HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 787, January 9, 1922A .]•l:•_.i�fu�lAXfIR
1:�Y� :.i243!'!'f•"'4{' �w'�'1�'?Y, "..Tcr':•.,I:'91, �•. v�..•�• --'arm"•n 7• ,.n.. wyy2x:T...,., •�'
rr'1 �t s a » ,•, w+! i 1 `ht Aim r1 . j
No. J�
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah''
kayor Y_atter john offered the f ollo:rina mo tion; I move that the Oommiesioner of
Oom'r. Publica
Public, Property be authorized and instructed to employ an architect to draw plane and
Froperty to employ+
architect to draw
plane &o. r.oP•ardiug
k specifications, making .changes on the second floor of the City Rall, Adopted upon,'
o;arp!eo to:be made
call of the roll by the following vote:.Yeae; Pace, FullinM. Tul,]y, llaehington and
on 2nd floor of
Commissioner. Tully offored the follol/.inR motion; 'It appearing that there is 1
$8.06 allowed
T.V.bhton. Make
due 7..V. %Xton.'.?ZIko Williams and Jan. T, Fsker, rottrtnR members of the Board of
`.'lilliams arid' Jas.
T. :;ukor, oaoh, for, Commissioners, the sum of,.$0,06 each, for salary for the let day of January, I mgve
salary for let day+ .
of January.
that it be allowed and. ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund
to. pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Paoe,Pulliam,
Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-b.,
Commisetoner of
..Commissioner Tully offered the followinri motion: move that the 0ommiselono.a
Publio ?inanoe
to pay offtake up
,of Fubllo Pinanco be an thorized and instructed to pay off, take up and annoel street
ar,d ounoel street
bonds aril coupons
bonds and coupons in the City Rational Bank, to the amount oY a6E60.17, and a check
in City Aat'l Bank
amountiea to
drawn against the Speolal' Strbot Fund to pay same. .Adopted upon call of the'roll by: '
-the following following veto;Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Yattoijohn,-6. '
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote:
Yeas; 'Pace. Pulliam, Tully, 7eehington and"Y.ntter.john,-6.'
Adepled 9 19A
cup 0"
JANUARY 9TH, 1922.
j At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommiseionore, held in the Oommieeionere'
.Ohambor to the Oity Hall, PMunch, Kentuoky, on January 9th, 1922. Upon oa] 1, the
` •I i .
roll the following nnaNered to their names; Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tashington
and. Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meetings
were adopted, asreasi_,.upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yena. Pace.
Pulliam, 9ashington and Katterjohn,-4, +
Report Ltobraokon
Mayor Katter�e.ollowinq ohn offered thfmotion; I move that the report of wort'
Oo.inty Publiu
He l.eaguo
done by 1doCraoken County Publio,.Health League Anteing Service Aurins the month of
..] ,
11urairg 9orvloe `
for Doo.19£1.
December 1921 be received and filod. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following .
vote;'Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, was hington and Y.atterjohn,=4;
" Commissioner Tully entered the menttng.
Vayor Y•atterjohn offered the following motion;.'I move that the oommunl'oation
:7. Y..Tnll1 Follo0,
Jwlgo, Communicn-
from N; Y. Wall. Foltee Judge, datod January 9th, 19P.2, relative to the purchase Of.
tion relative. to
the piirChcua of
typewriter end other aupplios, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll
typewriter and .
other supplies.
by the followtng vote: Yean, Pace. Pulliam, Tully, 9aAhington and Y.atter ohn,-6,
Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion; I novo that the 9T.'.T311rJtT
Stn thmont of.
A000ur•t with
X d: Storrie.
TH? IAT L4S„CTI01: OF r^UT1RTft /.I1D. BROAD STR . T9,, TO TH : DIM TUG I.I11S B ;T'°'?w 'IWF PRO-'
1. i
oor,traotors, on
T,aIda: _road St,
�•; ,,,,,
from 4th & Broad
of dividing lino
Rreceived and filed. Adopted* upon _call of the roll by the follo:vina vote; Yeae, Paoe,
betnoen property
of .l.ovia ettoi
Pulliam; Tully, Washington and Y.atterjohn;-6.
ar..1 Frank Potter.'
t •i s�''
- - - - .u.+:f`�'x�'?�.�;',:,�.•�,isrr'4,3sri'Y!:�s•cil�,a^.ui�..�«.r n,� e�t�5' t .r:+�u. ,i. }�.: �+��.fk%�'��M`Fm.;y: .�' ..
- — �<.�..�..........— ............. ._... ..- .. ........ _.5,...s �_.,. - .-,.,,ai..,r�.1,:.�t:..:'' + ., l is x
I ,
a1 a
1 rU
Na z'
t Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah 192- ;
I $stimatos•agains{ ,°, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion The following parties having zea
Froperty owr,ere wy r;
on w. uido Broad _.paid the estimates against property owners on the Deet side of BroadStreet., from -the
f St. rrom:4th & fth"r �f
Broad .to ilivtd, earner .of Fourth and Broad Streets to the dividing line.between the property of Louie
ins ]ins Dotn.' s µ'
c, prorart;; of Fetter. and Frank Fetter for the construction of ooncrete aidewalke..
or, P
).auto and Frank
Pottaid to
k Est. 1' Lieberman & Vortt............... 110.06
5 amount -of
2 Lizzie May. Dallas. . 36.39
P`. $1097.16, and ± + " 6.Carrie Schroeder..34.16
said amount " 6 Lena Frye 64.62
turned .over to ^ 17: 9. LS. 9killian....
oortrtiOtore• " 34.15
#8 L. Bartlett Sohmidt......:......:.. 64.62
. 3??
Enkor"&.Storrie: 1 1.; t: " 11 Frank Lieberman.... ................ 34.16 r•"
12 mrs Vary Lieberman....... ... 69.62 l�
3nnieJ. uebso)unan................. 39:16
f :.•' 14 Urs. Joe Anumvnrd.........:......... 49.32
yf " 16.Alsey P. Friant.................... 46.64
17'hawronoe Fottor.................... 91.67.
" 19 Etta Stone Schaaf— ...
... 29.46 `
22 op S h1aP
., Fetter .....:................ 340.21
16 Mike Iseman ......................... 64.32, a total of $1097.16,
I stove that the sum of $1097.16 be allowad. raker & Storrie and a check drawn aaninet.
. k Iii a
the special Street Fund to pay same.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following
vote: Yeas, pace,: Pulliam, Tully, Washington and. Y.atterjohn;-6.
Proparty owrors Commissioner Tully offered the following motloni The following pnrties having + :r
hovina neither
paid the o.ottma- neither paid the oatimatee or taken advantage of the .Ten Year Plan for the improve-
toe or taken - a
10 year ]'lnn, ment on Broach Street, 'from'iho corner of 4th & broad Streets to he + •,�
t dividing line be-:'
amounting to
109.94, said twoen the property of Louis Fetter and Frank'Fetter-
6atima.tes turned
^'over to oon x, tet.. #3 'rlmna.Friant.................... $31.66
traotorrl, raker.' " 30 Chas. Lieberman .......:.......... 48.89
.:ie Fetter ... ... ....... 9.
" 23 Lou ter... 40
2 , a total of $109.94.L;
ii I mote that the Co.
mleetoner of Iublio Finance be authorized and 'instructed to turn r' i
' f the above montioned estimatee over to FAker &.Storrie. Adopted ( 1.
' p upon call of the roll
,.by the fgllowina vote:•Yoae. pace, Pulliam. Tully, 1.7anhinmton and Y,atterjohn,-6.
Property onnore - C'ommiosioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having
t p•r
.' on W. s.id a Broad g
Street; from signified their, intention of talo
}"} 4th & Aroad to ng ndvantage.of the Ten Year Payment Plan for the
5,. dividing line, eetimatea.agninst property owners for the improvement of oonorete sidewalks on -the West s'r
.bdtn.property '. i ,
s' -of .Louis and '
f�,Frank Pettor aide of Brand Stroot from the'oorner of 4th &Broad Streets' to'the.dividing lino De- '`•'..:,;
';tako 10ear
q taeen the property of Louis PatLor. and Frank Potter:
I;.,.Flan and Donde
§4RbortaYab h
Clara Romaine .............. ...� 0.42
20 J. M. Yarbro ........:...........126.60
21 Enoch 1'. Yarbro ...:............. 86.66, a total of $296.83,
I move that Improvement Bonds for this amount be issued and the City Solicitor be in- 4"
struoted to furntah *copy -for said bonds, and that tho bonds he advertised for sale as
roquirod by law. Adoptod.,upon 0411 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ?Moe..1
Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y,attorjohn,-6.es.
i Commissioner Tull offered h +&,
!Malt or Coroa] 'J Y . the folio ting motion; The. stun of $60.00 each .having
Aevornae l.looneo been paid into the Treaeury,'an evidenced by tho..recelpt ftled herewith.toaother. with
to follo'
• --aing 9'
p, until n d'oforrod' application for malt or ogrea] bovorage licence, I move that lioonuo to 8011,malL or
unci] nox.t recto -
4,'. lnr'mootlnR oereal bevorare, or any admixtures thoroof., bo arantod to the following
;Tuok Lor+o,
:. N.•L.6auao '. Tuck Lowe, 600 _S. 7th Stroot. y'
H. I... rause, 706 Adams Str'oot.'
A, T. Bohannonr R '•• Stith, 116 I.T.'4th Stroot.
Snyder & 1711bon:; Rohkopf Diet. Co.. 106 S. .2nd Street. "
t. A. T. Bohnnnon,'111 S. 3d Street.
Snyder.& T7il8on., 116 S. 2nd Street.
for a poriod'of nix months; from January let to June 30th, 1922. inclusive..
Commieolonor Pulliam offered the following motion: I hereby move to amend the '
' 'Amnndod motion '�
t.o:above motLon:�I motion of Oommioeionor Nlly, to which shall be appnnded the'follo�ing; ,.
i _
I furthermore move that notion on.:this motion be deferred'until .t
he' next regular
mooting and the Qommissioner of Public Safety be ooneulted an to desirability of.alloa-` '
i? I
c: Ing satd partlos to'operato sald.businesses..' Adopted _upon call of the roll Dq.the
I ... i .. .
tw, 'rrJi' ��.i>�i.'z.'Nafi� , wl..Md'r,'Ai' -e.' �..� . •.w.4y:, ,;,r. wn au.�.
_ i ,.6 �.. ....SCkY4^+!A!P Wit" � ,��il r� i c.[ . , a.r' t+i i t�tit 7 e ., _� � • �-•ic
yF,4�..r'1,1y [-S'4 •!•'s4 tii....r, �. Y�. j',c +.,+ i `�^�{''r.1
_ _ ___
.... ..., � :,,,,''•,:�' 78'9.
' Nm,
Cominissioners' Proceedings; ON o4'• Paduoah' -" i. ; 192'*
! following vote: Yeas, 1'aoe'; P.ullinM, 798hington aryl Ya'tter4ohn,-4; hays, Tully, -1.
o Oommieeton.or Tully.offerod tho fo'13owing motion; The stun of $100.00 having been
Malt or Cereal paid into the 'Treasury,'as evtdenoed`''by:the receipt iled herewith together with
&.9ons. application for malt or cereal bev8rdfge•..lioonse, I move that license to sell malt or .,
cereal beverage, or any admixtures thereof, be-grantod• to J. A. Rudy & Sone, city Rpti-
onal Bank Lobby, for a period of ,one year, from January let to December 3lot, 1922,
ino.luaivai ,Adopted upon call of the roll by.tho following vote: Yeas, race',:rulliom, •,
Tully,.',7aBhington and Yattorjohn.-5..
Report Oom1r. of Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of.the
Finance of. the Commissioner of Fublio Finanoo-of the finanoes of the Oit of Paluoah for the '
• fineness of City y year
of. `'.Faduoah for ...�?r,.
of.T. 1921 be received and filed and ordered publishod as required by 7;aw, Adopted upon cal
of.the roll by the following vote; Yoaa, Pace, I•ullinm, Tully, Wanhington and Yattor-
john, -5.
: Ootrllunioation of Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the oommuniontion
Oom1r. of. Tub) l o'i
Pinanoe, reeardingr of the Commieeionei' of Public Finan a, regarding the appointment of the Otty rhgrbgit,err,'; ; ..
aplroir.tment of the See, be received and filed. Lost upon call of the roll by the follosing veto Yea,e;.
City Depositories.'.
fully, -1; Days, Paoe, Pulliam, Washington and'Yatterjohn,-4.
royor Katterjohn offered.the following motion: I move that the Elk's Olub be
3,1k1,a Club allow-
e1 ;E5.00'Char Ity allowed 326,00 to be used for charitable purposes', and Bald sum to be oharRed to the
y T.'.instrel.. _
Meoellaneous Charity Account. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote;
C Yoae, Peon, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5. �
Mayor Y•atterjohn offered the follwaing motion: I move reoeipte showing $46.50.
Receipts showing expended in preparing record in case of City of Paducah vs. Paducah Railway Oompany
.54 6.50 ezponded'by
Ronooe Reod for be received. and filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted upon call of the roll by
'City in preparing
r000rd in,oauo of the fo'lloaing vote; Yeae, race, Pulliam, Tully, i7aohington and Y.atterjohn,-5.
City vs Faduoah
Railway Coml:uny, Receipts are as follows;
an follows:
Paduoah, Y.y. Doo. El, 1921
Received, of Roscoe Rood , City Solicitor, the cum of $6,00
.; which is in'full payment for services rondered by me in oopying
i transcript in rano of Pa,iuonh Railwhy Co. vs.. City of Taduonh for
Y_atie i!etzger., the.pUrp6sa of appeal to the Buoreme Cotmt of the nnitnd 9tntne.
$6.00. For two (2) days work at
e3.00 per dar.YATL V:',T7G55i, ¢
„ Paduoah, Y.y.., Dec. £1,'192.1.
Received of Roscoe lined, City 3olioltor, the Bum of :•',.12.00
y 1larearot Galloway, which is in full payment for dervi000 rendered '.by me In oopying a' '
1?..00. transcript in case of Paducah Railway Cu. vs, City of Pndnoah
3. for the purpose of appbal to the 9irpreme Court of the' United
States. For four (4) days work at .3.00 per day:
Paducah. Y.y. , Dec. 21, 1921.
a Received of Roscoe Road, City Solicitor, the sum of $7.50
Pre.J.R.roGee, whioh is in full i:ayment for eervioee rendered by me in oopying
$7.50. transcript in caue of Paducah Railway Co. ve. City of'Taduonh
for the purpose of appeal to the 9upromo Court of the United "•'
3tatea. For two and ono half.(2•-) darn work at $3.00 por day.
!•9t`; J. H. i:oG x':. ;
Paducah. Y.y., Peo. 21, 1921. a
Received of Roeooe Rood.. City Solicitor, the sum of $13.50
...lice th Scott.. 9 of ,
w ,
.. � :which Se in hill payment for sorviao� Pondered by mo In oopying •'
313,150, transcript. in case of Paduoah Ra;1way Co, vB City of induonh,.for
tiro urnono of n r ? Y i
P app to the .Uprome . Court o_ the United tatos..; }'y
For four and one half (4}).day0 work at $3.00 per day.
1IM"IP ' T SCOTT. `'c''•:,' '
t' Paduoah, Y.y,, Dno. 21,.1921.
Received of R000ne lead, City 901iottor, the cum of :17.50 "
Oneida Wear which is in full payment for services Pandered by rle in oopying
7.50. tranaorlpt in case of Ta•ducah Railway Co, vo. City of raduoah,
s 1 for the purp000 of appeal to the Supreme Court of the Unitnd
9tateu. .For two dna ona half lE$) days work .nt ?3,00 per day. !'
(1.!I99) ONYIDA "!L R.
SyAnpl �.i, jr-.
r. .. _ .,.r. 't -•s •'sw: '. r<. r �v' '.— r:. r-' _,c` -,� ..;r.}.. -�i �.�,i ,µ _ .
No i; •:
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192--- };
i - Commissioner Pace offered the followincr motion:.I. move that theAnnualReport,
nnunl Report, of.
i*Firof Lhe Chief of the Firo Department for 19El..be•reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call
hiof ofe .. a.,.
),A9E1 tmont for of the roll by the following vote: Yaae, Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y.atter- �•':`
('• - john; -6. V
007nmieeloner 17ashington offered the following motion:. I move that'the convey-.
Cemetery trnno-. anoo- of part of lot. 122 Block 14 by We. Holland Coleman to C. 0. Coleman De granted'
for from tire.
{. Ho51an3 Coleman. ,
to 0, O,,Ooleman and ratified upon her ei�ing and acknowledging said deal of conveyance, am. 'that trans-•
O;r.of port of Lot for ..ohe
ordered recorded in the Cemetery Deed Book. Adopted upon oallf troll by the
19E, Block .14..
„ a
following vote: Yoas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y•atter John. -6. F,e
rt ,
Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I vo mothat the employment ;•
Mica Noll Warner y,, s
Sl'Stenographor !n yrc:
s of Was `Nell V7arnor as stenographer in the Departmont of Public 17orke, at the rate of ;•�
r Dept. of Public
-Werke. '•- $19:00 per week, she crorkina at presont,only rin the afternoons,. be ratified.. Adopted
upon call of the roll by the•following.vote: Yede, Pace, Pulliam. ,Wash indton and Y.atter+
john; -4; Nays. Tully, -1. c
h Commissioner Washington offered the foll6wing motion: I. -m .t?iat n reeolu- I. rr;•-?
r Resolution au
thorizinaF 'Y
tion entitlod, "A RE30LUTION AUTHORI7,0 0AVD DiRZOTIIIG F...7. TT-RJOHNI a
• ... MA.... , SLIYCR,'TO E1�' Y
to entor into: ' yF:.4
1 Lease with A.P. = � 1
Ford for.01ty BADUOAH, Y1,21TUCYY;" be adopted. Adopted.up:on'ball of the roll'by the•followina vote: *`
`? .property 10th
Yeas, Paco, Fulliam, Tully., 19ashiing
&. Olay St:': $a ton and Y.attorjohn,-6:
f� Fire Station
Oommieeloner. Washington offered, the following motion: I.move that s contract
(' Oontraot betn. g property ownod by the City of Padu
• A.P. Ford and '..
between A: P. Ford and C. E. Trau hbor, relative to s
).O,E.Traughber. aah. located at. Tenth and Olay Stroots, and known an the 3 Firo 8tntion Duildln
rolat.ivo t0 g.
Fire. Stnfion:' N ...
+8 Bldg, be reoo.lvod.and filed. .Adopted upon call of .,the. roll .by tho followina�vote: Yeas,: j{
Peoe,'Pulliam, Tully; Washington and Katterjohn,-6. a i
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the. roll by the fol Iocrinri vote:
Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,.l7ashington and Y.attorjohn.-6. r'
in , r Ai�pled Qnr..
4 � Tie-e-�_ � 165E_... 71—
`. At`a Called-1400tinm'of the Board of Commiselonore,' held to tho'Commfssionore': G
a } Chamber in the City Pail, Paduoah,.Kontuoky, on January 10th. 192E, at 10',0'olook A. 1i.
-ipi�. .; `�' .... ;•' 'Upon call of the roll the fol lo�ning_ nnswerod .to' their names: Commieelbnere. Pace, •'.' {t�;;,;•.� ,;
} Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-6.
I.Inyor . Kettor john stated reasons for call .to--ait:. .Por the purpose .of passingVI
Funotion Ord.inanoe, .to.Reoeive Bide for Sower Bonds. and such other business as nay.
�'s.. oomn ooforo tho Board'.
Commit esion
or 17aohindton:.offered the follo, l motion: I move that nn ord 1
?:nanco ontitied, "A17.0ADTNA1:01 D: Ti•R.1:INING T.4-..FUNOTTONS' OF' THr DET ARr,.7F11T3 OF FTTBJ.IC ` 2
Funotion Ord i-
t r .. Adopted' upon call of . the :rol,l by the following vote: Yeae,• Pace, Pulliam .and 14aehing=
ton;-3;�Na�e; Tully and R¢ttarjohn,-E...
Commissioner Tully.offorod ihe'followina motion:. I move that the bide`oY,the
following, parties for the $G00,000.(t0 6$: eor.ty Year,.Sovrer, Bonds....:, ^� y
Bide received'
Jas. O. .Willson & Co.; Iouievillo, ..y: Par and-Fromium $6,961.00 d`
for the $d00,000 National Bank of Commerce, St. -Louis. Per and 6,GO.00- �,
6% Forty Year 3
Sewer Bond e. City National Bank
'First National Bank ;'• • J
Citiaonn Savinme Bank ) Paducah, Y,ontuoky,, of par and accrued -
:k" Uoohanioe Trust &.Sabinge Bank) interest.,
Ohio Valley Truet Company
- . .,. ... . _ .,. ..... _,. c.._ .... - .. . <.t...J . • , r. . .! v - . � y.��` I 1.
• _ i..:iI;c:i�Y3L.::uY..`.`ti ulY{' .:�.. .a.,.vti .. - ud...... c.c+r b.w+'•n✓.wy:.rr�+b.-,••. ,c r{„ r s.. _ ,