HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 756, November 19, 1921f ( T,.. f tF Y. •:.F:� n j• , .,MT �. h --i yiu,w7 ,r Y�. R. 'v^ • f'.7' +?t,rw.+•rtt -r(K yr 'r �l F'i';; j y.
Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah :192-'_�
P Y yeas •
On motion tho RoaSd nd jovrned von call of .tho roll b 6
- Ad
NOVO3F2 19TH.1921.
At a, Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
y" Chamber In the Oity Hall, Paducah; Kentucky, on 11ovember.19th, 1921. at 11-30 o'clock
A. M. Upon all of the roll the followin. answered to their : namesCommissioners. Zy �.a 1
c� to.
Baton. Raker, Tully, Williams and. Magor Katterjohn,-6. '"i�ji•
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for osll, to -wit: For, the purpose of allow-
ing pay -rolls, and such other business ae may come before the Board.-
Commissionor Tully offered the following, motion: 'itS;i "
I move that tho accounts amounting to $8462.83, as per' tpe roport'of the Com= �
report of Oom'r. " klfif: i` .
1o; Finance of , miseloner of,Publio F1.nanoe filod hore'aith, be allowed and orderod paid and 'the monoy }
ccounts for
,11rdt half of appropriated from the Oonoral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the rY:
Novombor 19E1.
following vote: Yeas, Haton. Baker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-B. by
Commiesioner Tully offered the following motion: .. I move that the Pay -roll
Pa roll of for the week ending. 14ov. 19th ... Da'PARi1:B11T OF PUBLIC PROPERTY. Riverside Hospital,
f'Rivorsido Hoepit ,:,;•,
,.al for. week end- amounting to $100.70, be allowed.and ordered paid and .the money appropriated from. the
1921.: General Fund to pay same.. Adopted upon oall of the•roll by the following tote: loss.
Raton,'Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,=6. '. ,''•
Commissioner Tull, offered .the following motion, That the report of the
4Report Street
r'Departmen t for Street Department for the month of October. 1921 be received and filed. Adopted upon:
=`month of
Cato -bar, 1921., call of the -roll by the following vote: Yoas. Raton', Eaker. Tully. Willi&me and j' w"•sh;',
Katter john,=6:.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll. by 6 yeas.
19 f.L .
• Adoplei � .1_ a7o_Z' �, c.
C11T C-6
NOV12MM E1ST, 1921. F t
' rt
f . At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieeioners. I rtl.;i
Chamber in the Oity Ball, Paduash,'Kentnoky. on November ,Flet. 1921. Upon cell of the..., yrr
roll tho following.anewered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker, Tully.'Wil]lema
and Mayor Katterjohn,-5.L�
On motion of Commiesionor Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt
edae rend upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Raker. Tully. r
Williams and Katter john, -6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion:. I move that the oommunloatton
:'from the. property owners abutting on both sides of Maiden Alley -waiving any objections,
f'. Maid en A17oy
petition of pro- to closing same, and dated 17ovember 7th. 1921, ;be received and filed. Adopted upon_;..!
perty ownors to
close same.'' call of the ra'I3 .by the following vote: Yeae, Raton. aaker., Tully. Williams and. r -
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that,the report of. the :;..�
Report.. Oom'r. .4
Finance With Oommissionor of Public Finance, with reference to the deposit of $831.E8 interest to �
referonce to
'depoeit..to the the.credit of the Sinking Fund in the Ottitene.Savings Bank. be received .and filed.
,.orodit of Sink-�
`inFund, in Adoptod upon call of,the roll by.the f ollowing. vote; Yeas' Eaton. Raker, Tully Williams ,«
cOitizons 9nvingA ! t•;f;•:r
Bank. and Katterjohn,-B..
' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that when the, j • �w,;
:Oontinental Ins=
i uranooo. re=
Sfunded $87.14. license for the Continental Insurance Company was paid on license receipt ¢309 that 2�i,
of the premium was paid when !!.should have been 1,4"eo the amount ot.premium written
was $3714 I move 'that, the eum of $37:14 be refunded to the Continental Insurance Com-. jy,•
�! - �rc4•wP1J« "i,i. .. .v' +S +:.+r,.. J., K,rta: n._.•.,v u1'F`�.=.si••t,, " '