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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 751, November 12, 1921.
. '
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� .. , �F'h ..Y u.p ;�'34a•L 7 ••I�.rn,� s•, � Y -C•r •1.v9�p :. .a-..�, � yrrtj. - •f',r L.'u; t. .. ' , ..
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- . Commissioners' Proceedings, City'o4 Paducah;' 192__
Commissioner Williams offerod' the followinR motion:' 'I move.that the account
X. W. Auguetue
of W. Auguotus,,dmounting to $33.00 for work done arA performed at Riverside Hoe-
$33.U0 for. :?ork
done and perform-?,
pital; be allo-mod and ordered paid and oharged to Riverside Hospital aooaunt.. Adopted
ad at Riverside
upon oall.of the.roll by,the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, "Williams and Ratter-.
Sohn, -4.
Oommlasionor Eaton offered the following. motion; 'It appearing that there are
. Appointment of N
3.H.Rudolph and
two vaounoies in, the Police Department, I move -that R. N. Rudolph and B. 4. Adams be
B. 0.1,, ns
appointed as.patrolmon, their servioes to commence upon their qualifying as required: -
by law. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo'aLng vote:.Yoae, FAton, Tully, :
'lilliame and Katterjohn,-4.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the 4 yeas.
Adoplad lN_1'iLy 19�. .&�Ppa0VIDD
110VRl.1B.M 18,t1'H• 19 E1.
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners!
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah., Kentucky. on 11ovember 12th; 1991, at 11 o'olook
A. 19.. Upon call of the roll the following anawered to their names: Commissioners
Baton, Baker, Tully; Williams and L:ayor Y.atterjohn,-b.
1.ayor Katte.rjohn.etatod reasons for call to -wit: For the purp000 of allowing;
pay -rolls, and such other business as might come before the Board.
Commissioner Aton offered the following motion: I move that the:writtenAl
Ohnrgeu preferred
egninat patrolman
charges against patrolman O. Lt; Doris be rooeivod and filed and that the notice which
G.M.Doria reooiv-
ad ani filed.,
has also been served on him be received and filed. Adopted upon'oall of the roll by
the following vote; Yoae, piton, Raker, Tully, Williams and Y•atterjohn,=b.
P.oar inz .of the
Oommi'soioner Jaton offored. the following motion: It appoarinR thnE O. M.
Charges preforred;,
aga'inat patrolman
Doris has requested that the invontiIatlon of said chargee be deferred, I move that
G.,!.Doriu deferred
the hearing on acid. charges be deferred and continued until the regular meeting of :the
until Rogular
Looting of Bocrd
r oil Yov.21.1021.
Board of Commissioners on Monday llovembor Elet, 19E1; and that 'said Doris be.suepended
6 without pay. no such patrolman pending a dotermtnatton of said charges,, Adopted upon
call of the roll by the following veto; Yeas 1:X ton Tully and Y•attorJohn,-3; Nays,,
Raker and '9111iams.,-E.
Report Chief of
Commiesloner Raton offered the followinR:motlon: I. move that the report of
Pol ion for inonth
of October I.M.,
the Chief of folios for the month of October be received and ,filed. Adopted upon oall
of the roll by the following'vote:.Yoae, Faton, Rayer, Tullv,'.9illiomn and .Y.attor:john,6
Report of Chiet
�CQlgmkasionor -Aton offored 'the followinit motion; l move, that the roport of .`
S • `• r •
of Fire D9T:artmenty..tho
„:.'\ .
ChioY of the !Fire Department for the be
for month of
month of Ootobor received and f13ad.
` October 1921.
Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, "FACon, ilalar, .Tully',
'lilliame and Y.attarjohn.-b. .
f Rol -ort Com'r, of
Comm issionor.Tully offered the following motion: .1 move that the report. of
". Fineroe for month
• of October 1921.
the Commiaeiwnor of Public Finance for the month of October be received and filed and
orderod.publiahed in the official newspaper. Adopted upon-oall of the roll by the
j following vote: Yens, Eaton, :akcr, Tully, Williams and Katterjohr.,-b.
pay -roll and no-
oo:;nto :35143.03
Comminoioner Tull offered the foll.o-Mna motion: I move that the
y pay -roll
as per roport oiani,
Com' -,
f r. of r lblla
oCommissioner oIu
e000unte amlntLrg to rb143.08, as per the 'report of the Ctif blio
Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the mnney'appropriated from
the General Fund to pay samo. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follosinR vote:
Yeea, Eaton, Rnkor, Tully; Williams and Katterjohn,-b: SY
• .. t - ear, .
• a
i :
.. �s .,...� ?" r9',F. P •�-- Yc yJ bre-h�'+.•�pi �� i.. +.. ro.y .
1 f';! f7`77 V77
111 Y. iR'1'.4:,•I ,... it > �
Commissioners' Proceedings;' City of Paducah
Report Oom'r. of
Oommiss.onor Tully offered.the'following.motion. I_move .that"the roport of the.
Ptnanoo showing
pppottionmatit, "
OommiBok onor of Fublio Finanoo showing Ahe apportionmont; expenditures and-halanooe to
oxpondituroo and
bolanoos to the
the credit of .the various accounts under the different departments at the close of. oat'
oradit ofthe
vartoun Dopts.
31st, be received and filed.' Adopted upon Call of: the.roll .by the followina voto: 'yeas
>' Tat tho Clout of
• October 31st. ..
.?atom_ FAkor-
Tully, Williamsriilliame and Katterjohn 6.
Oommiseionor.Tully offorod. the following motion: I move that the sivn,of One
• ,
.; ] 18..60 al ] owed
Hundred Eighteen te•60 100 Dollars be allowed for the purpose of defreyina tho.trave)ina
I the purpose!,
tof defraying., '
expenses of ton deleg. toe to be appointed .to.represent the Oity:of Paduonh at'the Oonve l
• '
' traveling .ox-
�ponno's of ton
tion of. the Ohio Valley Improvement Ae000iation to be held at. Evansville. Ind iana,.to b
!^..'deleiratoe t0
•`ropreeont Ott q
r:' .. ..
hold on.ltovembor 16th, -16th• 1921, said amount to be paid opt of any-funda'noL other -
of ] adnoah at. .
Va]]oy Im•
wine appropriated, and to be used for. the purpose of advertising:the Oity.of Pnduoah.
provomont Oon-
" I
Adopted. upon cell of the roll by .,the following vote: Yeae,rxtton, Enker, Tully. riilliamal
and KattorJohn,-6.
Co Eaton offered the toIIowing. motion: That theP n Y -roll for. th
Street Dept.: •'.
9troot. Deportmont be reoeived and. filedand order. allowed, amouritina to $217.216: Adopt-!
�c ,, '_•
ed upon call of the roll by the following,.voto: Yeae, I{nLon; Eai:or; Tully;7illiamo.and.;
•.,.• •-, °''rt. ':,
.' • ; - �,.., `-
:,; .;. :. M motion the Board ad journed upon call of the, roll by 6'.yone.
Adopicd /t� 19'�.
# .
city 0"
MA V0R. .
NOVEMBIM 14th. 19 El.
V:^ y
At a Oallad.Moeting of .the Board of .0ommisoionere, held In the Commieeionere'. "
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on 11ovember 14th, 1921. at 11:30 O'oloot
A.. M. Upon Call of the roll the.following.nnriwered to their names: Commissioners
Eaton, Tully, 17Alliams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
Mnyor Y.atterjohn �tated.reasone for Call to -wit ocoounte.for'inouranoe�
aid Ent ah other bueinees as might oome before the Board: .
Commissioner riilliams offered 'the following motion: I move that Foreman
,For oman & J,doksy
aid the sum of
be P $1116. b1, wAilah is a. balance. due ,them for premii;ms on policies; as
paid :1116.61 .
ineuranoe pre-
per etatomont rendered,.cnd tho.Commissioner of Publi'o Finance is hereby authorized
- .
and inetruo.tod to, t,seue voucher to Foreman k Lnokey' for said..oum. and charge same to the
. '
Contingent Fund, or paid out .of funde•not otherwise appropriated. Adoptedrupon call of
tho.roll by, the -fol] Yeae; Eaton, Tully...1711]iame and Knttorjohn,-4.
Commissioner. Williams offer9d.the followin_r,
motion: I move that G: G. Boone r<
i .�• paid the cum of $1169.44, which is a balanoe;Au them for premiums on.polioiee,
E: G. Boone k Co.'
ao.por statement rendered, and the Oommisoion"or of Fubllo Finanoe is hereby. authorized
paid $1169.44
and instructed to issue voucher to J. C. Boone & Co. for said sum, and,oherge same to
the Contin ant Fund or to be
g ,' raid out of funds not otherwise appropriated. Adopted
upon call. of the roll by. the fol7anin q 2lvote: Yoas,tan.Tull ,7illioms and Katter ohn.-b.
,...; .
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that Poreman.&'Lackey
Foroman & Lackey
be paid .the sum of $274.24 for premiums 'due on the following policies, to -cit:
paid 074.24 'for
promtumo daie on
Polioy-Vo: 139293 Fireman's Fund .... $161.00
ineuranoe on Now
2066 Creat Amorionn...,' 90'.60
Add itton to
RivoraI&oHpop it-
.. ", " 166 Great American.... 32.64• same being for fire
and tornado:proteotion on the new addition to Riverside Hospital, and the Oommisetoner.'
of Public Finance is hereby to
authorized and direatod'to issue voucher to Foreman
Lackey for said bum, and'oharge enure to the Riwerside Tlospital ew Addition A000unt.
Adopted upon call of the roll. by. .the following vote: Yeae,Ston, Tnllq; 141171ama and
' '
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