HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 769, December 13, 1921�,h -' l• , _ c-s:^,� �y; ,++,rte w ,rL�. _.+f y y:\d �,»�/ . pt.. ;,���ry�.w,:, !� r-,'77" r V6 0. N Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah Mayor Ketterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the statement show. Statement showing lug the amount Of Judgment, interest and costs in the MoOracken,Girouit Court and In amount of Judge - Mont, Interest & i the Court of Appeals in the action of Mary Lows vs Darker Transfer Company and the, costa in action ofq. Mary Lows ve Dan. City of Paducah, as roosiva4 and Tiled. Adopted upon call of the r* ker Transfer Co. all by-tha follow, and City of Paduoah.ing vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,.4. Mayor Kattarjohn offered the following motion-.. I move that the 0 Qom r. of Publi a ommiselonar of Finance directed Public Finance be authorized and directed to pay to W. 0. Boston, Clark'of the pa! 17,0.Saaton.� to Clerk,. McCracken Circuit Court. the sum of $645..44. which to in of Jud le k 0 f 45.44. ant f amount o JuAgm Judgment rendered' interest-ard oonte4.against the City of Paducah In favor or fiery Love in the NoGraoken 01routt Oourt, in cotton of vary Love V13 Oity ofit Paduo6h &a. F, which Judgment was rendered on.February 16th. 19EO for 0600.00. with interest and• Court costs, amounts to $645.44, as is shown by itemised statement thiR day.filed. and that same is charged to Costa and Suits. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote- Yeae. EAton, Tully. Willi amS and Yatterjohn.-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall.of the roll by 4 yeas. I q City cj"k D FO k1!B ER 13TH, 1921. At a Oalled Hosting of the Board of Oommisaioners, hold In the Oommieetonere'" ;, Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Dooember 13th 1921, at 11 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker, Tully. Williams and Mayor Yatterjohn,-5. • Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit: To accept work on Goebel Avenue..and such other business as may come before the Board. Mayo r Katterjohn offered the following motion: Yanoy & Johnson, Oontraotors, having finished the construction of the concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters,'to. Pother with ali necessary manholes, Antokoe. sewers, catch basins and driveways on A000ptanoo,of Avenue to a of Goebel Avenue, from the Fiat property line of Guthrie work constructed bthe Rest side y, 'Yanoy & Johnson-of.i sidewalks &a.,on point Where the South curb line of Wortan' a Avariiia, jf extended, would intersect the Goebel* Avanuee, West property.lina,of.Goebol Avwuoj also the East side of Goebel Avarua, from a stake set opposite the front of the building now oaoupia4 by the Union Drug Store, to South curb. line or Worten's Avenue, nrri having oomplIa4 with the ordinnnoo adopted and authorizing said improvamont, and having oomplied, In all respects, with the forma of the'oontract entered into by and betwear.naid oontraotore and the City' of Paducah, and having completed 'same according to the. Plans and Specifications adopt. elfor said work, and no complaints having been filed, protesting. against -said work.. I'move that said Improvement be accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow : ing vota..Yeas. Eaton, Faker and Williams, -3; !lays, Tully and Kattirjohn,62. 4 Mayor Ratterjohn offered the following moti - I move that the estimate on.. Estimate of W.V. Mitchell, city furnished by 17. M. Mitchell, Oity Engineer. for work done and performed by Yanoy -Engivearperform of work'J.ohnsor.:Oontraotore. for the. oonatruotio . n of concrete sidewalks, o . urbs and I gut . taro.. performed by oon-6 P-4 traotor Yanoy & Jonneon.on Goebel and.all necessary manholes. Intakea, sawors, catch basins and driveways on the Want Ave. Side of Goebel Avenue, from the Eqst property line of Guthrie Avenue to a point where tho,,South curb line of 1.7ortan Avenue, if extended, would interseot- the 'Neat property -line of Goebel ivonue:.also the Fast side of Goebel Avenue, from a stake set opposite the front of the building now occupied by the Union Drim, Store. to the F. South curb line of Torten Avarua. be received, filed and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Fat on, Ea' 1: or Tilly; Williams and KatterJohn.-5. \..s«v�,e _ -m..n�n�+�ff^uaY n n .y,LT. w., mr J, 7_- "7,.,,r,.3 _ ,+♦ - Ir, Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192__ z< " �- Mayor Katterjohn offered' the following motion: I move that the Final Final Estimate of W.M.Mitohell, Estimate furnished by W. M. Mitchell, City Engineer.,for work done and performed b {� y City Fngr. of Yanoy &'Johnson. Contractors, for the construction of concrete sidewalks, ourbe and work poriormed , Sby Yano & John- y eon on Goebel: Hatters, and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers, catch Dasina and driveways on r L" Ave. the West aide of. Goebel Avenue, from the East proper Ly line of Guthrie Avenue to_n �� ,4p„•, d \ C` f point where the South curb .line of ttortea Avenue. i1 extended, would intersect the ' !�J F West property line of Goebel Avenue; also the. East side of Goebel Avenue, from a stake set opposite the front of the biiilding now 000upied by the Union Drug Stare, to the South ourb line of Torten Avenue,be received. filed and' confirmed. Adopted upon call i ••1' j` of the roll by the following. vote: Yeae, Baton, Eager, Tull Williame and Katter ohn 8 Assessment Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move.that on ordinance i. •r ” ` Ordinunae assess r« entitled, "AN CRDIMANOE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON.THE WEST SIDE OF GOEBEL + Ing property on Goebel Ave. for AVEVUE,,FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF GUTHRIE AVENUE TOA POINT '!7HEB THE SOUTH CURB eidewniko'can-' �utruoted by LINE OF WORTEN A,*=E,.IF EXTENDED, WOULD INTERSECT THE_WEST PROPERTY LINE OF GOEBEL iTangy & Johnson. , contractors., $8.39 per foot. AVENUE;. ALSO THE EAST SIDE OF GOEBEL AVEIil1S, FROM A STARE SET OPPOSITE THE FRONT OF. �+•;' THE BUILDING 170.7 OCCUPIED BY THE UNION DRUG STORE, TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF WORTEN I" _.'• "•" AVENUE. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; THE SUN OF $8.39 PER ABUTTING FOOT, FOR THE : CO IIS1ilU0TI01! OF C01'tC?iETE SIDEWAIi:9. CURBS AND GUTTERS, Alm ALL .IiECESSARY MANHOLES; ffi- �z#� TAY.ES. CATCH BASII1S AND DRIVEWAYS THAMON. AS SHOWN BY THE ERGIREERIS ESTIMATE, EX= ' F DEPT THAT FORTIOti TO HE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. AIiD PROVIDING TART SAID ASSBS84 MERT MAY BE PAID FOR Ili TEN EQUAL IIiSTALUMPTB, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TF.N! `. s, a+ J• YEARS." be adopted: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Vote:"•Yeae, Baton. ^°? .L•. Baker', Tully end:Williame,-4; Hays, Katterjohn.-l. Mayor Katter john offered the following motion; Reynolds Brothers,Con- traotore, hevina corrected all defeats and having finished the oonetruation'of the Curbs and gutter 1 5=. . . constructed on curbs and gutters on both sides of Leeah Avenue, from the property line on tAe South Leeoh Ave. and 11th St. r. side of North Tenth Street to the gutter line on what would be the North side.of Reynolds Bros. Rejeotedi Eleventh•Street, when improved-. 'also bothl aides of Eleventh Street. from the cutter �J�� line of the interseotion.on what would be the West aide of Leeoh Avenue; if.improved',, ' i; to the East gutter line on Burnett Street.. including the intersections on said streets;!,:.'rS�; i.. in.the Otty of Paducah, Kentucky, and having complied with the ordinanae,adopted and } } d authorizing said improvement, and having oomplied, in all respeate.-with the terms' of .�.. the contract entered into by and between said contractors and the City of Paducah. and having completed same according. to the Plane and speoifioatione adopted. for said work.. ' �i and no oomplaints having been filed, protesting against said. work. I mope that said improvement be aa.aepted. host.npon call of the roll by the following vote: 'Teas. Eaton: and Williams.-E; Bays. Ecker, niid Y Tully Katterjohn.-3: ;.�,,;• � ': , '.•cis, II. Mayor Katterjohn offered, the following motion: Reynolds Brothers, Oontrsot- having i EIC corrected all defeats and having finished the oonstruction of the conorete Sidewalks,ouibe & Gutters on iieidewalke, curbs and girttere, and all necessary manholes. intakes. sewers, oatoh'baeine! - Clay. St: from 17th to 19th "and driveways on the South aide of 'Clay Street, from the line the West St. oonstruotod Ii property on side by Reynolds"Brosl�of Seventeenth Street to the gutter line on the Fast l,ineteenth rejected. aide of Street, and �having 'oomplied.with the ordinance adopted and authorizing said improvement; and hnving.j'. r< `t'' ;'•'' oomplied; in all respeote,,with the terms of the .contract entered into Dy and betweei7 i ' r said contractors. and the Cit of Pnduoah aal hevin o ?i F g. ompleted`same according to the ''. Plane and Specifications adopted for said work. ani no. complaints having been filled. ; r protesting against. said work. I move that said improvement be accepted: Loot upon call'I -7. t" "of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton and flillieme,-8; Hays,* Ecker. Tally and i Katterjohn -3. ,w ' �+.c .-SIw`•46�:=ti7:�. .b.- r.�. .:.a..+ II u,w..., .. M.:.::a r . '- ',1 � f •�F ,.-..iii.' Jr,! � , l . .a ( :fit ,.. ! (. I , , !.I , s ,, �..—,�. til.+s.. •,. rNQ.�.j i Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah , '' ' 192-'). Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; Reynolds Brothers, 0ontractors 'having corrected all defeote and having finished the construction of the concrete aide- ? Aoceptanoa of walks, curbs and gutters, and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers, aitch basins. sidewalk, 6 o. on N.16th St. from and driveways on both aides of North Sixteenth Street, from the North- gutter line of Jefferson to Trimb,e St.. con- Jefferson Street to the South gutter line of Trimble Street, and having complied with etruoted by Regnolde Bros. k the ordinance adopted and authorising said improvement, and having complied, in all respects, with the term, of the contract entered into by and, between said contractors and the'Oity'of Paducah, and having completed same according to t*.e Plane and 8peoi ficatione adopted for said work, and no complaints having been filed; protesting G against said work,.I move that said improvement be accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,Eaton,?aker,Tully.nilliame and' Katter john, -b. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the eetimote fur- Estimate oL w.M niched b !4. M, Mitohell..Cit ,. Y YRineer, for work done. and performed by Reynolds i. Kitchell, City ;...•> Eng in ask of work. Brothers. Contractors, for.the oonstrnotion of concrete sidewalks, curbs and guttere, . performed .by . Reynolds Broa. on p and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers, catch basins and driveways on Doth. N.16th St. from Jeffersoz,.St. to �. sides of North Sixteenth Street, from the North Rutter line of Jefferson Street to 1, Trimble St* -4 .the South gutter line of Trimble Street, be received, filed and confirmed. Adopted . .upon call of .the roll by the following vote: Yeas, -Eaton, 3aker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-b. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the .Final Eeti 1Litohe7l Final Estimate of .mate furnished by 3, 1i. , City h�zgineer, for work done anti performed'b' W. VXitohe11,01ty p "r�ginoer of work .0 Reynolds brother,, Contractors, for the construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs performed by 0 ' and t Reynolds Bros. on' Ru tern, and oil necessary manholes, intakes, sewers, catch basins and drive- R.16th St. from y •. Jefferson St. to ways on both aides of North Sixteenth Streot, from the North gutter line of Jefferson Trimble St. ( Street to the youth gutter. line of Trimble Street, be received, filed and .confirmed. 1 Adopted upon call of, the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Eaton, Faker, Tully, H1111ame and Y.atterjohn,-b. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordin4noe Ord mance assess- entitled, "All ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH'SIDE9 OF NORTH' 9IE- Ing property on N.16th St. from } TEENTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH GUTTM LINE OF JEFF-43ON, STRX T TO TY.E SOUTH GUTTI''R ' Jefferson St. to ,:' •;' ''i 'LINE OF Ti ItIBLE STR°E T, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. Y.ENTUCKY, THF SUM OF $1.791178 Trimble St., PER Yy• $1.991175 per abutting root ABUTTING F00'P, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEVIALY_S, CURBS AILD GUTTERS. AND ALL for sidewalKe. deo: IIC-35A.RY MANHOLFS, INTAZ'S, SE7i:iS, CATCHBASIIIS AND DRIVE''AY9.TH?Rf�DN, A9 9HOwNHY. THE E17GII7E1013 b:STI66'.TE, EXOkiT THAT FORTIQII TO BE FAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND IROVIDING THAT SAID ASSBS31jXNT MAY liS PAID FOR IN TEN EQUAL INSTALI)AYNTS, BEING' i ONE EACH YEAR FOR A IM IOD OF IEU YEARS," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the' roll ', by the .following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, willisms,4; Hays;Katterjohn,-1. + ? Communioatioa or Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that theoommunioa= ' C. T.Allen relative T to 60 ft. or ground tion from C. T. Allen, dated Dec. 13th, 1921, relative to the 60 feet or.ground deeAsd by Allen :t to City of Paduoah;.deeded and dedicated by the said C.T. Allen, for street purposes, be received and.. . zor Street.pur- i. 10008. filed anti n000pted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,'Eaton, i a Eaker, .Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-b. ;• c Bill of Yanoy m Commissioner Tully offered the Yollow.ing.motion: That the bill of Yanoy 8 ,,.; r•: :, Johnson for E,t1- � Johnson ror the estimateagainst inst Lot $22 Block 1 Fountain Park Addition, amounting mate against lot a ga g ., ,•, �_ ;�. 112E Block 1, Fountain Park Ad dl; to $238.12, penalty $23.61, intereet.¢5.94, a total of $E67.87, be allowed and ordered ,^ tion, deeded to �• _ City of Paducah' q paid and charged to account of Coate and Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll by the j by C.by City b. following vote: Yeas. :Piton Baker, Tull Williams and Katterjohn.-5. ohs 6. { paid by City or 8 Y. j .• _ Paducah. ; , �' C. .L� .�•�•. r. i �• r a,.y.•;:...r;- �<s ..ir .{• j�;.n.•:•:•v M17 „y., 4 y„'y i�. �'^�""':..p _......., •..-..•+r+��i —__ -fat.�;....._�u.s.....�..._..:i..3........s...:._�..::.::..,..�— i_� .r�+g<�. ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192--y;; L W. O. Beaton, Commissioner Tully offered. the following motion: That the bill of W. C.' +{ O.lork'paid. ) 1 , i 010.76 costs' in Beaton;' -amounting to 010.76• costs in the action of Yanoy k Johnson ve 0. T. Allen 1 action of Yanoy yx & Johnoon vs' .. and.01ty.of Paducah, be allowed and ordered paid .and charged to account of Costs and . 0. T. ►11 ah and .!Oitq of Padu• Btiito. Adopted upon .call of the roll by the.following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakm•,',Tully, Tt oah. ' Williams and Katter john, -8.: On motion the Board. adJourned upon call of the. roll by the following voter Yens, Eaton, Snker, Tully,: Williams and %atterjohn;'-6. s({ �'�• Ada led r�v�c.. 19L yr2,U iJ ► �h5 �.' MAYOR. )sq; DF:CrMAFR 17TH., 1921. „ At • Called Meeting of the Board of Cotcmisnioners, held in.Lhe.Commia- 4; eionere' Chr.mber.In the Cit! Hall, in Paducah, Kentucky, Do ember.17th','1921, at 11 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the roll Lhe following answered to the :k ja names' Commissioners Tttlly, 7711liams and Mayor Kat ter John., -3. i; Mayor Katterjc*,n stated reasons for call to -wits To allow purl -roll for ,,- ;• ' A , week ending Deo'ember 17th, an:t such nther.husi'nmsa 'es rosy awe before the .. t: V Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I. move that the PAY- A + j: pay -moll of t _ „ Rivoreido Hoe-tDEPARTHr11T'QF PIt� p roll for. the week ending Dec. 17th•.•BLIC PROPERTY, ital for week e:< " (•,• . ending Dec. u Riverside Hospital, anonti to $91.290. be allowed and ordered paid and the ', ;.t::. :..I .. •. r'�•j tr .; mnney..approp"latsd..rnm the General fund to pay same. Adopted upnnaall of the Tillimms and Kstterjohn, roll by fol.loning votwt.Yens; Tttlly, J;r It Carcniseioner.Tully offered the following motion' It sprearing that J.E:' J.F.Hodgee :f} refunded poll. podgea paid a poll'.tmx for Lhu veer 1921 nn pall tax receipt N10i8 sad mtala F tax of itl 60 ontt S:'Ta=, Bill 11661 :i� on.property tax' bill Wel, I move Lha t' Lhe sum c>f X1.8'1 fe refunded to him. �r,c Ir ' f the roll by the follcwing vote:Yeas,Tiilly;'illiame end r Adopted upon'osll o Katterjd%n,.�. 3' sae. �.:• Lhe as rd adjourned upon call rf the roll by . 7 mot ion P,: 1 On m 'EJ i ! t Adi lo'dvmr'.ay 19�. cur cl.h �a ' DDOWER 19TH, 1921.yl ! f 5.--i• • ' At a Regular Meeting of the Boar4 of Commissioners, held in the Cortmriesionere' 1' .r :0hamber An the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December. 19th, 1921. Upon Will of the roll the following answered to 'their names: Commiesionere Eaton, Faker, Tully. Williams' t and LattorJohn.4. rk.. . ��. '. • on -motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt-!,, a" ed upon pall of the roll by the'following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully. 7Pilliame,andr'. a' <<. KatterJohn,-6. i •' t� 1 Mayor Y.at.terjohn offered the _following motion:. I move, that the report of W. it. Report W,IL December 14th '1921 for the expense of.operating.the, p lditohell, Oily Engineer,; doted De,oem xP •. �. , Vitoho11,01tq ' MRIneer, re- �,. garding opera= Street Roller and .the rental; thereon from April'E,, 1921 to June 6; 1921 and the pro-. ' a ting expeneoe rating of enid expanse and rental. among the.0lty OonetraoLion Department; the'Ctty` &o. on Street •' Roller. 9troat Department; Ynnoy and Johnson. Oontraotors and'Baker and 9torrie, Contract be received and filed. Adopted upon. call of the roll by the followingvote. Yeas..,.. r i Eaton, -Baker, Tully, Williams, and Kat ter John; -8. \; . •�:.:W+?'.+s!Aiw mt.- i+J..hS � .� .::ae.:.+r..rS,+-s _ v �?'. .. � r 1