HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 777, December 24, 1921L
Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192
D-0:10-2 UTH, 1921.
At'a Galled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Oommiaeto nard
Chamber In the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky. on December 24th, 1521, at 11 o'clock
A. U. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners
Eaton. Tully. Williams and Mayor Vattorjohn,-4.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow pay -roll for the
weak ending December 24th, 19E1, ani such other business no may. come before the
commissioner Tully offered the following motion- I move that the Pay -
Pay -roll River-
roll for the. week onAtng Dec. 24th, for the DRYARTURITT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY, Riveraid
side Hospital
for weak ending
Voepital.*amountinR to $116.29, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropria:-
ad 'from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall-of the roll by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas. Eaton, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion-.. It appearing that there
is due Eaker & Storri .for the improvement of sidewalks on the We
a, Contractors.Weet.•
2Akor & Storri6
aid Utimate
aide of ?goad Street from the Intersection of 4th k Broad Ste. to the dividiV.'g
a Yolb Park.
4i.03 uide
line between the property or Louis Patter and Frank Potter. the eum of $449e03
walk improve-
mont on 4th &
being for Estimate #18. Kolb Park, I move that the sum of $449.03 be allowed and
Broad Sto.
ordered paid and charged to the Park account. Adopted upon call of the roll by.
the following vote- Yeao, Eaton. -Tully. Williams and Yatterjohn,-4..
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that
maker & Storrie
paid $20:).17
there is due E.sker & Storrie. contractors. for the improvement on South 6th
-Otimqte 61 for
alley on S.Oth
Street, oatwoen Huabandu and Bachman Sto for alloys... Estimate #1 for 5-10 ft.
St bath. Hun-
allays... 0205A7. I move that the sum of A205.17 be allowed and ordered paid
d and
e J.
bards and Bach -
Man Sts.
charged to Faw Construction and the money appropriated from any furKta not 'other -
wine appropriated. Adopted upon bell of the roll by.'the following vote,: Yeas,
Eaton, Tully. Williams and.Kattorjohn,-4.
r k
Commissioner Tull offered the following motion- It appearine that.thare
Revnolde Bros.
paid $56.41 ror
is due Reynolds Bros.-, contractors. for the improvement on 4th Street, between
mate #I.
Broad and Elizabeth 2troots. ltitimate#1 for allay, $56.41, move that the sum of..
alloy on 4th
St. Detn.Broad
.$58.41 be allowed and ordered paid and charged to Now Construction and the money
and 2lizabeth
to pay sam o be appropriated from any funds not otherwlea appropriated.* Adopted upon
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, 4aton, Tully, Williamn and Katterjohn-
Commissionor.Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that
Reynolds Bros.
paid $273.E6,
'.'there is due Reynolds Bros.. Contractors, f0 r construction of . concrete sidewalks
alloys on IT.
9th .9t. betn.-
curbs and gutters on North Ninth 9treat, between Vadla,)n and Trimble Streets, the
Me i I son, and
Trimk)io Streets.
following astimate:3 for :allo.78;
Mat #E city of Yaduoah. Alley wo6t.side lith. bet.Vad.& )far .... 69.66
.1 01 n sent side 9th. 147.33-
9. wont Bide 9th. Hrkr. & 01ny. ...94,67
east aide 9th. Clay & Trim... 01-60
a total of $273:26, 1 move that the sum of 4E73.26 be allowed and ordered paid
and charged to Ifew 0onetruotlo.n and the money appropriated tto pay BnM8 firom any•
funds not otheralse appropriated. Adopted upon call of' the roll by the following.i.:
vote: Yens. Eaton.. Tully, Williama.and Yatterjohn.-4.
Gomm iesioner Eakeientered meeting..
d Commissioner Tully offered the,following motion- I move that the a ommu.
Of Barron G..
Collier with.
nioation from Barron G. Collier, with r.eforonoe to the license for advertising in
reference t6
license for
street care, be.p000lved and filed. Adopted upon 'Gall of theroll the by t fell Ow-
A,* . . .
Str a a t oar a.
inq vote- Yeas, EatonMaker, Tully, WilliamsJ
. . . . Illiams and. Katte' ohn,t,8.
1tJ 'e3 Mu•:iiLL. •. s `•'t"^
�, ..� Y �'♦.o r..>•, h 1+ : Yrs a ;.. .,t. -•; r..•r{•: ..,s:+:.x�:,...,p �.x Y.M /ii`!.
' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah.,
Q,Oomrnunioation of - Mayor Katterjohn offered the .following motion: .I move that the .00mmunica I#�}
1 W.
A. ABarr doted
r y tion -from w,. A. BeBrry, dated December 19th, 1921, relative. to, the.osee of Padnoah Rnil-
Doo.19, .19E1 .with; ;.�
:.roi'oranoo to foe wdy Company vs. City of Paducah, be received and' filed, and that the Dill enclosed;•
f' in lotion of I t
Paduonb. Ry.06. ;
amounting. $649.46 for services reniered by him in said Daae, ino_ading enpeneee inoi
+ va City, said feei-
' 4 of 649.46• aid
g p dent to said ogee, ce a1loAed,;:ani that the Commissioner of Public Finance le hereby.. r:
�i In 1-u71 of. all ( :'. •.,,:',-
servioen.in.eatd au' flior I zed- and direotod to issue, voucher to said I.T.A. Berry for said 'sum.of $849.46,.
it r whIoh, ie in full;eettlement for all servioee'rendered- by the. said 17, A. Berry in -Paid '
ogee, and that said amount be charged to.0oste and Suite. Adopted upon Dell of the roll kt� "
by the following vote: Yeae. Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams and KntLor ohn,-8:,. r
VF y o c t r, On motion, the Board adjournod upon call of. the roll by 6 yeas. t~"
4 fit;
, Y
Cur Clerk
tF �
D3CP2:I M 26TH, 1921. �F
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
-Chamber in the City Hall, "Paducah. Kentuokq, on-Deoembor 26th. 1921, the following • �`=
answered to their names: .Oommdesioner Eaton and Tully, and biayor,Katterjohn;=3.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Hoard of
r Oommieeionere adjourn.till two. o'clock P. M.on Tuesday, December 27th, 1921. Adopted t
upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas -Eaton, Tuliy and Katterjohn,-3.
19t� I �c t ,n
c / %:PP : QVEr.
�,{ M +l ■- p CUV CWS.
D140PhD1rll 27TH1921. x-
+ 1 " I k
�• '' ' At an Adjourned Meeting of the Board'of 06mm,leelonere; held in the Commieelonere' 1
Chamber in the City Hall; Paducah, Kentucky, on December 97th, 1921, at E o'clock P. U.
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Coiomissioners rAt,on,Tully,
1 flilliamc and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.:�,•; f
On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetina_e were A, A
adopted upon call or t'he roll uy,the following' vote. Yeas -Eaton Tully. W 1 am
' T. v, 1 11 a and
t: Katterjohn;=4.
a•.. Mayor Katterjohn offered :the following motion: I move that the Report of Alvord
d Burdiok; r•howing'estimate.of coat of construction of Sewer District IID. 3, including ,n
Report Alvord
Burdlok of drawingsand maps, be received and riled, and that Alvord k Burdick be paid for- their
t'..Sewer District '
; 3, and Albord earvioe.e.In making a survey. of Sewer District No. 3 and Report on same, the sum of
k Burd lok paid sr.
,41760.00 Tor $1760.00, and the,Oommieeioner of public Finance to hereby authorized and directed to
survey ko. of rgt.
said awaer.di's- issue voucher to'said Alvord &.Burdick for said 0)1171 in full• s s'
p yment for their services
- triot.,
renderad,"said ,eum to be charged 'to the Special Sewer Fund. 'Adopted upon dall'of the
i..: roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Tully,,Rilliaime and Katterjohn,-4. 7
r C-.Jonnings,. Commissioner Tully.offerod the following' motion: .I move that C: E. Jennings,
t..C.C.Roso and
f .Henry Kattorjohii O. C, .Rose and. Henry Y.atterjohn be appointed membere,of the Board of 3qualination'for
appointed mom- d
boro'Bodrd of the year 1999. . Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,
_,Tor 1929. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. m4.
Commissioner nilly offered the follo'.ving motion: I move that the firm 6f Posey b
Posey '& Cooke ,
to Audlt Oity'a Cocke De emplogdd to make an audit.'of the Oity's accounts for the year 1921. Adopted
accounts for ! t
the year 1991: upon oall`'of.the.roll by the following vote; Yeae;.r^•nton, Tally. Williams and Knttery