HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 103, December 4, 1922' i 1 ...� ..tJ..i..i��..i A.:J4.S..�n-,..��y. Y=:4.i.:.�` i:+•L•-..1+�+'.+'�±:. 'r:.,Yh-..lel � •s••i� L.i.,.-11.x-.--•..J` '' ..
No. -.L l
Commissioners' Proceedings; City V Paducah 192��
D:)CEI 1.3t 47H. 1999.
At a Regular AtoeLing of.tha Board of Oommiesionare, held an the Oommleetonors' '
Chamber,ln Lho city Hall, Paducah, Kontuaky', on Dooember 4th, 1992. 'Upon call cf the'
roll the following answer ad to thou names; OommiBaio.nere Pace, Pulliam,' Tully and
Nashington,-4; Mayor Katterjohn being out of the Otty.Payor Fro Tem ;7aahington pre-
On motion of Commissioner Fulliam the min utee of the previous meetings were
as read.upon call of the. ro]l by the following vote:, Yeao, Pace, Pulliam,
Tully and ,4a0h1ngtm,-4.
Commissioner Tully offarad the following motion; It appearing that S. Y!' Hal
paid an automobile license #1531 the sum of $6.00 from January let, whon.tt should
8.K 9a3fe re
funded 41.60„
paid on Auto-'
have boon ,P..60 from July let to Deoombor 31nt, I movo that tho uum-of 39.60 be 're-
mobilo oane
•; ,ji
funded to him. Adopted upon aa71 of the roll by the following veto; Yoas, Inoe,I•ullin
. � d
Tully and ',Yaohtngton,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that communication
from 1.'arvlok, is*.oholl & Co., Accountants and Auditors of St. Louie, .Mo. be roostved
= 1
' & Oo., to audit
' 4'r a000unts of 441
and filed and that Lhoy be omployed, in aocordnnoo :,`Ith the termn not out In their
City' of Paduoah.1”
to make an audit of.tho accounts of Lho 011y.of Puduoah for the year 1999.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam. Tully and
Oommieoioner Washington'offernd the following motion: I move that the city
Paducah appropriate $60.00 to purchase Red Orose Soaln, and. that -the Oommiseloner
Rod Cron s Scala
;':urohaood to
of Public Finance be Instructed to isnuo chock to Uise Sarah K. Dook,.Ohairman of the
amount of $60.00',
MoCraokon Oou»ty Public Health League for tho'amount of 360.00. and that same be
charged to Miscellaneous Oharitios. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following
vote; Yens, Pace, Full'iam. Tully and :Tnehington,-4:
Commissioner Tully offerad the following motion: The South Ninth Stroot
South b'lnth
Sidewalk Improvarnont Bonin, 9orias V.. totallna $2616.79 having been advartined for
Street utdowalk "NN
Inqu`ovomoht B
ualo, so roquirod by law,and no bide for same havirm boon resolved; I mow that the
bonds delivorud
to Raynollu
Oommisaiornor of Public Finance be anthotized and direotod to deliver theuo bondo to
Bros. I'
Reynolds Brothora. Oontractore, for said improvement. Adorted upon oall of the. roll..
by Lho following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4.`
' F
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.60 havtn:
Cemetery deed
boon paid into the Treasury, no evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that
to Osoar Bryant.'`
deed be executed to Oscar Bryant for LotG4, Block2, on the North aide of Baker
Street, between Ford & Hannan Stroote in Oak Grove Oometory. Adopted upon Call of the
roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Waahtngton,-4.
1 ;3
Commissioner Tully offorad the following motion: ''rho sum of $37.63 having
been paid, Into the Tronsiiry, as evidenood by the rooeipt filed herowith, I move that
Comotory deed 4
to F. M. Horde., ,&.
deed be exeouted to A`. L'. 1{aria, for Lot $44, Block 14, on the Horth side. of Ford'
Street; bet'.veen Hank & Ohamblin Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted..upon sal]
of the roll by the following vote: Yoaa. Paoo,Fu111am,Tully and. `Vanhington,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. The enm of $37.60 having
Cemotory dood,.�;
been paid Into the Treasury. .as evidenood by the receipt filed herewith. I move that
I to Floronoe
deed be executed to Florence Diokurson for Lot $42, Dock4,,on the North atdo of
` Diokarson..
Champlin Street, between Ford & Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon.,_'
call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, pace, Pu111am,Tully and Washington, -4. -
'-..r,}Y 1'•v> «7'^,}P ,=i�n'2•'.T`V""'TJNE:T5T1�.
�,.ti . .w:w. .,.,Yr., - ...« '.!'An�7C. •�'i"F.+,f"�i 2Za'-.'M',.�i�•'a'I-v�'.E^^':7Y.YL:.7>'_::w.'To�i1'?IC,.'p'C".-'.F.fI.
��4r IWR.. S7tt.., l�idfi:Zf>' ;r h "'m" ],'-�. 7 .{'- 'ar'' '7' i ` '✓;3: '1v.4'i::�"r.r..+ .{..' •t :L°;: .. s5 �' L' y :- ,
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Commissioners' Proceedings', City of Paducah 192 --
Commissioner Tully offered
llffed the following motion: The cum of $30.00 having been t°
�pald into the 'Preaeury, as evidonond by the reoolpl; filed horewith, T move that 4oed be
Oomotory Deed , ho-
!p to.F.lnok Monl-
exnouto4 to Alaok i.onifoo for Lot 13, Dlook #3 -olt the Tnut n.tic of llnnnan Street,
1•'fee. twoen billlor b !rank atrooto in Oak Grove Comotory. A4optod upon call of the roll by a:
the follov/ing vote:,Yoao, Paoo, Tulltnm, Tully and Waohington,-4.,
Oommieutoner 'Tully offered the following motion: The num of 360.00 having boon t' H
Cemetery dead
.to J. Tpaid into the Troaaury, as ovtdonood by the r000ipt filed herewith, I move that deed be
.Sledd.' oxeoutod to J. T. 31edd for Lot 14, Block J13, on the South elle of Hannan Street, be
' tneon .flank h hiller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon cell of the roll by C ;
n _ WJ- I .
' the following vote: Yeas Pace Pulliam Tull and Washington,-4.i•;e:
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following; motion; I move that Ltonthly;lot imate
itonthly Lott -Ito. 4 for trunk ]ins sewer .construotlon at District 3A be epproved, and that B. R.
Harding Co., gQrding Company be.nllowod.418.689.61 on said 3stimate. and -that same be ohoraed to 3rd
'for Distrlot i`ye g
3A Sower Dist. Diutriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Vote: Yeas, Pace. 41
� } i 'Pulliam. WaahlntunTully, g -4. f
4' Oommisslonor Pulliam "offored the!following motion: I move that idonthly ::etimato
t1Sonth]y ,at1- No: 6 for trunk lino sever oonatruotlon of District 3B-30 be approved, and that Z. R
Harding Co.. Harding Company be allo'aed $20,329.88 on said r.stimate. aryl that onme be ohargod to t j
:D Lstr tot 3B-30 ' w2s, j
Sower District 3rd District Sewor Fund. Adopted upon call of .the roll.by the following vote: Yoan,
"Pace, Pulliam, Tully and `1ashlnRton,-4. ; 7
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion;, I move-thnt H. H. Pnoe be die I,' 3
`H.H.Faoe a4 Is charged uo an extra patrolman. ,Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; .
charged as nn y�
extra patrol- yens, Peoo, Pulliam; Tully and Washington, -4.
mn.n.. ,
Commissioner Faon,offorod the following motion: I move that James ;Thitlodge be appointed
-;'Jamos ':Yhitledge aa.an extra patrolman, to take offset upon executing the proper'bond. Adopted upon ,.
nppointod ne i' {e
;.nn:extrn pa -,call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fu111nm,Tu1]y and 'laahington,=4. c {
trolman. .�h {
Commissioner Pnoa offered the following motion; 1 move that the report of the
WR eport Chi'nf''of 0hiof of Polios for the month of November 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon �t
<..Folioo for ,!' i
November 19EE: Dollof the roll by the following vote: Yeas,,Pnce, Pulliam, Tully and' Washington, -4'
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion; I move .that the report of the.
"'Rel'ort.OhlofOhiof of the Mire Department for the month of November 192E be received and filed. t� s
!e of Fire Dept ('
' for november'.
.,1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by ths'following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,,Tully and ;
Gommieclonor Iulliam.offored the following, notion: Thal the npeoinl pay rel] ofSp 00 to
ttL I
Street Dopprtmont, nmounting to ,U. 70, bo approved and the Oommisetoner of.Fublio.
Departmont. 't w"
Y • y lrinonoe be' authorinod .and instructed to p►4,v same. Adopted' uron on]1 'of. the roll by the'
g_. $ ,
following vote: Yeae, Pnoe, Pulliam,:.Tullq and :Washington, -4.
Onymo,tlon.tho Board nd�ourned upon odll 'of the roll by 4 ynas.'
,5n ,}.
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