HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 801, January 18, 1922t.
Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paidueah
f. At a Calla& Meeting of the Board of Commissioners; hold in the. Commissioners"
0hamberin the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on January 18tb. 1922, at to ofolook A.M. x
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: oommissionere Pace,,
Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Mayor Xatterjohn,-6.
Mayor Katter John stated reasons for *all to -wit: To consider and allow malt
or Cereal Beverage Lloonsee, and any other ouainese that might oome before the Board.
(. Oommiseloner 'Polly offered the following motion,. 0. H. WestYin deposit.
he g
cation for palt 44 the am of $50.00 together with application for Malt or Cereal Beverage®. I move
or 0orni-Bavir-, I
age. rejected, Ilthat license to call Malt or Cereal Beverage, or any.admixturea thereof, be granted
to 0. E. West, at 125 South 2nd Street, for a period of six months, from January let
to.juno 30th, 1922. inclusive. Loot upon call of the'roll by the following voter
Yeae. Tully,-l;.Vaye, Pace, Pulliam. Washington and Katterjohn..4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion-. Dan Galvin having deposited
Dan Galvin
granted license iha.sum of $60.00 together with application for Malt or Cereal B*varagee, I move that
to Sell Malt orcause t Yl . ,
Ceraal.Bovlicense a call Malt or.Careal Beverage, or any admixtures thereof, be granted to
Dan Galvin at #933 8.3d Street. for a period of eta months, from January let to
June 30th, tn6lusive.,,Adopted upon call of -the roll by the following vote,. ye
pace.. Pulllam,.ftlly. Waohington and.Katterjohn.-6. -'6'
Commissioner Tully offered the f
allowing motion. It appearing that the City
Reynolds Bros.
allowed $427.69 Of Pa6uoah is indebted to Reynolds Bros., contractors, in the Bum of $407.69 for the
for estimates.
on Teat aide Of 1 estimates against property owners on the West side of Broad Street, fronting Kolb
Broad St., front-!
inn Kolb Park Park for concrete* curbs and gutters, I move that same be allowed and ordered paid'
for oonorato
curbs and gutters; and charged to Park A000unt'ard the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay }t.,
same. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the following vote; yeas. pace. Pulliam,
Tully. Washington arA.Katterjohn,
Commiseloner:Tully offered the following motion, It appearing that the
Reynolds Bros. City of Paducah to indebted to Reynolds Bros.. contractors, for the estimates against
allowed 527.20
for improvements property ownere, for. the improvement on broad Street, from the Intersection of 4th h
on Broad St., from
intersection of Broad to the dividing line between the property of Charlotte Buff and the property
4th &
Broad &a.
and also vast of Barbara Patter; Also the. ?art bide of Broad Street from the Intersection of 4th
-side of Broad
& Broad to the North.ourb line of Bridge Street for the oonetruott side.
St.. from 4th h on of concrete
Broad to Bridge
St. - 14
walks, curbs and gutters, for the following estimate:
Estimate fl, Intersection. 4th & Broad ............ $27.2o. I move that
same be allowed and ordered paid and charged to the QOoOun% Of Now Oonstruation and
the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon'oali of .the
roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam,Tuliy,Washington and Katterjonn.-b.
y. Oommiseloner Tully oftered the following motion -
I move that the Mayor be 1 0.1
Mayor to adver-
tise for bide G auihorisod and directed to advertise for aide at least one time In the Official
the I
for sale of
following aide Newspaper for the sale of the following Sidowalk.r4rovement Ronde:
- e.
walk Improvement
Donde;- Geo.bal Avenue. from Utthrie Avenue to Wortan Avenue, amountingr to the Bum
Goebel Avenue;
N. 16th St.,of $3.575.ul.
Jefferson to
Trimu.Le and N. 16th Street. J6ffareon Street to Tirtmola Street, amounting to the sum of
7. side of Brodd
St. rrom 4th & p $6008.24.
Broad to divid-
Irff line between
West aide or murond Street, from oornar of rourth and Broad Street to the
property of Louis
and Frank Petter.i Alviding line between the property of.Loute Patter and Frank Patter. amounting to the
sum of $295.63.
Said notice of sale to state the time, terms and pleas of Bala. Adopted upon call of
the roll byXatterjohn.e.
the following vote; Yese. Paoa.Pullism.Tully, Washington and
- - .. .. ..... .... y .., ...�.t :'t1.•. -...... .•:�. .. .:. - y•cs�..-FYM-':aJ•:� Y• .W - .l�i l2:K•�. `r,1� _ ..
rNor (i
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah 192_1;''�_
Oommisetoner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the motion..
of Jan.
9th, ratifying the e¢®loyment of Mies Bell Warner, be amended to read "at the
War n or. employ-
m to
p y rate of $8.00 per day for days employed" Instead of $1,8.60 per week. Adopted upon call
meal.... ,+.1, ..'•.:.
of the roll DY the following votes Yeae.•Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Latter -r
;On motion the Board adjourned upon coil of the roll by B yeas.
a3^'l tyles
tt t Adeploi
� APPROV:ti]]:
as * tr CMWc" JANUARY 20TH, 1922, MA7Oi4f4
Ata Called Meeting of,the.Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners'.
Obamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on January 20th, 1988. at 10 O'clock A.M.
upon oall'of the roll the following answered to ,their names: Commissioners Pana;
pallium, Tully. Washington and Mayor Batterjohn.-6. + `
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit. To allow pay -roll for first
+ half of January. and such other business that may. come before the Board.
Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the accounts for ;
Report Oom'r. S'
Finance of ao- the.4lret half of the month of January, amounting to $19.816.87, as per .the report of
oounte for first $
the Oommissioner of Public -Finance herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the
' half of January ;
'1988. _ money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by q
-�' the following vote; Yeae., Pace', Pulitam.Tully.Aashington and Katterjohn;-B:
g+�•' rr'{ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the City 1
j of Paducah is indebted to Reynolds Bros. for the iq•pravemeni on the South aide of ,
Reynolds Broe.
allowed $86.68 Clay Street, from. the property line on the West aide of 27th 9treeL to the gutter line
alloy improve- tic
t` moat on a.81de {1 on the East aide of 19th Street... Bet. #E, Alley..:.$86.68. I move that the amount be.. ..
".' of Olay St. betn. �7
,.17th A 19th "allowed arvi ordered paid and charged to Rea Oonetrnotion and the money appropriated
r ate. .
from the General Pund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following
t{ `toted Yese, Pace. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6.
Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: It'appearing that the.City )
f. �... of Paducah to indebted to Reynolds Bros. for the estimates dor alleys on Leech Avenue:
.:'. Reynolds Broe.
and Eleventh 8treeL.... II
•�. � allowed $68.73, -
i; alleys on Leech et. #E, Ills
Avenue and 11th. E " y ..............$33.86 ..
at. Improve- 11. Alla y :..:.....:.... 84.87. n total of $58.73. ,I move
.. meat.
that.same be allowed and ordered paid and obargei to New Conetruction.ord the money if
appropriated from the General Fund to p4y.'same. Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by.the' 7 {
following voter Yene.paos.Pullism,Tslly,Waehington and Lntterjohn.-6.
Oommieeioner Tully offered the follosing.motion- That the application of
Steinhauer b Whits for Malt Beverage Llosnee.be anted.. on call of the roll
Adopted u
Steinhauer A p p
H White granted D the following votel.Yene; Paoe;, Pulliam Tully; Washington and.Katterjobn,-6.
license to sell y p
h Malt or Oersl ° '
On motion the Board adjourn n�oa call of 4he roll Dy 6 yeas. ;!
�' r +I � n .+.I. +:•I � �,� o. •;. ., a..Ct�t 1 Ci'_a"s.� '
.v1AyOK � t
: ,It 'ir) (yrl S r J •'{t:=Adopted-. '�� jt l rc. f ,��' .,�1. r r
5. ;r ,tit i -.? 114 i- 1 :i )�!r •�1- r f + (r` r yi -. (}
i r S
;:•,t° n rf ZJ L'.. F+ d + -1 -. ;i a �jrt! � ''7 s- t`.` 1� .. t { } w , -,. i:• ,•.S, ti: i��
f r1 .r 4 L C -e. ,.,t ,r ', rJ r.:1 � �� .y• - -
fv ``+al� 1 aj its,," if is 1 1 w' c r r-. ' -' • - t't�{,
b! •=�sr;:uf r 'alwG!"'..a'.nIM.Yr:/s.' • wif.rt.d.ar.... ,,r,ir .rs s ..w.. . v...e::..n».s• ,td •.. �c T r? vx-77'