HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 749, November 7, 1921r,'wy• •i2 t��F .� .'r-
q," 0. �a(' >'�:�.: r„� .��r Yr"'il,+ir6-ti.•e Erni. •sb+�+.y�-t t,i1h is,�s.:y' 7.""b:y,. ..fin a� i v�
192_=Commiesionere Proceedingg�Cit of, Paducah.
NOP•I1Dz31 6th. 1921.
At a Called Most Ing of the Board of Commissioners, held In the'Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduor.h, Kontuoky, on Iiovember 5th,.192l, at 10 o'clock A. M...,
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiaelonero Heston, Tully
and Layor Kattorjohn -3.
Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of allowing
pay=roll for the week ending November 5th, 1921.-
Commiealoner Tully offered the following motion: `I move that'the Pay -roll for
Pay -roll for wee._
ending 11ov..5th,
the creek ending November 6th, for DETARTI.WT Or PUDLIO PROPERTY, Riverside IToopital,
for Riverside
4 Hospital.
amounting to $108.88, bo allowed and. ordered 'paid and the money appropriated from the .
General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao,
Paton. Tully erd Y.atterjohn.-3.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 ypas.
1r�Vr'I.S.M 7TH, '1921. .
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of 'Commissioners, held in the.Oommisetoner.a'
Chamber ir. the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 7th, 192.1. Upon call of the
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Taker, Tully, 91111ame
and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
On motion of Commisnioner Seton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt-
ed no.. read upon call of the roll by. the following vote: Yeao, Eaton, Baker; Tnlly,
Tilllam.s and Kattorjohn,-8.
Commissioner.Tully offered the following motion; That the petition for Street -
Liftht .to be pinood at, the oornor of 20th G Krunor Strootu be r000ived and filed and,. ,.
Street Licht
20th do Kruger.
referred to the Oommieulonor of Public '.7orko for invoutimation and roport back to,
the Hoard of Oommiesionere: Adopted upon call of the rel]' by the following vote; Yana,
Baton, Baker, Tully, 71illiams and Y.atterjohn,-6.
Commieflioner Baker offered the following motion: That the attached petition for
Street Lirbb_
.'V street 1�aht at the intersection of 12th. and Jackson Street be received and filed
l9th de Jaokdon.
and that the Supt. of the iiaht Tlant he inotruoted to inutal.l this lirrht at once.
Adopted upon call of, the roll by the following veto: Yeao, )Paton, Eakdr, Tully and '
Ailliama,-4; Nays, Katterjohn,-1.
Commissioner raker offered the following motion: That the attached petition for
a street light on Lincoln Avo. be received and filed and that the Supt. of the Light
Street Liaht
k Lincoln Avenue. .i
Plant be instructedto install the light at once. Adopted upon call of the roll by`
the follo ir.g vote: Yoas, Eaton, linker, Tully.and Williams, -4; Ifayu, Katterjohn,-1.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the follo•,iing motion: I move that the monthly estimate
' .. Report'Ci"ty F.ngi-"
furnished by tho City :7nginoer for aork done aryl performed by Reynolds. Bros.; Qon-
l noer.of monthly.,
estimate of ".70rk
�: tractors, on North Sixteenth Street, during the month of October be reoofved.and filed
done by Reynolds
Sand that. the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to
Brou. on .1;:16th
and authorized issue
montnnd 4arraanntovo .l
Improvefrent 7nrrnr,t Por tho cum of $4277.00, being 65% of the work performed. Adopted
to be iscuod to
i -
cull oontraotoro'�
upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tully, WillIame and
for ;;4277.00,
boing 65;, of the
Kattor ohn,-6.
. j
Work done.
I i c�rEr^Tast'Y. w� ✓
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Commissioners' Proceedings; City of* .Paducah .' 192_-
Mayor Katterjohn offered the folio-ainR motion: . I move that the monthly oeti=
by City Hngi-. ',
mato furniehod by the City Engineer for work done and by F.aker'.& Storrie Con
noor of :cork
dere by EaY.or;d
ytorr Ia on
traotore; on Broad Street, during the month of'Ootobor, be reoeived-and filed., and that
,f Broad St., ani.,
the Cotmniastoner :of YubIto Finance be inetruotod and authorized` to issue I rove rent
'IITarrant for
$666:00 issued
Warrant for the eum of $666.00, being 65% of the work.performod. Adopted upon call
to. 0ontraotore..
the roll by the. following vote;_Ysae,.Eaton, .Faker, Tully.. Williams and Y.atterjohn,-6.
ltontfily Eet Lnatj',
11ayor.,Katter john offerod the following motion:. I move that the monthly set i=
by Oity Engi-
mate furnished by the City Engine.or for work done and performed by Reynolds Br.oe._,.Con-
neer of done
by Reynolde.Brod.traotore,:.on
Olay Street, during the month of Ootober;.b'e.ieoeived and 'filed, and 'that''':`.:'"
Clay 'St.:
. and. Improve:.
'tho Oommi ssioner of Publio Finance be. inetruotod and authorized to. issue."Improvement '
:.mont Warrant
'for $883,32
Warrant.for the atm of $883.32, being 66%r of tho work performed. Adopted upon ,oal1 'of
issued. to
the.Yo]l. by tho following vote: Yeas,,FA'ton, Eaker, Tully, Williama and Y.atterJohn.-b
; Uonthly'Latimat
Mayor Kattorjohn offered the follow g motion:...I move that the monthly esti;-
by City ftgi- ''.
mato'furniohod. by the Oity.hYtginooN. for work done and performed by,Eakor & ytorrie,'
noor. of work
`` • dorio by Fnl:or &
.Cori tractors, on South Streot, during the month of October, De receives
. .
•-8torrio on S.
.eighth .and .filed,
8th St. aTd
and that.the:Commissioner of Public Finance be'Instructed and authorized to issue.Im-.:.
, . . . .
Warrant iosuod.
to contractors.
provoment. Warrant for the eum of..$1606.60, being 66�.of .the work pc¢formed." `AdopLod "!
for $1606.60:._
upon call of the roll by: the. following vote: Yona;Fat on. ..;xtikor; Tully.: Williams and I
' pa ld off and
Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion- '.I -move that the..Commiaalonor
cancelled at;
City National:
of l'ublio Finanoo be authorized and instructed to pay of take. *up and cancel street
Bank. amounting
,to $327.34.:,;..:
bonds and.00upone at the City National the amount cf'$3E7.34 and.ohargo'eamo to.
the 4ecinl 9troeL.Fund.'' Adopted upon Dell' oP the roll by tlie'fo]lowing vote:. Yeas,.
Futon, Ea1ar, Tully, Williams and KattorJohn, -6.
Commie.dioner .Williame.offered the following motion:. It appearing that there is if
Riverside Hospital n,pationt requiring radium troatmont,.and who can not be ourod ez-
°Radium Treat-
mont tobe
. .
oopt by ,tho uao of onid treatment; and it further. appearing that said.patient resides
ndm.lniotorod to
within:tho Olty of Paducah otxt.ie wholly unable to pay any part .of .tho.oxperieo of said
,.at ivoreide'
I.move.thnt the Oommiesionor of Public Property be authorized to pro via e,the
:_ ..t; t'•;.'"'•
ne000sary treatmont .in said hospital for said pationt, tfio.aotual oo.at of olid radium.,
to be ohmgod .to tho account of Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon oall' of the roll by
i .
,>~ .
the fbllo'wing Toto;' Yeas; Baton,,FAker, Tully, Wi111ams had Yatterjohn,-6.
`''•`�.: • •� • �
On motion the Boardad jonrned upon call of the roll by 6
Ado ad
ism � OVMYD
Noy_m§Eli 91H, .,1921.
t a Called fleeting of the Board.of Commiesionors, held in'tha Commissioners'
�-Ohamber in the City Hall..Taduonh; Kentuoky,-at.11 o'olook A.. M. on .November .9th, 1921.
1: '.•.
Upon call .of .the roll the following answered to their names: Commiesion6re Fat on,
Williams and Mayor. Y.atterjohn,-4u "
Mayor Kattorjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the. purpose of allow
Accounts for October 1921, and auah other business as may .00me before the Board.
Roport Oom'r. of
Commissioneir Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts
Finance of ao-
:.: _ s ► . `
ootmte for Oot.
. amounting to $6600.07,,ae per the report'of:tho Cormtissionor of Yublio Finance filed
amoun ting to .
herewith..be allowed and ordered.' aid and the mons
P y.approprinted from the Ooneral Fund
to pay same: Adopted upon call of the roll Dy,the following vote: Yens, Eaton; Tully..
• _
Williams:andICatLerjohn,-4. ',
S p:
+-�..nSrc;t.ae:::.a u,_. •e.:......�_.�.r t' _ .,..... ,...,''.T:a. ..� ,.r _ '�.,.�
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