HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 94, September 23, 1915.,,..yw: v�. ..:;an.r'u'r-.!.IcM••-•+ a.,�,..-.rev, ••+, �. "y '.') 14":� f...- "' . ?�) W'k •�, ..-h },r .•fir fc t-'' � vt "!',. � r�wL• :ii ,,;t' -x S i.,,r�2 '.r . ,'�•.. - ;,,.,,.5 -:.�, �� r _ ter;•., i' .t•,. ="1, %1"a,.+-,1...,4, ✓'�.: •s. *.c. Imo_ r + Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah September E3 19! 6 y" y At a called meeting of the Board of Commissionere, held in the Council Chambor in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Ky..On September E3, 1916,"upon , .. 4 call of the roll the following answered their names: Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by &umber Burns,>iot the request of lir. W. D. Thomas. for a transfer of saloon license from 434 Dorton Street to 786 S. Third Street t ""�'• be denied, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Burne. j Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington -'6. A. o On motion by 11ember Wallace. the following Resolution was. ' adopted WHEREAS:- By tho will of Mrs. W. J. abrams of Louisville, .i F Xy*,provioion wuu mado.for the erection of a memorial fountain, in memory of , her futhor"lion. .Ouour Turnor, and i !� WHEREnSI- The library lot 9th and Broadway was seleoted,,as s .'. the beat site. and the fountain there created, and i. c,1 WHEREASi- The erection of the fountainat that polnt nooessitnted the re-laying of the concrete walks at an expense of 4460.00, and , V7HF.,-1EA3:-" 11r. W. J.. Abrams has donated towards the payment ;.- of the walks the sum of 4160.00, leaving a balance of X300.00, and i Y WHEREAS:- The Library Board hae.agroed to pay.the x300.00,'' r'.'• THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED that SL Is the sense of the 'Board of , +� •t; , r'. ? City Commiesionere,''that in view that the fountain was a gift to the City of Paducah, and erected upon•the library lot, the title of whiah is vented in C the City of ,Paducah',' the City should roimburso the library board to the amount of.4300.00"either from funds yet to oome.into the treasury before January •. . 'hret'. 1916,.• or to be provided forin the next yeur's tax apportionment s ordinance.. upon call of. the roll by the "followii:g vote: Yope, Burno, Huzelip, liarton,,.. j Wail000 and'Wachington - Lt". On motion the.Board'adjourned upon oall.of the roll .by the following vote: Youc, Burno,•Hazolip,.L'arton, Wallace and Wuahington - 6.' t j LilyJai , ;.- 1'i•' jt.�w:••,aV:4':p::.'s•' S'(_.'�-aLid:4..: t�':i..t1 h. nZ.��.. .sv'5,.. 1•ui:r.:. �.I�a.1y ,.e:.....•W . ev- )r.i r✓au.u•:,,...., w:.a• t�..a::.:.�.., .:L•_ -,+c a_.::5,.'YI:�ri•A'•-