HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 784, January 2, 1922`lVA
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
JA1iUARY END, 192E "'•,
At a Regular. Meeting of the Board of .Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber .in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on January End; 1922.., Upon pall of the Y
roll the following answored to. their.namee: Commissioners I'aoe, Pulliam.." Tully,
<t.. r,:'•; Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.:
i t•, 1 ..
Mayor Kaitorjohn'ofiered the following motion: I move that the Certificates
of Fleotion of Wynn Tully, L..A. Rteh]nRton. Henry A. Pulliam.and C., O. Paoe, as Com- ti
y` missioners of, the City of Paducah; Kentuoky, be reoeived, filed 'ani spread, upon the
{ minutes. Adopted upon'oall of the roll by the iollowina voter Yeas, P9ae, Tulliam. .
, f
Tullq, anshingtOn. and Kattorjohn,-6..
t: !
Said tOertifioatoe aro as follows:
COUNTY OF MoCRACYF.it But. Nov. 14, 19E1. f
Oortifioate of
Wynn Tully*.,We, Oso. L. Alliston; 0. C. Davie and A. R. Steele duly: authorized to oanvaee
the.roturne of.the Count of MoOraoken do oertif that tit an.e]notion held • to said
County.. on the 6th day of. Nov. 1921, Wynn. Tully was,duly elect9d to.f111 the oifioe
t t' of City Commieskonor.
0910. L. AJ,LISTOH, {
t , ?If it is n.Freoinat Office Oommiesionere.: Y' X
x tnoort in.....:.. PraolnoL ; I
Y, s .after tho word "held."
yt .coo-----
1 ' STAT^ 0 Y,!•SiTI10KY, )' Nov. 14, 1921.. )
Cortiftoate of
Eleot ion of �+
L: A.t7aehin on.. We. Goo. A. Allioton,'0. 0. Davie and A. R. Stooleduly authorized to sanvase
T.' It. the rgturno or the County of MoOrnaken do oortify that at nn el,notion hnld in.said', '..i
County, on the Uth day of-Nov. 1921, L. A:<7behington was duly eloo.ted to fill the
•t•. s'i r; ofiloa of City Commissioner.
t + 0970. L. A 1.LISTOId.
If jt is a Preoinot Office ) A: R': ST'?F1.F.
1 y. insert in .Preoinot Commissioners.
after the word�''hold" ?;l_
Nov. 14, 1921.. I
t$ STAT OF Kr'N1110YY,
We, Geo. J:. Al:lieton, 0: Q. Davis and j%. F. Steele duly authorized to oarrvans' ,
1;Oertifioate of :the roturne of the Oounty of MoOraol:en do,00rtify that n.t.an eleoti:on held • in said ( +
;Election of County, on the Uth day of Nov.. 1921, Henry A. Pulliam was duly-eleoted to fill the: Vit.
Aenry.A.Pulli�.,.offioe of wity Commissioner. F.-
.. � -
{ GIM. L. ALLIS'mII ''•
`If i t' le a Preoinbt Offioe ) A. R.
lnnort in ...... Preoinot Oommiesioner.a.
the 'word."hol(:"
Nov. 14, .1921.:
ST6M'r'. OF Y:.:i1TUCKY
Oertiiionte of We_, deo: L: Alliyton, C. C.. Davis and A. -R duly a+ahorized.to oanvaee.'
:Elootion of the returns of tho County of MoCrao,:on.do aertify that at an oleotion held * in said.
07nude O.Pnoe Oottnty, on the 6th da;, of .Nov. 1921. Claude 0. Paoe wne'duly olooted to fill the
office of Cit Commiecionor.
Y. - 030. -L: ALLISTOII
If it Ls'e Preoinot Office). A. R. 8T_Fx7F;
insert in ....... Preoinot )) "
after the word "held," ( '
+..i Mayor Kat_terjohn offornd .the following motion:. I move that 'the reeolution.' -
Resolution _.
aes.laninq Oom- assigning the.Oommiseionere of the.. City of Paduoah; F:entuoky; to'the'Qifforent depart- I ;^
miesionore to ✓
itdifi'eront.der menta, be. adopte>). Adopted upon 0811 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Pnoe.
Pulliam. Tully, Washington and KatterJohn. -6.
.,:' ;yz� ;C6:U'.` ":w wdS V,.! T .a. s... d.. .r. • n. , . •. ou nw.,a ean,+..ta; st,� xn:,till,.
'w : °G a r-.._>""d` MV1"'l`f•.. r.t"*^+n..T - - - -� - _
'q� Y�,� !. , 1{fs�+.::� •.:_�' y � '��""')t" �v""'Y-r}�d5"IRALR''�'RiCnu!»*viwcritt.•.:v••�w-nt�yt i +a !�% v:... x� `. t h, f ,
- }.�,. '.. ."7 ., F.'v- ,f i r- '�' ].'{. .�H4r^ y.. �yT �'. �/f',11. `.. L.h ', -•L+J ' t t td �' ,
, .._ ]J -... ,..�.. ...T:! .1 _ .t. 'r: =.4i 1...`�.•1a:n.L...-Y)^^-�u. �:. tr.. 5 - ....2 ...:J., `
F ,
r Commissioners' Proceedings,. y oaducah -
i ° x City P192
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move ,that ,the: oormotmi-
Cortuoiinigatton Demo-y cation of the:Demoorat publishing Company be received and filed. Adopted-neon oe1T of
ornt TiIblishing r
Com an the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pu111am,'Tully, Washington and Kntter
i p y john,=5.
Yayor Katter John offered the following .notion: -:I move thnt'a Resolution
bun.pdeei!mated iventi
Sun as .1 Designating the Paducah ?'vening Sun ae the Official Nowepnper for the City.oP Padu- a,
Official Ne•as- ,J'
{ paper tor ' 1922. 4 ash Yontuot9. for the year 1922 be adopted. 'Adopted upon, cell of the roll by .the
following vote: Yeas, Taoe, Tully, Ylaahington and Katter john,-4; Ways; Pulliam,-1.
knyor Y.nttor john offered the following motion: Imove that the ronirmation
} Resignation of R. K. 'Nall, as.0lty Prosoonting Attorney of the Oity.of Paduoah be accepted. i
t 1Y, y.,i'ln11,'as city
( .I'rosooutina Atty.Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Pane, Pulliam, Tully,.
Iyp� Washington and Y.atterjohn,-b.
On motion the Bogrd,adjourned to meet at 10 o'olook A: 1d. Tuo,eday morning,
} hh •.
t January 3rd, •1922, upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yea B, Pace. Pulliam,
Tully, 1,Yaahington and Kattorjohn,-b.
AP:PROV.@i .
` Adopted �.+• %� !9� •,��"�-.-
CRY cl-k
JANUARY 3RD, 1922. 3
At an :adjourned 1.ieettnR of the Board-of,0ommissionorn, held in the Oommia-
sionore' Ohnmi,er to the City Hell, Paducah, ' Yontuoky, ,on. Jnnunry 3rd, 19EE, at 10:00
o'.o]ook A. V. Upon onll of the roll tho:following'nnawered to thou names:.
e0omissioners Paoe,..Pulliam, Tully, 'wanhington artd.}:ntterj,)hn,-B.
Commissioner 9aehington offered the following motion: I move that the....
:adjournment Board adjourn until .2 o'clock P. 1d.. January .3rd, 1922. Adopted.upon:oa71 of the ^t
J, :roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, "lashington and Y,atterjohn, b.
Acoptc�an 9t'j ..19 t
n !t
At an Ad
joinned Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, he]d in the Commie
stoners' Chamber. in the O.ity Hell, Paduoah, Y.entuoky,'on January 3rd, 192E, at 2 e
V' o'olook'P. Id. Upon call of the•roll.the following answorod to. their names: .commis {,!
slonore.Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7aehington,nnd Y.atterjohn,-b.
Mayor. Ka tter John. offered the following motion; Imova the Carl H. Danker, �;.
Carl H. Donkert .. -
r appointed City be appointed City. Proseouting Attorney for the City oi' Paduonh, Y.ontuoky. adopted
.. prooeciAing
Attorney ..f upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Tashington.
�r and Katterjohn,-b. .
'Pay or Yatterjohn offerod'the following motion:' It appearing that an error
was made by the City Engineer `in i'igur.ing'the Estimate #14, John Bumgard et1713 `
t Estimate #14:Johni• Broad Street, in the Final Ratimate against propartd o.vnere on',the West side of, '
Bumgard', 1713
Broad. Fit.. correct-'j Broad Street, from the intersection of Fourth and, Broad. Street to the dividing line _
between the property of Louis Patter and Frank Patter, for .the construction of
' concrete sidewalk
Eakor & Storrie;.Contraotora,- wherein he charged Cast Iron'•
'pipe 20 feet at 50V, 310.00, in error;.-,T move that the, Cormnissionor of Publfo +r*
..r -
I. Finance be instructed to correct this Estimate'. and m ke the' total amount read.' ;,t"Y1j ,
' $49.32 instead of $69.32, and make the Total :;atimates.reed.•�,19b1,9b instead oP
l ' ""'y..Y,.--v � i nl�,::a: »... _ ....a. - s. .^.LSC' ,a"•+,T'..13�"5.1�"`,.�s'v'"�, it, �iS:^.x.� t<r?o:�,^.'.t" .,5:,`.?�� ...`.TJq^o? x%�+1:5"�'-rT-F$.