HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 109, December 29, 192214 i .1 y 7.F yr 4 4.• Yj t ,, i, K'i"iI� A7'X' .: r,: F" N+ 11}4',,,•l .C' �'+.-K'SrhT Fi '? 11 ,, - ry-� - '• .. ... '' { ��:Q•��a a -•-j �.Zio'.m^-.. .-1 .: KO:•a t. Commissioners' Proceedings, City,of Paducah.` 4922- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It npl,oaring that the City of yaduoah. is indebted to Yanoy & Johnson for Motimate #13' Block.#10, Ad41tion "A" 9_.76 z • Yanoy & 4ohnson nl]oned 23.0E for 11.4E feet, intersection of allgW at $2.3616 per running, foot; a total of $23,02 fan.. j ; 7 inter000tion of ' alley in Block .,the construction of alley between Second & Third. Streets and Broadway and Ke 110 Addition "A", e'lloy hetn. Avenue. I move that.satd amount be allowed and ordered paid nrd oharmod to Streets. YY. Ave. & End _ St, for account of New Construction. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinR vote Yeae. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ftehingtor. and Kettorjohn,-6. ... Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that C. C. Rose, C,C.Rose, j George E1. Oehleohlaeger and Bruce U. Philley be appointed as members of the Board of Goo.M.Oehlschlae-i; ser and Bruce M. iiqualization for the year 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the following vote:' 1 Thilloy, members Board of 3qunll- K Yeae, Pace, Tully, 17ashington and Kattorjohn.-4; Naye, Pulliam, -1. i ration for 1923. Commissioner Pullism offered the following motion: That the Street Depart- i Lame 1.'ul6 in !I moat be authorized and inatruotod to sell a lame mule for $50:00. Adopted upon call Street Dept. to be sold for. j; of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Taco, Pullism,•Tully, 9ashington and Katter- X50.00. +' john, -5'. I On motion the Board adjourned 'upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. led ' cWh ar�xnR• DSOEMBffit 29TH. 19EE. 1 At.& Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommisetoaers' J ` Chamber in the City Hall, leduoah. Kentucky, on December 29th, 1922, at 3:00 o'clock lr' P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to. their names: Commiesionere -'. Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-b. Mayor 8atterjohn stated reasons for coil to -wit: For the purpose of paesInR the ; 1923 License Ordinance. and any other bustness that might come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the followinR motion: I move that an ordinance on- titled, "AN ORDIHANCE FIXING AND REGULATING TH? LIV2192 TAR?S, AND !ANNMY AND FORD. OP ' GRANTING AND ISSUING SAI.? ON TH' '7: DIO['9 LIN -.9 OF 9USIbT?9938; OCCUPATIONS, PROF3SSI089 LIC'+A T3Z ORDI— ' NANCY FOR 1923. TRADES AND CALLINGS IN THE OITY (IF PADUCAH, YM1T1)CYY. AND r90VID iNG PENALTIYS FOR NON- ' , �•, PAM,,NT TH1+.F ROP, AND FOR VIOLATION TH3R;:OF. AND MIAYTNG IT UNLATFUL TO 2NGAG3 IN ANY SUCH LIN.S OF BUSINESSES, OCCUPATIONS, PROPESSIONS. TRAD33 AND CALLINGS WITHOUT'FIRST PAYING TH3 LIC&NSR TAE AND PROCURING LICENSES As PROVIDM HMEIII." be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6.. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication 'WP.Hummel Comma-;� from W. P. Hummel, in regard to bond for the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company 1.�.,�•. y nication relative Cumberland Tale- !. for One Thousand Dollars, to guarantee replaoement of excavation made in streets and phone & Tel. Co, . regarding etroet : sidewalks, be reoslved and filed; and that 'the Bond enclosed. executed by the Cumber- ,,. excavations, Oo. and bond With ' r lard Telephone & Telegraph Company, with the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Itarylard. . Fidelity & Depoe-. it Company, ae as Surety, be received, filed and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll by the q Sia• ety. h following vote: Yeae. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Ketterjohn,-5. k Commissioner Washington Offered the following motion: I move that F. W. Katter- •'`• ,• {Ci ti zone 3eeting; john. Mayor, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside one day in F` I to be held With t Januar City Offiolale Y for the purpose of oallinrt.toaether certain citizens of Paducah, %entaoty. (. in'Janunry 1923. ? to d.ieouse and outline plane for the operation of the City Government for the year ' 1923, and for the purpose of offering the citizens of Paducah an opportunity to enter 'j tr %.into a discussion In regard to the City Affairs, and to make euggestions in regard to' , .;.'; i • H '7��t':.? �^Tai.l•i^'...f.. _,wn ... . r., -­r­...,.Q" SST'^i..'SFIIR'S.T:'r..7R`A+d.3'a�T:L'.T�?i�ti.`%';�7RTC-�-•'^i�v"'i:'"J'",."�'.? .y ,4Y • r.3 .� - - --'+r ' ry• r - .� ♦t:4rE.Y:}'C7 +.'• ;j . . r W. i:.' "- {• - 's> ''Gii iA � e..�+'.? i;`c+n5 "'f'1 r : � ' i.f y' Commissioners' Proceedings, • g City of Paducah_ 192-_ economically operating the City Government, and. I further move that the Mayor notify the Rotary Club, Retail Merchants Assoola tion, Lions Club, Exchange Club, Womane Club, Paducah Board of Trade. American Legion, i t Professional Business lomens Club, Central Labor Union and the Pinietertal Assooiation to appoint one member each from their organisation to most with the officials of the r - City of Paduoah. Kentucky. on the day so named by the ?Mayor for that purpose; ard, Citisene Meet - I further move that the Mayor appoint two members from the oltisens at large to ';Ing to be held r"with the City be present at enid meeting so deeignnted; Said meeting to be held in the Oommteeionere'I r` Offioiale in January 1983,. Chamber in the City Hall on the date to. be eat by the Mayor. The object of the meeting:, :•r- is to discuss generally plane for operating the City Government in an efficient and economical. manner, and for the -purpose of planning and discussing the making of im- { i ' �;. provemente generally in the City of Padnoah. art for the purpose of discussing the%r general welfare of the citizens of this City. -Adopted, upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6. � { t Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the salary of Fred Ander a" r tPred Anderson's eon be changed from $66.00 per month to $4.00 per day for each work day. effective celery ohanged.e January 1, 1983. being at. work on 3rd District Sewer. Adopted upon call of the roll by -t #' the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. 'lsehington and Katterjohn, On'motion the Board adjourned upon oall,of the roll by 6 yeas.} t Arasyla4 67 DECOrBZR 30TH. 1922. -_ At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Cotmmtaalonere' i; 3,,• 'Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December 30th. 1922. at 11:26 o'clock A. M. Upon. call of the roll the following answered to their names- m ,domisetonere .Pace. Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.. r Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall to -wit; To allow the bill of the Paduoah later Company, and any 'other business that might come before the Board; E Commissioner Tully offered. the following motion: I move that the accounts of r 'Accounts of is k December 30th, December 20tH, amounting to $13577.00, as per the report of the Commissioner of Public ( .1922, allowed rand ordered .., Finanoe filed herewith. be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from j.'and " the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote - 5 Yean, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. { fs Commissioner Tully offered the following,motion: That the payroll of.the 3rfl �y a .,. _ . 'Account A.S.. District Sower for A. S. Madding, ,amounting to #4.68..be allowed and ordered paid. Madding, =54.6® aoI Qer Distriot,. and the Oommissioner.•of Fublio Ftnanoe'be authorised end instructed to draw a check ttit +3 allowed .and {.ordered paid.- on, the: 3rd Dietrlot Barer Account to pay .Bome..,Adopted upon oall of the roll ,by. the r r i following vote:.Yeae;.,Pace., Tully.,. Washington and .Katter john, -4. � > " On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 4.,yeae 11 1 1 ,! l•' r� hi r. ''rr } Y;� ' r Aia►ta0 ••. t',� {'`+i,,, ft •p rr :q.,! :A •ri;�w`�! S'fi+t !'" T "_-.t, 11r 4fiilt `J: ,•i 67- .. t - .•t 1- t � � t>; p .. V rr �r '�y; {r.., �, , r 4�. f t t r E' S. � „�t �'•t � c ' t 1 r II "� , »n. 1-s.�.'M+.�a..ry.vrV,i�i N' 'iy4{rrFa:Gl4_ L. �'�.1L iy. is R''ua � .1tX.! .N•... F•, �- .1....;- ._,[ 1' :.<. . 'W..�t•.^ +'.•aw.0 N •... _o:•.tr U:�'i. � .: J!' p•: A.' _