HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 103, December 4, 1922' i 1 ...� ..tJ..i..i��..i A.:J4.S..�n-,..��y. Y=:4.i.:.�` i:+•L•-..1+�+'.+'�±:. 'r:.,Yh-..lel � •s••i� L.i.,.-11.x-.--•..J` '' .. No. -.L l Commissioners' Proceedings; City V Paducah 192�� "i D:)CEI 1.3t 47H. 1999. P. At a Regular AtoeLing of.tha Board of Oommiesionare, held an the Oommleetonors' ' Chamber,ln Lho city Hall, Paducah, Kontuaky', on Dooember 4th, 1992. 'Upon call cf the' roll the following answer ad to thou names; OommiBaio.nere Pace, Pulliam,' Tully and . Nashington,-4; Mayor Katterjohn being out of the Otty.Payor Fro Tem ;7aahington pre- sided. On motion of Commissioner Fulliam the min utee of the previous meetings were A qadopted as read.upon call of the. ro]l by the following vote:, Yeao, Pace, Pulliam, ' Tully and ,4a0h1ngtm,-4. Commissioner Tully offarad the following motion; It appearing that S. Y!' Hal r paid an automobile license #1531 the sum of $6.00 from January let, whon.tt should 8.K 9a3fe re .in funded 41.60„ paid on Auto-' have boon ,P..60 from July let to Deoombor 31nt, I movo that tho uum-of 39.60 be 're- s mobilo oane Li •; ,ji X16:51. funded to him. Adopted upon aa71 of the roll by the following veto; Yoas, Inoe,I•ullin 1 h�. . � d Tully and ',Yaohtngton,-4. tri Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that communication 1!erwtok,6!iLohell� from 1.'arvlok, is*.oholl & Co., Accountants and Auditors of St. Louie, .Mo. be roostved = 1 . ' & Oo., to audit ' 4'r a000unts of 441 and filed and that Lhoy be omployed, in aocordnnoo :,`Ith the termn not out In their f City' of Paduoah.1” I.letter, to make an audit of.tho accounts of Lho 011y.of Puduoah for the year 1999. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam. Tully and Yaahington.-d. �• Oommieoioner Washington'offernd the following motion: I move that the city y. Y"of Paducah appropriate $60.00 to purchase Red Orose Soaln, and. that -the Oommiseloner Rod Cron s Scala ;•,, ;':urohaood to of Public Finance be Instructed to isnuo chock to Uise Sarah K. Dook,.Ohairman of the N'f •' - amount of $60.00', MoCraokon Oou»ty Public Health League for tho'amount of 360.00. and that same be ;•' Pi. charged to Miscellaneous Oharitios. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Pace, Full'iam. Tully and :Tnehington,-4: Commissioner Tully offerad the following motion: The South Ninth Stroot 1'• South b'lnth Sidewalk Improvarnont Bonin, 9orias V.. totallna $2616.79 having been advartined for Street utdowalk "NN Inqu`ovomoht B ualo, so roquirod by law,and no bide for same havirm boon resolved; I mow that the bonds delivorud to Raynollu Oommisaiornor of Public Finance be anthotized and direotod to deliver theuo bondo to �..:' Bros. I' Reynolds Brothora. Oontractore, for said improvement. Adorted upon oall of the. roll.. J by Lho following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4.` ' F Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.60 havtn: Cemetery deed boon paid into the Treasury, no evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that to Osoar Bryant.'` deed be executed to Oscar Bryant for LotG4, Block2, on the North aide of Baker ' Street, between Ford & Hannan Stroote in Oak Grove Oometory. Adopted upon Call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and Waahtngton,-4. 1 ;3 Commissioner Tully offorad the following motion: ''rho sum of $37.63 having been paid, Into the Tronsiiry, as evidenood by the rooeipt filed herowith, I move that tltl, Comotory deed 4 to F. M. Horde., ,&. deed be exeouted to A`. L'. 1{aria, for Lot $44, Block 14, on the Horth side. of Ford' }: Street; bet'.veen Hank & Ohamblin Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted..upon sal] p' of the roll by the following vote: Yoaa. Paoo,Fu111am,Tully and. `Vanhington,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. The enm of $37.60 having Cemotory dood,.�; been paid Into the Treasury. .as evidenood by the receipt filed herewith. I move that I to Floronoe deed be executed to Florence Diokurson for Lot $42, Dock4,,on the North atdo of ` Diokarson.. i Champlin Street, between Ford & Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon.,_' I call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, pace, Pu111am,Tully and Washington, -4. - '-..r,}Y 1'•v> «7'^,}P ,=i�n'2•'.T`V""'TJNE:T5T1�. �,.ti . .w:w. .,.,Yr., - ...« '.!'An�7C. •�'i"F.+,f"�i 2Za'-.'M',.�i�•'a'I-v�'.E^^':7Y.YL:.7>'_::w.'To�i1'?IC,.'p'C".-'.F.fI. ��4r IWR.. S7tt.., l�idfi:Zf>' ;r h "'m" ],'-�. 7 .{'- 'ar'' '7' i ` '✓;3: '1v.4'i::�"r.r..+ .{..' •t :L°;: .. s5 �' L' y :- , �� ,: � . ,,iii '*ti .• Y.N:2 w'`' :.ti:.11G..'Lw�-•-- r Commissioners' Proceedings', City of Paducah 192 -- Commissioner Tully offered llffed the following motion: The cum of $30.00 having been t° • �pald into the 'Preaeury, as evidonond by the reoolpl; filed horewith, T move that 4oed be Oomotory Deed , ho- !p to.F.lnok Monl- exnouto4 to Alaok i.onifoo for Lot 13, Dlook #3 -olt the Tnut n.tic of llnnnan Street, 1•'fee. twoen billlor b !rank atrooto in Oak Grove Comotory. A4optod upon call of the roll by a: the follov/ing vote:,Yoao, Paoo, Tulltnm, Tully and Waohington,-4., 4 Oommieutoner 'Tully offered the following motion: The num of 360.00 having boon t' H i.,;/`► Cemetery dead .to J. Tpaid into the Troaaury, as ovtdonood by the r000ipt filed herewith, I move that deed be .Sledd.' oxeoutod to J. T. 31edd for Lot 14, Block J13, on the South elle of Hannan Street, be ' tneon .flank h hiller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon cell of the roll by C ; n _ WJ- I . ' the following vote: Yeas Pace Pulliam Tull and Washington,-4.i•;e: Commissioner Pulliam offered the following; motion; I move that Ltonthly;lot imate itonthly Lott -Ito. 4 for trunk ]ins sewer .construotlon at District 3A be epproved, and that B. R. Harding Co., gQrding Company be.nllowod.418.689.61 on said 3stimate. and -that same be ohoraed to 3rd 'for Distrlot i`ye g 3A Sower Dist. Diutriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Vote: Yeas, Pace. 41 #3. � } i 'Pulliam. WaahlntunTully, g -4. f 4' Oommisslonor Pulliam "offored the!following motion: I move that idonthly ::etimato t1Sonth]y ,at1- No: 6 for trunk lino sever oonatruotlon of District 3B-30 be approved, and that Z. R Harding Co.. Harding Company be allo'aed $20,329.88 on said r.stimate. aryl that onme be ohargod to t j :D Lstr tot 3B-30 ' w2s, j Sower District 3rd District Sewor Fund. Adopted upon call of .the roll.by the following vote: Yoan, "Pace, Pulliam, Tully and `1ashlnRton,-4. ; 7 c, Commissioner Pace offered the following motion;, I move-thnt H. H. Pnoe be die I,' 3 `H.H.Faoe a4 Is charged uo an extra patrolman. ,Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; . charged as nn y� extra patrol- yens, Peoo, Pulliam; Tully and Washington, -4. mn.n.. , v; Commissioner Faon,offorod the following motion: I move that James ;Thitlodge be appointed §, -;'Jamos ':Yhitledge aa.an extra patrolman, to take offset upon executing the proper'bond. Adopted upon ,. nppointod ne i' {e ;.nn:extrn pa -,call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fu111nm,Tu1]y and 'laahington,=4. c { trolman. .�h { Commissioner Pnoa offered the following motion; 1 move that the report of the WR eport Chi'nf''of 0hiof of Polios for the month of November 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon �t <..Folioo for ,!' i November 19EE: Dollof the roll by the following vote: Yeas,,Pnce, Pulliam, Tully and' Washington, -4' I' Commissioner Pace offered the following motion; I move .that the report of the. "'Rel'ort.OhlofOhiof of the Mire Department for the month of November 192E be received and filed. t� s !e of Fire Dept (' ' for november'. .,1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by ths'following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,,Tully and ; Gommieclonor Iulliam.offored the following, notion: Thal the npeoinl pay rel] ofSp 00 to ttL I Street Dopprtmont, nmounting to ,U. 70, bo approved and the Oommisetoner of.Fublio. Departmont. 't w" Y • y lrinonoe be' authorinod .and instructed to p►4,v same. Adopted' uron on]1 'of. the roll by the' g_. $ , following vote: Yeae, Pnoe, Pulliam,:.Tullq and :Washington, -4. Onymo,tlon.tho Board nd�ourned upon odll 'of the roll by 4 ynas.' ,5n ,}. r. ti ', �. ., -, • .. �r.. r .ri t {, ' it 7 i * ,. .. ' . ,.� � . �p�(.a-73•.« � .'• � t �.1✓_ T•7rr� tT _hL17 t4 ` ti !r t`rl x Jd. �.. �; s t} t .► II{ r!I 4. `•vA'YQR � Y � t r 2'Y gra rt �'i�r c7S t 1t .r',.. •rt 'r _ 4 [, .�,t li f � k. 1. t ��� � 1 .. tr t ,tai '] � �! � 'i.': 7 , •� ' , G , ' f • r r,. LLi S' f ? �lr -J. ... _- .. �x+r: a. ..i'•..,t r,4 w i_ ✓ ez i vw++.�l i _.. `. we .. :-. -• t*e-4iii_' ..1 rstt,.. .�.. p:•: C:,a ,V.a : r11.. t:ii;]..,;Y�.? : hq'p s, ., .. .a .t" e v., .- .... .� - .0 l:.,.�..-ra ,+.?: tM v,:�..r. tc:- .. - .. '