HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 792, January 12, 1922• ` : ,.r P� •:S Co nh. .w w Pn htr i.l ry,, x ,rt i`:``I>` n P�- :• .�i'1"' _ i'.. 1 � v, w�e.Tv ! 1 T� r••crq •rte n... - .
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o Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192+:,
g JANUARY 10TH..192E..
At a Called.Mesting of the Board of Oommleoionere, hold in the Commissioners' I L
1 J
'.i Ohambor'in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky; on January 10th,' 1922, at 2:30 o'clock P.M.
Upon call of the roll, the following answered to their namesi`Commissioners Paoe,Pulliam,
'Tully,, Washington and Mayor Y.a.tter.john,-6. � :• '
?,•.; Mayor Kattorjohn stated roaeono,for call to -wit: .For the purpose of requoeting
rooianation of the Chief of Police, and, such other business as may come'before the r4
ki Board. Yr.
Resolution ask Commissioner Pace offered the:folio-+inq motion:. I.move'that a resolution asking
v to rouirm as for Aonloy Franklin, to rosign',as Chief of Polios, be adopted. Adapted upon 'call. of"the ,{
Chief of Police.
'I roll by'the following vote: Yoae,'Pace, Washington and. Kattorjohn,-3i Nays`, Pulliam
� and Tully,=E.
p Mayor Y.atterjohn offered•the following motion: I move that the robirmation of
1 Rooianation of �,..
j Hanley Franklin Henley, Franklin, 'of lolioe, be received, filod:and aooepted. Adopted uponr� :..
as Chief of t .;
�If Po]ioo.. call of.tho roll by'tho following veto: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, i7nehinRto7i and�F,,.- '
r , Kattor john, -6. X41
On motion the Board adJourned upon call. of�the roll by .5:yoae.. i;•
r ,
4 JANmny 12TH, 192Ei
At.a Called Meeting of the'Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners'.
Chamber -in the Oity Hnll, Paduoah, Kentucky, at E o'clock P.' It. Upon call of iho roll
the following answered to their.nam'os: Commissioners Pace-, Pulliam, Tony, lachinaton
1layor',Ka.ttorJohn stated reasons for 'os. to -wit:. For the purp'one'of appoint -.
i - ing a Chief of Polios, and ouoh.other.businose ne may come,.before the Board.i
r I 3
& ChaoB.I7hitto-
.Commissioner Puoe offered. the following motion:' I.move that. the.application
more al�pliaa-t
tton for amot'. of. Charles B. "Ihittomore; for the poeition of Chief of Poltoe, be ire at and filed.
of Poltoo. s '.
(� Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Ycao,'Paoe. Pulliam, •Tully.
Washington and Kattorjohn,-6.. ^•:
Ohae.B.',7httte Commissionor Pace offered the following motion: I more that, Charles. B.
i ,, more sippo.inted �.
Chief of IoIIoo 'Thittomora be appointed Chiof of Police of the City. of Taduoah. effooti.re.January 12th,':
1922, at 6 o'olook P. M. Adoptnd.upon call of the,roll by the ;follo-aing vole: Yeas,
Pace, Pulliam and ";ashinrton,-3: )lays,' Tully and Yatterj.ohn,-2.
'`•;' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The oum of :160.00•havirR
r' Orantina' of p
been aid into the•Troacur ae ovid'onced b the.reooi t,filod herewith tormther with
11alt or Carnal h R Y; y P
'l.ioanoo'to �i
'application for Malt. or Cereal boveraae license,. I move that 'license to cel] Melt or.
1. Steithauor b, pP.
;..:Yhito dnferred. to Beverage,, or any admixtures thereof, be granted to Sioinhauor & �hi]o, ll9 1lorLh,.
4th Street. for a per lod of six months,, from Jan: let to,June 30th, 1929, inolusive.
' Oommlesionor I•ulllam offered the following motion, by say of amondmeTit: •
.I move the granting of lioonao to Steinhauer and 1.7hite be delayed until Jan. ;I, .•f
' 16th, 1922, or later. Adoptod'upon.onll of the roll by the following vote; Yeae; Face,
'a Pulliam and Vaohingtbn,-3; Nays; Tully and Y.attor john, -E.
..Oommieotoner. Tully offered tho.follo.ring motion: I move that the 0ommisstoner
'-Oom'r. Finance '
to pny off, pf Public Finance be authorized and instructed to pay .off., take up and oanoel street
take vp ard''
osnool Stroot bonds and coupons to the amount of 0111S.E9 in the City National Bnnk and. that a oheok
n i
.B-nio and oou- �..
pone in City be'drawn on the Special Stroot Fund -to pay same. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the1. �1t,
folloalnR vote Yenu, Paov ;�Pulltam, Tully., 47 shington and Yntterjohn 6. i
t4.: �,�hnhc,;�}a .r,l� {4 �� 1 41c� 4 t l :', t• � �.
.;..ate _y}4yyNxii:4+i. +:N1•:ai7.'.:4:LY i, ✓aw., .. �� _»a.e I '
' :. b rt�'t ' - -a,l.. � - . ^ � ,iKS+'- �>•, I L r r 'C •i•. / / . 1. + � T '.t
y, ,�.., y y. �'T.. .•r.fr:V d'r '.7o:t�`�'i"-s4'+,,r 1 r ✓11i 1'�"_N7Lj '" �.f
Commissioners' Proceedings, City -of . Paducah,
Commissioner Tully offorod the following motion; It appearing that the six
1-6175.00 Doing Oil nmonthe
interest on the ,1£47,000.00 oututanding School Impropomont Hands is due Jan.
months interest or.'`
. 6
15th, amounting to 36176.00, I.move that the amount be allowed and ordered pa
' ;•��.
Improvomor,t Gond.
the 9ohool Improvement Bond Sinking Fund Account in the Oitisona' 9avir,gs Bank and the
money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the. ro71'. ".
the following vote: Yuas, T•noe, Pulliam, Tully, 9anhington and Kattorjohn,-b.
Com'r.' Pub] io
Commissioner Tully offored'the following motion: I move that the Oommiealon-
Finance authoricefl`er
to draw ahoo,c :or
of Public Pinanoe be authorized and tnstruotod to draw n check ngainst the School
X6775.00 ngnir.st irmproverront
School Imp. Bond F
Bond Sinking Fund Account in the Citizons' Savings Bank for the sum .of
Sinking Fund ao- ?136176.00,
court in Oiti7,oneSavjG
to pay the somi-annual interout on the $£47,000,00.8ohool Improvement Bonds .
City gc 9nnk, d:.o
City Pa t'1 Ban:. S
outstanding due the City 1lational Bank on Jan. 16th. Ado�tod upon or.] of the roll by
! P
the following vote; Yoan,. Paon,Pulliam,Tnlly,lanhington and KntterJohn;-6.
Commissioner Tully'oiforod'the following motion: It appearing that. the City'
Reynolds nos.
Anil '463.ti1 for
of Paducah is indebted to Rovnolde Bros., oor,traotore., for the improvement on Loth
alloys nr:d Inter-
' seotiona for im-
�eiieo of North Stitoonth Stroot, from the -North Rutter line'of JePfnreon Street; to the
]6thprrvoSt.t on 1..
`ouch gutter line of Trimble !,trust, for the construction of concrete sidewalks, ourbe
and guttoro, for the following estimatee.,.,,,
cant, #£ Al loy....................$80.77
" 60.67 .
16 " ..67.08
27." ............ ... 59.80
" 38�+
..................... 53.45
" 41 "
...... 6 n total of 6
... ........... 0.04, $4 3..81, I move
> ..
that tho amount be allowed and ordorud paid and ohargod to'1;ew Oonetruot on and the.
1, ...
appropriated from the General Fund to. p p
� pay same, Adopted upon ani] ofthe,ro]1
by the fo]lo'atng vote: Yeas,, paoo, Pullinm, Tully, Wanhington and Katterjohn,-6... ..
Yanoq & Johnson..
paid $1E0.65 duo
Commissioner. Tully offered the follo:virg motion.: It appoaring that the City
I' them 'i:or improve-
mento on Goebel
of Paducah io indebted to Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotore, for the improvement by the
Avor.ue and Wor.ten
Avenuo 1'or alloys
oonutruation of concrete nidowalku, curbs and (cutters on the Clesi nide of Goobel Ave-
and intoruootior''r•
nue, from the Fant proporty lino of Guthrie Avenue to a point whore the 9outh
line of :'torten Avenue, if oxtondod, could intersect the loot property line of Goebel
4vorme, also the Fast sldo,of Goebel Gvonue, from a stake sot opposite the front of the
building -now occupied by the Union Drug 9tnro, to the South curb lino of Worton Avenue,
for the following oatimatee,..
Rat. 11 for Alloy ....... ...$63.86 ,
£3y 55.01
a„ '
• ". , ". £7 ropalru to1ntoruootf ono...:;1,60, a..total of $1£0.66, '
�I 'movo'..Lhat the nmourt uo.411o:vod and ordered, paid and ohnrgod to Iloti4 Construct ton and
the Fmono e
J appropriated irom.ti:o General Funs to pay same. Adopted upon call of the
J�. ,•,;.ti,
roll by the, follo:vir.g'vote; Yea' e,'Paoo,Pulliam',Tullq,t7ashington and Y.atterjohn,-6.
Lease batwoon" `•
Commissioner 'yaohirgton offered the foll.o:ving motion: I move that the Leaee
�; City and' A. i. Vo:3 Fire 3tnP.tion Ford ,'b0twoon
the City of Paduoah, Y.ontucky ar71..A.. P. Fordfor the one two-story brick. build -
BU ildinP, 10th&
�. Clay sts.
ing, located at'Tonth and Clay Streets,.an:l known an 11o. 3 Piro Station Buildi'n. be
'reoelved filod. an;d .a
pl:rovad. ,Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the fo]].oviing, veto; •"
YOae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '9aehinaton and, Yatteijohn,4.
• Hartford Steam
boiler Inspection
Oorsmiucionor Waehirgton'offered the following `I move that tha'oomrnu-
&' Ins. Go.p•
nlaatiori. from Hartford Steam Holler Inspection & Inuuranoo Company bo'r000lved and
filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the followirr, vote: Yoan, Pace,' Pu111am,Tully,+.
T� v:; l
ti .:7aoh.i,ngtcn
and Y.atter john, -5.
r�,Y. ',.3T.lY^. sl`,L •:^/".'.'y�+t.•Jr'SRl9f�P.71 R_ 1E,
-.,S a .,,
ii•. S \ t 4+ r+! '�:L xl. S' Vi:} i1.T r ♦.',•T.r. -
Y T yT,�,.._ T'1f .. S,t •r^K ' -rr � � a``f
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__j''"
'Commissioner Pulliam offerod the'following'inotion: I move that the Commission-
Com'r Iuolia.
or of Public Finance be directed to file with the`t'a or.a report showing the average'
e r lnnnoo to 1`t]o. .. Y P R • ' �,;'
rupor't ,with �,•,,-
L:oyoe. ohoaing ;: daily balance on depooit 'of the geneYal 'fund and all funde.of the city,' together with • `'
.� ndornao 'dui lq' ... 1.., .
oalpr.00 on the.maxtinum amount t''anq one t'1mo'on deponit in the city depository and the total
dopools.jof kon�
oral, Ttuid ko.. c, amo)mt of interact paid' to the city by .the city. depository for the year 1920 and 21 '.t '•
`J in.Citq Doroei..;
r . tory Tor. 1920 toaothor with the otatomont of the umonnts borro:'rod 'd, rin? the years' 1920 and 21 and tb
• total amount of Intoroct,paid by the city for borro•aed.money, paid report to be filed'
.'at the next regular moeting'January 16,1922.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
S L following. vote: Yoan,'Pace, ,Pulltam and. Raehl'ngton,-S; Pay ; Tully and Yatterjohn,-E..'
Mayor Katterjohn offered tho following motion: I move that.an'.Ordinanoe _.t
r Ord fiance creat-'
i "ins pooltion of entitled, "All ORDI11,111C3 ORFJLTIIIG VF POSITION OF CITY' CJ,_.iK, AND. PR.-,`SCRIBIIIG TIJR DUTT?S
V. 01ty; Olork. ,
,,,. r. ''• 'OF• SAID CLF;RY., AIlD P,z:P?J6LIIiC All. ORDTAAPC39 II1 COpr^i.ICT AE117.7ITH;" be ndoptod.' Adopted
upon call the roll by the following vote:'Yoae, Pace, Fulham; Tully, 71aahington x'
t a and Y.atter john,=6..
Clyde Bell 1 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Clyde Bell be cp-
aprotnted Uity.
Clerk pointed City Clerk of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to .serve without additional pay. ;
E; t:
Adopted',upon'call of the roll,bq the following'vote:.Yess,.Paoe, Pulliam; Tully,. J
�Y, . Washington and Kattor.john,-6.' d t
... ..
`i Sale` of -Milks 'Mayor Kattor john offered' the followthg motion: I -move .that the sale of .a Milk
r, Filler.
t1 Filler; ocmed by the City of PAduoah', for the'eum of'$10.00, be ratified; Adopted
upon sell of the roll bq the following vote;'Y000,'Faso, Pulliam, Tully,.7nshington i•r'
.� and Kotterj.ohn,-6. '
•,; �Fard' offer Commle'eionor Washington offerod the followinF, motion:. I move. that the City'
^i 'of 2b.00 for 4y 1
old•iiarkot House reject the offer of A. P. Ford of "25.00 for the old non]ea re^,oced :YOm the 1.'erket
iScales rejected.
s House. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by tho follo:7irg.vote:'Yeao, Fnao, ,ulJiam,
i s Tully,.Waohington and Y,attorjohn,-5. { r;
On motion iho Board adjournod upon oall of the roll by'tho following vote: .:..
Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully,,''.7nehingtor, and Katterjohn.-B. .�•'i `�
AIep10d .�-19 2L2 AP_Pi2•Ci\j i.]'j� (' rt
i j y1' JANUARY 16TH. 1929.
At,a Regular Meeting .of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' s
t•' '� uChambsr in the City Nall, Paducah, Kentucky, on January 16th. 1929. Upon call of the
�N. .
j roll the following answered to their mores: Oommiasionere Paas, • Pulliam !Wily Wnehi
r , n6-,
ton and .Mayor Katterjohn.-6.
"! On motion of Oommieeioner Washington the minutes of the pr were
1 {
adopted, as read, s'
P upoa•oall of the roll by the following vote: Tena. Pnad. Pulliam.
.. h Pully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the
Report Dr.Bd-:
ward Adams for,tCi.ty Physician. Dr. Edward Adams, for the last nine months of 1921. -be received sad
last nine months
of 1921. filed.' Adopted upon call of the toll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace, pn11lam.Pally. r +-
i I,fY,
.a' Washington and Katter,j9hn.-8. 1
Oommuntoation Mayor Katterjohti offered the following motion: I move that the communication ftom
br.Diward Adams, 11 s.
elatIve to re-*.- ;'4awa=4''Adame,-dated January 14th; 1928. be'reeeived and filed. Adopted upon call
Porte •e:,I .ot:.the. ro11 by, the following vote=' Yene. phos. Pulliam. !ally. "
Washington and latter-
' ; r �';: jOhn i'�d• - .. _ fix,
! ✓ , t -!
_ k:•s��:"�C'. Ji::::1F.w�--:�i" •_ ' Y . ....... ..,v.-'- .u..:ur .I*fo.:lL.rv,. ,i. -r..:.:. : '