HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 122, January 29, 1923, ' f ' ♦ h. , .} iLp s:3 c -i. _� 5�'s!' t'^7 fP ',�j (Na Commissioners' Proceedings; City of 'Paducah 192= JANUARY 27TH, 1923. — - -- - - At a Dolled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Qommieeionere' Chamber in"the City Hall. Paducah. Y.entuokq, on January 27th, 1923, at 10:45 o'clock i. A. M. Upon call of the roll -the follo4ing answered to their names: Commissioners ?' Fnoo, Tully, Washing ton and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. FJi aMayor. Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To extend the time .of,sitting of the Board of Kqualization, and any other business that might come before the. Board. ,t,"Board�of Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the time of the .41 _,Squallzatlon 1` t .time of elttinanittina of the Board of Equalization be extended to and tnoludinm February 26th, 1923. ".extended to 1t Feb. E6,19E3: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paoe, Tully, lashinaton and }>` Ott -Y• Katterjohn,--4. x t p •, On motion ;he Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ` A�ePted 9l9 19 r a i JAIIllARY 29TH. 1923. At a Regular ideating of the board of Commissioners, held in the Oommisaionero' �. i Chamber in the City Hall", Paduonh, Kentucky. on January 29th, 1923. Upon call of the JyQg'•'f. roll the following answered to their namon: Commissioners Pnce,Pul71am,'Tul3y, lashing c ton .and Mayor Kattorjohn. i. On motion of Oommieeioner Tully the minutes of_the previous meetinae were adopted ..� s -as read upon cell of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. > }. sash inAon and Y.atter john, -6. �. Commiee,toner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the oommuniontion l from I.Y. A. Berry, in regard to the suit of "the Faduoah Railway Company against Lhe ( �? •, bt q.A.Berry. Qom-' munioution in City of laducaTi. Kontuoky,now pending in the Supreme Court, enolosina itomized stato re: suit of Paducah Hy.Co. mint of expenses in making the, trip from Taduoah to "lashinaton and return, be'r000tvod k ve.City, Street' V "Oar Fares. N and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Taoe., Pulliam Tully, 'Tachington and Y,nttorjohn,-8. Ootmieslonor'-Tully offered the following motion: That the balance of ,x409.23 due ' I ,* .. k - 1.A.Derrq, IT. A. Berry,. Attorney in the oeue of I'aduonh Railway Company ve City of•Faduoah,, be i .At.ty., balance ` due;; foo in allowed and ordered paid.nnd oliaraod to Conte & Suits, and tho,money approprinted .from r) ,'oaoo of Faduoah. Railway Co. ve the General'%'iind to pay same.". Adopted upon call of the roll by the"foll'owing vote: Yea! fi City of Faduoah Street Car Fare.1.Paoe, Pulliam,:,ititlly and ;7ashinaton,-4: !lays; Katterjohn,=1.. Commissioner' Tully offered the following motion: I -move that the bill ,of Marwiok,',' ` $� Yarwiok.2'it- batoholl & Co..;, amounting Lo $400.00, for ntditlna the a000unte of the City of Paducah e shell & Co,.: bill for.andit4n for the year '192E,.be allowed and ordered paid and oharaed'to the. Contingent.Fnnd, and { ins accounts oC ' City for year the,money appropriated" from the General Fund to pay same. ,Adopted upon call of the 1922e roll .by the folldviing vote: Yana, Face.�Pulliam, ,Tully."Washington and "Ketterjohn.4..'. Commissioner Tully offered .the following motion Imove`.thaL the Di]1 of .the." "Centuryy Tool 1& I Century Tool &Metal Co.' for,$13E.18 for ,the: Street Department and the bill of the Arool Metal Co. and V, Arco Grease Co.' Grease 06. for' $70.'08 ;for' the Fire,Department. n"total of $202.26 be.allowed and order `` accounts: allow- ;' , ' "°'ed and ordered ed Fa id aria the" money'appropriated from: the General Fund to paq�samei:' Adopted'lipon ' 1paid. call -of the roll by the following vole Yene, Pnoe. Pulliam, Tully; 7ashinaton and 411 :yt a Kntterjohn,-6. $ } o - y nJ'i:?. .,�Sr ?a..�! ..t%'.+ -..t .-`rJ'� uLw:'):ti>4: ,a:.�.r...v v ..:.4:1. n.:.- ..�: ,, rr..rayr....♦ ,. �71..'..:.tY a.:..iw+.-.:t ate. f,5itt ,. ..-.: ': ,',N yy tir yi M•�.4Y*A+f�'.W�'�''�l rf�"k •:�m�.a L'•UtCfiYi�fi:�'f;.la'J#�9iY'9!�f�y.T.4C21P}YSLiP ,rt:yf"tu�syt* h.S:'xS _:•�?.l�wir in ',>N' i�.. �! ,b � I� ✓ T -��'" .�,:,3 '-,.s..�..�,�.:.4 . +,.ate .. �t - _ _ t='f . ,. . _ 1.1 •� �'�--'�. f - -� °)1 •� , - r V jl"o' ` , , Y t ; ,(.... i h -s' r^' t ,> -Tt' y {at'r. +.•+ . a ;,. P. r N 'R „ i c, r , t r t '. , S t:+jl •1 T <� ... Na /12 3 •. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. -of Pad ca 192_ I Commissioner Tully offered the following. mo tion The 'aum of $50.00 each., having boon tendered' together with appltoation for 1.'alt or Cereal Boverame License, a Malt or Cereal Bevornae License c I move that license to sell Malt or Coreal Beverages, or any admixtures thereof, .be granted to:- . Tuck Lowe, granted to the following parties at the addressee sot out,opposito thoir'namee,, for .i. 11. IN lrod , a.:AS ,Yost and a period of six months, from January let to June'30th,'19E3, .inclusive: Ronry Gauss. ti . 1 Tuok.lowe...................#500 9. 7th 3traet. t ! S. d S ut. ...... ...... En Street. Q. Bid '.Vest... .. „ ... .'126 J. H. :arod.............. 110 9. 2nd Stroot., ggw . Henry Gauso................. 706 Adams 9trnet. :7— r, .!Adopted .!Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, laehington and Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the oom Communication ' munioation from Roscoe Reed, City Solicitor, in reward to Riverside Hospital Training :'^• Ro3000 Reed, 01 V. i'i'.. Solicitor enoloe- ": Sahool.for iWraes, and enclosing his expense account fr•.n Paducah, Kentucky, to Louie, , ins expense.aoot.: i of trip to Louie- ville, on legal business for said hospital, be received and filed, and that the villo relative to shortage of h Commies -loner of Public Finance is horob}• authorized and directed to issue voucher to. ; aloohnl at River- -side Ilospita7. d him for the sum of $32.36, expenses incurrad by him on said. trip, and that, same be i ' h charged to Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote Yoas, Paoe,. Pulliam, Tully, ',Yaehington'and I'.atterjohn,-6. Commiseloner Washington offered the following motion: I move .that the bill Bill of Palmor G of.the Falmer Transfer Company, amountlna to the eine of $10.00, whioh hill was in - 'Transfer Company, taxicab fere of ourred by hiring a taxi-aab fa- '.gill R, Stanfield, Prohibition Offiaor, from Paducah Vill R.Stanfield, Frohibition Offi-•i: to Vayfield, on aosount of trip made to Paducah by the said 1111 R. Stanfield'for oar, from Mayfield ; ;,. rolativo to short- G Training Riverside Hospital School for Purees, ard' that said bill be allowed and the ;i t'• avo nloohol at Riverside Hosp'ital,'! Commissioner of Publio Finance Is hereby e,uthortzed to issue voucher to the Palmer ' I Transfer Company for the awn of $10.00, and. charge eame'to Riverside Hospital. Adopted. q upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas„ Foos, Fullintn; Tully, Taehinaton ii and Y.atterjohn,-5. ryu r ` Commissioner Waohinaton offered the following motion: I move that ,the bill + b]rs.Franoesoa t' of 1.':re. Francesca Allen, amounting to 32.00 for stenographic work performed ib taking Allen bill for work per:'ormed relative statements of witnesses in regard to ehorteae of alcohol at Riverside Hospital, be. ^s to shorta,ao of. ;' alcohol Riverside 1: received and allowed.*and the Commissioner of Publia Finanee is hereby authorized to ;+.{�;- Ros!'itea . issue check to her for said sum and charge same to Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, -Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Yatterjohn,-b. b. f' l' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the two ,. Communications Chas. H.Bro,ibeok, communications from Charles H. Brodbook, Division ;:neinnor, doted January Bth. 1923,.,• - Division rngineor . R.C.& SL.L.Ry.. } returning City check $267, amounting to $5.00, made payable to the Paducah & Illinois relative to con- tracts ani check Railroad Company, be received' and filed, and that the check so returned be deposited - In ro: Sewor right'i of :lay, to the, ored It of the 3rd District Sewer Fund. -Adopted upon cal] of the roll by the-- following vote: Yeas, Yace, Pulliam, Tully, 7aehingtom and Y.attorjohn,-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion:. That the employment of _ AIT-10yment Lewis Lewis S. Finch, us Instrumentman in the F.nkinoerinq Department at $150.00 per month,' S.Flnch. Instru- .� montmen, to fill to fill position made vacant by resiarmtion of Z. .8. Madding, be ratified. Adopted vroancy of Madding, who upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paco, Pulliam, Tully, Washiaaton c" resigned. end Yatterjohn,-b. Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the. following motion:. I move that the contract, �• t Contract dated 'dated December 11th, 1922, between the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louie Railway'and December 11,1922, I1.0,&St.1..Ry. the City of Paducah, Y.entuoky,'granting to the.City of Paducah, Kentucky, oertai n t •; arana tinright of ! 1 :ray to City for ria to of wa 3 for the'oonetruation of se?cera in Sower District No. 3, be Sewer District 13.; filed and recorded. Adopted upon call .of the roll by -the following vote: Yoas,. Pace; t Pulliam, Tully, 'Yeshington and Y.attorjohn,-b. ` "' No.) Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192 f ; -- --- —------- — - - --moi . � ` s� Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that a resolution Joyce-7atkina }} Co .an °o Marine entitled "A RESOLUTION FJTrTI110 TAR MARINE :SAYS PLAIIT OF THE JOYCE-WATKINS COITAITY m1 y p�', 7aye Plant,.'- P. lant.,- exemption from FROM TPPS PAY1d1-11T OF MUNICIPAL AD VALOR, TAR;SS TO THS CITY OF PADUCAA, K3liTUCYY, FOR 'Taxation: ' .,I c f• A PERIOD OFr'IVr.' YFr1R3," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following �i vote: Yeas, lade, Pulliam, Tully. 4ashington and Katteriohn,-6.. 2 (i', ,1 Commissioner. Tully. offered the following motion: I move that a resolution ' - Olauaener Rosier' 11 compamy.-..oxemp- P entitled "A RE30LUTION7 ZTPTIUG THE CLAUSS11M F.OSI:2Y COLIPARY FROM THE PAY1..'E1TT OF' a tion from Taxa- + tion. bU11ICIrAL AD VALORrLI TAX -7S TO TH? CITY OF PADUCAH. K,wTUCKY, FOR A P:RTOD OF FIV3 YEARS. 1± be adopted.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe;.Pµlliam. k S: tit Tully, Tashington and Katteriohn,-6. { Commissioner Fulham offered the following motion: I move that an Oritnanoe i' f 1 Ord inanoe,oreat-("Croating the office of Ot ty. Sanitary rMFIneer.ani prescribing the duties and re-•,,' I`'( , Ing office of ' tl Oity Ban ltarq gviremente of said City Sanitary Engineer of the Citq.oi 'raduoah, Kentucky, be �_. L .adopted, ,Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pulliam;9amning i., 4—ton and Katteriohn,-3. Bays, Pace and Tully, -2. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas. 1 todGGfr. j flpi s I9e`'$ .. FEBRUARY 1ST1923r, f I i At a Galled Meeting of the Board of Commissionere. held in the Commissioners' + 'Chamber in the City Rall„ Paduoah, Xentuoky. on February let, 1923. at 11:40 o'clock 1(t t A. M. Upon call. of the roll the following anawored to their names: Commionionere Pace, Pulliam.Tully. Aashington and Mnyor Katteriohn.-6. 1 :, Mayof Katteriohn stated reasons for oall torwit: To appoint a new member to serve i Rt on the Board of Equalization. and any other business that.mny come before the Board. 4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: George X. Oohlsohlaeger having Resignation Geo. 4. restatned as a member of the Board of Zqualization; I move that his resignation be t �c Oehlschlaemer on Board of accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Fulli4m, ' ,Equalization. ; Tuliq; Washington And :KAtter john. -6:.:'... t r - a r - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that J. C. Ltaret be J.0 Marot ap f. ^ pointed member' appointed as a member of the Board of Equalization to fill ths.-plaoe made vacant. by i s' of Board of ­Fqualizatton.. the resignation of George M. Oehleahlaeger. Adcpted.npon call of the roll=by the folloq- f ! Ing vote: Yeas;'Paoe, Tully. Tashington and Katteriohn.-4: Commissioner Puliinm not - h a� voting. r' Oommisnioner Pulliam offered, the followtng motion- .That the appointment of John: SII• Y j John Lovojoq lappotrited Gity :Lovejoy to the position of City Sanitary Knaineer be ratified. Adopted upon oall, of the Sanitary lmai- riser# roll by the following vote: Yeas.•Pullism.•'Jaehington.n Xatteriohn.-3; Have; Tees and ti 4+i� 3".;.On motion.the Board adjourned upon. oallof the roll by 6 yeas..' 1 � 3 A+o�Y^,�A�^/�`�7®iYi1� ' •, t :', . r./` .. 0Y UL/wir.M..r z Jt � Iy 5 tr i ?.: L �*t,,Y �� { tra , ,, i , '•E .+' , Y 7x1, 1 S t t r• � rye' F yk" �. i�, t,i7i.1 + n<,.Y l .f.1 {, -Y- ,..Z<.:�'�. ... (�.—.`•'J a..; v. a, S.!dt,:(rr •x� . r - _ ...-,+u<...d, �;5.s..:s w..=.-. c.r.:; F e i,V 1;:t, -hl ;_,., z:i`i''`%bt:.;ti .-:a ,a:L•.::: b f r -, "i ..