HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 125, February 5, 1923` •'"^ti::•'r7� �•y.per • .:t:...it.r.±�.' •'L�. c.,:?"�Irr��i�i�eT.i%,_ ' 1 f cY ' j r �)..�t, �r.�I v x�.+ a r9- r �t i�. axs sp`7+"� av'Gx av 7f'?y,•.�r .tr � • f T,t .�•....: c•� 1 �A '' G. a•„ - . < x. ...- -- .. '(.mss-xs+s. �.�.,..c-• •.... ti _ •....-...,. ; r..•y:H. Commissioners' Proceedings,.. City of'Paducah At a Regular L'oet.inR of the Board of Commissioners, held..in the Commissioners' khomber in the City Fall,.T.aduoah, Eentuoky,•on Februnry'5th,.'1923. Upon call of the Droll the Yellowing answered to th.oir names: :Commissioners Face, Pulliam, To] ly, and >,. r••:., .`.� t Mayor Yatterjohn,-6. f x' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutoe of the previotye meetings were adopt ed; earoad; nnori oa71 of the roll by the following vote; Yean, Pcee. Pn]llem, Tully ?• and Yatterjohn.-4. The sum of $50.00 having been paid into the Treasury, as evidonood by the re-' t 4' oeipt filed herewith, I move that deed be executed to Arthur PLaple for Lot #76, Block J4, on the North side of Ford Street, botrreen Hank & Chamblin Streets. in Oak Grove l Cemetery Deed mss' Arthur 1'.aple,. Lot j76.M ock';'+Cemetery. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the Yollo.ving vote: Yeas, Face, Pulllnm t J4• u Tully and Katterjohn.-4. - 7 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:The srun of $50.00 having.been paid'rorrury, aevidenced reoe Into the Tas idd by the ipt filed heeowith. I move that deed Cemetery deed J.1•.kark+r.,Lot.Cbe executed to J. F. Iarkar for Lot #71, Block $E, on the South side of Ferman Street;. ;111', ?Block_ v2. between Baker. & Lr.i]ler Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. 'Adopted upon call of-the roll n' h by the following vote; Yoas..Ilene. Pulliam. Tully and Y.atterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully of:orod the following motion: ,The a= of $60.00 havinR been Cemetery 1)oadL r Gala a'v n paid Into the Treasury. an ovidencod b,-r the rnaoipt filed herewith. I move that deed to H o ' 70 Block L ot {� E. be exoouted to Cela Rowes for Lot 00. Block R, on the South side of Hannan Street, betveon Baker & 1,311or Streets, in Oak Grove.Cemotery. Adopted upon call of the roll i'.by the following vote: Yeas; Paco. 1`0]1r_m. Tully aryl Y.attorjohn.-4. rP Commissioner Tully offered the Palloning motion: The sum of $50.00 having been �lr' t. 't Cemetery Deed k Paid into the Treasury, so evidenced by the rooetrt filed horevilth. T move that deed j to 1:�e. Lady be oxeouted to Nrs.' Lady Adkins for lot )102, Bock 4E, on the trorth Dido of Ford Adk_ins r Lot ;IDR' ' ' 9]001: 42. � :, p Strout, betheen Baker & filler Streets. in Oak Grodo Cemetery. Adopted upon call of { S the roll by the following vote: Yeas.. I•000, Pulliam, Tully and Yrtierjohn.-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $300.00 havinR falt or Car oaI boon tendered, tootl:er with applioation for I•:alt or Ceroal Bevorare License. I-move .'. P.ovorr.Ro Lioonuo,i gs. irinuod to A.that•lioonoe to sell mutt or oorna7 beveraros or am admixrirrpn thereof, be granted Marooffrky. ¢901 7lashington h' to A. I;;arooffsky at ,1901' 71anhinrrton Street for a period of one year, bominr-ing Januar' r St. : let and enAtng Dec. 31ut, 1923, Inolunido. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the fol-.' ]owinv vote: Yens, 'Iona, Pulliam. Tully arA Y_attorjohn.-4. �. Cormnieslor.cr Tully offered the fal)o:rinrt rnotton; The fgl7owtng parties having' tord ored tho sum of $00.00 such, tomothor with nppltoat Ion for mal t. or,aerea7 beveraRe iia] t or Ceroa7 Bovorarzo Iaoenso4 " r:• lioonno, I move that license. to sell rnnit or oeroa) bevoraron or any oAmixtureo there- . :Wooed' to:- ��hx 4.,,4'•1'.; Stetnhruor & N of, be rrar:tod to them at the laces not out o .7hita P Pponite thair names for the period of Rebkopf Dist. 'Co "1 > six months. beginning January lot nrd ording June 30th. 7923, lnolusive:'' ani C. A. Zeiss. S K� Steinhauor &''.7hite at .119 Ilorth 4th Street- Rehkopf Dint. Co. `" 105 South Erd Street > P C. A. Zeiss " 111 South 3rd Street. �+ s - Adopted upon call of the roll by tho fol.]owing vote: Yuan, Pnoe. Pu771am, Tully and Kat ter john•-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I. move that the transfer-' Carjotary Trans- s for from Llary2-from Vary C. '•Talo and othore to J. A. Gardner and wife to the north half of Lot #13 r C. :Tale &c. to ' tiife,ardr.or & Soot ion "A". Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. .Adopted upon call of the roll by .the '> following vote. Yous'. Paoe, I•ulliam• Tully and Y,aitorjo)n,-4. Commisoioner.Tullr Strnot Bond arid. j offered the following motion: L move that the Commissioner Coupon pail of f` oPublic Finance e authorized and tff eo pay o• take W and carnal Street • , and m�noellod f bliFinbthid d it " in City Vat 2. t ! Bank. Bonds aryl Coupons in the City National Bank to the amount 03 .680.45 and draw, a check, against .the Special Street.h.nd A000unt to. pay name. Adoptod upon `call of the roll 4 - ; -i" .���:r . ..:i- ..... ..•r. w.rr.. ,-.-...T,?T►,::'T.a'ai4TFa]!73ntt.'-r•,Tc..'2">,I'.18T"'tR',:.::p.+r ..v M by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Katter john, -4. ' Commiesioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of c . t+ v ' ', the Chief of Police for the month of January 1923, be received and filed. Adopted uponi .__... a..,—.>.._..+.-._;. ..`... .,._...-_.--.�..�.. _�'.2. J �....,i.._,..,.,:u at^-.....e..l..L.j ice• _ police ice for Jr. ti call of the roll by the followings, vote: Yaae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4., i : if b1�79E3, 1 �"' Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I' move that the report of the �" l Na Chief of the Fire Department for the month of January 1,923. be received and filed. } ,f. a^` ' for Jan. 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah `' ' 192-- Pulliam, Tully and Katter john, -4. ' Commiesioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of c . t+ v Roport'Chief of :. the Chief of Police for the month of January 1923, be received and filed. Adopted uponi z,,', police ice for Jr. ti call of the roll by the followings, vote: Yaae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4., i '. if b1�79E3, 1 �"' Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I' move that the report of the �" l N B. Report Chief of 1apire.Dopartmont. Chief of the Fire Department for the month of January 1,923. be received and filed. } ,f. a^` ' for Jan. 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and x 'Kat ter john, -4: J L A " Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Estimate elf ? Bitimate #6 E.R. 'work done by E. R. Harding Company in January -1923 on the trunk line sowere of surer l %' If Hardin¢.Co. ,` Sower District -District No. 3,, be approved, and that E. R. Harding Company be allowed 316,868.00'. x#25. -Sub -Division ,said - "A-„316,860.80, rd on said work', as per estimate hereto attached, and thct same'be oharfred against 3rd- allowed ands0. allowed paid.„ District Sewer Funds, and the Commissioner of public Finance be authorized end Instruct (ordered ed to draw a check as:ainst the 13 District Sewer Fund A000unt to pay some. A4optod 1 F A, s c npon'oa11 of the roll' by the following. vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam.. lti+lly and Y•atter- 1 :john, -4. Commissioner lulliam offered the following motion: I move that the estimate €' vetimnte 7 of �rork done E. R. :Harding Company in January. 1923 on the trunk line Beware of F E.R.Hardina Co .by A. Company be $5377.34 '' ( 5� 'Sower'llistriot •°-'Dietriot.3B-30 be approved, and that said R. Harding allowed M' Diett tot ri 3B-30 y"b377,'J4�•fon , and that sao be charged avainst 3rd said work, ,as per eat imate.hereto. attached m paid ' 'Cc DIatrIot Sewer Funds, and that the Commissioner of Fubllio Ftnanoe be nuthori^od and e directed to .draw check against 8 District Se -ser Fund Account to pay same. Adopted l + upon call of .the roll by the following vote: Yeas, face, Pulllam,.Tully and Katter- r t ~�. john, . A4; bn• motion the Board adjourned upon call of the, roll by,4 yeas. t� F 1 J U. e ^cw o.,rr .' c3 Fr..BRUARY 6TI?. 1923. r ar jrr;c'i 'f i At a Called (Lagting of the Board of Oommisstonore, held in the Commiesionere° :�Ohambor in the Cit Rall; Paducah' Kentuc , t 10:35 A. N. y la+, on February 6th, s I t, � '• r � Upon f call othe roll the following anewerod to their names; Commlesloners race,PUlliam'. ' it Tully and ''Aashington. m4. Myer Kattorjohn bbing�ebsent_ldayor.Pro Tem Washington' ` prosidins: Mayo r. Pro Tom Washington stated possess for call to -wit: For the purpose of r allowing pay -rolls for the last half of January 1923, and any other business that I ' intRht come before the Board. (i` I Oommisolonor Tu]ly,offorad tho.fo77ow1nR motion: 1 novo tical the accounts far ' i� oo u t.pp for the 4as� �in]f 'the last -half of the month of, Jamar y 19E3, amounting to 410669.00. ao hor the raporL I' of. the and y F month of January of. the oommisslonor of Publto Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordore4-paid 1923. the monoy'appropriated from tho.0onoral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of tha « roll by. the following votol Yoan, P000, Pulliam, 'Tully aryl Wauhinoton'0-4. .Oommt Won or. Tully off .the following motion: I move that the a0000nto for +. l '1 •.' c t o last half of 'tho month of Jumary•19E3, for Otho 3d District Sower, no follows: •� • 000nntB ” . roll.nnd Sower ;:,, ray Ro11.:..,�.:..:...30E9.07 ss, Jistrtot 13 Supplfeo............. 211.44 o total of 31040.61 be i {i ,h last half 01 LS:January 1923x allowed. and,ordorad paid and the Commissioner of Public Finanoo. be authorized ani in-•� r,;otruo.tod k to draw cheeks ar;nineL-the . Ilo. .3 Diotriot Serer Fund Aoaount •to pay same: " Ix ;. Adoptod upon call of the roll •by the following vote: Yeas, Pace,- Pulliam, Tully and . mohington,-4. �Yr i :i l!1. i 1 I t C !' 1. Jv !:• -..:..Y.. '.R!+ -�.. .., IS'n i' / i