HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 119, January 20, 1923- _,._+... ^:C:.• k ��._ :a' r: .,,.•, 1�5"C �'trr •-/t.+"}�ze•R vrr •.�•�"'n'2`t"��raox:�+ sera - n: - � ;,� • � i .. ,. �• ^r —y r. •k � i. i.st„„i*�:.1Y ��,iw�d�1 �4 59'+�'rti{'�'�.�"'. `fit ?� ��v�`�"'`33 r'�;"'�'i' �"rL�`i. n �� �,y. � . ..-..:a.��ti:....:-,_-:.xL).t�.:,.. s..ry-�-::y�.,.,,..� �. r.i_.,...w �_.....: 'w-•�' �.�.... ..t �'i t...w+• �.� � - �s-..�.1_tw-.� 1 M .P, Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah " ` Commissioner Tullq.offered• the,following motion:'..I. move that -the Commission - tior Publio Finanoe be authorised and Instruoted to pay off. take up and oanoel -777,_. Street.,bonds and ooupond in City ^ "street bonds and ,00upone.in,the City National Bank to the amount of $1198.82... Adopted National Bank P • taken up and upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoo'Pulllam, Tully end.Ketter-., paid off. i john, -4.. Commissioner Tully the following motion: That the deed of J. W. Agnew Cemetery trane- .offered p for from J.T. h to 7.T.ORilvie for the north half of. lot #16 in Seo.tion 48 of Oak Grove Cemetery be Agnew Fo J. 'IT.. 11 ' Oativia. P ratified. Adopted.upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Ysaa, Paoe, Fu113em, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. ' t Dodge auto. tran-•r Commissioner Fees offered the following motion: That an old Dodge Automobile sferred to Street Ddpartihent from now in the folios Department, be transferred to the Stroet'Department. Adopted upon Po]ioe Depart- meat4 oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulham,. Tully and Katterjohn,-4:.: `;;,;;;• Commissioner Washington entered the CommisetonerA' Chamber. ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the employ- ment of John Lovejoy, as one of the enginoering foroe, at the rate of -41150.00 per Nmployment of month, be reti.fled, and that hie salary be charged against the Departmente,of Engi- .` John Lovejoy,' z: In Departments' nearing Work on which he may be employed, it being understood that he is e;t present of J',gineering:. employed in helping to oomplete the working drawings for the branch sewars in;Die- triate 3A -3B-30. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe•; ".� Pu311am. 'fully, Washington and Kattorjohn;-6; u Commissioner Fees offered the followinm'motion: I move that -an ordinanoe' Clerk .or Steno= h entitled *All ORD Ih`AI1C? PROVIDING FOR A Cl. -MY OR ST.IIOGRAITT`2 FOR TH& JUDG^. OF TA?.•':, arapher' to Polloe •; ; ; ,,.,:.r,'.+.". Judas. FOLIC3 COURT OF PADUCAH A11D PROVIDING FOR TIi3 SALARY TR -Mr -OF." be introduoed and lay" n over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Paoo, Pulllam,,?ully ;a �p and Washington, -4; Naya, Katterjohn,-l. On motion the Board adjourned upon osIl of the roll by 6 yeas. 22d • r' city u..w r n,a`TOI;• i'• JANUARY EOTA. 1923. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Gommiestore'rs, hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah,'Y.entuoky, on .January EOth, 1923, at 17:30 O'olook A' L', Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners �• Pans, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Kettorjohn,-6.- • L r ,, r r; iiayor Katterjohn stated reasone for gall to For the purpose of allowing pay -rolls for the first half of the month of January 1923, and any other business ' that might oome before the .Board. L;cyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner F,.• F of Publio Finanoe be authorized and inntruoted to include the I'ay-rolls for the Vane- Venereal Plinio Pay -roll. real Clinic. amounting to 376.00, for the first half of the month of January 1923,x, ,..in the payment of Pay-ro]ls and a000unts Por the first half of,th'e month of January 1923, adopted upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paae, Pu]]lam, 7 . Tashington and Katterjohn,-4; Nave, Tu3ly,-1. j. Commianioner Tully offered the fol7oryirg motion; I move that the 'pay -roll , for the first half of the month of January 1923, amounting to $9696.80, as par the •Pay -roll first - he? If. of Jan. report of the Commissioner of Iuhlio Finanoe filed herewith, be allayed and ordered _ _ 3923 paid and the money appropriated from the Gnneral Fund to pav name. Adopted. upon dell. of the ro71 by the following vote; Yoan; Pnoo' Pulliam, Tully, Wanhtnaton'and Y,atter• -4Y'�,. John, -777,_. , n'i �! irr,it Commissioners' Proceedings, City: of Paducah .192-;— Commissioner 192__Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay -rolls for c, yiv, i the first half of the month of January 1923, for.the 3rd District Sewer, as follows: { ; lFay -roll ......................... $764.04'. 40.26,. a total of $794.29. be n 3rd District tt ttI Sewer Pay -roll's -allowed and ordered paid •and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorize- and in.... IM4. first half of January..1923 ,' strutted to draw checks against the No. .3 District Sewer Fund Account to part' same. Adopted, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, .Pulliam..Tulxy, Wash „,11�rr►► 1L , In ington'ard Katterjohn;-6. ;,r r, �,I '•' on -motion the board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.,. F 4; p(� JANWRY 8211D. 1923. . { ..., At a.Regular Meettna of the board of Commieeloners. held in the Commissioners' pj '-Ohember in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky. on January 22nd, 1923. Upon call of the `•' roll the following answered 'to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam. Tully, s.`'+ k a ' Washington and Mayor Ratterjohn.-6. iii On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetin4e were ed opted 'as read upon call of the roll�by the following vote -.,Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully. ; Washington and._KatterJohn, -6. oommisoLoner Tully offorod the following motion: The sum of 360.00 having bean ton'lered, togother aiith.applioatlon for T•ialt or :Carnal B.average l.ioonne, I movo that Wt or OoreO Lioonse.to sell Malt or Cereal Bevoragos or any admixtures thereof be arantod to Jack a X Bovoreao Li- I.onnue granted Riddle at 1119 Broadway,.for a poriod of six months, from Jan. let to June 30th, 1923. . .to Jnok Riddle; "r.. 119 Bromlwa ., 1noluoive. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinR votet Yeos, rose, Fulham, f Y � . 5 Tully; tvaohington and .Knttarjohn,-D. z V' ,Oommiaotonor 'Tully offorod the following motiont The num of $100000 hnvina boon. itnit of Ceronl: !p }t Eendornd ',rlth application for 1in1E or tlernn] lievoraao lloanee, I move that ]ioonse be F ;_Beverage Li -.''r oeneo granted granted to r•413.1iam Dunn to sell IIICerealAevnrnan or any admixtures thornof at hie to 'William Dunn '•}.gear Broom St. lunch room near bro'•m Street, opposite the Union Station, for a period of ot!e.year ( from January Int to December 31st, 1923,' inclusive. Adopted upon call of the ro]I by 14 F �} the following vote: Yeas, Pooe, Pulliam, '911337, lyashlnaton and Knttorjohn.-G. t ,, w g motion: '.Ylf'1t;91e on the Gth day of I }' Oommloslonor Tully offorod tho.follo in, , �Inenaohunotte September ]9A.E, T. J. Iottar wan appointed no special patrolmnn for tho 11. C• & 9t. L.; ,.Bonham & Snu. , 00. ro]onuod on. hallway Company and executed a bond with the trnoeaahucottc Bonding & Insurance Co, as bort! of T.J. Pottor as apo- surety and' the Nnohvll]n, Chattanooga & 9t. ]suis Railway Company having sent a ohocki� , offal. patrolmen.. -':.in poymont of said bond,' payable to the order of ;ynn hilly, Oommtaslonar of Fub]10 !� Safety. I move that',Wynn Tully, Oommisoionor of Suh]io Flnanoo be eatttbrized and in- .i a struotod to endorse thin.oheok and make it payable to the taaseaahuuette Bonding &.In: -suranoo Oompany: Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloalna vote: Yea at Paso, I a r y, r Pulliam., 'Pully. Washington and Katterjohn,A. OommiseLoner 'Paoe offered the' following motion: W. R. Trade having quit as an.� W R %de resig- nation oe N. '.'officer of; the. PolloelDepertment; I move that the Aiaesaohaeetts Bonding & Ineesanoe C . .' officer of We'•, J Polioe'Dept. s• Company be released from'the'bond of. said Tade,.and be relieved from further liobili-,fi r iy. Adopted upon'aa n of the roll by the following vote Yeae. Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, Wnehingtcn:nnd Ka�terjohn. ,'� ) I �• � a 1 •. hI, t,' P, it 1 '�' f i<i ' t A , , �7 t 1'. i-+ •.rv.- ,P( - I: 1. f»:[_ ;+:+...y . y,.,, ".a3k::�d.1':f,vt'4.:,M,,.' ,.n'+.'Y.w q,v. i•r at. _r, .�; ,r. ..:f_.. ...J.c ....,- k` t• p: .