HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 105, December 5, 1922'�.• _ 1 i4 �. r r a. a� , 1 k 'A. rt e�. u'-eAy. .� `f� S 'S, _�.. aye. 3 �`. f t.- i:. r+- r -.s-• • ' � ,-_. ��s-J .... ..,.:... y.,: ,(�.:;a�,..+.' .�.,.�F. •t.1_l+.-.-,-u.:..�.' .:_vf ''..r�+ � ,r:.vL: •X �.t• s..:•c_ Y z -t. ' , � .. Commissioners'. Proceedings' City `of Taduca. 192 r llr:C3'B i 512H. 198£'. At s' Called LleetinR. of the Board of Commissionore, held in the Oommieeionors'. Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y,or.tuoky,.on December 5th, 1922,.at 3:45 O'.olook - P. Si. Upon call of the roll tho.following annwored to.thoin names: Commissioners ti } Pulliam, Tully and `.Yashington,-3; ,Mayor Katterjohn being out of the City, Mayor Pro e t 1 . Tom Washington presided. . f Slagor Pro Tent 7nshington stated roeaons for cell to -grit; For .the purpose of allow- . NIng pay rolls for the last half of tlovember, and any othor buotnoos that might come before the Board. •. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I movethat the accounts for the A000unts for a •last half of the month of tlovember, amounting to $14745.87, be allowed and ordered.,. last half of Ilovember 192E paid and the monoy appropriated from the Con eral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon .call ~ ; of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pulliam, Tully and 'tlanhirigton,-3. Oommlesionor Tully offered tho f ollowing motion: I movn thatthe accounts for tho last.half of tho month of November, for tho,3d District Sewer, as followe; k000unts for Pay Roll...... e ................ 3678 .17 ' lcat half of Accounts .....................217.49, a total of ,$'895.66, be -:.hovomber 1922 i , Sewer Dintriot" allowed and ordernd paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance bQ a,uthorized and in- r, struotod to dra'•v oheol:n apainot the No. 3 Dintriot Sewer Fund A000unt to pay same. 1, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoas,Pulllam;Tully amt lTnshing ton, -3. 4 t Oommiselonor Tully offered the folloring motion;. I movo that tho roport of the t RoporI Com'r. ', Commissioner of Publio Finance for the month of ,tlovember 1928, be,rooeived, filed and 'r ' 11ubI10 Finanoe , For November order,id publiohod in the official nowepapor. Adopted. upon call of the roll by the 1 ti IfolTowing vote: Yeas, 'Pulliam, Tully and Washir:gton,-3. CCommisuioner Tully offered* the following motion; I.move that the ropo rt of ' ,the Report Com'r. 1.1Commissioner of Iublio Finance of the 3d District Sower Fund Account for the month of . rubl to Flnanoo� ;,•:r,• . for Novembor Povombor be received, filed ant onlernd publishod in the offiolal.nnwspaper. Adopted 192E Sowor Dintriot #3upon call of the roll by'the following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully and °AnshlnRton,-3. l? :•;Il. Commi.seionor Tully offore4 the following motion: I move that the bill of .i Illinoio Con- the Illinois Central Railroad Company, emounting.to $54.00, for oar of.00al, be allowed ' trul' Builroad.w er 0om4,any bill' ',and orderod paid and ohargod to llivorside Hospital. Adopted upon call of the roll by 5 of X54.00 al'- I -.7od o ithe following vote: Yoas, Pulliam, Tully ard.Washington,=3. '.. ' Commissioner Tully offerod tho following motion: George M. Oehleohleager T I,huving fl.nishod the dut lea for whioh ho hco boon tomporarlly omp]oyed in the Dopartment Goo, S:.Oohl- i. cohlaoror paid of Publio Finance. I move that the aum of :,EO.1G be allownl him for socvloeo to 4ato. �20.16 uorvl000 i 4; to date. i,Adopted upon call of, the roll by tho following vote: 'fags, Pulllnin, Tully nrd 7nshinq- : ton, -3. On 'motion thi Board 'ad journod upon oall of tho roll by 3 yoaa. ' �..V;IIY:S. W L ,1 i,�-• ,t � CK. fie.. �t DAXlF1f8>ai 11TH. 1922. . At a'Regular Sleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in -the Comm Ioctonore' r Chamber in the City hall, .IAduoah, Kentucky, on December 11th, 192 E. Upon call of the roll the followinganswered to .their names: Commiesloners Peoe; Pullicm, Tully;'_. . �•Aashington and Xa.tterjohn,-5. On motion of Commissioner Tully :he minutes of the hrevious.meetings were 'adopted, as read, upon oall.•of the roll by the folIowinR vote: Yeas, Pace, IulII cm.. 1 p.. ^•�' Win, �. ... - . ..-....�L. .. , .. .s r'` iItF,�'.+�a:.:. - '• .:►., a C.-F+YLL..0 0. a .,...'•r•Sim+i,IM,E4»n•;.;•y_.v,aTi'-�w+}7r..i�✓'�:M'_n,�`•'.�:w'-�.r+.w.•'n.-.n_<•i>�