HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 93, September 20, 1915r:�. ...._. .. ..m..�.«=sn�--- ._..may......-.Yr,W+'YNJ[:.nCr'_:LchllCLvr:(.4�RY.Tor�s l'v.q+.::,I'.r C {. ,,..,,..•.ham...:.:/. 1,•irF `�rl� c \ti : Ji
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City, of Paducah September 200 1918
q - At a regular meeting of.the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounail
ii Ohamber, in the City Hull, Paduoah, Sentuoky, on September 20th, 1916, upon gall ~"
II of the roll the following answered their names: Burns, Hazelip, Marion,
Wallsoe and Washington . 6;
On motion, the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as reud, upon '
oell of the roll by the following veto; /Burns, Hazelip,,Liarton, Wallaoa and
Washington _ 6.
On motion by Member Marton, the transfer of saloon lioenso at 121 9, 9eoond
Street was granted from J. S. Rothrook to E. G. Rothrook ut the saae.number Ltr,.�'
•:_. ��/(� Q�• � �� �
E. G. Rothrook offered as his bond Deposit Fidelity P G De Company of Ltarylnnd.
upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton,
Wallaae and Washington - 6.
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On motion by Mayor Hazelip, a transfer of the saloon liaonse from 011ie
Bryant to W. D. Thomas at 434 Dorton St. was granted upon oull of thll by
oa ro
vote; Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Murton, Wnllnoe and Washington- b.
On motion by Ltember Marton, that the transfer of saloon lioonae of 1;. D.
Thomas at 434 Norton St. to 726 S. Third St. be postponed for investigution.until
Thursday, Sept. 23d . ourried upon null of the roll by the following vote: Yeu's
Burne', Huzelip, Liurton. Wulluoe and Washington = b.
On motion by Member Burne, the City Solioitor was inetruoted to propare u
dead .to.n lot in Oak Grove Cemetery that dosoanded'to the Weatherford he ire,. Ton..
�,F «�
veying lot to said heirs, Tama to proteot the City against olnimr of unknown
heirs, ourried upon oull of the roll by the follo�ang vote: Yeas liunis Hazeli
. P.
kurtoa, Wullaoo and Ylaahington . b.
On motion by Member Wullaoe, a deed wne grunted_Linry Cruham to lot 29 in
blook 3 now addition in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon oull of the roll by the following
vote: Yeas, Burne, liazolip, Morton, Walluoo and lYuehington - 6.
On motion by LIombor Washington, the payroll for the atroot dapartment for
the weak ending 9ept.l3th, 1916, not oovored by ordinanoe and paid by oash order,
was rooeivod and filed upon oull of the roll by the following'vote:'.Your, Burns,
Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe and Washington - b.
On motion the hoard adjourned, upon oull of the 'roll by the following vote;
Yeae, Burns, Hazolip, Ltarton, Cnllaoo and Washington - 0,
OJ City'nr'k
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