HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 765, December 10, 1921No.
Commissioners' Proceedings; .City bf ' Paducah :. 192__
j. Cemotery Deed
exoontod to. Capt.
Billie Smith for
1 lot M. Block y2,
Commiestonor Tully. offored the folloving motion; The sun of $37.80 having; .
been paid into the Troasury,.as.e.videnood by the receipt filed herewith,' I move that
deed be executed to Capt. Billie Smith for Lot $70 in Block $E on the Forth side of ,
Baker Street., bet-.veon Ford and:Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon...,--.
call of the roll by the following vote;.Yeae, Eaton, F.akor, Tully,.T11111ams and
Katt or john, -5. .
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the trial of the
penling chargee against Patrolman G. M. Doris be oontinued until the nextlRegtnlor
ifoetinr of the Board. of Commissioners on Monday December 12th, 1921, on a000unt of -
the absence from the City of the said Doris. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
follo,xing vote; Yeas, Eaton. Eaker; Tully, Williams and Xatterjohn,-5.
Commissioner .Williams offered the following motion:. I'move that the report "
of`.`red :Jigliah. Sexton Oak. Grove Cemetery, for the month of Novembor 1921, be re- .
oeivod arn1 filed. Adopted upon call:of'tho roll by the i',ollowing vote; Yoao, Eaton,
Eaker, Tully, Williams ani Y_attorjohn,-8. .
On not iori,.the board ad jourrrod upon call of the. roll by the following vote;.. >
Yoas,.Later,, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Yatterjohn,-5..
Ado pled. a 19R�
A:P:PR.O V 711D
D110 M3 IN 10TH. 1921. '. }
i. •Y ''
At a Called ifeating of the Board of Oohmisulonere, held ir'the Oommieetoners'
Chamber in the City. Hall, Paducah. Y.ontnoky, on December 10th,.19E1, at 11'01olook
A. 1!. Upon call of the roll the following analverod to their names; Oommieelonere
Eaton. Tully and Williams, -3. .Mayor Yntterjohn being absont, mayor Pro Tem Eaton'.!
)layer Pro. Tom.?dton stated reasons for call to -wit; For the purpose of,sllow-
ing pay -roll for the week ending December 10th, 1921, and such other bueinees no might:
come before the Board.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the ray -roll
for the 'nook end ing Dec. 10th, for the DM'ARTIJFJIT OF PUBLIC PROI)•RTY, RTV�RSIDE. R09-
PITAL, amounting to $90.48, be allowed and ordered paid and tho money appropriated
from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol lowing:
veto; Yens, salon, Tully arii.Williamo,-3.
j `
Oommieeioner Eaton offered the following motion: .I move that there be n]lowed•
the eum of Np50.00 for the purchase of Rod Croaa Christmas Scale, and that the Commie-
eloner of Public Finance be instruotod to issue chock for said sum of $50.OQ, payable
o 1:r a. I. %7711oox, Chairman of tho.Chrietmao !ieale sales for the Vo0raoken County.
Public Health League, aid that same be charged to the account of Miscellaneous Char itq.
Adopted 'upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Eaton, Tully and '•91711ams,-S
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas.
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