HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 105, December 5, 1922'�.• _ 1 i4 �. r r a. a� , 1 k 'A. rt e�. u'-eAy. .� `f� S 'S, _�.. aye. 3 �`. f t.- i:. r+- r -.s-•
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Commissioners'. Proceedings' City `of Taduca. 192
r llr:C3'B i 512H. 198£'.
At s' Called LleetinR. of the Board of Commissionore, held in the Oommieeionors'.
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y,or.tuoky,.on December 5th, 1922,.at 3:45 O'.olook
P. Si. Upon call of the roll tho.following annwored to.thoin names: Commissioners
} Pulliam, Tully and `.Yashington,-3; ,Mayor Katterjohn being out of the City, Mayor Pro
e t 1
Tom Washington presided. .
f Slagor Pro Tent 7nshington stated roeaons for cell to -grit; For .the purpose of allow-
NIng pay rolls for the last half of tlovember, and any othor buotnoos that might come
before the Board.
•. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I movethat the accounts for the
A000unts for a •last half of the month of tlovember, amounting to $14745.87, be allowed and ordered.,.
last half of
Ilovember 192E paid and the monoy appropriated from the Con eral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon .call
of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pulliam, Tully and 'tlanhirigton,-3.
Oommlesionor Tully offered tho f ollowing motion: I movn thatthe accounts for
tho last.half of tho month of November, for tho,3d District Sewer, as followe;
k000unts for Pay Roll...... e ................ 3678 .17
lcat half of Accounts .....................217.49, a total of ,$'895.66, be
-:.hovomber 1922 i ,
Sewer Dintriot" allowed and ordernd paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance bQ a,uthorized and in-
r, struotod to dra'•v oheol:n apainot the No. 3 Dintriot Sewer Fund A000unt to pay same.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoas,Pulllam;Tully amt lTnshing
ton, -3.
4 t
Oommiselonor Tully offered the folloring motion;. I movo that tho roport of the
t RoporI Com'r. ', Commissioner of Publio Finance for the month of ,tlovember 1928, be,rooeived, filed and
'r '
11ubI10 Finanoe ,
For November order,id publiohod in the official nowepapor. Adopted. upon call of the roll by the 1
ti IfolTowing vote: Yeas, 'Pulliam, Tully and Washir:gton,-3.
CCommisuioner Tully offered* the following motion; I.move that the ropo rt of
Report Com'r. 1.1Commissioner of Iublio Finance of the 3d District Sower Fund Account for the month of
rubl to Flnanoo�
for Novembor Povombor be received, filed ant onlernd publishod in the offiolal.nnwspaper. Adopted
192E Sowor
Dintriot #3upon call of the roll by'the following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully and °AnshlnRton,-3.
l? :•;Il.
Commi.seionor Tully offore4 the following motion: I move that the bill of
.i Illinoio Con- the Illinois Central Railroad Company, emounting.to $54.00, for oar of.00al, be allowed
trul' Builroad.w
0om4,any bill' ',and orderod paid and ohargod to llivorside Hospital. Adopted upon call of the roll by
of X54.00 al'-
I -.7od
o ithe following vote: Yoas, Pulliam, Tully ard.Washington,=3.
' Commissioner Tully offerod tho following motion: George M. Oehleohleager
I,huving fl.nishod the dut lea for whioh ho hco boon tomporarlly omp]oyed in the Dopartment
Goo, S:.Oohl- i.
cohlaoror paid of Publio Finance. I move that the aum of :,EO.1G be allownl him for socvloeo to 4ato.
�20.16 uorvl000
i 4;
to date. i,Adopted upon call of, the roll by tho following vote: 'fags, Pulllnin, Tully nrd 7nshinq-
ton, -3.
On 'motion thi Board 'ad journod upon oall of tho roll by 3 yoaa.
�..V;IIY:S. W
L ,1 i,�-•
,t � CK. fie..
DAXlF1f8>ai 11TH. 1922.
At a'Regular Sleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in -the Comm Ioctonore'
r Chamber in the City hall, .IAduoah, Kentucky, on December 11th, 192 E. Upon call of
the roll the followinganswered to .their names: Commiesloners Peoe; Pullicm, Tully;'_.
�•Aashington and Xa.tterjohn,-5.
On motion of Commissioner Tully :he minutes of the hrevious.meetings were
'adopted, as read, upon oall.•of the roll by the folIowinR vote: Yeas, Pace, IulII cm..
1 p..
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