HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 8, January 18, 19157 ii.s H'. 1 :i�r .. ,•111 S.F'• p./ lT:.0 CL , l 7• 1 k: r 1•.r;—� 7�,.�. 1`. 1 1 V• . .t. ��. ,' .Jti ;.1 � J;II�. r, ✓ t'.i\� v2 �'. �`: � •i No. n r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_' At s regular meeting of the Boardof 'Commissioners, held in the.Counoil.Chamber,.in the` -City Hall; in the City of PaBuoah, Ky., January, 18, 1916, upon the call of the. roll the. kfollowing answered their names Burna,:Hazollp,.Marton, L'gllaoo and Washington- 6. s' On motion by member Burne, the minutes of the previous. mooting were adopted and i trend. Upon call of the-roll the following.*,ote: Yegs, Burns,' Hazelip,'Marton, Wallace 4 andWashington 6..: . N, FFF IIS 'i On motion by lfember Wallace, the report of the Departments who lure not provided ford. 1 pby ordinance for salaries are :- Oak Grove Cemetery and'Riverside Hospital, was received and filed. Upon call of the.roll the following' voted: Yeae, Burnep.Hazelip, Marton, 4-Wallaoe and Washington - 6. . On motion by Momber Washington, the.report_of the street Department for salaries ',not. provided by Ordinance+was received and filed. Upon,oali of the roll the following kvoted:- Yeae, .Burns, Marton,, Wallace, Harelip and Woehington - 6. /. .�. On motion by Member Wallace, that W.• F. Owen, contractor, be advanoed p30.00' on his I • `" `� kcontract with. the 01ty, for the repairing of.the second and third .floors of the City ;,Hall, carried;. upon call of the roll: the following, voted:- Yea: Burne, Haselip, Marton, �Wallaoe and Washington - 6.. I On motion.by member Marton, the al1owanoe. for the semi-monthly payroll for 07.260.83.- V 7,260.88,; -was allowed. Upon call of the roll the following voted:- Yea: Burne, Hazelip, Marton; l' Wallace and Washington -.6.. On motion by the above,J: M. Bradshaw wau allowed 4368.40, as per.00ntroot for work done-on Sow 611, Thurman, Ashcroft and Eulah atrasto. Upon as 11 of the roll the follow-� .�.inp voted: Yeasi Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by the above,J. M. Bradshaw,. oontraotor;,was allowed $10.10, for the"' y grading and graveling of an intersection of an alley on Sowell street, some to be paid i:from.the contingent fund. Upon call of the roll the following voted: Yeas, Burns,' Hazelip, Marton,,,Wolleoe and Washington - 6... On motion by the above, Mr. F. G. Coeby was.allowed Y6.76 .from the Special street ? Fund, -ad this amount was paid by S. S. Eaker, on a lot between Thurman and Lindsey Addition.. Same carried, and upon call of the roll the following voted:- Yeas; Berne, _ Hazelip, Marton', Wallace and C•aehington - 6., _. { On motion by the above, The Fidelity & Deposit Co. was released off of the bond of ! ,City Auditor Thos. T. Neely, for 010,000.00,and 46,000..00 wae_exeouted by the same :bondsman for the year 1916: Some carried-, and upon call of the roll the following II Voted: Yeae, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. . On motion of the above, Joe Woods wits allowed $20.00 for services rendered from Jan. ,4, to January 16, 1916. Upon call of the roll the following voted: Yens, Burns, Marton . . Hazelip, Wallace and rashington 6. On motion by. Mombor Burn;i,aotloa wao doferrod on the Stephon liquor lloonoo (a.) one week. ,Upon call of the roll the following Toted:- Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Gallaoa and Washington - 6. �•.. a r,Q,,..-:. On motion by the above, the tranefer of saloon license from Oscar. Dimmiok to Richard . OalieeI at 1736 Meyers street; was granted.. Upon oall of the roll the following voted: j. Yens:- Burne, llazel'ip, Marton, Vallaoe and' Washington 6. I . On motion by the above, All ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OPERATING OF AUTOLOBILES UPON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. AND FIZ00 THE XMIALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THMEOF,I i lin regard to the out-outs on said automobiles, was placed upon its passage and carried.' Upon call of the roll.the following voted:- Yoae, Burne, Haaelip. Marton. Wallace and 1 i 77 �ti R- :t�r"^"TC7: _ "�.a+}�,..:eCx�'•a,i•`i�"�'+ ;,.�w,e.",�, :`% �"tr: :y ^ K� ,X, P.1,.7r�-m�.-q` �;�YsV7iYFir•� 1 .. �.:..,_.-i.:,._.._,:,�i. "'•-..e_.:...v.�.-oc. .-�:s:.r-=�---A.e:i:...•._s.:_..�a...... 1..a...:..N.-.�;a...�:�C.--s...+-:1-.s. _ �_�_._�,. 3 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah' 19l_ } tabled u on call of the roll the follows 1. . P ng voted: Yean -Burne, Harelip, Morton Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion 14y the above, AN. ORDINANCE AMENDING SEOTION;.43 OF AN ORDINANOH ENTIT- LED "AN.ORDINANCE DEFINING ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THA CHIEF•OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT' Z� r II AND. MAKING HIM EX OFFICIO BUILDING INSPECTOR; AND WING THE CITY ELEOTRICAL IIISPEO- ` �� TOR ,ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPECTOR, AND ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS 00110FIi11INi � N THE ERECTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KFIITUCKY, and, ' EETEIIDIIIG THE FIRE LIMIT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PEIIALTIES C: FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY -OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF" was given its passage. Upon the call_ of the .roll .the .following voted: Yens, Burne. Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by the above, All ORDINANCE AMENDING ,Ui ORDINJUICE', ZITITLED, "AN ORDINANCE DETEFIIINIIIG THE FUIICTIONS OF THE 'DEPGF.TIiENTS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, PUBLIO . . r: �c FINANCE. PUBLIC SAFETY. PUBLIC CORKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES P�-`1 a OF THE COMMISSIONERS" was placed upon its passage. Upon -call of the roll the / following voted: Yeas, Burne, L.arton. Wallaoe and Washington - 4. Nays: Hazelip- 1. On motion by the above, that scavenger proposition be referred to Conmisssionor of Affairs,, Works and Safety, with Solicitor, for further consideration and roport, . to be taken up with the Board of Health. Upon call of the roll the following voted: Yana. Barns. Hazelip, Marton; Wallace and Washington - 6. " On motion by Member Washington "AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING TaE COUNCIL CHAMBER r ". �.-.,20.7.- li ON THE THIRD FLOOR OF THE CITY HALL IN TUE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. AS THE PLACE R OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONER&A14D FIXING TiiF TIME OF THE REGULAR MEETIIAS "Vp THEREOF" was given its passage. Upon the call of the roll the following votedt 1�1• ,Yana. Burns, Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington N On motion by the above.the market Houae ordinanoe as follows "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IISPROVEMIT OF THE UAREET HOUSE SITUATED BETVEEH BROADWAY 111D i KENTUCKY AVENUE, OIi MARKET, SQUARE. OR SECOIID STREET III .TIIE CITY OF PADUCAH, INITUOKY. AND THE LETTING OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PERFORIIANCE'OF SAID WORK" was ,.presented ' nod ordered .to lay over one week. Upon call of the roll the following voted, ' 1. Yeas, Burne, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 4. Naye. Mayor - 1. On motion by the above, Mr. A. Franke, sewer inspector, was allowed $76.00 a I� month as his salary, and $10.00 per month extra for horse and wagon. Upon call of the roll the following voted: - Yeas, Burne. Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Washington, h.. On motion by Member Marton, the City National Bank was named as City Depository r of the City of Paducah, Ky. for the year 1916, upon the call of the roll the follow. l PP ing vote: Yens, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Vashington- B. " /� I: On motion by Member Marton-. that the matter of extending the Olt y .limits, was' referred to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners, with the City Solicitor, to invee-. tigate the advisability of -annexing certain territory to the City, upon the call of ' the roll by the following.vote: Yeas. Burne, Marton, Hazelip, Wullace and Washing. ton 5. On motion by Member Burne, that the postponement of the sewer matter be deferred . one week,- carried, upon call of the roll by the following vota..,Yeas; Burns. Rase• lip. Marton. Wallace and Washington -B.. s On motion by the above, the Board adjourned, to meet nest Wednesday at Pour. -o'clock P. M; Upon'call-of the roll the following votedr Teas, Burne, Hazelip.. Marton, Wallace and Washington - B. 111 i"�i V�. D/ J1, N, ''+; i �;• AIL Y' U14 �ir urs u• `r r 1,..":/. - (;, �. , rl( u