HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 82, August 13, 1915No.�_ Comm'issioner's • i d _• - - ,. .. i '`' 1 � roe}` a 'rI s ..I •. City of Paducah - . ntrust. lath 191. At a palled meeting.of the Board of Commissioners, held in the : I Counoil Chamber of the City .Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on August 13th, 1916; '.. upon oall of the roll the following answered their names: Burne, Heaslip, Marton', Uallaos and 'Washington - 6. I was C_ /; d A oommunioation/pr.esented.to,the Board of Commissioners by Commissioner L. A.'Washington, notifying them of the foot that he had awarded t the oontraot to Winston Bros. for the oonstruotion of Outfall Sewer in the... oontemplated Sewer Dietriot No. 3 of the City of'Paduoah, as they Tiara the lowest and best. bidder. No notion was taken. On motion by Member Burns;:that'it be the sense: of the Board -: G.. of Aommiesionore.that the outfall sewer in the proposed .Sewer Dietriot3 a u be built of briok, the first eeotion thereof, with oonereto Yonndution, the contiaot to be awarded.to the lowest bidder,- no aotion taken on the abovo. •;'. .� On substitute motion by Member Wallaoe; that "CUING TO THE SERIOUS sl.• . DIVFERF110E OF OPIVION REGARDING THE MERITS OF BRICK AND CONCRETE SEVERS, and y,`•!' REALIZING THAT THE BUILDING OF THE Li AIN SEC:EF. FOR 110. 3 DISTRICT DEPENDS UPON THE ISSUE' OF SEr,ER.BONDS, AND FEARING THAT THE ACCEPTAVOE OF EITHER BID ' FOR BUILDING THE PROPOSED.SECTION OF SEW 1(IGHT DEFEAT SAID BOND I33UE, AIID; t f WHEREAS, AS IT NOW APPEARS IF SAID BOND ISSUE SHOULD BE DEFEATED SaID SECTION I. i WOULD NOT BE. AVAILABLE FOR USE FOR ANY PURPOSE AND WOULD' AMOUNT TOM SIIiKINO 1° . OF'IIEARLY. SI%TY THOUSiND DOLLARS OF THE PEDPLE9 140IIE1f.. F'ITHOUT ANY CHANCE OF; , ,.. R OOMPLETION, I THEREFORE HOVE THAT -.ALL BIDS BE REJECTED AVD THA! A,BOND-ISSUE rI: �•. t` .' BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS OF PADUCAH AT THE IIEXT GENERAL ELECTION", oarried :i N.' upon oall,of the _roll by the following votet Yeas, Harelip, ilnlleoe and lc.: .. Washington - 3. Naye, Burne and Marton. E. c On motion the Board adjourned,.upon oall'of the roll by the t. following vote: Yeas, Burne Haselip, Barton, Walleoe and Washington - 6. j `•t �•; , - Cicy e c{yY' J I