HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 750, November 9, 1921.,�.°{S"'it�!i.Y, Jv:•r�� y,q,ysRgml; .,..1•`.""�'4.af.'�'y'`�`•`'y-{-?'�;(''v�:Yy���d.i�l ;:'Y,e�.���tir{ �J�:11�{w .zs--'�r t:`*� sfrs �a�s�•�._sy_h��"�•aoty�t�'e�s.Y-i�i�'f';
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Commissioners' Proceedings; City of.Paducah
Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: . I move that the monthly.08tI
l.fonthly E.atImat o�'
by City Enizi-.
mato furniehod by the City Engineer for work done and.performed by Faker ;& Storrie,4 Con
noon of .cork
dor. e -,I kar. &
ti`actors; on Broad Street, during the month of October. be received and filed., and that
`itorrio on
Broad St., and .,
the Commiesion'er'of Fublic Finance be inetruotod and authorized to issue Improvement
'I Impr.ovemont
} for
Warrant for the sum of $666.00, being 66%, of the work. performed. Adopted.upon dell of
$666:00 ioaued '
4 to. Contractors ..
the roll by the',foll"owing vote;,Yeae,.Eaton,.Eaker,.Tully,.Williame and Katterjohn,-6:
Mayor.. Katter John offered the following motion:. I move' that the monthly eat 1-
Monthly Eatimat.
by City nngi- }
mate furnished by the City Eng inevr for -work done and performed by Reynolds Bros..,.Con-
near of .1ork done
'l by Reynold s. Brod-treatore,:on
Olay Street, during the month of Ootober; be,reoe'ived and filed. and that''
on Clay St.
and. Imp rove:
'the Commissioner of Public Finance be, instructed and authorized toissue 'Improvement''
mont Warrant
for $883.32',
Warrant ..for the sun of $883, 3E, being 05%r of the work performed. Adopted uron.oall of
issued to Con-
the .roll by the following vote: Yens.,faton, Eaker, Tul:ly..Nilllame and: Y.atterjohn,-6..
Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion:...I move that the monthly esti-.-
, 1(onthly •Satimat
by City Foga-
mat o'furnIuhod.by the Oity1Mglnoor. for .work done and performed by.Fakor & Storrie;
noon. of work
done by Edl:or &
'.Contraotore, on South,iighth Street, during-the month October, De received and .filed,:',
•• Storrio on S. .':
8th St. and
and that tho.0ommissioner of Fublio Finance be inetruotod and authorized to iseue.Im-
::. .
Imiir ovomont `
° .
Warrent losuod,
provoment.Warrant 'for the eum of being 66�-of work performed.' Adoptod
to. contractors.
.$1606.60, .the
for 37605.60.
upon call 'of the roll by. the. following vote- Yoas;r.'aton,.rizkor; Tully, Williams and
` •,.
Kattorjohn,-6..... ,' � '
pe td off' and.71
Oommissioner Tully offered the following. motion:'. h-mo,vo that-the.Comminsio'
cancelled at
01ty lint ions l':
of'rublio Finance be authori'ied and lnetruoted .to pay of take. up and cancel atreet (:
to $327.34.:,;..
bonds and.00upone at the -City ifational•Bank.to the amount of.'$3E7.34 and.ohargc'samo to..
the Special Stroet.Fund.' Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas_
Futon,' Eaisr, Tully.'Williomo and Kattorjohn,-6. .
Commissioner .1Pilliame•offered the following motion;. It appearing that there is ir!
Riverside Hospital a .pationt requiring rad W6 treatment,. and who can not be ourod ez-
`Radium Treat-
mont to. be.
oopt by.tho use of snid treatment; and it further- appearing that. said. patient reoidoe
adm.inietorod .to
within'the 01ty, of Paducah and is wholly unable to pay any' part .tho.axpenso of said:•
Ottyy Patient.
at 2tivoreide'
troatmont,- . " ..
I move .that the Oommieelonor of Public Property De authorized Lo provide. the
ne0000nry treatment in said hospital for said patient, tfio.aat�,�nl cost of so id
to be charged .to the account of Riverside Hospital.- Adopted, upon cell of the roll by
the f'ollo'wing veto: Yeas, Enton, Faker; Tully, Williame.ard Kattorjohn,-6.-
On mo.tiori�tthe Board. adjoiirned upon call of the roll by 6
cue cr..i 1iAXOR'•
HOV'r',t.�ER 9•TA. ' 1921. ': '
)I �
AL's Called sleeting of the 'BoFurd.of Commiselonore, held in'tha Commieeionere'
.Chamber in 'the 'City 'Hall.,Faduoah; Kentucky, at ,11 o'olook'A.:K. on .November 9th; 19E1.,.:.'"";,.:.
Upon call .of .the roll the'follocring answered to their names:'Oommiselonere Eaton,Tully
Willlame and Mevor Y.atterjohn,-4.
Mayor Kattorjohn stated reasons for oall to-wit: For the.purpoee of,allowing'I
Accounts for October 1921, and such other business as may .come before the Board.
Report 0om1r. of
Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts.
Finance of so-
counts for Oot.
�'smounting to $6600.07, as per the report of:tho Commdssionor of Fublio Finance filed
amoun ting to
herewith, be allowed and ordered. paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund
to pay same: Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yeas, Zaton; Tully,,
Williams and'Katterjohn,-4. ;
�'" �J=.:l:l'1ty"'v7::'F' :.�ik,"ai,.i�+: ' r, �- ..._ ..a....d�uto �icnsw y..:. awr,,�,•... .i �atl^...s;a'�i C� 6.:.M+n.. x
. "uy,.. —. �:ra�Y`l':of.L'2Vit,.�3!'",•."'•-,r-w:PS��, t�•�-r+•T'� • :: �••:� •">°': •. ti': i }.: .:�.: i �n't:' ` a --fir'• �;
. ;'� � ... � � �. �. � � ', .r, � I•� T ... , '..ate � .. ��. .° ', _. , ,
' . � . ' , "A'MS:Y �a:� �+•ry.5•t z'7"K r� h 9 .e•y i; v�Fe Y.= +r-".� 7�" s} '4��. � _'•7� � «.� r, a+• .eT`i:'�.�!-,,, �; M•...7.� � '.
' � 1 _. ..-.--..:—ws-`u �.u�.•�i.. ,�. _a'+`''".' ' mar+-- -' {'w�+.:�a..i.l...Ls� - :c._ • �{ `.
No. W
.. Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah''"'' 192-_ ,: A
-- ---- --- --- -
Commiesionor Williams offerod the following motion;' I movethat the account
nd n
a a-
'ooiinte -'j5143.03
offered the fllt
Commissioner Tully e Ooalna• mot I
F W. Angnetue of �.-.;4, Auguotue,•smounting to $33,00 for work done ani performed at Riverside Hoe- '
333.00 for, `fork
•t ...,
and accounts am�unttng to >�6143.G8, ae per the 'report of the
done and perform -f. pital; be nllo':god and ordered -paid and charged to Riverside Hospital account. 'Adopted
ad at Riverside .„
Finance filed herewith, be allowod and or paid and the
iloopltnl. upon oall.of the.roll by.the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katter-.
john, -4.
Commissioner 26ton offered the following.motion; 'It appearing that' there are
Appointmont of
�.N.Rudolph and two vaounoico in the Folios Department, I move that F. 11. Rudolph and B. I. 'Adame be
B.O.Adamu as
Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully; William® and Yatterlohn,-5:y.+
patrolmenappointed as.patrolmon, their services to oommenoe upon their qualifying as required:..
by law. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo'aing vote'; Yeas, FAton, Tully,
. Williams and Y_atterjohn,-4.
On motion the Board adjourned upon-oall of the roll.by 4 yeas.
• Adc1ad.11!1.1y I91[_. A
Com! Z-, vG'l
V cw a..h' 1A4OR.
210VFSrtBFR 1P,`[71. 1923y
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Pa3uoah, Kentucky. on November 12th; 1921, at 11 o'clock
A. 11.. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their. names; Oommisaf.onere
f Eaton, ZM:or, Tully; 171111ama and Vayor Y.atterjohn,-6.
1Sayor Yatterjohn_stated ronsons for call to -wit; For the purpose of allowing'
? _ pay -rolls, and such othor business no might come before the Board.
Oommiseloner Paton offored the following motlpn: I move that the:written
Chargee preferred ohargos against patrolman 0.-1.1; Doris be received and filed and that the notice whiah-
against patrolmen'
G.!.=.Doele reooiv- has also been served on him be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by
ad ani filed, i
the following vote; Yoae, r�aton, Faker, Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,=5.
F.oarins,of the Oommi'soioner 1aaton offored.the following motion; It appearing that 0. M.
Chargoo preforred'P Doris has renuoeted that the invooti,-atlon of Bald chargee be deferred, I move that '
ama tnot charges
A' O.i'.Dorlu deferred the hoaring on said. chargee bo deferred and oontl.nued urittl'the regular meeting of ;the
-j until Regular
Looting of Borrd Board of Commissioners on Morday llovembor 21st, 19El ; and thnt'said Doris besuspended
Oil 1;ov.P.1,1521.
ti without paF.as such patrolman pending a dotormination of -said charges._ Adopted. upon
call of the roll by the followinir vote; Yeas :Xnton, Tully and Y.attorjohn,-3; Naye,
?.nkor and Villiame.-2.
Report Chief of Oommieoioner-Raton offered the following:motion:- I. move that 'the report of -
( cfor month
of October 15E1:, the Chief of Yoltoe for the month of October be received and .filed. Adopted upon call
;{ of
of the roll by the folloa.Lng'vote:. Yoae, Faton, Rat'-er, Tully,171Moms and Y-atterlohn,5
. f �..'... \
v0 9stoner :Aton offered 'tho following motion:'I movo. that.'
33 Report of Chias , .,.? .• the report of
. 11
of Fire ObrartmerAN.tho Chiel of the Lire Department for the month of October be received and filed „
L for month of p '.
October 1921. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote; Yoae, Eaton,Tull
On y,
Williams and Y.atterjohn,-b. .
Commiselonor.Tull offered the following motion; .I move that the ro ort,of
Rorort Com'r. of.y R P
Ftileroo-for monthi^
of Ootobor 1921. the Commiaelonor of Publ'lo Finance for the month, of October be 'reoet•ved and .filed and
orderod.publiched in the official newspaper. Adopted upon•oall of the roll by the
following vote: Yeas, :;&ton, :raker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohr.,-D.
lin _-11
a a-
'ooiinte -'j5143.03
offered the fllt
Commissioner Tully e Ooalna• mot I
move that the pay -roll
as par roport o�
Com'r. of Fublio
and accounts am�unttng to >�6143.G8, ae per the 'report of the
Commtesionor of Iublio
",g ii
Finance filed herewith, be allowod and or paid and the
money'&pproprinted from
{ the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll
by the following vote:.
Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully; William® and Yatterlohn,-5:y.+