HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 111, January 2, 1923IF v •Yrr ^N1+ �' J + }{2 tif''+�> '�°' S- i't �`-r•{'�,i '4i iv�•�-�Rt a �; a�.l{ •7ti v h�N
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of .Paducah 192 -
- JANUARY i._ 1923.
p 8t a. Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the.Commiesionare'
Chamber in the City Nall, Paducah, Kentucky, on January let, 1923.-.Upon,oa1I of the
D roll the following 'answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully and Mayor' _'t•;•
Commissions Tully offered the following motions January let, 1923 being a -
Legal Holiday. said meeting is herebF adjourned until Tuesday, January 2nd, 1923, at
E o'o]ook F. M. Adopted.npon Dell of the rall .by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe,
V Tully and Katterjohn.-3.
At an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of commissioners. held in the Com
miesionere'Ohamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on January End. 1923, at E
o'clock P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their Names: Oommte
sionere Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
On motion of Oommiseloner Pulliam the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted as read and corrected upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paco.
u Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6..
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation.
Resignation of
from.the Paducah vening Sun, tendering its resivnatlon as City Printer, be received,
I•aduoah Kvening
Sun as Offiolal
i!filed and accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yena, Paoa,
;.6. .r.,
( Pulliam. Tully. llaohington and Kattorjohn,-b.
h Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of Dr. O.A.
Report Dr.O.A.'
Isbell, Assistant city Physician. for the year 1922, be received and filed. Adopted
Isbell, Asst.
City Ihyeioinn.
upon call of the roll b the followin. vote: Yeae Pace Pulliam Tull 7ashington "
P y R y.
y and Katterjohn,-6..
Ccunty.& State
ay Katterjohn offered the fo]lowina motion: I move that the Commissioner of
Taxes Llaette
Schafer proi,erty;i
Public Finance pay the County and State Taxes on the property bounht from tire. LI z0
to be paid k
aharaed , to 3rd
� Schafer, located at 1766 Madison Street, the amount of which boina 14.61 lus.inter-
3 P .
District Sewer,
eat ard penalty, and charge same to the 3rd District Sewer A000unt. Adopted upon call
wof the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace, Pulliam. Tully, 3ashinaton and Katter- .•
John. -6.
IIp' Commiseloner Tully offered the following motion: It appears -that at the meeting.
of September 6th, 192E that the Commissioner of Public Fin^noe made the following
Motion relative'@
motion, which was carried: "I move that the socounte for the last half of the month
to pay -roll 3rd
District Sewer
�! of Auauet, 1922, for the 3d District Sewer, amounting to $691.47. be allowed and order -
omitted from
mir.utos of meet-,
ed paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to draw
ino of Sept. 8
oheoke against the No. 3 District Sewer Fund Account to pay same,".and said motion
was omitted from the minutes of the meeting. I move that the minutes of the meeting of
j September tlth be corrected and that the motion above be inserted in them. Adopted.
upon call of the roll by the followtna vote: Yeae, Pace. Pull lam. Tully. 7ashir.atonL
and Katterjohn',
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah 192 + � j
! " Commlae)oner Tully 'offered ,tiie fallowing motion: Y move that the statement of
Statement of r {
:t account with
'{:Yenoy & Johnson account with Yanoy & Johnson; Oontraotors, for the improvement of the alley between ,
. � ;•,, � , '?
Improvemont of'•
Kentucky Ave. and Broadway and Second &Third Streets, he received and filed. Adopted ,1
}i Alley botwoan ;,..-i,, �sh,, i •
�. Ky.Ave. & B'
we yon call of the roll b the follows vote: Yeas Pace. Pulliam Tull Washin. on
and End & 3rd p y following y• 4t
;Ste. and Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. The following parties having "
s Eetimatee-paid•. paid the estimates against property ownere for the improvement of the alley between n
l;by property own-
are against thci• Kentucky Ave. and.Broadway and Seoord and Third Stroote: } 4
property improve4 y
�.menL of alley Bet. 1 3 G.Boone'Rotate....... ..... .........$ 69.26 9
between Ky.Ave. 3,Lizzie .i. Teaodale.................... 68.01 JJ
and Biwa end " ...• <
yy 4 Gus E. & H. Hank ......................... 70.8b
End and.3rd Ste. • 5 S. H. MoKnight ........................... .47.94 _.. t,,;:+
6 Patter & Mammen ... 15.59
8 Chas. Michael. 46.05;
Bertha Levy.; ............................ 46.76
•'' 10 Emma L. sleet ............................. 43.69 7
" 11 Lizzie J. Teaadale....................... 47.70
" 12 Thos J Reed. ...... 93.5E -
c • t; 14 Bfattie J.
Hale............................ 23.0E ,
•edo.15.Tho.e. J. Reed.' .......................... 211.9E
'': " 16 Efat•tie 0. Hale..........•................ 231.92. a total of
$1016.23, I move that said amount be allowed Oontraotors Yanay & John Ron and the Oom- ; X.
missioner of Public Fin:znoe be authorized and Instructed to draw a check against the 4►,\:'�
Special Street Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow }•' , J`
Ing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5.' t 7
Iroperty owners Commissioner Tully offerod the following motion: The following parties having �`.
k failing to pip
• their asueoa- "
Mont improvement neither paid the estimates nor signiflod their intention of taking the Ten Year Pay '
:alley betwoen I {
Ky.Ave and B'wn meat Plan for the improvement of the allay between Kentucky Avenue and Broadway and
and End & 3rd
,, Second and Third Streets: I Y
r,Streete, eetime-
tee delivered to Est. #2 Ben Lookofe 77.93 t: F
yank & Johnson. " ky........................$ t
#7, •d. J. En lent............ ...... 45.81, a total of
a Contractors. g ,-
••• r
$123.74. 1 move that the Commissioner of Public pinanoe be authorized and instructed i
[ to deliver said.estimatee to Oontraotore Yanoy & Johnson. Adopted upon call of the
t roll by the following vote: Yeas. Faae,Yu131nm,Tu]1q,Waohlnaton anfl Katterjohn.=5,
'Oommleefonor Face offered the following motion: I move that the report of the'P
. oport'Chief 'of I i
Police .for'the Chief of Polioe for. the month of neoember 199E be. received and filed. Adortod uron L, ,
mopth of Dec.
call of the roll by the following vote: Yean. Paoe, Pul]tam. Tully, Tashington and
l { %.
'd i •i
r Commlasioner Washington offered tho following motion: I move that the notion of
}') .Hon.er appolntod the Oommiesioner of rublio Property in the appointment of B. Roser as Bngineer at the ?,
Engineer City +
laht llont In Light .Plant in the place of H. S. Keel, who renigned, be ratified. .Adopted upon os]1 d
lace of H. S.
so]. oho resign {'
fed- of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kntter-
_ ;John,-5:
Oommiset oner 'lashington offered the following motion: I move that the Commission
' I ommi ss loner of .
Sub] to Finance to or of Publio Finance be, and he Is hereby authorized and directed. to include all .unpaid
iroludo all un- bills and accounts against the Ott of Paducah for the year 19E2 whioh have been.,!•�- r s r'_'
aid bills aid 9 y
000nnte against approved for payment. in hie report"of alloianoee'for,payment for .the last half of the
ty of Pnduoah,
r year 192E month of December 1992.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote Yese.
¢ hiereport, soh have been, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully,. Waehingt m, and Katterjohn.-6.
pproved .
* , Mayor Katterjohn offered the-following motion: ;I move that a Resolution entitled "•`
esolutton deo-' kN
(mating Yews-. PADUCAH, KZTUOKY• FOR:THF, YEAR 1923," be adopted. _ AdopteT.uron call of the roll by + �1 F
emoorat ae the"
ffiola) Newe- the following voter 7eae., raboju11lam. .Tally.Waehington and Katter John. -6..
aper for -.the
ear 1923. c
r j f..
- t}�\ i �., r f ¢ ) -f + V { -4 i , ' • Jf�il
� �� i��-1 .�..+,�c ` %� ,s s. r.j.�k.4tcn � ti�. t•. T. s. }.r!. t ? r. - — _ { - - - - ..�{{{ t ,
• r
Y .
:k3: A`4_:ww
. _ i:�• � '4r L �,•- 7+ r�i r ��{,a•Pria••rn2 ,�7+•�,1 r-rw l,� r: 'rl �*S fPt3P7�,Pk � Ps ec .rr ^_.t ����� � -.fT :t
Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of"Paducah 192 '
4 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion:, I move that on ordinance en-. "
latink digging. :,
vating in tie
streets &o. of 'u adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas. Pace. Pu!ltnm'.
City of Iaduoah.
Tully, Washington and Kattarjohn,-8.
'On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by a yeas.
Adortet3 L►.�. R' i9$3 1
JAIiUARY 8TH, 1928.
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. -hold in the Commissioner8
A Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on January 4th,,19E3, at 11.30 o'clock
4A. M. Upon call of the roll the. following answered to their names: Commissioners
Pace, Pulliam, Tully; Washington aid, Mayor Katterjohn.-B.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow estimates on Sewer
District #& for. the month of December, and any other business that might come before
4 the Board.
<< f Commissioner Pulliam offered the following. motion: I more that the' Monthly,
S. u
Sstimste of work done on the 3rd District Trunk line Sewer, in Sub-Divletons 311-30.;,-
B-30 - Estimate #6`` .-
'• Sewer District .• by the S. H. Harding Company during December 192E be approved, and that said 3. R.
#3 Sub -Divisional
3B-3C•,E.R.Hard- Harding Company be allowed $16,302.22 on said estimate, and the Commissioner of Pub-
Ing Co. for
December 192E. Ito Finance be authorized and directed to pay said w punt and charge same to the
, 15,302.2E
q3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas.
�llace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the.11onthly
--I sX:
Estimate 46 �-Estimate of work done -on the 3rd -District Trunk Line Sever. in Sub -Division A. by .
Sewer District
13 Sub-Divlsion the w. R. Harding Company daring December 192E be approved, and that said 8. R. Acrd.
A. , E.R. Hard ins
Co. for Decembers Ing Company be allowed $23,680.67 on said estimate, and the Commiestonar of Public
1922, for
$13.,660.57. Finance be authorized and directed to pay said amount, and charge same to the 3rd
District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, '
Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
f� oommiesioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the resignation
Resignation of ''.i of Chas. J. Swentor, in the Fire Department. be reoelved..filed and aooepte4. Adapt
Cha a. J. Swen t or. I: r
f t ed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Taehing;ton
} and Katterjohn,-6.
'41 Commisoionor Pace offered the following motion: I move that the action of the
Employment of
Joe Borrie.Il Commissioner of Public Safety in employing Joe Morrie in the Fire Department, to take
R the place of Chas. J. Swenter, Who resigned, be ratified and approved. 'Adopted upon
. call of the roll by the following vote: Yean, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and
Katterjohn,-b. ••
On motion the Board. adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 veae.
&a.. PPRO V MD
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