HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 132, February 26, 1923-- Vii.. T - � li., 1C'`': 't•^ ® �'
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Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 191-
92 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a resolution
Resolution de
alnrSnR.00n- III S; 7n"D Zopj; IrU1.Bm FI7B, Ir SUB-DIVISIO11 A. S:,-,;. i DISTRT I, 111313.0 T1- a. TO B3,A
struotion of
eeworn 'in Zone RrCBSSITY, AIiD SETTIIIO OUT, Ir ;::N.:NAL T:R1,13, TR:; TROI':iiTY SUBJI,'CT [0 TF>v FAYIFIIT OF r
a neoesnity."
OF SA„;:," be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon Dell of 'the roll by the
following vote: Yeas. Face.Fulli6ii.Tullv.Waehington and Katterjohn,-b. F
+N On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
iF:;BRUA.RY 26TH, 1923.
At a Refn}ler Peetina of the 'Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commioat onvre'
Chamber in the •City Halla Faduooh. Kentucky, on February 26th., 1923. Upon call of that J
roll the fo]lowtng answered to their names: Commissioners Pace,' Pulliam. Washington and
Mayor Kat ter john, -4. n '
on motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of.the previous moetinvs more adopted
.. as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, 7nehington
and Katterjohn;-4.
Mev or Katterjohn.offered the following motion: I move that the- isommunicat Ion
K Comnunleation of `
w. prorvrtS oTnvre dated ,Februery•12th,.1923, from property owners on South Second Stree"„ between "Yeah
' on S.End St. batt. '1
Washinatnr and ington and Clark, Street, relative to having same,paved with concrete or some other. ` 1
x. C1Frk, rolative
w to paving came hard suri'eoe, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following
with hardsurfaoeI
,vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. '7ashinaton and Kattorjohn.-4.
¢ ..
Commissioner Fulham .vas excused from the%Oo:mnisstoners' Chamber. } h
-+ Commissioner Ttilly entered the Commissioners' Chamber. '
Corrmiesioner.'A¢ohington offered the fol]owina motion: That the oomrrtunioatton
> Communication
nS'I•aduoah Ice Co. from PaduonF. Ioe Company for the extension of wator mainn be received and filed end
for extension ofi`
t.; water mains. ard'1."the City Solicitor be.instructed to brine in a resolution lnutrnotinR, the Paducah
City Solicitor ryg
.to brIna in a Water Company to make the extension. Adopted upon call of tho,roll by the follo-ri.rm `
y" resolut ton for a'
f 'said extension." :Vote: Yeas, Pace, Tu]ly, 77aohington and.Katterjohn,-4i'i;,
.� Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I movo that the time of sitting..
fie Board of =quell-
zatLon, timeof'yI of the Board of Equalization be extended to and including.Yarch 19th. Ad6pted upon
sitting extendedk
to and inoluding''call of the roll by the'followina vote; Yeas;.Faoe, Tully..'Jashington and Kettsrjohn 8 '
March 19th. ti.••,='•
lr Commiosioner Fulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. ?
Commissioner Fnoe offered the following motion: I move that the resivnetton of
RestnatIon of James 3. '.Talker, City Fireman of the Ito. b Station. be received, filed and accepted.
James :".Walker.
City. Fir Oman. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam,. Tully,
Jashington and kattorjohn,-6. :
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the notion of the
AT,l-.01I tMent of. f
'Bob Kreutzor ewe Commissioner of publio'.Bafety in appointing Bob Kreutzer as a regular fireman, in the if J
a regular fire -
Marl. .. - Fire' Deportment., be ratified. Adopted' upon .call of, the roll by the fo]lowing vote: t . �'•,
Yeas, race. Pulliam. Tully. 9a ehinaton and KatLerjohn,-b..
I Commissloner'Tully offered the follonina motion: That the YntAt Temp]ars be
-Knight Templare `` ti,•,
to decorate granted permission to deoorate.tha streets -for the State Conclade of Y -night Temp]are -(;. ,''"' "`" y' •:..
°r'streete for State
Conolade, on ;;on L
• ay -15th; 16th and :17th, 14E3. ecce .to conform to exioLinR.ordinanoee and to be t•':,
-May 15.16 k 17. ,
L removed as soon as,. the Oonolade is over. Adopted upon call of,the roll by the,follow- Q
V� Ing vote: Yeas.,Faoe; Pulliam. Tully. Washinaton'.and Katterjohn.-6.
>k Ordinar.oe in- i Oommissioner Rashington offered-.the;`,tollowinw motion: I move
that an Ordiananoe -
i ,oroaBinz Book-
;`.keeper!e salary A1.3IDS1J6. SUB-SrxT3011 1T SBCTIOIi 4..OF. 6I1 ORDIItL1tCE.LRTITL3D "AH ORDIItA�ICE TROVIDIII(i
�$ for Riverside
Hospital. r
.,..,-. .. -. - I .- - .. .. _. .. ... .., ...I ,. .+•�J:.Y:...:J :.'..:�.. /.. ..1. .y6r In -
.. - -::q/,7 :.aS ..y ap6t F::i. Yh-C,f .`. J:i'c+.... r. :L'....,r..: .. .m .rr+'.. rd.. . --�,,.a..w.u_ ., �.,,r,.,R.,..n +/.n •,}� �--t.
' •;� • / h' _Ire
rri^t"` � �!'. +J. 44� ( ^r .r •:rt-�.cl°. - 1 "� y,� � r t �t �i��•1 °(C, Y� `,,i,,, ,'� -.{" rr r _ ,�i `. '.
' i' ,,5 .-c.-_..s.a�u.._...:..:..3 ..��-v:... .•,-•.x:'-:%1'r - w�-" ".�..:.:t. _ '�.-.}.v.....-1.:_tr�s'i'n b. __s• J.r __i:. �.+..-.-.. -
. . _ ... ,
:\ Na' /33
Commissioners', Proceedings; .City. of :Paducah 192-"��
rK.-;1VUCYY. fa�T.D FI.Y.I11G TIE . LR1:I . PO'.7 RS A1"J Dl'TIM. ADOPT3D BY T1� BOtRD OF COL'
fMIS3I0II:133 OF MARCH EITH. 1922, be introluoed and lay over. . Adopted upon oalI of tha
Droll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully,.11ashinaton and Kstterjohn.-6
> On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by ,6 yeas.
a i Ado(itcri
C�yi�i S�_C.e.i 0877
Cal 9-b
a F.,MRUARY 28TH. 19L 3.
At a Called ].'seting of the Boers of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners'
' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky. on February 26th. 1923, at 17:40 o'clock
A. If.. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiestonere
Pace. Pulliam,. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-b.
Veyor Yatterjohn stated reasons for call to -wits To adopt an ordinanoe author- .
,N Lng Commissioner of kublio- works to advertiso -f,ir bide to be rooeived for the conXI
r5 -.
struotion of trunk line extension sewers, ani amr other business that m1Qht come be-
e fore the bodr.l.
Commissioner Pullir.m offered the following motion: I,move that a rosolutlon.
Resolution adopt- entitled "A RiS01.E`�IO;` ADO',.
TIM PLAPS FOR 7TT3 00119MICTIO11 OF i^T5]1'9IO1T9 OF },
ins place for
trunk line exten- TRU14Y LIM; Si iIi`3 III SZtH DIS1'?ICT 11U1'BiT 71R2M," be rdopted. Adopted upon cal] of•.':.
sios sewers. Sew
or 0is,tr'tot 3., I, the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Taoe, Fulliam. Tully. "Inehtr.eton and Y,atter'-
kjohn, -6.
Commissioner Fu]llam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance
y 0 d inanoe author-
inir Com'r.Publio �. IUALIG .70M. 1011 TO ADVr1iTISE FOR AIDS FOR TI1u CnIS^RUOT1011 OF TRUIIY- 1.I1IR MT. -M111011
'corks to adverti®'
for bids for oor.'-;: SZ. -.R3. III SE;7„2 DISL910T 110, 3. AI.'D Tii: b'A1IIIER 111.711I0T1 SAID AIDS ARF in. BE RE-
etruotion trunk
line extension CFIV'0." be adopted. Adopted uron call of the roll by the follo'ciry vote: Yeas. .
senors for.i.arch p
LOth.1923. j; Pace, Fulliam. Tully. 1.7ashington and Katterjohn.-.6.
On mo the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas.
Adopted ��:c '' Z =U ;,OVsd.�
cup c6rh
L'A.RCH 13T. 1923._
At a Called Lieeting of the Board of Gommiesionere, hold in the Oommiseloners'
Chamber in the City Hall. I,aduonTi, Kentucky. on Uaroh 3st..1923, at 3-.20 I.
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their.names: Obmmienionnre Iulltam. '
` - 1 Tully,'.74shington and Liryour Katterjohn.-4.
1:inyor Yatterjohn utated reasons for call to -wit; For the. purpoea of nppotnttng
two sl>oolal polios o'_Yloare to oervo nottcee or, property ownere of inorennes to
' L aseoemonts made by the board of 5qualization.
" h Commissioner Tully offered the followinP motion: P move that'John Ieeman and
. Fred I_erry be appointed special patrolmen of the City of Faduoah, for the purroee of
;.Appointment John
Iseman and Fred serving notices on property holders of increases in aesesanente made by the Board of
1.1arry special
patrolmen to Equalization, said appointments to be tanporary, and the past to be at the rate of ,
it 'sorve nottoea' rr
for 1?onrd of b. 3110.00 Por month. Adopted uron call of iho.roll by t M.fol]owina vote: Yeas.'
rulliom. Tully. ftshington rrd Zatterjohn.-4.
.ti .
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