HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 127, February 10, 19235�"•. ia. l•_ tti. Is— _-_- lYlt.�0'i�'Mdl+`f�7YCz•+lMy.t>`,+,••s .;../, wry• ,4w. .r,�a 7r•i a'1.fr p•. t_.�•s- Vii. }%t9t4•i`.
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduca�I 192
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by' 4 yean. "
p AJORIOJ ilr, �� iyl3 .f'_ 0V7 i7
117A�iOpt "
F:,PRUARY 9TH, 3923.
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners,. held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoah, Yentuoky, on Fobruary 9th, 19E3, at 10:30, o'clock
A. . Upon call of the roll .the following. answorod to their ria Commissioners
II Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, 17achlnaton'and Ilayor Kattorjohn,-5.. J
Mayor Kattorjohn stated roanonn for call to -wit: To pann an ori irnnn00
extondinm trunk line eo'.4ors in Sower District Ifo. 3, iind any othor.bustneso that t
_. might come before the Board.
y • ' '
Commisuloner, lulliam offered the foIIowin!r motion: I move that'an ordinance ;
IL'C T3l74Y., LIA'E entitled "AI; (RDTI5U,0:4 "zO'lI9T?.'0 FOP.. T?�i !:?^:;I?3Tol?�0..? r.MlY 1111; 3`77:RtS IIT 9r."�r�i D
33'7 83 Tl' D13IT10T,r c z
1,10. In10? 140. 3" be irtraluooti 'and lay ovnr. ,Adoptnd upon cull .of the Yo11 by the follow- r l
�I' 1nR vote: Ynas, l'noo, Tu]]inm, Tul]V, :'lnohinaton nrd Y.ntter,lohn,-ti.
On motion tho hoard adjourned upon cull of tho roll by G yoan. ?
r� A#om1oJ..'�',/3r,,..X7.ci3' b .1�".'v(:?t"t,. 1. f
a I l'Yr I:WM .. 1i
i F_.'D131JARY lOT?T, 7923. �+(.
At n Called Mooting of the Board of Commiunioner'n, hold in the Oommientoners'
r - .' tc '
Chamber in the Clty ?Tull, tuduoah; Y.ontuoky, on Februcry,10th, 1923,' rt. 10.-.40 o'olock
A. if; Upon call of the roll the fo]]ovinR arn.tiurod.to'thotr names: Oommiseiono;e' '
Fred, Pulliam, Tully, 7aohinaton,and Payor Entterjohn,-5.
Mayor Y,atterjohn stated reasons for-an71 to-:vit; To allow epoatdl pay -rolls,
'and any other bunineen that mtaht come bofora the Board.
t, J
Commiosionar Pulliam offerod tho'followint motion: I move that the Special
Y3 of '.Pay -roll, am untina to $53.57 for John'Lovejoy, who ront�ns, offnotive•today. as
John 1:ovejoy
who• rooivr,otl City Sanitary Iinrtlnonr, he approvml, nrd tho Oomminrilornr of. J.rb]ia Ptnnnoe:asthorized `
an .City Sar itary�
::7,Pinnor. and tnotruotnd to pair Lame arld oharme to 3o, -,,or Dnpartmnnt.Adopted upon an37 of;_the. r
roll by tho follo-iirM votot Yons. I•aoe,Pul3iam,'Pu3ly,'7anhtn^ton nnd.Y.attnrjohn,-5.
Commiasloner lulliam offered the folloniniz motion: I movn that the $peolal
4 Pay -roll of the Street Department amounting to $4-:50 for A. 11. Jenkins be approved,
3poolul Pay-roII
,ytroint Dirpart- ('"and"the Commisuloner of Publio Finanoo authorized arxl Inntruoted to pay same and �
mnnt of A.R.
Jnnkins. oharae to Street Do ]x:rtmont. Adopted upon oall.of the rg oll by the followinvote; )}
Wi ry
Yean, ('nae, Tulliam, Tully.1-Tuahtnaton and'Ynttorjohn,-5. .
On motion the Board ndjonrned upon call of the roll by 5 ynas.
Alaplad ..�
F :BRIU.RY 12TH. 1923.
At n Re(tular Meeting of the Bon rd of'Oommtontor.are, hold til the Commieetoriere'
Chamber in the City lla71, Paduonh, Ycntiloky, on Yobrunry 12th, 1921,' Upon oal] of•
the roll iho following anoworod,to their numou: Oommtunlounro )'non, Pu]]iam, Tully;.,
7anhinRton and Payor I:attorjohn,-5. .s.
Mayor Ynttorjohn offered the following (notion: On account of today'betnrr a
l Le(lal 1101i0ay, I movn that tho Ram,lnr Natintr of thn board of Oommianlnnnrn be