HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 108, December 26, 1922.-.,::2�..._sem.,<_...r_.._..—,._.._._. �. ___._ __. ._.t_ __.._..,..>._-u_..._. __ _=�-:..-.� _..x....�+�...._t.,.: •,y_=i-._*.��r .,:, `:�! �.___. 0. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192: to eioeed 0110.00 per month. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followir,R vote': Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-6. i On motion.the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. ;, r 4 )v +f ntiurlod 1.9tc., �(o 19 _,.� } t r Cir Clerk �f ., �•..f. ./ DECELMM 20TH, 1922. N ; At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' o-• ts' Ohambor'in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December 20th. 1922, at. 11:05 A. U. j t 7 �. Upon call of the roll the following ansmared to their 'names. Oommdsslonere Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Yaehinpton. Mayor Kattorjohn being out of the.0ity. Uayor Fro Tem ' Washington presided. ` a" "r L Fro Tem Yashington etated roaeons for call to -wit: For the purpose of allow - Mayor in a rolls,for the first half of December, and any other business that might Dome {' g' P y M before the Board.�+`t �••Commisaloner Tully offered the following motion: I move. that the Pay -roll for , 0 i Bar -ort Com'r.of' •the first half of .the month of December, 1922, ammmtinR to 06392.98. as per the.rerortii!�, , Public. Flnanoe: of Phy-roll for, of the Oommioslonor of Publio Finance filed herowith, be allowed and ordorod paid and .lot half.Deo.. ,.•�.>. •�, .- . .�•. . the money npproprintod,from the General, Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall'of the ✓ t,! roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Taahington,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay -roll for Pay -rolls Bower, + Z. .I District ¢3 the first half of the month:of December, 1922, for the 3d District Sewer... ;' f,.for first .halt Pay -roll .................. $719.29 of December. ............ µ. " ^ 31.60 t i•.Y •�._.. .. • w " , ............ ...I t rfT e5 60 Cash for etampo........... 6.00. B. total of $761.49, be allow -1: d 17 f C' ,,4,. ed and ordered paid and the Commisnionor of Fnblio Finance be authorized and"instruoted ^f, i to dray checks against the lio. 3 District Sewer Fund. Account to pay same. Adopted uponj' 1, r; l S rt :call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace. Pulliem, Tully and 7nshI Rton.-4. t }, motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. r Aiopled Ott, AA�1'Y Q/z// P:+•' DEOiXB, i 26TH. 1922. d + - As the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners poctirred%onDecember 26th . s k s••,'c cnd'Chrdetmae Day, no meeting was held, but a Called Meeting was had to transact the '� •, t.'r• ReRuler business on Dooember 26th. 1922, at 9:18 o'clock P. -M. in the Commissioners OV, -• ; , Chamber in. the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky. Upon call of the roll the following . answered to their names: CommissioneraFace. Pulliam,,Tully. Washington and i:ayor r -s, j ,.•` A. I. Katterjohn;-5. 6. ! On'moti'on of bommiesioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings sere I x ' p adopted as read upon call of tho.roll by the, following vote: Yeas.,Paoe. Pallium. Tully„ Washington and Y.atter john.=5.. t :t Oommiesionor Tully offered the following motion: The sum of •50.00 bash `` r Lalt or Cereal having been deposited..vith the Commission or of.Fublto Finance and a verbal sprlioat Ion f ff Revere go Lloenser'hfiv.lna been made for ?.felt or. Cereal Bevern.ze 1I can Be. .I move that the money be re- t' granted. to:- ;`H.L: Mogary,• oelved_and lioenae to:eell Valt or Cereal Bevers?ee.•or any.admtatures thereof. be ,Snyder 'h 11lson k' PA. Brother. granted .to M. L. Magary, Snyder & Wilson andBrotherHayes. from July let to Deoembor Hayes. ,t: :.; �•' 37 et. inoluelve. 1922. Adopted upon call ofrthe roll by the.following vote Yeas. zs Pave; Pulliam, Tully.:tWaehYngton and 'Katterjohn. 4g4S:: -°,f x:•.:... .ii ri,. �iKa.irvV.i .a ._:i4•.:l+e :,.y:e .n..v .. s » �,t,;. w+ �.n..u..-vc.fs.v...e.•�•.r1_ ."It _ . t J. J t a'" ; lis rN• s - 4 s,: ".x � x AtS r,�,.L _G•'�4. 1� +�.'{Ss'rc� P.,Ci7n7 v..F ,���,+f �c f^�' - 1� J` . y_ - _ .. .. _ - t K'•,v yr�bary ...�[. r -_ SM t- 1! r`.4F'.t l.. N0, X09 i Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192 q Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the Otty of Paduoah, is indebted to Yanoy & Johnson for Motimate #13 'Block $l0, Addition "A" 9..75 z r-.. ,• Yanoy & iohnson eIIovied 023.02 for 11.4E feet, intersection of ally at $2.3615 perrunninp foot; -a total of $93.02 for. Inter000tion of ! alley in Block ..the construction of alley between Second:& Third. Streets and Broadway and Kentuoky #10 Addition "A", e'lloy betn. Avenue, I move that.adid amount be allowed and ordore& paid and charrtod to. Streets Y.y. Avo. & End St.. for eocount of Rew Construction. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fallowing vote I! Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Ketterjohn,-5. f ` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that C. C. Rose. C.C.Rose. ;i George M. Oehleehlaeger and Bruce L. Fhillsy be appointed as members of the Board of Goo.M.Oehlechlae-ii ger and Bruce, M. i:qualization for tho year 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the following vote IPhilloy, members { Board of :squall- Yeas. Paoe. Tully, lashington and Kattorjohn.-4; Nays, Tullism,-1.. nation for 1923. s Commissioner Pulliam offerod the following motion: That the Street Depart Lemo Pule in ;i mont be authorized and instructed to sell a lame mule for 50:00. Adopted u on call':" `$ P P Streot Dept, to t, be sold for. of the roll by the following, vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, lashing ton and Katter ;50.00. john, -5. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. _ n sod 3 .I { N DK'006HR 29TH. 1922. , At.a Galled Heating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiseioaers' Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky. on December 29th, 1922, at 8:00 o'Oloak ' a P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to. their names: Commissioners Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-5. 7 Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of passing the :y 1928 License Ordinance. and any other business that might come before the Board. �, =1 ;.r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en " . titled. "AII ORDIRAIIC3 FIXING AND RMILATING TA? LIC?JISA TAXES. AND MANNER AND POW_ OF ; ' GRANTING AND ISSL'IIIG SAT.? ON TPS V'nIOV'9 "LIIISS OF BU911179S39; OC('UFATIOAS, PROF333IOHS LIOMS3 ORDI-- NANCS FOR 1923. 4 TRADES AND CALLINGS IN TNy CITY OF PAflUCAA, YF21T'JGYY. AND PROMO 1116 7`$7ALTI39 FOR NON- r. �i PA)W0T THORF:OF, AND FOR VIOLATION TH::REOF. AICD 11AY.iNG IT UN1A1,7FUL TO MNOAG3 IN ANY !:,SUCH LIN r.8 OF BUSIN3SSIi8; OCCUPATIONS, PROFh:39I0NS, TRAD?S AND CALLINGS 11ITHOUT'FIRS? ? T i PAYING TH.'S LIC&NS3 TAX AND PROCURING LICMISSS AS PROVIDED H_%9EIN.• be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Face, Pulliam,.Tully. { Washington and Katterjohn,-6. . Mayor Katter ohn offered the following motion: Imove that the communi at o n W.P.Hummel Commu from 7. P. Hummel. in regard to bond for the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company f nication relative i c Cumberland Tole for One Thousand Dollars, to Ruarantee reP laoement of excavation made in streets.and phone & Tel. Co. regarding street sidewalks, be received and filed; and that the Band enoloeed executed by the Cumber-' exoavations. 80. r and bond with ' ;! land Telephone & Telegraph Company, with the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland. Fidelity & Depoe it Company, as as Surety, be received, filed and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Surety. R following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Ketterjohn.-5. <T Commissioner Vashington Offered the following motion: I move that F. A. Katter :. ! "' Ci tizene Meeting john. Mayor, be, art he Is hereby authorized and directed to set aside one day in to be held with y January for the purpose of oalling.together certain ottizens of Paducah. Kentucky City Officials. f .t in January 1923. to discuss and outline plane for the operation of the City Government for the year 1923, and for the purpose of offering the citizens of Paducah an opportunity to enter >5 " z 4 into a discussion in regard to the City Affairs, and to make sugaeetions in reaerd to' f r "?-�i_ .^_, �r j""' ✓uo a.:,«]i"1'F^v.1ZF: �^'r�.'+^:.: 4F1", -r" P"+ii:1.i'_^.?'..3".:T:R^S`aw¢r^A�.YC:z; 'Tli'!'..7,'-w7T't.. v, wt"�^.'-n".�.' ^J`t'......"+"z:1^.M "5'" "a�` ".w.r C: ^:^