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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 10, March 20, 1922-Na /Q ; Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 102 t ' Ltayor Katter9ohn offered the following motions move that a resolution requiring) [, ,I Mesolution re- quirinRg Paduoah the Paducah Water Company to extend its water mains on Greer Avenue from Eleventh' water Oa. toes-` tend water mine Street'to Twelfth Street, in the City of Paducah. Kentucky, n distance of appaosimster " �> on Greer Ave. , pp beta.IIth B,lEth7 ly Zee feet, be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeas, Streets. pace, Pulliam, Tally, Washington and KatterJohn, =6.. s ; ` On motion the Board adjourned;upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. l' Ai0P1od MARCH 17TH. 1922._ MAYOR. j , .' At a Called Meeting of,the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' {' f Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kontuoky, on Yaroh 17th. 19EE, at 10 o'clock A. M. }• E k Upon call of the roll the following answered to their name®: Oomminsionare ?(Loa. Pulliam;.. Tully and waahington,-4, L'ayor.Katterjohn being out of the City, Mayor Pro Tom Waahing-L' ` ` ton presided. Mayor Pro Tem Washtngton stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of reoeiving and filing the report of the Board of Equalization, and such other busineea X,t t as may come before the Board. Report Board :Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of, of Equalize- i �r 1 'tion, received, the Board of Equalization be received, filed and approved. and that they be relieved filed and , approved. from further duties at this time: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: , Yoao, Pace, Pulliam. Tully and waahtngton.-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The Board of Commieoionore ` t •.. desire to estond, their thanks and appreciation to the members of the Board of Equaliza- _` ,-;'.;•;.;:. ' ? `i'- ' tion for., their conscientious and painetakinR work in equalizing the aseeoemonts for thn yodr 1922. We realize the hard work that was nooesoary to bring about a proper t4r t: Vote of thanksx` the Board of equalization of assessments, in view of the depreciation of values of morohandteo and rI t� .of r, • 0owl aatoner e to the Board the unonttlod condition of the manufacturing and retail buoinoee at this time and we t' of aquallza- r.. tion. . know the efforts that have boon put forth by the members of the Board in order that a II v; true eqiusli%ation oould be made that would sive juattoo to all parties concerned. r - Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoo. Pulliam, Tully and r Waohtngton,-4. a . Oommieoionor Pulliam offered the followinR motion: That the aprotntmnnt of , ` Davo Counoil apolntod as Dave Council as Chain Gang Bose be ratified end that police powers be conferred upon Chain Gang Hose him by this Board of Commissioners, the salary o4 said Council to be $66.00. r r Adopted.upon call of the roll by tha following voter Yeae. Pace, Pull 1am,,Tully. and } ' Vii, .. Washington; -4. On,motton the Board adjourned upon -call of the roll by 4 yoas. 19 V '_""1 a"-'r�+..►i ^�MA.�fni;. d: �e r'ijq. CJI, CI.K_ t ,. MARCH 20TH, Mi. £r n ! :, .• At .a Begaldr Meetina of the 9oard: of Commiaetonore,. hold in tho Commisoionere' • •• - ;y , Chamber. in the City :Hall. Paducah, Xentucky.- on }.'.arch 20th.,... 922. ,Upon call of the roll ,the, following answered to,.their,names Commissionere Paoe Pulliam,.Tully f� r x " Washington and Mayor.Kattor,ohn,-8 ;.On motion'of Commissioner Tully, the minutes of, the previous meetings wore''.."!, 'as Adoptedrend upon gall of ,the..roll,by. the following vote! Yeae Paoe; Fulham, a. .. },• Tully, Peehinaton,and Kattorjohn; i. :.t. n, `. Fe r .,, a, to --' ti': Il—f` `.� tl ii',' h ,•y .IL'.:-..' , `` ,y�_•.•r. 1':dvl:: �•2.: •i1.Q...Y Ir. .>.. -. iJY:a. r* . J•l� K r y.., r a[.�wn .yya„w_.".. P.YN:i.�.t'Y-.l i r' • , d. Commissioners' Proceedings,' City of Paducah {'192_- Mayor Xattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication 5 Communication �� from Miss Dow 9usbands, President of the Board of s`inoatfon,; enolostng.00py of Resole ','President Board of;;i 0 ucation, rela- tion' requestina'that 65V be. levied on each jj100.00 of the assessable property of the tive to Tax levy City of Paducah, and a sum not exceeding 15V forthe purpose of,oreatinit. a sinking for Public Schools.. if fund for the payment of principal ani irterost on School .Bonds. be received, filed end c± (" ;i cs F spread upon the minutes. ` Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, i� Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 'Washington,-6. .Said Communication being as follows:- � "Paducah. Yy., March 10, 1922. +?? I! Hon. F. W. Katter john, Mayor, and } Board of Commissioners of the +1 City of Paducah. Yentuo)';;. I� Gentlemen:- I am hnndfng you herewith copy of resolution adopted by the Board of :Auoation at their rogular meotir.a on ?.'arch 6, 192P., whereby a tax of 66V on the .•r�[ {I � Communication $100.00 asooceed valuation le loviM upon the real and personal property of the t u City of IaAuoah for 1922, for the purpose of proluotncr the enm neoensary to sup- Preuident Broad h, port and maintain the pbblio schools for 1922,.]nno the ostimateo amount.-to be of =duoation re=" received from the State Common School Fund. lative to Tax �� Levy for Public, 4 You will also find copy of another reno]uttan adopted at the same Schools. moe,ing, whereby a tax of not. exceeding IV ie loviod upon the roal'and personal.. pra:6rty unsnusod for 7222, for the purrono of oroatina a sinkinc fund for the ; paym:ert of the school bordu, also for raying the tntoront on came. You aro reapootfu31y roquostod to add.this tax to and tro7udn same 1 'in the rem,lar tux bills of the city oontainirm thn oritrary levy, and have same -' p' oollacted as dlreotoA by law. Ronpaotfully, e Dow Huab•.nde, rreoldent: Hoard of: i i:duuntion, raduoah, Y.ontuoty." �. Said Ilosolutionu botna as followu:- Roso]ution paeeodd "B: IT RBSOMM By the Board of Lduoation of the:City of raduoah, Y.entuoky, �. by Board of Jluoa:' that there bo and is row impooeA and levied an ad valorem tax upon the real and personal property of the Uity of raduoah, Kentucky. :cubjoat to taxation for the tion levying a y year 1922, of sixty five Lax of 65V for oonte.t6bV) on the $100.00 valuation of said Property, the same boina r000nnary In the opinion of the hoard of :duoation to prodnoe for said t.1 uohool purposes. y year. ;of 1922 the total ontlmntod sum neoouuary io he rainod to support and mairtain '1'''.'•: : the rub to :Iohools of the Olay of Pnduonh, Y.entuoiw, loon tho nutimutoi oum to be I • ; •� ,• rgooivod from the State .Cummon School Fund."r. f 4.i Resolution passed "BE IT RESOLVr0 BY the Board of 3duoation of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, r that there be end, is non imposed and-levied an ad valorem tax upon all the real i by Board of riIuoa- end oruonal tion levying e ! F property tr. the City of Paducah, Y.ontuoky, bahjoot to taxation for the'.. tax of 15V for year 1922, of not fifteen Dente (W) on the $100.00 valuation of said 1'I' Sinking Fund to '••property, name being necessary to create a sinking fund. for the payment of the bonds " pay school bonds .,of the City of Paduoah, issued for school purposes, dated January AS. 1920; end for ,I. ant i.ntorost. .;.the purpose of paying the interent on said horis rhon and an Aue.11 "Na. the underaimod, Dow Huabards, Trentlent of tl,o Board of Education of Paduoah, Kentucky. and Ina Rolloton, Secretary, do hereby oortlfy thr.t the fore- Rosulu1 � Roiry tions were duly ado::d pted by tl,.o Board of uoation of th.o City of raduoah ', Yontuoky, at a meeting. of natd board hnld to the City of Paduoah,'Y.ontuoky, on the ' + 8th day of V.aroh, 192E, and Raine is hereby oortiftnd to tho Board of Comminniorere of.eaid City for the attontio'n of Ruoh Oonmiealonoru, an the low Airnats. _i. a.. This Larch 10, 1982. DOW HU,IMMS. P11SID1:11T BOARD OF 13 ATTi:3T:- 4DUCATIO11 CI'T'Y OF PADUOAH. Y.ENTUCYY t IBA ROLLS'POI1, SECREMY." ; Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the-following motion;I move .that the communication CommunIca tion A. from James M. Lung, County Judge, relative to the Anti-Tuberculosis 9anitorium,. be James Y. Lang,' County Judge, in ? received and filed. Adopted.upon call of the roll by.the follo'•vina vote: Yeaa;.Paoe,.. re Anti-Tubercu- 2. losis.Sanitorium.� Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-b. X Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion:. That the City Solicitor Retention Ordl- be instructed to draft a Retention Ordinance and present same to the next regular rznoe. meeting of this Board. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yeas, k ll Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y•atterjohn.-5. *John Tor to Commissioner fullinm offered the followimt motion: That John Torian be al ]owed $22.00 allowed the sum of 92.00 for boringe.on Sewer District #3 and that the Commissioner a for Borinas on SoneriDlet. #3. of Finance be lr.struoted to ray same out of the Sower District $3 Funds. .Adopted ' a upon oal.l of the roll by the following vote: Yens. raoo, Pulliam, Tully, -Aaohinaton f' 3 V� and. ' ,. av;^,� F J-c-.x.,. ,.:o.. ..-r.. _. r.,.. � �w.,s.--•--"7'7?�9T,f'.�dr?"t"'"°ry'�:>ryx}tr"T,F�'""' ''...... r,•ar �, J+�". . �.�••� ^t T . +b-t;kw•<.�7, +"i?�'*�'rr(�'",�'y:f" ct• c��g`-T,���vly h :� V.i, .r •1 >'. j, /�` y ;. , r • ^ - ,, � � kms, ' r "`pial•'- I t.� .^ 7! ,,, 's 1 1' Commissioners° Proceedings; City. of Paducah t' ' 192-` !' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of'the roll by 6 yeas. t ( rre Adopted,/% 27 I9 U2- APpRO V'r� ►J I ., :`;. . F/tr S iiWb W MAYOR. To;SI t t` PARCH 21ST. 1929. r At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' 1 ti t Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on March Elat, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. 6; y Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully. i y II ti` L. Washington and Mayor Katter john, -4. - k i Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -grit: To allow pay -roll for first ; Y Y tt t r1 half of March, and any other business that might come before the Board. �+ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the accounts for..,:}" { Pay-ro•,]:forr r Y ftrat half of, r t ; µ L'eroh 1922. 'the first half of the month of March amounting to $7648.00, as per the report of the I l i Comr esioner of Public Finance filed herewith. be allowed and ordered paid and,the �. mono y appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oalI of the roll :r', cps jyyggr by the following veto: Yens, race, '!hilly; 7aehington and. Katterjohn.-4..' Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. ' 1 Commise±.oner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll for r, §iW Tay -roll for the Third District Sewer for the first half of the month of raroh, amounting., to '$668 50� 1t i I • . .+ { 3rd DistriotJ , Bower for first De allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized ani instructed to dram t ! i half of Karoh . •r s�: 1922.checks against the No..3 District Sewer Fund to pay same.- Adopted upon ga71 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe.Pulllam.Tully,Washington and Katterjohn,-b.. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the Commissioner of y. �f Commiseionor:, Of #' ,Fublio Work �,'rub]to '.7orke be allowed $23.30 for 'expense of •se�irer trip to 3t. Louis, and.128.44 far f i expense® to' 8t.LonI and 'expenses of trip to Louisville, making a total of.$81.74, and that the Cori Issioner. of f" i Louisville for I. � 1 j. $51.74 allowed k Finance be instructed to pay Emma and oh^-rve t0 Sewer, District #3. Itemized state- in 8e. 3rd Dist! 1 1 t Sever merits attached. f ST. LOUR. • .ti �. OUI3P] li r°. L 17.c. , Railroad Fare.... Railroad Fare........ ,$10.8b ;? i Ti .25' Porter ................. .50 i } r.: Railroad ...............]0.43" 'Taxi................... .40 .... �.�A Car Fare ...... ........07' Heals .................. 3.90 3urpor....... 1.70 Telephone .............. .41 tTaxi ..................... .70- r. ' Railroad Fare.......... 10.88 +t x r ` Telephone.......... :06' �r." i Car Fare......... ... 07 Tip ...................: ... .20 rr.b Taxi...... ... ze�'d 1.40 TOTAi........ ? Adopted upon.ca71 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-b. I r Y t. On motion tho Board adjournod upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. AdopiedI9 m A7 ; w yYtN � rr APPROVFil:i:� + ' , CAP k t'Y ` 's4�",Kids MARCH 27TH. 1992. At u Regular Mesting of the Board of Commissioners, held. in the Commissioners' t= . , y',' 'i I •I Chamber in .the. City Fall, Paducah. Kentucky. on Mar oh 27th, 1922: Upon call of the r 611 the"followirg answered -to their names::,Paoe, Tully,'Vashington and Mayor Katterjohn 4 ` O Y� '7 `t a On.motion of.Commissioner Washington the mtnutee'ox tha previous meetings were ¢ adopted as read upon'call of the roll by the following vote Yeas, Paoe, Tully. Washing -f t ,t r ton and Kotierjohn,=4. � 'Commisetoner Pulliam entered'the Commissioners'*Chamber,' W r i tf 5l _ e...j.a• :4:, �.. ..l.. .. i..LF,'e:.. �,=;4: :,+i+.-.':fF.'.n:.,L.:� cze .�..rv- w.. . ;-an•, _...r. u--t.+.a: _ s=.:. n,i$'. ...