HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 120, January 22, 1923W.'
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Commissioners' Proceedings', City: of Paducah 192_'_
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-rolle for sl
the first half of the month .of January 1923, for•the 3rd Distriot Sewer, as follows:
a' Pay -roll... .....$764:04
fit ...•..... ...... . 4 .26,. a total of $794.29. be r i
1 3rd Dietriot
�rSewer Pay roll` allowed and ordered paid and the•0ommiseioner of Publio Finanos be authorized and in
�."f.iret half of
3 Distriot Sewer Fund Aocount to pay same.
��, Jaauary, 1923: ;,' etruoted to draw checks against the No..
r ' Adopted "upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulllam,.Tully. Wesh
'? :!T itigton and gntterjohn;-6:Vq
` f
• t F '�
On .motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas.'_
19 '
:a 't.3- :_f
1 ` JANUA.RY 22ND. 1923. '
a At_a Regular Meeting of the Board of Ooemiesloners. held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the Cit Nall Paduoah Kentuoky. on Januar 22nd 1923. Upon oall of the
Y • Y �.
1 1U
-:roll the following answered to their names: Commiseloners Pane. Pulliam.. Tully, ,
';• Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
�}t ' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetinae were adopted,
ne read upon sail of the rollJby tho following vote:.Yeas. Pane. Pulham, Tully,
f Washington and.•KetterJohn, -6.
Commleoloner Tully offorod the following motion: The sum of $60.00 having been y
tendered, togother with,applioatlon for Malt or:Oarnal. Beverage J.ionnno; I mono that r ':
1. 3t
Malt or Dorsal 1460nee.to Bell Malt or Cereal Devoramos or any.admixttaeu thereof be arantod to Jnok v `
Bovoreao Li• dw fora eriod of nix months from Jan. let to June 30th 7923
sense grontnd Riddle at 0119 Broa ay, p .!,•
to Jnok Riddle;'t
�])9 Hro�ylwoy. lnaluolve. Adopted upon oall of tho ro31 by the fol]ow1nR voter YooD, I'nao, l'u]ltam;.I..t
Tully; 1YDuhinRton and Kntterjohn,-D.
Commleolonor 'Tully offorod tho following motlonl The Bum of 4100.00 havinW boon 4
'iilnIt or Oornal. tendornd'with application for Malt or Oernal Devoraao ]lonnee, I move that lionnoo be
;8ovornao Li-.' I
�;toeneo granted granted to William Dunn to sell Malt. or 0ereal Aeveraga or any admixtures thernof at hie n �.
;to Wil]lam Dunn ;y i
Door Brown St. luoah room near Brovn Street, opposite the Union Station, for a period of one. year ,
from January ]st to Deoember 3let, 1923•" inolueive. Adopted upon oall of the rel] by c a?
following vote: Yens. Pane, Pulliam, 'fully, %OhlnRton and Kattorjohn,-6. ti
I` Commlonionor Tully offorod tho following motion% 131N.RMs,on the Gth dnv of
"Mnenachunotte Soptomber 192E,
T. J. Iotter wan appointed as apeoial patrolman for the I1. O• & 9t. L.;
Bonllna & Inn. "
Co. roloaaod on, hallway Oompany and exoouted a bond with the Maesaohuootto"Bonding & Inauranos Co. as
bond of T.J.
:.Pottor an. epo- surety and' the Ranh"villo, Ohattanooga & St. Jouis Railway Company having sent a ohook,-
offal.patrolman..I, r t
/r: N in .poymont" of said bond, payable to thn order of ,Tynn T0ly, OommiaBlonnr of Tuh] i o j
Safety. I move that'.Wynn Tully. Oommlecionor of T-ub]to Ftnanao be autt,,oriaed and in-
' struotod to endorse thin. ohook and make it payable to the 1.?aaeaohuuette Bonding & In=
eurnnoo Company• Peupon sail of the roll by thone. Peao. e following vote: YI'
Pulliam., Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.p.
Commissioner Pnoe offered the following motion: W. 'R. Trade having quit, as an.
W.R. Tod s'reaIg-
nation as ori. officer of the Polioe;Department I'move that the bfaesaohueetts Bondirq & Ineuranoe
officer of the
1 Polioe Dept.. Company be.releaeed'from"the'bond of said Tads. and belrolieved from further liabili
ty. 'Adopted rupon'oa 11 d of.the'roll bylthe follow ing 'vote Yeae. Paoe,.Pulliam, '7wlly, I+. tSt
Waehington:'nnd Kattorjohn. 6. _
+• -,.: i ,f 1 , , f 1 .� f I. 1
� f cur .{.. p-..., . • a 11e �:r: Y 3 ' +T,dl_•a? 1•r6..�IMd �.,.. dn•,.is r+• r. .al. .. . •� '.+. .. - .v .. .... ..._ �.J ....
' �•'n:a:._Y��=i:-S.�t.R�"'�fR.'C!`.T "''�.'Y,az'r'itr�a ori' 1`�ii•'i'Si�a"''�ee.•-Y�t 3 .w.:G�''$'Xt 7i`Y. •'`G .S .,r �+- j•�:?"I4,y .t x. •cc 4..e:rJi 1���:_��. } '� rtr��.�`�5' '
Commissioners' Proceedings; City.& Paducah
P Oommissloner 1YaahinRtOn`offered the following motion: I move that the
R. H. Jones oommuni= oommunioatlon from Mr. 7. H. Jones, relative to plaoinR.traah•.00ntalnere on the etreot
to trash son- of Paduoah,.be received and filed. Adoptedlupon.oall of-the roll ,by the following vot :
talnore. Yeae, Faoe. Fulliam. Tully, Washington and Yatterjohn.-6..'
hOommiseioner Washington offered the fo]lo,wirlR motion:_ I move that. the poti-
Petition rest- tion of residents on Flora Avenue for a light to be p]aoed south of the Seven Dag
dente on Flora �I Adventist Ohuroh, be roforred to the Gommisstonor of Tuh110 Pro ort to install thio
Avenue for a I, T, Y '.
Streot,Lirtht. k light. provided the Gity is able to met anfftoient aprropriation to inoreaso.the•
N bbi]er oapaaity at the Limht; Plant. Adopted upon call of the roll by. the followtna +
�. i
vote: Yeas; Faoe, Iulliam. Tully, Washington and Kotterjohn.-6.
Commissioner Bauhlnmton offered the followinR motion:, I move that the report
Roper Hazel
Mo]oon, Teohni- .. of 111ea Hazel Mo]oan.-Teohnioian Riverside Houpital, for the month.of Deoember 1922.
oian Rivuroido
Tiespital for be reootvod and filed. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the f011owtnR vote: Yeao.
' Deoomber 1922. i
II Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, ''.1ashinaton and Natter john,-6. + :
. I i
I� Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move.that the.trane Y
'l0emotory transfer.,.for from Frank Boatwright and Myrtle Boat+vrlmht,,hin wife, to Clarenoe Voat; to the
from lYrark. Boat-;•
tivripht and 1lyrtle1 11 orth ono-half of Lot #53. book #2, on the South aide :of Hannan Street, between'
Boa t+7r i mh t to p
Olaronoo Vogt. Bak or and Miller: Streets, Hew dddltiori Oak Grove Gemotery, be ratified. Adopted upon r
sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pu111am,,Tu33y. Waekineton and
Commissioner Pulliam offered the followlna motion: That the reetonatton of
Restmnation Ed C. Long, as Sewer Inspeotor, effeotive February ]et. 1923,.be rooeived and filed
• ;yl, C. fLong as
4ever Inspector. ;'.Adopted upon call of the roll by the followlna vote: Yoao,.Paoe. Pulliam, Tully. a
}1 .
XashinRton and Katterj)hn,-6.
Oomminaloner Pulliam offered the followlna motion: That the Va,yor'be author
t;ayor to bimn rood and tnnntrnotod to slmn ,the oontrnot with the llanhvtlle, Ohottanooma k 8t. Louts, ' •;';
oon truot '•vi th
Ruilway, mrnntina permission to the Glty to oonutruot an e" lateral newor across said
- mrar,tir,v, rlmht ,r:• ;;•,
of way for soworol Rallway'e.proporty bot'woen 3r4 Street and the Tenrasuen Hivor and bet-moon the proper 'y
in Sowor D1 str tot;
fig, :, of the Faduoah Iron Company and the F. A. ,Look Coilpany, and that the Commissioner of
Pub]to Finanoo be authorized and lnatructod to pay to said Railway the $6.00 called
' r for by said. oontraot cold charge to Sewer Diotriot Dumber 3 A000unt: Adopted upon oall
of the roll by the follolllnR vote: Yean, Paoe. Tulliam, Tully, .',9ashinat_on and Katter
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordlnanoe an
"p Ord inar.oe grant- titled,. "A11. ORDWANOr: MWITING TO THE CHICAGO. ST. LO AND llr:4 ORL"sMS RAILROAD
Ing C.St.L. do I1. 11
rloht to raise -t
river' front roll-lRUkI;ING 11IOM 1111::lIORTlf PRO1'1iTY 1,111i.-OF 1.'011803 STRIIFT TO A POINT irTROXIIV6Tii1,Y 176 ,;; `•+,
' oonntruotkulur ?1 XT NORTH OY '1'11!: I101MI TI LI11:y Oh' BRO,1D'.7AY S'11t^NIT, AND TPa?iC1IT TO CONSTRIlOT �•--a"
ror.Int,nrnutIona] fI,f
Shoo A t1.;4, ,i.1D 11Jt1 'PO I m iii 'Pis I11I MIIATIOVAL. .1710A 031YANYM 1'IANT," be adopted. _ AAortod
upon oall of the roll by the followlna vote: Yoao, 1'noe, Pulliam. Tully, ,Ynuhin1rtcn
and Katterjohn,-6.
` I
Oommiesioner Taos. offered the following motion:.I move that an ordinanoe en
,J Y
Ord Lnanoe provid-! titled "All ORD11UPU PROYIDIVG FOR A 0L7tK OIt OT1,3100,1011M FOR TIO', JUDO: OF TIG: TOI.IOE I r
Inm for a olork
or Stenomravhw ;i 0011 HT OF 1'ADUOAH At13 ri10VID[1t0 FOR 111; SALARY 171raibr^^." be odoptod. ADOI'TaD upon
'i for 1'olioo Judgo.g
oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Igoe, Pulliam. Tully, tlaehtngton,-d: Nays l
t Y.atterjohn.-1•
' On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by S yeas.
r Ad�itoB.T��--19' yj.