HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 811, February 6, 1922At a Called Meeting,of .the Board of Oommieeioners, held inLhe Oommiseionere'1. a-'M4%Fixns I,a ^n vtjsr•sr.�e. - . ,"i•H Krp_ -h -p.''v'•Ip pts i 4 y[•' , 7•. - .T'•,± ,� f,t �1 '*Cf is ^'�:5S5ro x J. Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah Kentucky. on February 3rd, 1992, at 10 o'clock A.M. .a.n•:� Jr �: Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Pace, 1 Pulliam, Tully,.aaehington and Vayor Katterjohn,-8.', 1'ayor,Katterlohn stated reasons for call to -wit: .For the purpose of, eatenAing - • iyT_ ;•��.doa t,: lt.'fT.-N. G'�,..t_y r. s.n. m+, r.,c� t•tv �:a�siY1 �{fix . 4 Y..<!-. s• �I.lt.-r `�'Z"�'N . ..t' .. .. . ^� the Board.. Commissioner Tully.offerod the followir.g.motion; I move that the time of Board of EqualisaJ the. sittingof the Board of Equalization be extended to and inoludin Rebruar 28th tion -time of Bitt-a 4 g y ,,,;, ,. ons extended to. 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Faoe, Pulliam Fab. 28,1922. a Tully; Baehington.nnd Katterlohn,-6. Na 611 - gOn motion the Board adjourned upon as 11 of the roll by 8 yeas;" a, Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah Adopted AF's'='1;.l:C'_� At a Called Meeting,of .the Board of Oommieeioners, held inLhe Oommiseionere'1. }. x J. Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah Kentucky. on February 3rd, 1992, at 10 o'clock A.M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Pace, 1 Pulliam, Tully,.aaehington and Vayor Katterjohn,-8.', 1'ayor,Katterlohn stated reasons for call to -wit: .For the purpose of, eatenAing the time of the Board of Equalization, and any other busireos that might come before" '''''•i' ^� the Board.. Commissioner Tully.offerod the followir.g.motion; I move that the time of Board of EqualisaJ the. sittingof the Board of Equalization be extended to and inoludin Rebruar 28th tion -time of Bitt-a 4 g y ,,,;, ,. ons extended to. 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Faoe, Pulliam Fab. 28,1922. a Tully; Baehington.nnd Katterlohn,-6. Y. gOn motion the Board adjourned upon as 11 of the roll by 8 yeas;" a, 9 Adopted AF's'='1;.l:C'_� City C { V Y -L" 113A40 �' tf;;. i FEBRUARY BTA. 19EE, ;r 9 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' .{ '/ Chamber in -.the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 6th, 19EE, Upon call of the roll the followirg answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully,.xaehirgton and Al Mayor.Katter ohin,-4. 4; ' sE'.:is On. motion of .Commiseioner 17ashington the minutes of the: previous meetings, were '. adopted as read,:upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Faoe, Tul]y, F Raehington arid:latterJohn. -4.. 1: !payor Katterjohn offered the following motion: 'I move that the report of the . Report McCracken. Co. Public Health McCracken County.Publio Health League for the .month of January 1922 be received and r!y Leamuo for Jan. _. . y� 1921. filed. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, race. Tully, i Saohington and Katterlohn,-4. Commisaioner Tully offered the following motion:' The sum of $100.00 having been Abe Marcoffsky, deposited, topethor with application for Malt or Cereal Beverage license, I-movp that E J902 Taehington St. Lioerse to license to sell Valt or Cereal Beverage. "or an admixtures thereof. be g y granted to Abe sell Malt or i Cereal Beverage. L'arooffsky at '§901 :7ashirgton Stroot, from January Int to December 319t, inclusive. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yese, Pace. 7017, yashington 4, "'Sw u; and Katterjohn,-4, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $50.00.havinq been depooltod, toP..ether with application. for Balt or Cereal Boverame lioenee, I move that y D•F. Temple, Browne license to Bell Malt .or Cereal Beverage or any admixttaoo .thereof, Do arantod D.F. , ..to St. I.^..Hotel Licor.se to Bell Temple on Brown Stroet, at property known as I.C.Hote1, iron January ]at to June 30th !'alt, or'Cereal Beverage; ir.olusive. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Paoe, Tully, , 1g 17ashin_vton and Katterjohn,-4.. r` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sun of $50.00 havlrg'boen Roy Rudolph. 4•,.do ooited.,together with application for malt or Cereal Beverage License. I move that . $1301 Harrison. r 3t. 110once to 11'00noe to 0811 Nal.t or Cereal Beverano, or any admixtures thoreoi. be granted to, sell L:alt or )I Cereal Boverage. Roy Rudolph, at #1301 Harrison Street, from January lot to Juno 30th, inclusive., '{=' a Adopted upon Bell of the roll by the followirg vote; Yens, Paoe, Tully..7aahington and Kat ter John. -4.' f} . ..:. �i Ali t A :' _ .. ... _. .-.,_,. _,-....,. .:.. r•; acs...:,. .. ,.•.. rv.. -, ' :,. ss• uM �; - N0._©1 �.i •qr, ��1'i .. Coinfiiissioners' Proceedings; .City. of Paducah 4°� rTa 192 e. ?t .' Roport Comer. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for ' +i Pub] I Finance of accounts forthe ,lsat half of the month of January, amounting to $41837.67, as per the report of,ths a ]skit half of n„ Jan. 1922. Commissionor of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowedand ordered paid and the, money appropriated from the General Fund to pay came. Adopted upon call of the roll by. the. following vote: Yeae Pace. Tully. Washington' and %atter ohs4. 4•Y' h°;•: S. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that 't he report of i' Rorort Com'r., •the,Commiseioner of Public ,Finance for the month of January be received and filed and rublic Finance V. for the month of orderod published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the F,F Jar. 19EE., following vote;.Yeae, Pace, Tull.7, Washington and Katterjohn;-4. Pay -roll for Commissioner Tully offered the.following motion; I move that the Pay -roll Sy Charity workers'• for ohirity workers on the streets, from Feb. let to 4th, amounting to 69.26.; be el - on the otreete. R $ from .Fob; lot to lowed and orderod " paid and charged to, Charity Account and the money appropriatod from 4th, $69.26. Y: the f:eneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by.the followir"g vote; Yese, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterlohn,-4. ?wa 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 'I move that the .Commission om r.l'ub] io . . s�Finance to,paq or of Publ•lo Finance no .authorized and instructed to pay off; take up and canool a offtake' up ani pp� iLjaanoel.note due note of the City of Paducah, due the Amerioan.'LaFranoe Fire.r'Sn ins Co Amer loar. 1AFrano R n+pnrW.' amounting Fire &ngine Co. to $9600.00.st tho Fir at.Hational Bank. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the roll ow- is $9600.06.at lot - .1�.. .. Nntfonal Bank. Ing vote: Yens, Paoe, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4.' f Commissioner Pace offered the .following motion;. I move that. the Report of ; A r, Report' Chief of the Chief of Police ror the month or January 192E be rooeivod and filed.. bdopted upon rs Iolioe for Jan- ti �,.narq.l9EE, call's! tho roll by the following voLe;.Yene,'Pace, Tully. Washington and.Batterjohn.-4> Commissionor Pace offered the following motion.: I move that .the report of Report Chief of the Chief of the Fire Department tor the month of January 192E De resolved and filed.. ;3r.'• Fire Departmont f for. Jen.]9EE. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Tully:,. Washington.' !t !. and Kattorjohn,-4. Commissioner Pace offerod the following motion- I move that the Station Rules Station Rules, .1 ~ts of the Fire'. of tne,Fire Departmont no received and riled. ddoptod upon call of the roll. by the. Dopartmont. ;lf following vote: Yone, Face,. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. a. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: Bdward Sanders having been. 141:•rard. Sandore In cared while on ant patrolman hoe- j y ns a patrolman; and on account of as Id injury incurred hospital its] biz] bills at Rivoreide Hospital, amounting to $169.16, I.now move that said euro be .charged ° .169.76 oharPed off of the books off the books. Adopted upon call of the roll by following vote: Yeae; Paoe, Tully. ' ^" of said Hospital Washington and Katterjohn.-4. Oommieeioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that tho' trans- I. ;tiP. Oomotory axone- for from R. 11.'. Dowd to Mrs. Mollie Duporrieu'to the rear. southwest one -Quarter 'of. Lot for fromR.H. Dowd, to Wee— #280, in 9ootion 18,.Ook Grovo.0emetery, be`ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by s`, Mollf.a `Dupaairienl the following vote:. Yens. Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-4. Gommioeionor Washington offered tho following motion: I move that W. 1;. Yenoy. a. L.Yar.c9 Por be I 4� i, mittod to son Permitted to construct. concrete sidewalks, curb and Rutter in front of hie new.etorei, l� otruot oonordte.. f eidora]ko is. building at. 1706 Tennessee.St.,' said work to be done.1n accordance with grade. plans and; a In front of his specifications propared'and approved by the commissioner of Public Works, and under his ..:f storo building at 1706 Tonneese , t' instructions, snd,t}iaL'enid ComIDi,esioner of Public Works be instructed .to give said W. L.'Yanoy the neooseary stakes free of oharge. Adopted upon call of the roll by -,the +t I following,vote: Yeae, Patio, Tully; Washington and ratterjohn a j go yor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that bonds of Fr ad B?ode of Prod L7�g]ioh ard..W.H. vngliah-ard W, H; Faroe be roleaeo3,. and the sureties on ea id bonds are hereby releoeodf Foroe roloased, and utu`otloe on �! and disahargod.from liability no of thie'daie. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by -the eatd bora o_re- N +� loaned from .following vote: Ydas,,.Paoe. Tully, Tashington aid Katterjohn.-4.' liability on eamd,. i �.. '!r tua[... �y..tl:....i .yy�'{1;t;..1' 'b:.r .:�yu .K• .•,s.•«• .. ;J! -r .n -ti •�.., ?.� , •,y a. >, n n� �,,,sa .r0. f'i'�ti�l'"k' I, n.�r�-,`n,. .rary,n c;ypT-A�•»• .. � +t+ T! f+'xCi`I t �,uv ry_ .tr�M }°-A ?'. C�' � P•' -s tk r11 ..... a+h , 1 i ri ,.. , c. 't ; f 1 '� = �j .. -•,'( i L v�4.—..��,�T':'t� - - r,Ll.r�i.:= lel. 'j -. _ L.:�,.-:JC-".:+••�:.,• 171: '• v..,�^ T) ' - Na 813 i z, CommissionersProceedings, City of Paducah " 192 • ' 1 I' I 171: '• v..,�^ T) ' - Na 813 i z, CommissionersProceedings, City of Paducah " 192 F Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: "I move that an ordinanos .•'? :,. " entitled, "All ORD IIZAVOE AUTIIORI7.00 AHD DIRLOTING THEMAYOR AHD 001IMISSIOIIF,,R OF ' ordinance author- •` Izing and diroating PUBLIC FINAICZ TO BORR0W TYF SUM OF FORTY THOUSAND (840,000.00) DOLLARS FROM TIIL OITY r uayor and Com'r.of Publ io Fir.ano.e to NATIONAL BA ID: OF PADUCAH. YFIITUCYY, 1111) TO 47XFOUTF A NOTE FOR SAID SUM FOR AND' ON borrow840,000.00 "+ from City.Hational BZHALF OF SAID CITY," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; `• ``' r., Bark. f^� Yeae, Paoe, Tully, Wachington and Katterjohn,-4. (i On motion the Board adjourned upon oall'of the'roll by 4 peas. Adopted -- 19 .. i Cat CLti �•'CC �, �y d"i.' I i , �. _ i� _' FFBRUARY 13TH` 1922.:' ..:� At a Regular Y.eetinR of the Board of Oommiseloners, held in the Oommieeionere''' �! _i,• Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 13th, 1922. Upon call of 11 the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiasioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-5. On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the Regular fleeting of the Board of Commie- ..•: eionere was adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, February 14th, 1922, upon Adjournment. ' call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, race, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and. Katter,lohn,-5., 1`t I Adepied 19 _ kPPEZOVEli K F.ZBRUARY 14TH, 1922 At an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Rall. Paducah, Kentucky. on February 14th, 1922, at 2 o'clock P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names;'; Commissioners Pace. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. On motion of ,Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings 'Rare adopted as read upon call of the roll by the follo'Rina vote; Yeae, race, Tully, • ,� ,t � Washington and Katterj6hn.-4. • ?' Reports H.P.Linn... Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the reports of Health Officer,r. and A.Aokerman. H. F. Linn. Health Officer, and H..Aakerman, Sanitary Inspector. for.the year 1921,•-. „•"l, •� ..i•;-.;:"•;, Sanitary Inereator ' for 1921.. '. U be r.00eived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the followinR votal,Yeae, ', t Pace. Tully, Washington and Y.atter,lohn.-4. Mayor Katterjohn offered the followinR motion; That the matter of error in ^,.;'•1 Improve, 3etimntee of the property on 14th Street. between Broadway and Jefferson Error ir. Improve- P P y ' y :.: • ^ ment r:stlmateo of property on 14th Streets, be referred to the Commissioner of Public Finance. with,power.to not on some. ; St, betn.B-'day k E Jofforeon St. to Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Tully, WashinRton be oorreotod by . Com'r.of Finance. and Katterjohn,-4.' - y}. ... Commissionor Tully offered the following motion:' I move that the report of " Report Com'r.'of '; the Commissioner of Public Finance of the Collections and Disbursements of the Special r Finance of.00lloot: Iona ani dieburse-� street Fund, for the.month ofJanuary, be,reoeived nrd filed. Adopted upon call of 'Monts 3 of Special 3 ; ?' S Street Fund.for' the roll by.th.e following vote:. Yoae, race.. Tully, Washinaton and Y.etterJonn,•4. January 1922.. Commiesioner Tully offorod.the follosinR motion: I move that the rerbrt of. Report Com'r. of the Commissionor of Fublio Finance of the uylpaid street Improvement a000untp; airiount., Fit,nnoe of uppcid • Strobt le:prove_ w Ing to 43655.69, be:reooived and filed and referred to the .City Solicitor for. such Monts accounts action BeIs.neoessar to colleot same. Adopted upon call of the 'roll b •" • :,' ' referred' to Oltq • � Y P P the follow. q i.''•"JSolioltor for •'c collection. ing.vote: Yeas, Pace. Tully, '•laehington and Katterjohn,-4. t;<, "'• ;-} • ' - ~. ... •;' . ..._ r- , . .,. ,�� - .. .. x1 . _v.. -,....a,- -., _civaea �. .•.,.-,"�u�:`a."-a:ir'3f,M•7`.,5-i"-.:o�,?..r