HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 760, November 28, 19217 -A, 0. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah* 192-- Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion:. I move that an ordinanioe on- tItled, "All ORD INAITCE'AS SZSSIVG THE, ABUTTING PROPE.RTY ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH STREET. EE IN FOURTH STREET. BETVMN FROM THE HORTH.PROPERTY LINE OF ]BROAD STREET TO THE ANGL 5 E ZT, IN -THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KBUITUCKY. TIW, Sum OF dt BROAD STREET AITD ELIZABETH STREET, ...1smont Or 1; nanoe. asBeeeing. - - -Iproperty on $1.68465 PER ABUTTIRG FOOT' AND ASSESSING THE PROP?IRTY ON 'BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH Ir STREET. FO th Street reo fr1o. Brood 3 FROM SAID ANGLE TO THE. SOUTH GUTT?21 LINE OF ELIZABETH STREET IN THE 017Y OF PADUCAH. �3o Elizabeth at.,* mrTuoxy. THE sum.0 $1.96e6 PER ABUTTING, FOOT, FOR THE COITSTRUCTION OF. 'CONCRETE SIDE- WALKS, OURBS. AND GUTTERS A14D ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES. INTAKES. SZM;S,'OATOH BASINS AND DRIVEWAYS THEREON, AS SH(rni BY THE ENGIPEERIS ESTIMLTF,.EXOEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID ?1? j FOR THE BY CITY OF PADUCAH, KE21TUOKY-. AND r-ROVID 11110 THAT SAID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID TEN E6AL INSTALL1.10TS.IG - BEING TEN YEARS,". be FOR IN. ONE EAOH YEAR FOR A PFRIOD OF TE adopted. Adopteduponcall of the roll by the following vote: :Yosla, Eaton. Eaker,Tullyyp Williams and Katterjohn..-5. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. d P 10 d 74* - i* I% NOVEMBER 96TH. 190I. At it Called Meeting of the Board of Commiesioners, hold in the OOMiElElionerel Ohambor In the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on November 26th 1921 at iO olollook A.M. a . Upon oall of the roll the,following.answered to their names: Dommissioners Eatofi,..Tully and Mayor Katterjohn.,-3.. k Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for* call to -wit- For the -purpose of allowing pay-rbll for the wee . k ending November 26th, 1921. and su . ob other bu . siness as-migbit.,00me before the Board. following motion; move that the pay -roll f Couniseioner Tully offered the Cyr ray -roll for the week ending Nov., 26th for the*DEFARTIIFUT OF rUBLIO PROTERTY,'RIV.61tSIDE HOSPITAL, week ending" NOT.E6.19el amounting to $106.50, be allowed% and ordered* paid and the money appropriated from the E.. Y;:F.... of Rivoraide Hospital. General Fund to pay same.. Adopted upon call of the roll -by. the following vote- leas, Eaton, Tully ani Katterjohn,.-34 Oom1r.of i ub 1.1 a Commissioner Tully offered the following inotioni I move that*the .Commissioner Pinanoe author- �l ize4,- to 'pay off. of Public Finance -be. authorized to pay off; take.up ard and ooiipona ql oanoel street bonds a .take . up and can- ool Street bond's to the amount of $764..37 ln.the.Oity National Bank and charge antle to the.speola and coupons 764.37 at Ott; Street Fund. Adopted upon can of the roll by:the following voter Yelis-S Eaton. Tully pr at'l.Banko and. Katterjohn,-3. Onmotionthe Board adjourned :upon call of the roll by 0,79se. r.7; �j' 14 J 4d0P1Cd1ZW.A&- _19AL F NOVnIBAi 28th, 19EI.: At.a. Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommissipn,erej held in the Commission - ..are' Chamber in the City,Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on November . 28th. .1921. . Up . on call . of the roll the following answered to their, names: Oommisqionere Eaton. Tully'Williams' and Mayor Kattorjohh,-4. J., On motion of.Commissioner Tully ,the - minutes of the previous meetings were ad op ted as read upon.call of the roll by.the following vote Yeas, Eater, Williams and Katterjohn;-4. A Oommunioation Commissioner Tully offered the fo'llowing'motion: I move that communication .L.B.Alexand'er'in re: nooesSment from L . B. 'Alexander, concerning the aesseament.of the property of Mary B:'Allen, be: of property of re'oelved and tiled. Adopted'upon eall of the roll by the following vote: t9 Yeas, 19ston., Tull7. Williams and xatierjohn._4. M 'A I V ' ' t i.,�� '��iix��'�9!"4 ' � a BsPS yY'-Lys iC`%���'',�� =� i �A •i^ i r �'ls•t' f 3� j5'tf' �'�' 7�• M A`�'�I.!� 'C 1. . 7, Y^'a i .h4:}: !rYF, ''N +ora - a 1 +yc51T `'rz-"'�,"'>.`y C:1fi. I^' 1 +?Y''�.,'•.- S ^a f. ,�.� � _ . .' ..... .....- r r �..�i:i_..��..—w--1rr-+.... • � +..:L:.a'..S'-_.ti _..r,..::ti••-__i4!!_: _... _. � .. .. , 1 -- 'No. L"[_ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 'The am of $37;60 having, been',, Cemetery Dead paid into the Treaeury, as evidenced by the reoeipt filed herewith,'I move that deed be Louisa dl MoCay. Lot $63,Blook ;granted to Louise MoCauly for int #83. Block #4 on the north side of Ford Street, be - 4. 1 ;. �tween Hank and Chamblin Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll Eby the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. h , Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that a poll tax Emily Byrd refund: ad $1,60 poll 'was paid on.tax bill #449, Emily Byrd, lidow, and her husband, William Byrd having bean- tax een tax paid on tax Bill #442. „dead for some years, I move that the sum of $1.60 be refunded and ordered paid, Adopte '. upon oall of the.roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully; Williams and Katter- gjohn.-4. r Commissioner Tully,offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner t,< • Com'r.of Public. •Ih.}'' r+ 4 Finance authorizedof lublio Finanoe be authorized and instructed to make a correction in the assessments to .make correction$ In assessments ..of Lary B. Rogers on property located on Monroe Street, between 14th and 16th Streete `P of Vary B.Rogers and J.S.Oglee, fund on the property of J. L. Ogles located on 'tomos Street at the earner of 14th' looated on Monroe. St, ' Street. Adopted upon 'call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, .Tully, Williams uni Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; It appearing that the Dia- ' triot Court of the United States for the Weetern District of Kentucky, has rendered city Solicitor a judgment grunting an injunotion against the City of Paduoah, in favor of the Paducah' ... instructed to 'r` ." • Prosecute an Rni.lnay.Compariy, restraining the City from enforcing its ord•inanae further regulating appeal in injune- the fares to be char p p ., tion nu it nvnlnat gad for passage upon street ears,- •��, the City in favor. of Iaduoah By. 8. .I now move that the City Solioitor be instructed to immediately prosecute an Co. < appeal from said judmnentto the Supreme Court of the United States, and to take -all steps ake all steps necessary tirith raspeot thereto. Adopted upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yoae, Eaton, Tully. -Williams and Y.atterjohn,-4. Commissioner Raton offered the following motion; I move that the deei+Enatiane Desianations of g of W. H. Poore as Day Ser sant-of- 1 H' J - _ .H.Foore as Day' y B Po toe, and E. dross as light Sergeant of -Police,' , Sergeant-of-Po- lioo, and E. H. which have heretofore been made by the Commdeeioner of Public Safety, be now ratified Cross as Eight Sergeant -of -Po- an approved by the Board of Commissioners. Adopted upon self of, the roll by the fol 'lice ratified and ; #:. approved by the " lowing vote.: Yea3, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. . Board. a' ti Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: .I move that.the account of + Dr.11.1f.Dulay al- �Dr. H. H. Duley for services rendered to Patrolman rid Sanders in connection with an lowed Bill of , $10.00 3orvloes Joparation performed in consequence of an assault upon said Patrolman,.whloh bill rentiored.Patrol -' 1 can Ji: Sanders, 6mounts.to $10.00, be allowed and ordered paid, and same be charged to'the e000unt'of in connection .7itht operation porfoim-ii!iseal lane oua Charity. ' Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo+vina vote: Yeas.'. is>' -4• {, ad on said Sand•�re. 1`•' aton, Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-4. Commissioner Eaton offer od the following motion; .It appearing. that Patrolman. � " Dr.H.T.Rivore •' '� ;sl allo:rod.$100.00 LDi Sanders -was brutally assaulted and hie skull. fractured by a prisoner and another for services ren - dared patrolman parson 'while said Patrolman was An the performance of his dutieo, resulting in the � D1.9nnders for w.5+ t7 operation.' 'total disability of said Patrolman nud neoeeeitattna s surgical operation upon hie �okull: and it further appearing that onid Fatrolman'le in suah financial condition Cthat'. he',oan not, at this tima,.pay for said services so rendered to him, and Dr. F.T. j „Rivers having rendered a bill for said serviooa. amounting to $860.00,- I move that $100.00 be allowed and paid by the City of Paduoah on said bill iA'` j: !' of. Dr. H. IN Rivers, and that an-ne bo. oharged to the account of 'Miscellaneous Charit y Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Muton, Tully, Williams and, +; Xatterjohn,-4. i 5h` Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_— L,f Ronort Paducah Oommlesioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that thereport of the Laborator lea. of Rivoretdo, Hoa Paducah Laboratoribs, Riverside Hospital, for .the month of October, .1921, be received and': pital.for Oct: it`'•>f filed.. Adopted upon-oall of the roll -by the following vote:. Yeas,.Eeton, Tully, ' 17111tome and Katterjohn,-4. '• Mayor' Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled, Adoption of Ordinance au=' "AN ORDINANOE AUTIIOR.IZIHG, DIRECTIIIG AND ElA'O.7FR.1110 F. W. KATTERJOHN, MAYOR OF THE OiTY thorizing Mayor. r•' }` to purchase OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO-PURCHA.9F. PROPERTY BELONGING TO C. T. ALLEN. FOR STREET PUR < • pr oparty: belong' 4'.Ina to C: T.Al]e POSES, AND THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID- TPERP70R," be adopted: Adopted upon can .of the roll �i for, street. 'purposes. by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully; Williams and Katterjohn.-4. ;;.. Mayor Katterjohn-offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled, "q Adopted or Ordt ."All ORDINANCE PROVID ING FOR THE ISSUING A11D SELLING OF BONDS FOR 71IF. PURPOSE OF CON-' ' nanoe providing ?? 'for itbe teenina STRUOTUIG TRUNK -LINE SE—IMS.-IN SUB-DIVISIOUS A. B. AliD C. IH SE7}R DI3IRIOT 13, SO A9 3%a and selling of '•Bonds, in re: TO. PROVIDE ADEQUATE SEtMAGE FOR THE E14TIRF CITY OF PADUCAH; KEIITUCKY, AND TO PROVIDE jr" Sewer District FOR THE PAYMEIIT OF INTEREST OIi SAID BONDS, AND TO CREATE A,SINBING FUND FOR THE PAW -ENT �5, sub-divi- "�.. alone A.B:& 0.• OF.8AID. BONDS AT. MATUR ITY," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the follow ' -Ing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Y,attorjohn,-4. Yanoy & Johnaon Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I niove.thnt the proposition of authorized to<.. do extra:oon Yancy & Johnson, dated November 98th, 1921. proposing to place all neoossery extra son- oreto work on GooVel ebn orate beneath Lho.ourb:and gutters on Goebel Avenue, between Guthrie. Avenue and Tforten Guthrie Ave. i,Worten Ave. ,for Avenue,'for .the, sum of $10.00 per.oubio yard, the. mixture to be 1-2-4, be reoeived,, 010.00 per.ou. yd. filed and accepted. Adopted upon gall of the roll by 'the following vote: Yeae, Eaton.' 3Y Tally; .Williams and ;'atter john. -4.., (k On motion the Board ad journed upon, call of. the r911 by'4 gene. I !ta +, Ado�tod%Dat S 19�/ i> t'.1Y0V;57_lU It01�--• �. �. CW CIrY w Y<1 R X41 x DECEMBEER 3RD. 1921._ t. At a Called Meeting of the.Board of Commissioners held In the Oommiseioners' ! Chamber in. the.City Rall; Paducah, Kentucky, on.DeoombuY ,3r&_ 1921, at 11:30 O'olooY A. 11. Upon call of -tho roll the following answered to their names: Commieetonere .p4h. 1 Eaton,. akor, Tully, diiliams and Katterjohn,-6. ' V. Maycr.Katterjohn stated reasons for ball to -wit: To rooeived'ihe oonstruotionj Aaooptnnoo of r . .' . , . � '• T �+ sidowa]I:s &o. of oonorete sidewalks, alirbs and mtttere, and, such' other bvsinoss as •might come before do8bhred'on South aide of. the.Board. Olay Street, from 17th St— to'. Mayor.Katterjohn offered the followina_..motion: The Board of Corimieelonnra hav- 39th St. con- Ing inspected the work of .Reynolds Brothers, OontraoLore., ooncistina of concrete aide- struotod by �'•. :S'��r':':. until such Broe._ walks, curbs and gutters, and all necessary manholes, intakes, so,�ore, catch bnaine wadi I "''� until such de- P facts have been',,,driveways on the ::oath side of Clay Street, from the property line on the 'lest side of! remolied. 1. SevonteeTith Street to the Rtittet line, on the ;wet nide of 11'inoteonth.Stroot, and having,.; found ,oertain defects and unfinished conditions. in said'work. I move that action on_tlie acceptance of said work :be. deferred until said defects and' tuff lniched oond-itlone in said work have boon remedied:' Adopted upon os 11 of the roll by, the following vote: �, " `• d p Yeae,'Eaton,, Baker., Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-6. 4 sideAadoptanoo o. Mayor Katterjohn.offered, the following motion:The Board of Commissioners. rr''• on lt. 16th St. havin inspected the work of Re botn. Jofforuon g eP ynolde Brothers. Contraotore, consisting of concrete . and Trimble St. sidewalks; curbs and guttors; and all necessary manholes, intakes. severe, catch baeinel construotod.'by Roynolds'brou:' and drivowaya on both. sides of Uorth Sixteenth Street.`from'Lhe north gutter, line of doforrod until , J euah defoots are: joftereon.Street to the South gutter line remedied.of Trimble Street, and having found certain defoote and unfinished conditions in said work. I.move.that notion on. the acceptance. of y Vit+` i en id woo rk be deferred until eatd defeotu and unifnished conditions in said work have .... ..- .. ... .. _�""__ •.LAS il. '' �� �'..} l: