HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 752, November 14, 1921.^�y6p ;-.-! :.` `r•47r" .'.1� .• .,: ,•'�'•.r,:h. -� wt, tiq.r .:h:. i;; ;. .t'iif¢ ''t;v4',r r: •;:\'�.•: t��yt! .•'a= .. +.-..v 'ra: . r , .• ; ....� a :rpv. ,•t• ^•��e�,�p. kms+..-'K•�; f; s -y _ .'i' . - ,,,..1.. -..... .._e....i.�:a.......:......+.-_..�....1a.::„.,..,-w �,....�..�_ ..ti_.s.s ' •7'r.i. i �. A.... 6' I.'_. ^`ti S'+* rir�+;V ,gA.rs `u%'•T�;'IA' �1`.'� � Y•. ... .. Comhlissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ­_192-� : Report Oom'r. of Ootmnise.onor Tully offored.the'following,motion: I: move: that the report of the Ftnsnoo ohowing pppottionmobt,Oommisoionor of Fublto Finance showing Ahe apportionment; expenditures and-balan000 to . oxPondittroo. and bolanooe to the the credit of .the various accounts under the different departments at the close of.0ott orodit of the 31st, be received and filed. Adopted on oall of'the:.roll the following vote:'Yeas r "various Uopte. P upon by •� 'S:.`'. nt the elect of :,�ton,.Acker. Tully, Williame'and Katterjohn,-6. Ootobor Slot. �. ,f Commissioner.Tully offered, the following motion: ,I:move that the sum. of One Hundred Eighteen &•60 100 Dollsre be allowed for the purpose of defraying the.trave)ina •j'3 ] 16.60 allowed � I for the purpose of ilofrnying.expensoe of ton delegatoe to be appointed .to.ropresont the.:Oity of Padiioah a 'the Oonven- ”: '• •. �. traveling.ox- •dponnos of ten tion of. the Ohio Valley. Improvement AanooiatIon to be held at.Evanovi119, 'Indtons, .to It ,;-dolef,atoo to •�ropreeont City hold on,llovembar 16th,. -16th, 1921, said amount to be paid out of any funds 'not other- I' of J•adnoah at . `Ohio Va]]oy Im- .w1oe appropriated, and to be used. for. purpose of,ndvorLieing.the Oity.of Pndvoah.' ;.Lprovoment Con- Adopted. on call of"the roll b the following vote: Yeas Baton Faker Tull William vontion. '. P' P Y. g • 9. '? and Katterjohn,-6• j ,J for Commissioner. Eaton offered the following motion: That the pay -roll for. the`, a Street Dept. �$E37.36 9troot.bo reoeived.aitd.filed and order allowed, amounting to $217.716. Adopt - Deportment i;,•„ _; ed upon call of the roll by the following„vote: Yes e, F.aton, Eakor;'Tully; Williams .and Katterjohn,.-6. r , •.�,,,i••, M -motion the Board adjourned upon' call of the, roll''by 6",yoae. Adepicd 194L . A!-, !-,-PRO AT -E1' .. 5 city ct.a �, �•::t +i NOVEMBER 14th, 19E1. At a Oa11ed.Moeting of .the Board of.0ommieetonera, held in the, Comm tset onere' ”. Chamber in the City_Hall, Paducah, Kontuclty, on November 14th, 1921, at 11:30 o'dlook A..M. Upon call of the roll the. following.anewered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn statedreasons for call to-wit:'To'allow aocounts.for insurance ard such other'business as might come before tho'Board: Corrmisalonor. WilliamG offered the follonire motion: I move that Foreman & J.ackey be aid the sum of policies; Forarhan & J.aokey P $1116.61, vJhioh fe n. balance due them, for premit:me on oltaleG; as .• paid $1116.61 . insurance pre per statetitont rendered. end tho.Commissioner of Publi'o Finance is hereby oitthorized ,. miume. s and inetruo.tod to, issue voucher to Foreman & Lnokey' for said, oiun,' and charas same to the. i Contingent Fund, . or paid out .of Rinds •not otherwise appropriated. Adopted, upon call of . tho.roll by,the following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Tully, -Williams ard F.att.erjohn,-4. Commissioner Williams offered,the fol.lowine motion: I move that E. G. Boone & -1 Oo..be paid the cum of $1169.44, which is a balance duo them for premiums on,polioies, : +E'G.Boone & Co.' no. par statoment rendered, and the Commissioner of Tublio*Finance is hereby. authorized pa id 31169.44 inouranoe and instructed to issue voucher to H. G. Boone & Co. forsaid sum. and. charge same to ant Fund premiiune. the.Contin P . or to be paid out of funds not otherwise appropriated. Adopted � �.. .." .;..•.....' upon call. of the roll by. the following vote: Yoas,1D%ton,Tully,'•iill1ome and Katterjohn":-b. - Commiselonor Williams offered the following'motion: I move that Foreman.& Lackey Foroman & iaokey be paid.the 'sum "of $274.94 for premiums due on the following polioses, to -wit: I Pai9 $274.24 for . . ' 111 promiums date on Polioy"ho: 139293 Fireman's Fund .... $161.00 inouranoe on'llow 2066 Great American..,. 90.60 . Ad"d tt ion to ". " . 168 Brent Amer ican.... 32.64, same' beir.tt for fire „ RivoraitioHoepit al:' and to rnado:proteation on'the new addition to Riverside Hospital, and the Commissioner,' of Public Finance is hereby authorized and direated"to issue voucher to Foreman & _ 'Lackey for said 'etmt, and, oharp,e Game to the Riveroid.e IToop,ital Irow, Add !tion Account. t 'Adopted upon call of the roll by. .the following vote: Yoas, Baton, Tn11y. Rtlliama and r 1.. Katterjohn;-4. 's' �F .c.wr r:lt..._ ...... F:.. �.. J. .:S L.,, v._..r t•.•at b' _ t. ... z ..t �,. •�-� � �� � � . ,� � " ';rr•Jt.: s...y::?t,�cl... ' .r ,. ' s.,..ur ,. a � ' <p .� ..,.. t •dF: f &:�•.,, ... xe:ct�fc;r ... . �.:ms wn^ wa+)., •.,..:1. _.1.. - l ; y • ti'• r ..i I , + Commissioners' Proceedings' City. of Paducah Commissioner Williams offored the following motion; I move that S. G. .Boone & Co. be paid the sum of $274.£4, for premium's due them, as por.etatement rendered,_ ?.G;Boone & Co. same being for fire and tornado protootion on the new addLtion to Riverside Hospital. ?'. paid $274.24. premiums. on in- and that Commissioner of Publio Finanoe Is hereby authorized and dirooted to .Inoue. suranoe for L'ew Addition to vouohar to R. G. Boone G Co. fDr said sum, and oharae same to the Riverside Hospital Riverside Hoe- pital. New Addition A000unt. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.followir.K vote: Yoas, ?,aton, ' - ••{, Tully; Williams and Y.atterjohn,-4. .7 Con!misstoner 7illiama:offered the following motion: I'move that Fornman & . Fororan 1.aokay,Laakey be pald.the bum of $36.68, whioh is a balanoo due them for premiums on poliolee, paid '86.68 bat- anoo Sue -thorn ao per •statement randored,asId b; lance having beer. overlooked in Jnrnlary 1.921 when the on irouranoe premiums. premiume were paid.for cold polioios, and the Commissioner of Public PInnnoe is hereby authorized ani dirooted to isuue vcuoher to Foreman &'Laokoy for said sum, and oharae. same to the Contir.Ront Fund, or. to be paid out of (rutile not otherwise npproprtatod, Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follosirg.vote: Yens, Eaton, Tully, Williams and „f*. r,. Kntterjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of tho roll by 4 yeas. Ad� J,�ia•"--L---.�.19� i �P:PRCJ'�%'FJIJ' _• •�. .•1; -.'i . 1 .^ 1'r 1 n! ,2 NOV ?.r9LPR 14th. 1921. T" At a Regular Meeting of the BoardofCommissioners, hold in'the Commissioners' {' i Chamber 'in the City .. Yall, Paduonh, Yontuoky, on November 19th, 1921, 1pon on]] of the. i a roll the following an,owored. to. their namosi Commloolonoro.F,aton, ".!1har, Tully,'.71llLams "•` and Mayor Y.atterjohn,-b.. f On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings wore adopt - ad dopt a as read upon oall of -the roll by the following; vote; Yeas, :Seton, �aY.ar, Tully, 1 1 1Villiame evil:Y.atterjohn,-b. ! Commissioner.'haton offered ' the, folIowing motion I move that the oommuniontion fl,J.Olibert oommu- r.lcation relative from W. J;.,Gilbort relative to damagos roault'ing by ool.liston bet•soen his nutomobi]e to collision beta. ! . t hie automobile and and..the City Fire'Truok, be reoeived and roforrod.to the City Solioitor for invest.i- y. ., the City Fire Truok., !ration ar.•d report in writing the foots and the law in said matter. 'Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yoas;c7aton,Faker,Trtlay,tvilltame and Y.ottorjohn -6, i Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the roport.of the Report'MoOrao;cen, ilo0rao;:en County Publio Roalth Longue l:urstna Servioo for.tho month.of Oo.tober 7921 County 1'ub'lio Health Losiue 1;ur61n;t Sar-'. 'be r.000lved.and'filed. Adoptod upon oall of the roll by the folio-,+lnrt vote:.,Yaas, .� vtoo for Ootobor, 1921. FAton, Baker. Tully, 17111iams and Y,attorjohn,-6. Mayor Y.atter,john offered the following motion: I move that the certified copy,' r# Prooesdinrzs of ot the prooeedinge of the Board of ?lootton Commissionors, hold on November 12th,. "4`( Bonrd o: 17ootion ?' Commissioners•hold 1921, se oortified'by L. F. Durrett, County Court Clerk, nhoroin l 1'ov. 12,1921,r. re: it to certified that � ,'yr'i' " lection on.Sawor there wore oast for the Sower Bond issue Y;: Bond Ordinance at 9 2854, 110' 1182, and whioh tea two-thirds l t hover,bor r;ootion mafority of the votes oast for said question, be rooeivod an 1921.d'ftlod, and that the Oity . Sol.ioltor is hereby instructed to bring in an ordinnnoo providing for the,isouanoe and eels ,of said bonds. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,'.Snton, ;•:akor. Tully, ,Tilliams and Y.attsrjohn, Mayor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Ahe off Ldovit of, lfoel Affidavit Noel A.: Berry, in rel pub 1,. Berry, Seoretnry and Treasurer of The Democrat l'ubllshinR company. oerttfytnR that. ]iotition of :.oxor September 20th, Bond Ordiranoo in the Serer Bond. Ordinanoo wuo published in The lbws-Domoorat on�Ootobor 18th, 19th, 20t '.r �! the. News-Domoo.^at. ".. 3 21st; 22nd, 23rd, P.6th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th. 30th and Novomher,let, Pad, 3rd, 4th;' +A4 Y i I. I. 8th and bth, 1921, be r000ivod and fLlod,))doptod upon on'l.l of the roll by the follow ,I ung veto; Yoau, iSaton,Fukor,Tully,!tilltnme and Y.ntterjohn',-B.' ' _x_......11 w+- 1 ' . ',` i •. - - - a - ,i` -b. •:r t,.y[.n i.t 'S':. :!': r• �� e"Srjy;' aY, • .i% .I . ' „ �� .•L: t. +`. .,•F•dT'r.T-i'4,.' 6. - M :v +�. ti..v .. IlnMnt'.r.•yyy-"inl. t'+r,}'mti~,%wlµ' �"N. -> �1+ .. - : Commissioners' Proceedings,City. of Cit of Paducah 192_1 , Affidavit L. R; Mayor Kattorjohn:offered the following motion: I move that,the affidavit of Durroot,County Court Olork, in L. E. Durrett, County Oourt Clerk of MoOraoken.County, rentucky, filing a copy of the ro Sorlor Bond i' < Ballot as sub Sever Bond Ballot', which was Submitted to the ole6tore.of:the City of Paducah, F.entuoky;: mitod .to elect- arc lect at. th,e General Bleotion`on November 8th, 1921, be received and filed. Adopted u on 'call 'ora i;ov.8th, p p ]92] General , F:lectlorF,. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas., Eat on, Zak er;Tully.17111isms and Katterjohn,=6. Commioaioner.Tully offered the following motion: I move that .the letter from.' L'itohol] k.Duna 11itcholl & Donegan with reference .to the balance due the City of Paducah from them be gan communication . II relative. to receed d aneand that the Oommlesioner of Publio Works. be. authoritod and instruct- baln7anoocedduo the' ivfiled e oity ofIaducnh . od to .ordor a suff.iolont amount of coal from oaid Mitchell & Dunagan-to,balance their. o! coal. - - ' account with tho.01ty of Paducah.' Adopted upon oall of .the roll by the following vote:' Yoae, Raton.. Raker. Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-b. ' Oommieelonor Tully offered -the following motion: The following party having ' paid• the estimate against property owners for tho.improvement of concrete driveway . ).'rri'.L: 6S, Bloom-: within the Innor-Fire limite....Eat. #8 lire, L. it, Bloomfield on 4th Street, corner' of a $618.16 tid. Washington Street ...... $618.16. I move that Contractors Yanoy & Johnson be, allowed the $618.16 paid: and Yanoq'& sum of $618.16 and the'Oommieelonar of Publio Finance be inetrnoted to draw n cheek on Johnson allowed �. oui.d Sum .in re:' the Special Street Fund to r Inner-Firo,L.im p pay some.. Adopted. upon call.of the roll by the following Ste. vote: Yeas.,, aton, Raker,, Tully, Ililliame and Y.atterjohn,-6. Commieeionor Tully offered the following motion: 'The following, party having eibnifiod her_ intention of taking advantavo of the Ten Year'Pa*ymant Plan for the eon- struotion of oonorote driveway adjoininrr her property on Washington Street at the cornu e of 4th;9troet:,, Eat. #8•Ltre..1..M. Bloomfield ....... ...... $777.24, I move.that Improve- lir e : L:1.1'. B I6 om- } mont BonAo.be Baeued to Include this amount and that they be tis follows: field $777.P4 drivoway.within Innor-Fire Lim- Iia• 1 Series X. due July 1,.1922.........$]..191.03 I . Ito. Ton Year 1, 1923..:...... 1191.03 Toymont Plaa.'nnd 3 n n, n " 1, 1924.......... 1191.03 Improvement 4 " 1, 1926.:....... 1191.03 Bonds for same' -.,- 6 11 1926.......... 1191.0E Bended• .. n n' ' n n' . 6 1, 1927. ... .1191.02" 7. 1, 1928...... 1191.02 8 n n n ^ 1..1929......... 119.1.02 9 n n. n n 1, 1930....... 1191.02 ' 10 1, 1931......... 1191.02. 911910.24 5 Adopted upon call of "the roll by the following vote: Y6a6, Faton, Eaker, Tully."711liamel 1 , and Y.ntterjohn.-b. Corrooted otite- Commissioner Tully offered the folloaina'motion:. I move that 7U, CORRECT -D Ili J mont .of account I „1{• . with Yanoy & STATEK%TT OF AOOOUNT, :'IITF) lLIHCY & JOINS011, CONTRACTORS. FOR' wE CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVE - Johnoon; in r; Inner -Faro T.Bm- -AY S'ITHIII THE -IIINM-PIRG LI1.11TS AICD STRZTS:BORD-ZING TH:R :011 be reoeived. and filed. .I its driveway. Adopted upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yaas, rnton., 11aker, Tully, WI111ame and KattorJohn, -6, {. . Improvoman t Bond Oommiesioner Tully.offered the following motion I move that the Commisatoner for ton Your�r Poymont )'Ianof Pub110 Finance be authorized and instructed to turn over to Yancy &Johnson, oon turned oor toy' traotore, the Im,rovomont Bonde '.esuod on the Ton Year Plan for the construction of ` Yaa,op k Johnson,' I. = . in re: drive- � I : wav within Inner=drivowayu within the Innor-Fire Tlmi.te and- 'streets bordering thereon, the bonds being ;,- Pire.Limite. no follows: , No. 1 Sorioe K. due. July 1, 1922.......9 1191.03 1,'.1923....... .1191.03' 3 n'. " �. n' 1, 1924....... 1191.03 " 4 " " "' " 1, 1926.:..... 1191.03 e n 6 n n " n. .1, 1926....... 1191.02 " 6 "` " .1, 1927....... '1191.0E t` n 7 n n n n 1, 1928..::... 1191.02 I ;. n, 9 1. 1930..:.... 1191.02 xt� 1, 1931. 10 n n n ^ ... 1191 02 I is r •'., ��'$ fid- .' { • f- `• ' Adopted upon, oall of, the roll by. the following, vote: Yone, r�ton,, Ecker.' Tully,77illtnme s 4 and Ratterjohn,-6. i 'rya+. ii:t:,"� .y';. =x.� � .,.o-.t� ,,.- , ..,.4 .,. _ a .... _ (.! �'?.�.•ti...._ •li. +y+waw%va F i Fi.�: J. V 4.Y wy K•c' 6:.. 1 Y, .w •1� - I, .,•.. r �T.T} �a}�.r�_"- r+r �, ,- s i r �3 ,r,�,? r rt s f 1,"... .;i�•ti ' '" '�..;'n r . �f �1''+,'', ., .. _ _ n.�y'fg7rP'!w'�^rnr.. ..-.ru+a mv'•.+n �•i'; "+T ren � f No.76.6', `S Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ Commisslonor Tully offered the following motion; The following partas having Trustees African a signified their intention of taking advantago. of the Ten Year Payment Plan for the ; L:.::. Churoh take Ten Year Payment construction of concrete sido-walks, curbs and gutters on 7th Street; frau Jackson ' Plan in re side- p .' ' aalke &o. S. 7th d Street to Jones Streets... sat, 44, Trustees African if. F. Church ......... $397.25' ' St. beta. Jackson Y & Jones Sts., and I.movo that Improvomont Bonds be issued to include this amount and that thoy ba'ae. Imi:rovomont Bonds ; issued for $397.25 ^ follows; for Hama., Ifo. 1 Series L duo July 1, 19122,....$148.49 2 w L n n 1, 1923..... 3.48.49 p 3 " L u " 1, 1924 ... 148.49 4 " L " 1, 1925 .... 148.49 J 5 n L " " 1„ 1926 148.48 W.; ' 6 n L n " 1, 1927 .... 148.48 7 w. . L w n 1, ]912.8 .. 148.48 8 " L n �i 1, 1929 .... 148.48 i 9 " L " n 1, 1930 .... 148.48: S' 10 " L " 1, 1931 146.46 Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloainrt vote: Yoao, Baton, canker, Tully, Williams and Yatterjohn,-5. yrm �n Corrected state- Commissioner Tully offered the'follo-adna motion:. .1 move'that TNF 0ORRFCTiY1 , ment'of account f with G.3.Yatter- STAT:'" 1TT OF ACCOUNT '3TTH G. 17. )J.TT;NJOHN k 8011. CONTRACTORS,' FOR -THP 0011STRUOTIOIt' cl. L. John & Son, in ra: r' Hlde.va]ka &o. on OF c61xR:''Pi SIDE'WAI.:S, CURD :U1D GUTTY:RS Ott SOUTii BaVElI'f1i .4'1'R.sET, BET'.7FFH "JACYSON AIM' . S.7th St. betn. h y....•;a,'.: '.':'. .' JaOI:80n,& Jones JONFS STD ?TS, be received and fi]od. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Sta. vote: Yeas, Maton, !Baku, Tully, 171]]tams and Y.attorlohn,-5. y Oommieslor:or,'lh�lly offered the followingmotion: I move that .the Commle toner F ( of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to turn over to G. 7, Yatterjohn & 9on, Improvement; bonds . � c turr.od over to `ri• 5 G.T.,_attorjohn & Contractors, the Improvomont Bonds iesuod on the Ton, Year Plan for tin 0onotruotion Son, in re:. Side- u walke &o. on 9.7th of concrete sidowalk0,.ourb and gutters on South 7th Street. betaoon. Jackson and Jones St, botr..Jaokson & ' Jonoe Ste. Stroetu, the bonds being as followsi Ifo. 1 Series L.. due July '1-1922.... "148.49 '• 2 w L. " " 1-1923.... 146.49 3 " L. " " 1-1924.... 148.49 4 " L. ° " 1=1925.... 148.49 1-]926.... 148.48' 6 „ L. " " 1-1927.... 14f.48 7 ,. L. " " 1-19'1.8..'..'146.46 8 " L. " " 1-1929.... 148.48 a 9 " L. " " 1-1930.... .140.48 10:. " L. " " 1-1931.. 148.48 a Adopted 'upon .as11,of the 'roll by the following vote: Yono,' Aton, Faker, Tully, 4.. d i71111ame and Y.atterjghn,-5, Y Commiesioner rnton offered the following motion: It appearing that J. W. Nelson J. 1.I1 el eon appoint-� ,. ed polioeman. Is duly qualified to act as a poliooman. I.move that the said J. 1. !fo]non be appoint- ad as ppointad.as a potrol.mr:n to fill a vacancy now.tomporarily existing. in the Police Dopertmont. ` �.. Adopted upon call of:tho roll by tho.Pollo%vdna vote: Yean,':Mton, ;Rakor.. TuIIY, ' ':7i �. .,�•.'.' lliame and Y.atterjohn,-5. ; • "'1 OommiHatonor Wil llama offered the following motion; I move that ,tho.trnnofor from Cemetery tranefa?. 1 from Carol l.ne L:'. I ,Caroline L. �Tatts, David 0. ',7atta„ Isabel A. Wattu, Emma Il. ,Heakos. arA'Rev'. ivm. 11oak08 'mete &o. to 8:A. Ferrier. to the .South one-half of lot •,'169 in. Seotdon #8 Oak Grove "Cemstory to 9, 'A. Foti9) or he } ratified. .Adoptod upon call of the roll.by the following vote;,Yeao, Eaton,',Fakor, Tully.-Tfilliame and- Yattor john,-5. 4 1lnyor ]:atter john offerrid the. following mo tion: I move-that the report of the , Roport City Solioi- „E.,. tor; relative to City. Solioltor,.relativo to contract betweon C; T. Allon and the City of Padrnoah, contract botn.C:T: lion ant Cityof ..datod April 10th, 19.16.. be received and filed.. Adopted upon call of the roll bq'the Iaduooh regarding 18th Street udwor following, veto: Yoaa, Eaton, Baker, Tully. Williams and Y.atterjohn;4 . and atroot. r. '( Commissioner t71]liame offered the following motlon:.I mova:that the 'certified I 0000dinge Board .� :of Floctioy, Commie- ' i copy of the proceed Inge of the Board of.?;lootton Oomml eeioners,.relative to the 1108 sdor.ora., in re: elect Lan on H.ospit- pltnl Bond Iosue, Showing that same lost be r000ivod and filed. _•,Adopted upon oall'of is• -a l Bond Ianue. 1 +- the roll by'the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Maler.,:Tirlly; ^/1]]dame and Y.atterjohn,-6; r •.%'^`�'�*'�'W�R:?A4,. ,: ..�??N!±$1�.1 .:_" Ih;��F}:iq./• �_ .,alt.. n:N1.�.�t�. � f 1W''�rd#hE+jrvv!'+».t: 'its }+�N' •w:a+€: "_ t�te�;h9rrti.q,wH,i.r.4•y.,4�ietA9wmu �.au'rr.(5"�tr4`e.Y:lt+:tierar�kt-..+.aysx':lti�rw^trJ'6 .�*r+�aSGi�i+��tM. ?r`!i � T : '-Mr - h ... y yi"' 7 Yid • L - �'`• a-, n •-k-;-c+ .car :�ti p,t� •� .. � -yam^•,.. 4 .. �!,.-o. rr. ..c.....+..^.:a ._.._ T Y . Commissioners' Proceedings; City of PaducahPT r' 192__ ' .���ti'''ir.. On motion the BoaYd nd.journed upon call of the roll by b yens.tiq Ad led 19' ,t GGGG � nOVMIBFR 19TH. 19E3. At a.Called Meeting of .the Board of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners'' .. Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah; Kentucky, on November 19th, 1921, at 11:30 o'clock ,..; :•Y ' A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners. s� ' Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and' Mayor Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call', to -wit: 'For. the purpose of allow- frig pay -rolls, and such other business As may come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. ?'. I move that the accounts amounting to $4462.63, as per'tpe roporV of the Com- -Report of 0om1r.�-'.' 0f'Finance of, mieelonor of.Fublio Finance filed horeaith,.be allowed and ordered paid end'. the mosey a000unts for ,"first half of appropriated from the Oonoral Fund to pay. same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Hovombor 1921.+ Ma f'.. following vote: Yeau. Eaton. Eaker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6. i•• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; .. I move that the Paq-roll Iny-roll of for the weak ending. Nov. 19th...DnPART1:TUT OF PUBLIC iTIOPERTY. Riverside Hospital, Riverelde.Hospit t�Y h Jal forweek end- amounting to $100.70, be allowedand ordered paid and .the money appropriated from. the I+_ !n No�.19th'' f General Fund to PaY'same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Tote: .Yens. .Y•*,;,: .. Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.4. :s;1 Commissioner Tully, offered .the following motion: That the report of the J. Report Streets Department far Street Department for the month of Ootober.1921 be received and filed. Adopted upon. month of Coto- ; bar, 1921.', call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Baker, Tully; Williams and w Katter john;=6: , On motithe e Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ff ,Y'i . e k , h 19f.�► A s.: Adapted ..J. ' L—j r 5 �l..; HOW21B R 218T. 1991. y At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners:' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah Kentuck on November,2let 1921. on osis of the 3 ,� v roll the fol lowing.anewered to their names: Commissioners Baton, Faker, Tully. Wil]leme, ;1 r and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. on motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previone meetings were adopt-; u, I" ad.as'read upon can of the .roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, 5 -Williams and Katterjohn,-6. g4 Mayor Katterjohn offered.the following motion I move that the communication I, "from the: property owners abutting on both aides of Maiden Alley_ waiving any objections ; ,';Malden Alley `petition of pro- :to closing same,,nnd dated 17ovember 7th, 1921,,be received and filed. Adopted upon.; party owners to�� t' close some. call of the r 4.1 by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, raker,. Tully. Williams and. k� "Katterjohn,-6. I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that. the report of. the? �3 Report_ Oom'r, ,Ftnanoe with Oommissionor of Public Finance' with reference to the deposit of $631.28 interest to reference to deposit,_to the the.oredit of the Sinking Fund in the Ottizene.Savings Bank, be received .and filed. i ,orodit'of Oink- ` '•: !n Fund, In Adopted upon cell of .the roll by she following. vote: Yeas; Eaton, Esker, Tu11y,William6 �`oll gg tizono•Snviage .. •�,'_:,: Bank. and Katterjohn.-6. #",;,' , Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that when the, I' Continental Ino:.., 'uranoe o. re= ;funded $57.14 license for the Continental Insurance Company was paid on license reoe.ipi ;¢369 that ton,.Lioenee.k. :•' of the premium was. paid when it ,should have been 1`.ii'ao the amount of .premier written wag $3714 I move that, the emn of $37:16 be refunded to Lhe Continental Insurance Com-}`+ 1.'i¢ f.c iii. ;ay ao � ' � I t}i, ,r•;, .. _ 4 itt.!:w+•J4�:4`iNSi/� I .. � JS.,r'.. JN � .?!N:,.A 6y F`-...�Vt. 1 • .