HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 93, September 20, 1915r:�. ...._. .. ..m..�.«=sn�--- ._..may......-.Yr,W+'YNJ[:.nCr'_:LchllCLvr:(.4�RY.Tor�s l'v.q+.::,I'.r C {. ,,..,,..•.ham...:.:/. 1,•irF `�rl� c \ti : Ji Y, vyit'"t�T r7ti`��.fet�r'e,;•. ����'�tiY lY"tM^�t+` _ a 1r IXI �Y' - 1V b )' £.4 tit}' y�i ':+'t''•�� rt ',� ',t't'. ' ' .'—•._3. .'A 1° t .. ),.�..• 1 �„}r.i. + t ...r.: Nu �L a-> Commissioner's Proceedings, City, of Paducah September 200 1918 q - At a regular meeting of.the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounail ii Ohamber, in the City Hull, Paduoah, Sentuoky, on September 20th, 1916, upon gall ~" II of the roll the following answered their names: Burns, Hazelip, Marion, .1 Wallsoe and Washington . 6; On motion, the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as reud, upon ' Yeus- oell of the roll by the following veto; /Burns, Hazelip,,Liarton, Wallaoa and Washington _ 6. On motion by Member Marton, the transfer of saloon lioenso at 121 9, 9eoond tom, Street was granted from J. S. Rothrook to E. G. Rothrook ut the saae.number Ltr,.�' l •:_. ��/(� Q�• � �� � E. G. Rothrook offered as his bond Deposit Fidelity P G De Company of Ltarylnnd. upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaae and Washington - 6. 1G.���* ► --� On motion by Mayor Hazelip, a transfer of the saloon liaonse from 011ie r: II Bryant to W. D. Thomas at 434 Dorton St. was granted upon oull of thll by oa ro following r' I vote; Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Murton, Wnllnoe and Washington- b. On motion by Ltember Marton, that the transfer of saloon lioonae of 1;. D. Thomas at 434 Norton St. to 726 S. Third St. be postponed for investigution.until `. Thursday, Sept. 23d . ourried upon null of the roll by the following vote: Yeu's Burne', Huzelip, Liurton. Wulluoe and Washington = b. On motion by Member Burne, the City Solioitor was inetruoted to propare u � dead .to.n lot in Oak Grove Cemetery that dosoanded'to the Weatherford he ire,. Ton.. �Ga�ll �,F «� IL veying lot to said heirs, Tama to proteot the City against olnimr of unknown Y �. ;t heirs, ourried upon oull of the roll by the follo�ang vote: Yeas liunis Hazeli . P. (' kurtoa, Wullaoo and Ylaahington . b. 1 4 On motion by Member Wullaoe, a deed wne grunted_Linry Cruham to lot 29 in •' I blook 3 now addition in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon oull of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, liazolip, Morton, Walluoo and lYuehington - 6. y On motion by LIombor Washington, the payroll for the atroot dapartment for the weak ending 9ept.l3th, 1916, not oovored by ordinanoe and paid by oash order, ; j was rooeivod and filed upon oull of the roll by the following'vote:'.Your, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. '+ I On motion the hoard adjourned, upon oull of the 'roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, Hazolip, Ltarton, Cnllaoo and Washington - 0, of 3 OJ City'nr'k , :5 •+, t .i Fir •I•; r