HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 131, February 23, 1923t � i � � ••� � , _' .� ..'.:� ...... ": + St Y t7 fi +a :,ti �s ,.- ". ♦V i, .f ,.i: ....y.Ml\ ?� N - - v„"�:t7fr1 ir1 s°""a't'o,^'.s' �wkyos, p'Sn��'$`«'�i�5•'�.�aiRhh�5ssh7/15 4M1t`I��trZsiC:T�M.SM? �`-Y.•. ., 3"' . , �: .+ ��:.+r1� a�..a -...s Ss. �'_:_1 __ ...-=J-=Y'1 f::.•:.. ..�ni:...t....x �.a:fe. s :.si t:.�6 s � � 5.e„ _ . • .. fir• .r•; ., • _ -� '.. - •'�' �'. • .. � . �• --Prt.,y.,r-- ,.r a -- Commissioners' Proceedings;.. City of', Paducah; y ;. " `'` ` 192_'s No. L l3 , _ F DIRUARY E3rd. r -At a Called Mestinre of the Boerd of Oommiestonere, hold in the Oommissionare' , Ohamber in the Ot•ty Hall, Tadnonh, Y.entuoly, on Fobruary'E3rd, 19E3, at Ei]0 ololoak F•. M. UCommissioners:..i. pon evil of the roll the followin¢ ens•sared to their names: u S ` Taoe, Pulliam, Tully, 'lashington and 1:ayor Katterjohn,-b: Mayor Yatterjohn stated reasons for oall toawlt:'. For the purpose of ornating d zones for lateral soerere. i, Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion:, I .move. that an ordinanoe entitled "All ORDTIIU;C:: ORATING AND 3n -M .".ONES NUMBi-19 ONE. T:70, T11 Ordiranoe oreating, F^UR AND FI'T', IN SUB -DIVISIONS A., B. l.PD O 3Z IR DISTRICT 11111'9°4 'PPR. III TH? Sever Zones 1,E. iy 3,4 &. b. CITY OF LLDUCAH. K9FA;CKY, A1D D 9CRIBIII^. ?oLCH OF SAID .".ONES BY 1,'-:TFB A1rD BOUNDS," be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follovintr vote: Yoao, Taos, Pulliam..' Tully, '•,'lashimrton,-4; na;rB Katterjohn,-1. i Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo:vtna motion: I move that a resolution u entitled "A RESOi:1TI0id D-MIARI11G Tin: COI'SD.MTIOP OF SANITARY 9Z.7:OtS IF, 8ZIM 7011E =. Resolution deolar-R' ' Wing oor.struotion NN 11 VU1'B:_i OL'F, Ili 2UB-DIT191TIN 0., 9^ R DTSTRIOT IIU1B.R TPR -S, TO'RF A PnOMSSITY, AVD n yon of so:sere i e u 1, a r.eoo3etty.. ,W. J'ILC C; IF:RA1- T;iR113, PO T1'.:: TAYI'Y1rT TY; COPT S::T' OU.T, IN T^:; PROr:�PTY SUBJECT QI' OF ` FhST TZ Iin- .' 4 SAME," be lntroduood and lay over. Adopted uron oall of the roll by the fo77owina .vote: Yeas, Tece, Tulliam, Tully, 4ashinator-4; Haye,Knttorjohn,-1. r ..,r. On motion of Oommis3loner Tully the Board adjourned until 10•o'olooN A.V. V:; 7 , :• t Saturday Fobruery 24th, 19E3. upon oall of the rol]'by the follonina vote: Yoae, Pace. Iullli�a�m, Tully; Washington and Kettorjohn,-5. --19 -p-RIC) V Y P.led .L= uv cr.* (/ M.t7(iR b II " F2RUARY 24TH. 1923. :4tt �- Aten i.dj-jurned Vesting of the Board of Oommisadonere, held in the Oommle sdonerA' Chamber in the. City ,Fall, raduoah, Y.nntuoky. on Saturday, February E4th.'i 1923, at 10 o'alook A. M. Upon call of the roll the followlna ano',tered to their.. '.r c names: Commissioners Taos, Pulliam, Tully. '.7nshinaton and Ketterjohn,-b. Commissioner Pulliam offornd tho follbwina motion: I move -that a resolution 1 Rosolut ion, deolar- entitled " A RESOI,i)'PIdI; D301hRING TID•: CON3TRUCTIOI: OF SANITARY 9;•"+7:3iS IN S.?1FR ins oor.Ktruotion Of novore in Zone IIU1.3aR WO. IN SUB-DI7ISION B. 37-7;-'-R DISTRI7P IILT ?i.7n?::E, TO D;i A IIROFSSITY, AND " 1E a rooeontty.. F1iS'P F}1.7I1'G: _ S;TTIIIG OUT, IN 'l.'.111• -MAI. TrZ16:3; TIn: TRO]'"J'TY 9U9J::OT TO TH: TAY!'!?11T OF THF DOST OF: .. ?• ;' SAI.'?." be introduoed and lay over. Adopted uron pall of the roll by the.fol7a R vote; Yeas, Iaoe. Pulliam. Tnlly and "7a3h1na6n,-8; 11nyo. Y.nttorjohn, y.' r Commissioner Tnl7lam offered the follonina motion:, I move that n resolution V. H0007ution deolar-, entitled "A R3SOIUTIVII X1101 T1rr:^.0I19TiDOTTOP OF SANITARY 9.`"- 3 I) 9.T7:iI "011? inn cormtruotion of uo:rors in yens IIULIiI-2T T1IPF , II: SUB-DT7I4IO113, A. AILD B., SV. !R DI3TRIOT IIU1.M.-M TIIRFEt TO BY A' 113 a neoeualty. j FLRST R:sADI1:0. `14i0r:33ITY; /.11D S:�'PPI1:13 OUT, I11 GdIIJiRAL T,191,18. TIC: PROTi"?TY :1L'EJF;CT TO Tull- 7AY1 ^:NT OF 1"PI, COST OF'9:J1 ," be introduoed.and. lav over. . Adopted upon oall of the ro7] .by ,F the followlnm vote: Yoae, Inoo, Pu731am. Tully ant''IanhinRton,-4;.Naya.Y,atterjohn,. 1. :• Oommieaionnr Iu]llnm offar.nl the fo)]owtna motion: I move that.a reno)vttan':,,,'',': $000lut ton 'doolar-� ins_ oor,ntruction ontitled "A RRS11IJ7I011 7:;OlARII:^. Tr':^. 00I:9'l:•?T1TI0Ir OF COI:AIII.-D STORM AVD SANITARY ; ^ i of so woro ir. .ne'.o 44 a reoeesity. S:".'*MS IN 9 -!'R ZOIIE 11LIT.M ?OUR,. IN 9UB-DI7IST0113 A. 611.9 P. S::"".•:T7 114 TRI0T NU1.M. FIRST 1i::1DII:G. F TF -R:2. TOB A hr'CriiIiY, Alt) '1 TTIP.G OUP, IN G;IIi':IAZ'tT=R1.13, TM-, TROT 'R SUBJrOT TO y f TN3 TAYI'::IIT OF TI11: DOST OF WY,," be introduoed and layover. Adopted,upon oall of the roll by the followiwr, vote:. Yeas. Taos.l'ulIlam. T01:7,7nuhit; r.,ton and Y.atterjohp.b. `:'+''+•' .. . - :� . .�-t •; .,,,.. .. .._` ..u...r.. ..,u. ..:.... .+..,a.s,w... v_.' ,.733.''7x.'.'7',-.:' ,Ti'7s`,`,•c,. t7"'1•"'�`--..�..?r�l+'o!x 't ,r,"'�"'inw�',�eL`!X