-4. 1.1ayor Ke tterjohn otated roasons for call to-wit: For the.purl:oee of appointing "'•.ti two tq,00lal police officers to.aervo notioee on property ownere of inoreenes in ` p&P neeoeanonte made by the hoard of Equalization. B Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that'John Iceman and r F Fred I_erry be appointed epeolal patrolmen of the City of Faduoah, for the purpose of •r• Appointment John Ieeman and Fred serving notioes on property holdors of increases in aesesaments made by the Board of ' Ilarry special ='(�( patrolmon to 1 Equalization, said appointments to he temporary, and the pay to be at the rate of f sorve notices' for Eoard of b, 3110.00 per month. A'lopted upon gall of tho.roll by tM, following vote: Yeas, �,qualicntion. 1'ul2iem, Tu31y, Tnehinaton ord Yatterjohn.-4.