HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 95, September 27, 1915I
Commissioner's Proceedings, Citv of Paducah FlAmtAm or ifth Iola
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold In the Ocunall
Chamber In the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. an September 27th, 1916,.the Board
adjourned -out of respect to Dr. 7. 0. Brooks, doo*aaod. who was buried on this
date. to most on SEPT. 28th'.1915, at four o0clook P. M.
A 1P. R 1 0, V MA ID
0 DAAYUit.,
SzPTBJG= 48th. 1915 a
JA an adjourned meeting of the Board of Oommisoloners, held In the Council
Chamber In the Olty Hall. City of Paducah. Kentucky, September 28th. 1915, upon
can of the roll the following answered their nams83 Dame, Harelip, Marton. Val -
lace and Washington, 6..
On motion the minutes of the previous meetings w Sept. BOO and Sept.' Bad -
were adopted an road, upon call of the roll by the following votat Yeas, Burns..-
Haselip, Marton. Wallace and JAahington - 6.
On motion by Member Burns. a refund of #4.00 was granted to A. Gain*@ to
reimburse him for flags paid for operating lunch wagon after he had paid:llaanso,
upon call of thawroll by the following vote: Yeas. Burne. Hasolkp, Marton, Wallace
On motion by the above..Dr.,,V. H. Persons was allowed $30.00 for services
rendered Wiley MoOormiak &a first aid, carried upon call of the roll by the following
vote: Yoga, Burns., Marton and Washington- 3. Bays: Haselip and Wallace -.P.
On,motion by.Uomber Marton, that the amount of $3108.00 be allowed and
check Issued for same, an rent for 499 fire hydrants, from June 30, 1916 to Sept.
so. 1915. In favor.of the Paducah Water Company. carried upon call of the roll by
the-folloing.vota*- Yeae. burns, Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Weahington 5.
On Motion by Member Washington. the payroll of the street department for
the weak ending Sept. Bath. amounting to 1164.00, not covered by ordinanao'.a.nd paid bl
cash order. was resolved and filed upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yoga
Burns. Haselip, Marton.. Wallace and Washington 5.
On motion by the above., James Coyle was given a three weeks vacation with
pay, upon call of the roll by the following%votp: Yeas. Bums. Marton. V - allaos and
. . .......... .
Washington,'- 4.. Bay: Haselip. 1.
-On motion by the above.' the matter of opening up 19th street between Monroe
� 9--
And Madison. along B. R..Bradehaw'a*line, was referred to the Oommiselonere as a
whole and the City Solicitor, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Y088.
Burns. Haselip, Marton* Wallace and -Washington.- 6.
On motion by Member Marton., transfer of the saloon license was g'riatod.
from Henry Cause at 432 S. 7th-3t.-to,Jamee Ward. 1301 Harrison Street. mr.*Ward'
offered as his bond the Equitable Surety Jompany of St. Louie. upon call of..tbo roll
by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Hasellp, Marton, Wallace and, WiehIngto n - 5.
On motion by Member Washington, that the proposition of a. sewer .on South
Third street be deferred until the next meeting so that the matter may be.thorou ghly.-