HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 128, February 13, 1923r;'�9C', y�..=h•. "'i• .,,� . i as '! .H'c' +."..:.'+_.':iiKK �7e:_ 1'• vl'. IPI'11:as:ti«,L.<.:2>,tz,,r _.r;;t;}V�1.>•"•rt':�: <•. 1 a , Nalli J Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah __ _ 192_- .{ J adjourned until 2 o'olook 1': il. on Tuesday. February 13th, 1923. Adopted upon.oell of, "the roll by the folloaving vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katterjohn b� �. Adopted 4�, �9 19� tcur cL.* ;I L4 rhT1LVbi4. I r F.7-:BRl1ARY 13TH, 1923.- At, 923:At' an''•Adjowned Regular 1!oetina of the Board of "Oommtanionnro, hold in the Oommiscionero' Chamber in the City TTall. Iaduoah. Sontuoky, on Fobruary 13th, 19E3. at E o'clock F. M. Upon call of the roll the following ansnored to their names: Oommia 9ionere Pace, Pulliam', Tully, Washington and 1!ayor Katterjohn.-b. j `1 On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt-," ed.ae rend upon call of the roll by -.the following vote: Yens, Pace, I•ulliam. Tully.. 1i 3� 4nsh ngton -and Katter john, -b. " Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the r?, Report Oom'r. of Public Finnnoe . Oommiooloner of Publia Finance for the month of January, 19E3. be received, filed for January and ordered polished in the offiolal newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the" {" 1923. folloavina vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katterjohn,-b. ' t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of .the. Report oom'r. of Coamninetoner of Publio Finnnoe of the 3rd District Sower Fund Account, for the month of { ;' rtbli'o Finance of 3rd:Dietriot January 1923 be received, filed and orderod yubliohed in the official newspaper. a Sewer Fund Ao-' 1 count: for Jin. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote, "Yens. Taos, Pulliam. Tully, ? r IYaahinmton and I:otterjohn,-6. ' Commissioner Tull;' offered the folloNina motion: T move that the rnport of the I •. i Rorort Oom'r.of. .Oommiasionor. of Publio Finance of the Special Street Fund Account, for the month of T' t'- Tublio Finance r4; Pf Special Jenuery 1923, be reaeivad, filed and ordorevi pub]iobed An the official newspaper. � :.•{ V4 Street Fund Ao= const for Jan.Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace,"Pulliam,"Tulp, , 1923. I, „ " Washington and Katterjohn,-6. r ~`t Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion I move that the report of the j t F, Retort Oom'r.of {L Public Flnanoe ,,.Oomnlestoner of Public Finance_ with reforenae'to the purohnse, for the purpose of re- •I - ' '`' ; with'rnfnronas to tturohaoe of tiroment.,.of City of. Paduonh, Kentucky $1000.00 RofurAtna"Bond.#12. be rnooived,filed Ky.3.1000.00 Re- funding Bond $22 and opprovod. Adoptod upon call of the 'roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, #,ti for retirement. ,• ; �r Pulliam, Tully, 7anhington and 1:atterjohn,-b. i' TOommisetonor '=Yaehington offored the following motion:. I move, that the petition 4A Y� Totitton"pro- from the property ewnere on Kentucky Avenue, botwoen Flrat..and 3oaond Streate. and on party o. -mors of { Ky.Avo. and End Seoor,d Stroot, from Kentucky Avenue to 9aahinaton Stroot, 'making that the market be: rolatign } to ohanai"ng ahanood from U000nd Stroot, from 11ontuoky Avenue to 7ashinat6n Strnet, to Kentucky ; T,arklnR around ; I {`' 1µ ..i!arkgt. Avenue, from Seoond Street to First Stroot, be'reooived and ft]oA. Adopted upon call }3,. ¢'± of the roll by th.o "following vote: Yeas. Paco, ru],]iam, .Tully. Nanhinmton and 1.attgr• y,: ,.,;;; "• ; john, -b. i. Commissioner ".Janhington offered the "following motion: I moor that the Otty larking around ; f !; Varkot.. City Sollattor be tnetruoted to bring in an ordinance ohanming the present market bound- 'Solicitor to 1 Drina in Ordi cries -on Second Stroet; bot'ween Kentucky Avenue and 'Jachirmton Stroot; to Kentuoky l•; acnes changing,. . same." Avenue betwoon Second Street erd Biret Street. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the i' 1"" A folloavina vote: Yams, Paoo,Pu]Item .Tal,ly,9nohington and.Yattorjehn,-8. 71., " Oommteoionor Washington offerod.the following motion: 'I'move that the trnnafer Cemotery trans- from George H. 11.122s and hie"wife arm. Y. 111119, to Mrs. Fannie Ll. Allard; to the un - ",f or n"•for" from Geo.H..� j rills deg. to divided ons -third intsront'of George H. Rills in "A to hot dlo; 301, Section 19..Oak. i're. Fannie b.'` bs Allard Grove Cemetery. De ratified. 'Adopted upon 0411 of the roll bq.the•following"vote: '"IOatterjohn, sr t . , Yoas; Paoe..rulliam, Tully. Washington and '�iGC �yp�1ti<a(a KA -'.r _,�:1. .'-'<fi �+'h 'r���.•,.re .. ••.+.,•.7v: 'h,:3'^, .. .. .. ..,�v . i,..,.} .I,al.,,.. d�;. ._.aJ.n, a:� .. _-.h+ .. .. - y t,.u..c'�.r.�.��StJ,�'''r''`�.� .��-ty'm�,�v '•iu43 T�Sx f�'3JR^�tM�:4d'ek�•�y^'�i:'•�1 �ri;�3�X1�.''. ' c '%?<v :,.,/'I` •�'` ' , } Tr ,..s',."'('' � d'° i�', ��4^ „�'r:: �•u�-'-4 1'i.�.,^ f rn` Si,'lY..YdQrJ.l+If1K' P•.Y • w•t _ _ s '\ Th_tdl 'x. vk�i. TP '�3•;�n.-V$at '�I��T l}} l +'citri'ist•. Ari .' t..... _..:�.-,-.L.:iu:>.�..:.�.:�vr .t-,v.'',s? u., r._...._!1._.S:.+C.�,sc:^'Y�.:.Y:r.S•..:_.�.y't.��y.>.,,_ � u.. •_�._ ! . ! y - E.R.Rarding Co., Oommissioner Tull ism offered the following motion:. I move that the.00mmunioa oommunioatton In reioor.nnotlong tion from A. H. Harding Oompany, relative to oonneatione of branah sewers to the trunk ' britnoh nowers to trunk linea now Ill linos whioh he now has under oontraot, be rooeived and filed. Adopted upon oall of Wider oor;etruot-r ion. the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paos.Pu3liam,Tul,1y.'.7aehington and Ketterjoha,-ti. On motion the Board adjourned upon oul.l of the roII..by S yeas. T �if�'Ii3 t ,Sduptad �.GG',.•l .,'�.F.�.hZUt%.ri3.l:a , r.i..w Al A t'i'v:. Fi•MMIARY 19T11, 29". At o Romftr i'oettna of the Board, of Oommisutonnru, hnld.in the-Oommiaulonere' Chamber in tho-Oity Hall, Paducah, Y.ontuokv, on Fobruary 19th, 1923. Upon dell of the �ro71 the following ar,mvered:to their namne: Oommieutonore Peas, Pulliam, end""lash- IIington and Vayor Yatterjohn,-4. On motion of Commissioner Paoethe mtrutbA of the previous meetings 'more adopted as read upon oall of the roll bythe following vote: Yops, Paoe, Pulliam, I'AashinRton and Latterjohn,-4. . ,.�ICommissioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber. Mayor.Y.attorjohn offered the following motions .I move that the oommunioatton i from the lions' Club, Anted Vebruary lath, 1923, relattvo to Rat Y.illinr, Day, be re- Oommuniaation �I oeivnd and filed, and that F. V. I:atterjohn, I'myor, be Atriotod to Issue a Proolams Ltone' Club rein- II tion authortaIna Februnry RPM, Pard, 24th, P6th anl.Phth, ino]nnive, he Rat Y.illina tive to Rat 1:111-,� Ing Day. IlDuye, ell of aniA rain so kt]]nA,shall he AnitvereA to the four tiro utntions of the Olty of In,tuonh, 1:nr•toohy, ant thnrn'to bn o,inr,tnd b;, the Onhtntno of naoh of enl4 t flrn atatloru, and for naoh rat killod nrA AnitvnrnA to, nail Ylrn ntutlonu; there ' ~ N nhnll be paid,1� naoh for name. .Ytoh Oal-Lain of nali fire utatione shall keep a oorreot list,of the names of the parties bringinq rata ani the number Aolivered.by ncoh party, making a oomplote list of the names of ea I4 peruonN nni the number of ry rate no delivorod . naid lite to be Aelivored to the Prestdont of the lions' Club of •''��, ' the City of Paduoah. Y,ontuoky. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the followine votes, Yoae, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully, 'Tashington and Katterjohn,-8.' Q Myor Katterjohn offered the followLnm motion: I move that the oommunioatton commonIoatton ` from Jas, 11% Lana, County Judge, dated February 12th.' 1923. in regard to oonstruottna Jae.il.Lrelative M1 Brummet Bridge on Vasseur Avonuo be reooived anA filed, Adopted upon oall of the Judxo, relative ., P p to Brum.Vaesout 9r1dRa roll by the following vote: Yoae Paoe Pulliam, Tully, 'TashinRton and Y•atterjohn !i. OL Vnsaeu; Ave. �' I Commissioner 1aahin. ton offered the following motion: I move thatJames Id. Ju3Re ina.14.Lang Lang be notified., in writing, that his oommuntostion, Ants -1 Fobruary 12th 19P3 in ro;-Brummet @ ' Bridge on 7aosnur Avenue. relative to oost of Brummot Bridge; hre been rooetvad anA filed, ani no further cotton relative to same has been taken. AAoptoA upon .aall*of tle roll by the follow-.. ins vote: Yeas. Paas, Pulliam, Tully, :7ashington,-4; Hnyn, Katterjohn,-l. Commissioner :7ashirmton offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemetery Transfer, from Lary LeiA to Gertrude Harrte to Lot 4265. in Blook "U" Oak Grove Cemetery, be from !.U. lei Loif-h to Gertrude 1[nrria ratified. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yone, Paoe, Pulliam,. Tully'. Waehington and Yatterjohn,-5. Commiaoior,er dashington offered the following motion: I move that en ORD II:dUC? f A!0%19111G S�MTIOII (11.13 OF AN 01131MIIC 37TITLM "All ORDIllillOF RMATUIO TO 4HD.R:GUTAT ' Ord inanoe rola- E r , ; a * r n , tive .to Varkot I III, 1'9.", 1.'l.RI: T ACUS:: OF, T} ^ CITY 0. PADLC.A Y:Tr 1CY, F! OR TFE L1 S FOR THE ?lou ire boundaries.. �, n •v ,,,,��. r I r art C..IJUCi L.:..:0?, An' .. FM'AT.TT;1S TrT.W YD,, AI:D FIC G 'CT'i: TRIC?S ':C P MIG -D FOR 791'R 0''T OF H HCR.ES AILD SUI:3 :1!rR}:IlT," ADOPT3D BY 'THF: BOARD .OF C0731.TS3TOMR9 Off 4 DECIUS-M 13, 1915, be adopted.- Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote ,Y