HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 760, November 26, 1921�. 1.-. ✓ 7.,� � ,. ,l ,e.. i � _ �,.w a„a,,.,�itr � .�nnrr+ Z. rJ . ', .,...... .. _ _:...: a. _... • : L -..c. -._� _.w1..y.....{v„.........y.., ..... _ .:,.:-.._..+, u„i 1 ....ate ,,,,,.. _ N0.-' Commissioners Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192-_ , r T Mayor Katterjohn offered the following- ME. I move thaf an or Hance en- titled, "All ORDINAIICE'ASSESSING'THE,ABUTTING PROPaRTY ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH. PROPERTYLI14E OF BROAD STREET TO THE ANGLE. IN FOURTH STREET BET17M 'iAGsossmont Ordl- ,BROAD STREET AND'ELIZABFT'H STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. )DUITUCKY, THE. SUM of p;• ii nanoe; assessing. ;Ipropartq on $1.68485 PM ABUTTING FOOT, AND ASSF83ING THE PROPFUiTY ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH 9TR�ST, b' J N Fourth Street �from Brood St. FROM SAID ANGLE TO THrB, SOUTH GUTTFR LIVE OF ELIZABETH:STRFET. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. ` ,to Elisabeth Sti KENTUOKY. THE SUM,OF $1.9666 PER ABUTTING. FOOT, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP.'CONORFTE SIDE-. r � StvJ WALKS, OURBS, AAD GUTTFDtS AND ALL NECESSARY 1dAliHOIES," I11TAY.F9. ; 9ECERS,' CATCH BASINS AND' +, DRIVEWAYS THFRFbll, AS SHOClIl BY THE ENGINEER ESTIMATE, .E7(OEPT' THAT PORTION TO BE PAID r FOR THE'BY OITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSF.SSIMIT MAY BE PAID FOR IN TEN EQUAL INSTALIMETTS; BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PFr1IOD OF TEN YEAR$," be r, adopted.. Adopted -upon oall of the roll by the following vote -:Yeas, Eaton. Eaker,Tally+ e., r, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. 1 ` On motttionthe Board adjourned uponoali of the roll by B yeas.. i}?i %d o pled 74.21-r.I94L a'' a NOVFMSFR 26TH. 1921.. t 4i •' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ( , •i Ohambor in the City Hall, Paduosh, Kentuoky, on November E6th; 1921, at 10 O'olook A. M. Upon oall of the roll the following. answered to their names: Dommissionere Eaton, .Tully 'x•'•' and Mayor Katterjohn, i.: Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall to -wit: For the purpose of allowing pay -roll for the :week ending November 26th, 1921, and such other business as might Come { before the Board. I r. Commissioner Tully offered the following motions L move that the pay -roll for Pay -roll for the week ending Nov.. 26th for the DEFARTMFNT OF PUBLIC PROFERTY.'RIT"PSIDE HOSPITAL, tjr� week ending'' ' Nov.26,1921 amounting to $10640, be allowod'and ordered 'paid .and'the money appropriated from the T of Rivorside $'. Hospital.' General Fund to pay.eame., Adopted upon call of the, roll `by, the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Tully and Katterjohn,,-3, sfi :I ;r Oom'r.of Iublio Oommiesionor Tully offered the following' motions I movo that the Comm iseioner Finanoe author ized to pay off, of Publio Fi'nanoe be.authorized to pay off; take .up ard,oanoel street bonds and ooupone .take up and own- �J ool Strout bonds to the amount of ,$76447 ln...the:'Oily National Bank and charge saris to the Speoial and ooupone` :..4784.37 at'Oitq 'Street Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll bq,the, following votes Yeae; Eaton, Tully ' iat'1.Bank6 �._. and Katterjohn,-3.' i On motion the Board adjourned ;upon oall of the roll bq yeas. Adeptcd 14MI- 19 AL. AT (.r_) G 'Ia't, NOV'aBrR 2Sth. 19E1.:, . . At.a Ragulor Meeting of, the Board of Commissionere;.held.in the Commission- "•,.', ere' Chamber'ln the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky. on November 26th,,19E1.' Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their, names; Commissioners Eaton, Tully,Williame. y Wand Mayor Kattorjohn,-4. f On motion of.0ommissioner Tui the minutes of the i Tully previous meetings .were k. ' adopted as read;,upon.call of the roll bq.the following vote: Yeas, Bat am, Tully,, Williams and Kattorjohn,-4: Oommunioation Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that oommunioation �L.B.Aloxander in from L. B. Alexander, oonoerning the aeeeeement.of the :property of Mar B:'Allea,` ' re; soseeement P p y Y be: i of property of received and filed. Adopted B ! 4,, E,10, r q., B. Allem. P upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae 'Eaton rTully, ,Williams and •Yatterjohn,