HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 762, December 3, 1921',i .Sr '.fi 3,F "--ia�W.�7 •S ,:�,! i�,: 4 f.. `.. !. k. �.�.,. ., ' r4:'',:..rF.� sv-:..,l., n h ky k,.«y ¢ v r.-•�+;.KG:': n••ar ort .. �.:,�.:..y_......e..._._..:�..i:a'-- � Ate_....•.-.,. - �..,-�...r<__.__-...-.._ .. _.pyx..'!.. � . 'A Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . 192__ Report Paducah Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Laboratorles of Riverside Hoc Paducah Loboratori:os, Riverside Hospital, for .the month of October. .1991, be received ard'. pital,for Oot: t{.1921. , filed.. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:.Yeea..Eaton, Tully. I•>'' Williams and Katterjohn,-4. ,J . Mayor'Katterjohn offored the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled. 'Adoption of Ordinance su-' "AN ORDINANOE AUTHORIZING, DIRT AND EIA Or71R.1NG F. I.T. KATTIIIJOHN, MAYOR OF THE OiTY �•thorizing Mayor.r to purchase OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, TO'PURCRA.9F. PROPERTY BELONGING TO 0. T. ALLEN, FOR 87REET PUR i �.property.belongri { h: P.ina to O: T.A1]ePOSES, AND THE ANAUIIT TO BE PAID TIBll RE�OR." be adopted: Adopted upon ca.of the roll for, etroet.>4;. ' purposes.by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully; Williams and Katterjohn.-4. Mayor. KatterJohn .offered the following motion: I move, that an ordinance entitled, t�h' Adopted or' Ordi ."All ORDINANOE PROVID ING FOR THE ISSUING AND SELLING OF BONDS FOR TIi$ PURPOSE OF CON- ,'s •• E'nonce providing for :the Leaning 87RUOT ING TRUNK' LINE .3E7WS : IN SUB -DIVISIONS A. B. AND C. III SF -1p2 DISTRICT J3, SO A9 and selling of Borrie, in re: TO. PROVIDE ADEQUATI; SE�7F.RAGE FOR THE ENTIRE CITY OF. PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. AND TO PROVIDE .. Sewer District rOR.THE PAY?411IT OF INTEREST ON SAID B017DS, AIM TO CREATE A SII7KING FUND FOR THE PA -AW, ttia:: '.¢3, sub-divi- W, T " eSoria A. B:& C. ' adopted. npon all of thOF SAID BONDS AT. MATURITY" be Ado ted e ` roll by .the 'follow W. 'Ing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, Williams -and Kattorjohn,-4.' Yanoy & Johnson Mayor Kntterjohn offered the following motion: Imove.that the proposition of authorized to do extra.oon-, Yanoy & Johnson. dated November E8th 1921, proposing to place all necessary extra con creto work on Goebel Ave.betn orate beneath tho.:ovrb.end gutters on Goebel Avenue, between Guthrto. Avenue and Worten Outhrle. Ave. 8 E,Worten Ave. .for Avenve,`for',the: sum of $10.00 per.oubio yard, the mixture to be 1-2-4, be received., j $30.00 per.ou. ydfiled and accepted. Adopted upon call of the roll by 'the following vote: Yeas. Eaton.,:I 1' Tully; Williams and 'atterjohn,-4... On motion the Board ad journed upon. call of the r 61 by'4 yeas. tA `t:.•:1 Adoglad ��� S Ip�/ _�'.I�OV Y-) -0 s {! DEOEMBEER 3RD. 1921.. tl ° s'At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commis slonere held in the Oommisetonere' -0hambgr in. the.City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky; on.Decombur 3r&.,. 1921:. at 11:30 o'clock i A. 11. Upon call of -tho roll the following answered to their names: C.ot:mieeionere p�:•111k. Eaton,. akar, Tully. Williams and-Katterjohn,-6. ' .I Y Mayor-Katter'john stated reasons for call to -wit: To rooeived the oonetruotion' A000ptanoo of aldowal1,0 &o. of oonorete eidevnike, attrba and gutters, and.ouoh'other business as .might dome before dottbred 'on South aide of, the.Board: Olay Street,.: from 17th St—to '. Mdyor.Katterjohn offered the followinp motion- The Board of Corantselonnre hag.j . 19th St. con- •.c atruotod by ing inopooted the work of .Reynolds Brothers. Contractors.,, oonaintina of oonorete aide• ! � until such h os.do- walks, curbs and gutters, and all necessary manholes, intakes. so;iore, catch basins and " until ouoh da- �+{•r, j ' foots have been..y;souse of Olay Street; from the property line on the ileo"t aide of i.. remofdriveway s on the thid SavontoaTth Street to the Gutter line. on the East ::ideof Vinoteanth.Street, and having,.;;`..,. found .certain defeats and unfinished oonditions.in said work. I move that action on the d acceptance of said work :be. deferred until' said defeat a and unfinished oond4tlone in said work have beon remedied;' Adopted upon call of the roll by, the following vote: i'•' �� Yens; };$ton., EakeF., Tully, Williams and Kat terjo}iri,-b. Acceptance of Mayor Katterjohn offored, the following motion: The BOnrd of Commieelonere. sidewa].ka &a. a on N. 16th St. having inspected the work of Reynolds Brothers, Oontraotore, ooneletin botn. Jofforuon y g.of concrete and Trimble St. constructed, by, aidowa]ke; curbs and guttoro; and all necessary manholes..tntakes., sewers. catch basinej Roynoldo'broo:' and drivowaye on both.sideo'of North. Sixteenth Street.`from the North Gutter. line of deferred until such defects are. Jeffers on Street to the South gutter line of Trimble Stroet and having found certain remedied. - 7, defoots:dnd unfinished conditions in said work. L move that notion on. the nooeptanoe of y ., r,•, t :.'.� set" d pork be deferred until said deteotu and unlfnishod oonditione in said work have j ti,• 4 'y�it�=+ . i+ay.J.; . �k1- ,w• �. , sw+,. ...4l. rqW. Kt', .. a x - . . �r: ��+,%i "t',�_ • • `� �' 9 d '�,'u. Y M1 W ";,+r �.tet'. �+t r(:l•; 4 t r *~�"� ''. . "91 hntd7ki','R"StX.>�t. q'... .L.. .',T'._ 1, , rci - �`,•\ r � � r a f� ..,. I• " r b f r i+�MY°j 4\Y� ji y�x '1-tNh lM 'S? "r "n'JSS'. {'q .r'3"7.'•+.f h ? q -w r evk J r r - rr - 3 iii? ..,--�-�+..._�'.e.a..ts,�li:.:YAu..:.3-aw. tt,: 'f +•'.:i�'L.t� _.�..SC.+•_. `-.'.:.u�:Wa+.J�._:.0 }a.f �'t-.�_J.s�_L�.+a.a__� • ' No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah; ' `' 192_ j been remedied. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eatoa,Eaker, f 1 Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-B. . ;x ` Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; The Board of Oomalesionere ' Aooeptanoe of con- having inu-peoted the work of Roynolda Brothers, Contractors, consisting of concrete.' orate' curbs and gutters on Leech our.be and guttere and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers aid catch baoine'on both. Avenue and 11th 9t., constrynoldsuB os sides of Leech Avenue from the property line on the South aide of North Tenth Street by Reynolds Bros. p p y •+'. -:. ' deferred until such defeats and to the gutter line or, what would be the llorth side of Eleventh Street, when improved; unfiniohod oondi- tiono In same have and also both elder of.Eleverith Stroet,.from the arrttor line of.tho intersection on been.remediod. Xhat would be the Rest side of Leech Avenue.- If improved, to the East cutter line on' Burnett Street, including the intersections on said streets, and having found certain defeats and unfdniehed oonditione in said work. I move that action on the acceptance o said work be deferred until said-defeats.and unfinished conditions In said work have P'been remedied. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Eaker, Tully, Williame and Katterjohn.-b. itayor Yatterjohn offered .the following motion: The Board of Oommiaelonere lcoeptanoe of con- having inapooted .the work of.Roynolde Brothers. Contractors, conoistlnR of oonorote . orate curbs 7. aide d traitors on 9, curbs arid:gutters. and all neoeaaary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins on. •� •, f of Broad St, on. se of street, . from intoraeotion tho 'ftidBfrom the intersection of Fourth and Broad Street to the ,j �� - . 4th & Broad St.,. to dividing line �.divtding line between the property of Charlotte Ruff and the property of Barbara botn.' property of Charlotte Ruff nnd� Petterl and also the oonatr.uotion of oonorote sidewalks, curbs and gutters and all f Barbara. rattor ;. 1 r. anti also E.. otic q`necessary manholes, intakes,.00:vors, catch baetno and driveways on the Fast side of of Broad St. , con. •,S otruotod by Roy - Broad Street from the intersection of Fourth and Brood. Street to the north curb line forre od-. de-, of Bridge.Stroot, and having found certain defeats and unfinished conditions in said work, I. move that aotion on the aooeptanoe of said work be deferred until, ea id defeote j and unfinished oonditions 'in said work have been remedied; .Ad optod upon call of the roll by.the following vote; Yeae, F.aton,Eakor,Tully,191111nma and Katterjohn,-8'. Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: rakor & Storrie, 0ontractore, . Aooeptnr,oe of having finished the construction of the concrete sidewalks on the "loot aide of Broad f. concrete a13ewa3,:s, t .:. oorutruotod by Street from the intereaotton of Fourth atA Broad Streets to the dtvidi.ng line be.. :;akar & 1'torrto ' . on W. aid. 'of t Broad St. from tween the property ,of Lout and -Frank Potter, ard.havinR oomplLed `.vith.the ordinance 4th* & Broad St. d, adopted and authorizing said imhrovernont, and having oomplied, in all respect$, with 1 ,A to the dividing line botn. thethe. terms of Via contract entered into by and between said oontraotors and the City Y property of Louie'•. and Frank Potter. of.Faduoah;. and having completed same according to the Plane and Specifications adopted for said .fork, and no complaints having boon filed, protostinR against said .work. I move 'that said improvement be accepted.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yead, Eaton; Faker, Tully' Williams and Y.attorjohn:,-B. Estimate of city. F' Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the estimate t '' Engineer of work done and parforriod' furnished by .7,. M. Vitohell, City EnRineer, for work- done and performed by Faker & b;:.1%kor L• Storrle for the con- " Storrle, Contractors, for the oonutruotion of concrete sidewalks on the West oide of i., strnot ton of side: j walY.o on 71. side Broad Street, from the intareootion of Pourth.and Broad Streets, to the dividing line i of 4th & Broad i Ste, between the property of Louis and Frank Potter, .in the City of Paducah. Y.entuaky,be ' received, filed and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:'` Yeas. Eaton, Laker, Tully, Williams and Y•atterjohn,-6.' ^! Finn) Estimate of Liayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I.move that the Final Slat I. t -City Znginooi of i work done and per;; mate furnished by W. M. Mitchell. City Engineor, for work done and performed, by FaYor formed by Laker,&i. Storrte for the 111 l & Storrle, Contractors, for the construct ton 'of:-ounorato'!efdonalks::oh,-the west side of . e oonatrcotion of. concrete eidewalks Broad Street. from the intersection of Fourth 'and Broad Streota, to the dividing line or. 17. aide of 4th '& B:^cad St.. between the property of Louie and Frank Potter, in the City of Paducah; Kentucky, bei' !S' received, filed and confirmed. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the :follohing 'vote;.`' '.r`;�•'..:' ,._� . sri. ,^r.,:s' .+r^ 1�, r•ii IS..!}'i1;: "•"i, .';.i�!�95r}'T2ST?� .t {7�}: ; � ���R' �^���i7':'riy.:"a.. ' '"t M•. uc r• ,: , .�-n J. -.Tj,p �1 ,:., �y k-�1.4•,'�..xn,,r.N'�•"y t'�,tr �: ..I 10. i 'nNo Comnnissioners Proceedings, City. of Paducah -199- 192_Laton.. Fat on..Eaker, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. 1 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe en- n-Ordinanoo Ord ina no o' + • aoa000ing pro_. .titled,. "AN ORD.I11AUCE ASSESSING THE.ABUTTIIIG FROI`ZRTY ON. THI? WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, "• ,... p or ty on. the :' FR Ud THE INTERSiOT ION OF. FOURTH AND BROAD SIR _--TS, TO T.HE DIVID ING LI11E BE ,7ZEN THE W. aide of .Broad St, from intor000tion = FROP&TY OF LOUIS -PETTrR AND FRANK PETTER, INTHE OITY OF PADUCAA, KEIITUOKY; THE SUV OF ' ' -•-. of 4th k Brand 9t. to dividln :$1.6815. P:It kBUTT ING'FOOT. FOR THE CONSTRUOTION OF COIICRSR^r, SIDS.7AIl9, A9 9HO7A BY THE ;. :..• ' .lino betn. .trre- -property of rZ1.19.1'1;im''S ;STIKATE, EXOEST THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KEIITUCKY," 'a ;• Louie and Fran f AND FROVID NG THAT SAID ASSLSS1.t741T )I- Y B^ I'AID FOR IN Till ECUAL I1ISTALU-HITS, BFIHO.ON11 a?� '` Potter. for lidewalke FAOH'Y,v.AR FOR A.`PERTOD OF TEN YFIARS," be adopted. Adopted upon_call'of the roll by the ,n. ; following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully..,Tilliams and Kntterjohn;-6. Pay roll for. y. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for. r*�, Riverside'Hoe- pi-tal.for } the Week ending Deo. 3rd for DM,AR,T=IT OF PUBLIC PROFLRTY, Riverside Hospital, amount ` week ending Deo 3rd, 1.. ing to $99.29, be'allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from.the General. I Fund to pay same.. Adopted upon-ball of the roll by the followingvote: Yeas. Eaton, r r+ G; REQ . �Eakar, Tully., Williams and Katterjohn,-6. 1 , On motion the Board adjourned.upon oall.of the roll by 5 yese. ?319%i� ' i .•Adapted � ' 1.L. ; :' ll�D�. :. t w C Cul CITYI it•/� ..wv.wYOFt ;F ,t; DECEhnai 6TH. 1921.. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commisetonere,.held in the Commissioners' cry t Ohambor in the City Hall. Paduonh,.Kentuoky, on'Dooember 6th, 1921. Upon call of the roll. th9.following anowered,Lo.their names: Oommieeionere Faton, Laker, Tully,Williams 4 ,•a,•;. and Kattor john;-6.. On motion of Commiesloner Tully the minutes of the previous meetinas'were adopted) !:;{ ao.road upon anti of the roll by. 6,yeae.: ' F Reeolaltion of thanks to I.W.F';, Liayor Katt•erjohn offered the following motion: I.move that a reaol.ution entitled, 'OF b' 1 ! and Barnard "RESOLUTIONTHANKS. TO I.' .1. AND AiD211ARD Bt3i11H};IM," be adoptod. Adopted 'upon oall of p of Bernheim:for lEOO'.buuhelo .:: . Eaton the roll,by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton'Fakar, Tully, Williams and latterjohn.,-6. �.' ,' .'f .1,. . ` ..•' ' kof: ooal.fot poor of. the Oity. Mayor F.atterjohn offered the .following'motion: I move that the aommuntoation from. ' l Iti, � Letimato #4,. W. M. Mitohell, City Engineer, dated November 30th,1921, aorrooting Estimate #4, X. E. 1 3 tri M. r.. Hoffman Hoffman, and*r'eduoing same from $164.15 to,$169.16,'whioh is for work performed by'' aorreotod, for :. +l x+ork on 5: .0th Lakor k Storrie on South Eighth Street, be reoeived,,filed-and confirmed. Adopted upon. :,by .`St. oonutruotod Ea1:or k , Star anti of. the roll by' the followinri vote': Youa. Eaton, F.ak'er, .Tully; Williams and f ,s r Katterjohn,=6. `.. j ;. Report of the. Mayor KnttorJohn offered the followinR-motion'.. I move that .the report of the ..t . = MoCraokon Co.. MoOraokon County lublio Health Loague llureing.Servioe for:the. month of Ilov6mbor.19E1; A 1'ublio Health Lenauo Euroing be r000ived and .filed. Adopted upon pall of the-roll- by the. fall vote:. Yeas'.. Sorvioo for Hov. 1921. 3aton, Lnkor, Tully, Williams and. Katteryohn,-6. Oommieeionor Tully offered the following motion:' I move that the aooaunte amount-�.: 1k t •. Report Oom'r. Finanoo for, the .ing to .$16E65.64,'6e.por the Yeport'of the Oommieaioner.of l'ublio F,inanoe'filed here-.:: � month of llov. 1921, of. coo- with; be allowed and ordered paid arra the.money..appropriated Prom the Genoral Fund-to: ounte amount- t ina'to .. Pay oamo. Adopted 'upon oall.of,the.roll by the. following vote: Yens, Eaton, Laker, $18265.,64. Tully., Williams and KatterJohn, -6:' '. ;.•Report Commissioner Tully bifered'tho'fpllowing motions I`move that the report of.ths Oom'r .Finance for1. Oommieeioner of 1'ub1l6.Pinanoe.for the month•of November be reoeived and tiled end i the-month of .. :. .. v:},... itov..19E1. `:;•,. 11 ordered publiehed''in 'the .offioial_nowepaper.';.Adopted 'upon ...oall of:the'roll by the following vote: Yeas, Let on, Laker', Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-b. y f , + r , '` ..l.f.�i!l+i�l�i�.i+kRf/L '� ".1.' .:1 ., f. s , � ' F.:qi .ii,YJc.t4ti..M w•4,.ArY Fx� 3 o .r _ -.