HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 127, February 9, 1923' ~� r. -r f-. Y�• � k rrl � � r r r r ;� �, 3 "�`',� �yei+yui.,
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah -, r L 192-"'
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 4 yean.
/3 lyt3 is -. 0V1 D
Adopted -�
F:iPRUARY 9TH. 1923..
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commieslonere,.'he1d in the Oommiesioners'
Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoah, kontuoky, on Pobruary 9th, 1923, at 10-:30,o'olook
A. LI. Upon call of the roll .the followlnR answered to their names: Comminsionere '
Paoe, Pulliam,,Tully, IYashington and Mayor Kattorjohn,-B.,
tiayor Kattorjohn stated roanonn for - on] 1'to-',vit: To pane an ordinnnoo
trunk line ao'Anrs in Sower District Ito. 3, and arty other.bunir.ees that
s ,'
•miaht oome before the Board,
Commisoioner.Tulliam offered the followlnm motion:. I move that*an ordinance
011D T1tA11C7 EXT 10 -
entitled "Alf 71RDTNiJ,'0 r 1*50'lI1)TI;G FOP.. T':. EYT:IINT011.07' V.1,11Y 10 S?i'Y:w1S IR 9c^9:F1 DTS-'
s S 3 Tl, DI3TRICT
1!0. 3.
TRI0T.110. 3" be irtrorluood and lav over. .Adortnd uron oall of the roll by the follow-
Yr 1 at nrd Y.atter oho -3
Ing vote: Ynas. I ad, Pu]] iam, Tal ]y, 'Anah, n , on 1 ,
On motion the hoard adjournod upon oalI of the ro.7l by b yoan.
:A opted
Cie" 1: wM
F:9RUARY 1OT11, 3923.
At a Culled 1.1ooting of the. Board of Oommiasioneru,_ hn]A in the Commtentonera'
Chamber in the CLty-1iu11, faduoah, Y.ontuoky, on,Februorv, 10th, 1923; rt. 10,:40 o'a]ook
A. ii: Upon call of the roll the following arnworod.to'their names:
Paco, Pulliam, Tully. ',Yaahtnirton. and Mayor Knttorjohn,-B.
Mayor Kattorjohn stated roanone for'oa]1 to-.vit-. To allow spootal pay-rolle,
and any othar buolneen-that mtf,nt ooma before thn Board.
"Commiosionrr Pulliam offered thn'followin� motion: I move that the Special
Pry -roll of.'.Pay-roll,
nm)imtlnR to 53.57 for John Lovejoy, who rnHl�ne, offnotivo today.' as
John I:ove joy
whop reni,rr,o�
City Sanitary l:nmiroor, he nprrovnd, and the Commianiornr of. Tubba Finanoe:nnthoriced
` an 5;ayitary
and tnntruotnd to pay uame and ohnrga to angor Dnrartmort.- Adorted upon onll of'..the;.
roll by thu follo.,ting veto, Yona, Inoe,Pu]]iam,'Pu]]y,'Yanhln^ton nnd.Y.attnrjohn,.
, "I
Commissioner lulliam offered the followlnR motion: I move that the Speotal
y lay -roll of the dtroet Uepratmont amounting to i:LO for A. 9. Jenkins be approved,'
3poolal pay-rolls''I'
Itr-int Di}part-
J'and'the Commleuloner of Publio Finanoo authorised arxl Lnotruoted to pny same and
mnnt of A.R.
oharge to Straot Dolu:rtmont,-AAoptod in,on oall.of the roll by the follo,vinrt vote";
Ycun, load, rioilam, Tully,-13uehington and Knttorjohn,-B. "
On motion the board adjourned upon oall of the roll by b yeas. `.
r LJ_tO
N FIDRUARY 12TH. 1923.
At a Regular bloeting of the Board of'Oommtnatonere, held in the Cormleslonere'
Chamber In the City I1a71, raduonh, }:entiiloky, on February I2th, ]923r upon col]' of ,
the roll the .following anuworoA.to their nurnoer Oommtuniot,nro ]'non. I'u]Ilam, Tully,.
' y
;Yanhington and Payor Knttorjohn.-B.
Mayor Kattorjohn offered the fol]ow1nR motion: On n000urlt of today being a-
legal ifolloav, I move that the Rom,lnr VnetInm of the lentil of CommianIonnrs be