HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 107, December 18, 1922i
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.:•r �. No.'
Commissionere'.proceedings; City. of Paducah 192
call 1
r DEC10.IBM- 18TH, 1922.
C, At a Regular ?.testing of the Board of Com mission are' held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall.,Pn'.luoah, Kentuoky,.on December 18th, 1922.. Upon call of the
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace; Pulliam, Tully, Wash-
r ington and Mayor-Katterjohn,-5.
the of the were
On motion of Commissioner Tully minutes previous,meetigge
adopted as read.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yena, Paoe, Pulliam,.
h Tully, '9ashington and Katterjohn,-5.
Mayor Katterjohn.offerod the.followinm motion: 'I move that the communication
Volunteers of
g. from The Volunteers of America. dated Oeoember 15th, 1922, be received and filed.
'Amorioa' Oommuni-
9 Adorted upon call of the roll by the followtng vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulham, Tully, '
:9ashington and Katterjohn,-5..
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of
Report Com'r.Pub-1
the. Commissioner of Publio Finance, showing the Apportionment,, the amounts expended
Its Finance,
showing At•portion( and the balanoea to the credit of the various accounts under the different departments
meat &D. • to.11ov.
30, 1922.
at the end of November, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by
the following vote: Yoas, Pace, Pulliam,.Tully, t9aehtngton and Katterjohn,-5.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there is
Schools paid
due the Schools the sur of $74.93 from the tax collections to Dec. 16th, I move that.
$74.93 duo from
tax collections
It b.e allo-sed and ordered paid P.nd the motley appropriated from the General Fund to pey
to Dec. 16th.
uu same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,
Tully, :9ashington and Katterjohn,-5.
Commissioner Pace was excused from the Meeting.
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Commie-
stoner of Publio Finrnoe be authorized and directed to pay the Street Pay -rolls. for
for let half of
Deoembor 19EE,
the first half of the month of Deoorrber 1922,.am011nttnR to $741.19, and $32.97, a '
allowed and
ordered paid.
total of $504.16, r_nd o'hargo'anme to the 9treot Account. Adopted upon call of the
roll by the followinR vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.,-6.
Commissioner Face ro-enterod the Meeting;
G Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that ,the' Lose e
Lease between
City of laduoah
I` dated Vovember 17th, 1922, entered into by and betweon the City of.Faducah, Kentucky,
ani J.".Jofforde',,
property at 1766
b A 'laehin ton Commissioner of public ro tv a J W. effo ds whereby
yL. q , C r. T 1 c1 per,,. rd . J r y
t'adison St.,
'• known as Schaffer iI the City of Paducah leaeos to J. :7.•Jefforde, the propert known me the Schaffer pro.
;!party, located at #1766 Madison Street, for the period of four months from November
P 17th, 1922, be received, filed,.approvad and recorded. Adopted upon cell of the rola`
a b the follo•ain vote: Yeas Ince Pulliam Tull ••9ashington and Katter ohn -5
g -
y �
j� Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the. Commisaioner.
of Public Finance bo, and he is horoby authorized and directed to pay the judpment,'
Judgmont and costs
in action of
a amounting to the Burt: of 4400.00, rendorod in the cotton of Beulah Johnson vs. City of
Boulah Johnson
vs. City allowedj Paducah. to Reed & Duras, Attorneys of. Record, upon the oxooutton of the proyer re-
and ordered paid.:.
ceipt prepared b; the City Soltoitor, ^rhioh ease wan triol at the November Term of
the McCracken Circuit Court 19EE, and the Commisstoner of Fuhlto Finance is also
' h authorized and directed to pay to :9. C. Seaton,, Cork, the sum of W38,46,.,00ste
incurred in the above -styled action, and that e!:me be oharrrod to Costs and snits.
'ds ted u— f th 11 b th f 1] 1 t Y 1 1 d
7 p P o e ro y e o ow ng vo e, eae, lane, is 1 am, T. 1y an
Waehington,-4; Have. Katterjohn,-1.
{ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner
Lan employed ? of Fublia r'inanoe be authorized and directed to employ a man temporarily for the put- .',,•
'temporarily for 4
help In colleo- pose of helping with the collections of delincuent license, at a rate of salary not 'to-
t ions of Jelin- F.
quant lloeuees._�
.. - �. 4 y . n, . -. w -ry!). ...-A.s .. ... _ � ..wT• `•��.y..,'J�1.:1r� l:r y `, r+ ���
Y` ,
' !^ T -5.� � aF r t•er < fin— ' y �Z. r'' -
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
r to.e:oeed $110.00 per month. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote
Yeae, Face, Pulliam, Tully, Aashinaton and Katterjohn,-6.
On motton,the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
ns' r1oG t..oQlc 19 7' i
DECE13M 20TH, 1922,
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commisstonere. held in the Commissioners'
r �'+ O a a u h 'Kentuak on December 20th 1922 at 11:06 A. M. �• z",, 1
} Ohombor -in the Sty Hall. F d an y.
•! 'Upon call of the roll the following ans•.vered to their names: Oommieslonere race. , •{ �: r'� '-
f4 Pulliam, Tully and 'Washington. Mayor Kattorjohn being out of Lhe.Oity, Mayor Pro Tem
Washington presided. a a<
i Mayor Pro Tem YashingLon stated. reasons for call to-wit: For the purpono of allow-1
ing.pay-rolls, for the first half of December, and any other business that might come
:before the Board.
Commiss loner Tully offered the following motion: I move.'that the Pay-roll for
Report!Oom'r.of the first half of .the month of December, 1922, ammmtina to $6392.28, as per tho.rerort!
Public Flnonoe:
of pay-roll :for- of the Oommiuelonor of Public Finance filed herewith, be alloaod and ordered raid and
let half.Deo..
the monoy appropriated ,from the General. Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall'of the 1;.,,;;,i,,�;- V:. ;• '
,5 S roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully and 7ashington,-4. 1 r"i
Commissioner Tull offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll for
Y g
i;Pay-rolle sower .
District ¢3 the first half of the month:of December, 1922, for the 3d District Sewer... •' " ,;::, .
...for first heIf
,of December. ,. Pay-roll..................$719.29 I
y� t :i t ^ " ................ 26.60 fzI'.' • .�
Cash for stamps........... 6.00, a total of $981.49, be allow-I: ;
Z r
ed and ordered paid and the Oommisoionor of lublio Finance be authorize and instructed, {;;
„}..z to d;ay checks against the No. 3 District Seger Fund. Account to pay same. Adopted upon, ,
C t a
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace. Pulliam,Tully and 7ashington,-4 i !
On. motion the Board adjourned upon oall.of the roll by '4 yeas. i 4
9 9,L
err +1 t tt _G".0 J-,60'x. _ _ ... • ` �,1� r
r x�-'• I
fw cur c1..w
L2iaX0 . ! r L
} '• D=23, 26TH. 1922.
: As the Regular Meeting of the Board ofCommieBLonereAoouiredjortDecember 26th
and' Christmas Day, no meeting was held, but a Called rooting was, had to transact the "
. t.
h 8errular buelnooe on December 26th, 1922, at 2:16 o'clock P. M. in the Commissioners
Chamber in the. City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky. Upon ball of the roll the following
answered to their names: Commissioners face, Pulliam. Tully, 7ashinrrton and i:ayor
E:. Katterjohn,-6.
On'motion of,Commissioner Tully the mtnutee of the previous meetings were
r, {;'
s adopted as rend upon call of tho,roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, �N,
f Tully„ 7ashinaton and Katterjohn,-6..
t`Oommtestonor Tully offered the following motion:' The sum of �50.00 bnah ; r`f
having been deposited aith the Commissioner of'.Fublto Finanoe'anA a verbal apnlioatIon �.•-
Malt or Cerbal +^
Bevereae Lioensey'' ,
aranteRe-lic having been made for Ualt-or.Cereal Aevera¢e license. I move that the money be re-
`M•L� M°aary�' oeiv.ed.and license to Bell i'.alt or Cereal Beperaaee,'or any.admiaturee thereof, be
,',Snyder 'k lilson
and.Brother I'_
granted tb,11. L. Megary, Snyder &'Wilson and Brother Hayes, from July let to Deoembor.�,•
•Hayes: ' .; . :. ., , •, ;. -. -� ;•
a•`•` a,., _ 31et'.- inclusive, 1922.' Adopted upon cell of the roll by the,following vote: Yeas. E°s
;`i •{1 •Peoe; Pulliam, •Tully,'Washington.and Katterjohn.-6: