HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 108, December 20, 1922i1C Fis _ '
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Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192_
- -- -=_ -7 7--_ - — --- -- - - - - —
} i. to 9koeed 0110.00 per month. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote # s
Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-b.
on motion.the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. *`
" Cir Clerk , Cl
r DECE13- M DOTH, 1922._ . h AZr y�
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
<•, �� •,
?" Chamber -in the City Hall, raddcah, Kentucky, on December 20th, 19P2. at, 11:05 A. LI `YL
Upon call of the roll the following ane,vered to their namee: Gortmiesionere Pace,
Pulliam, Tully and Washington. Mayor Knttorjohn beingout of the -City, Lager Fro Tem
Washington presided.
Mayor Pro Tem Washington stated_ roacone for call to -wit: For the purposo of allow-�
* Ing.pay-rolls.for the first half of December. and any other business that mimht come2.
before the Board.
t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Farr -roll for t'
Report Qom'r.of the first half of the month of December, 1922, amounting to $6392.28, as per tho.rerort
publ La, Finance'. i ,iii ;•...
of Pny-roll for- of -the Commissioner of Publio Vinanoo filed herowith, be alloned and ordorod paid and
.lot half.Dea. �a v_; .r .•.
the money appropriotod,1 the General. Fund to pay same. Adopted uron oall'of the : 'i•'
roll by the following vote: Yese, pace, Pulliam. Tully end 7aehington,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay -roll for °
Pay-rolle sower,
( Distriot ¢3 the first half of the month :of Dooember. 1922, for the 3d District sewer... a;=
j for first half
of December. ray -roll .................. $719.29
r e n 31.6025.60
Cash for stamps........... 5.00, a total of $781.49, be allow-'.
ed and ordered paid and the'Commisuionor of Fub110 Finance be authorized nrd inetruoted; tf+
c"s to dray checks against the Ido. 3 District Seer Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon,+;
Si Yt Y j. ;call of tho roll by the following vote: Yoas; Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Naohington.-4.
s On.motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.Olt�.
Aiaatod._ --19
! a •..rye`—�+�-L_4 ..� (��SCaoc • I �'
r' DLC; 53 26TH. 1922. d
As the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners Doourred'+'oTiDeoember 26th
and' Christmas Day, no meeting was held, but .a Called Meeting wae,had to transact the
Reruler'businoos on December 26th, 1922, at 2:15 o'olook.P. M. in the Commissioners �
Chamber in. the City Hall, Paducah. Kentuoky. upon sell of the roll the following y
answered to their names: Commissioners face. Pulliam. Tully. lashinirton and L:ayor
Katterjohn,-5. !`
On'motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings
adopted as read upon call of tho.roll by the. following vote: Yeas,. race. rnlIIsm . s
Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,=6.. �*
'Commissioner Tully offered Lhe following motion: The euro of $60.00 each �•`
` ••
Lalt or deroel: having been deposited - al th the Commissioner of.Fublto.?innnoe and a vorbal aprlicatIon l;,, A '
Beverage Lioenee! having been made for Valt-or 'Cereal Beversae'license,-I move that the money be re-
�' granted to:
.. .. - + � ,
:H.L. Nogary, oeived.and license to;eell L'alt or Oereal Beverames,•or any.admiaturso theroof. be
sn er k1118on1.
+' Brother granted to 11. L. ids ry, Snyder &Wilson and Brother Hn ea from Jul let to 'December.
:r . y. .' : Y '
.31st',_ inclusive. 1928. Adopted ,upon 'call of the roll by`the.follonIng.vote-, Yeas; .
' i.'. .. '. , ..,, - .. ,• r'.. ; , •. '' � - : r ,. i cry...
Paoe, Pulliam Tully.'. Washington: and Katterjohn.-b..;•, f