HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 746, October 31, 1921rr`�. "(�•�_ ,, ' ti wa. ?4'i .. _..,...,•.. _.._ .._. _. _... --•.�._s�4 x'34 ',-�,.n:+.e...j....._��.°.:. 4�?�Y�� i�,� - .I No. .Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 02 Commissioner Tully, offered the following motion: The following parties having t paid the eatimatoe against property owners for the construction of oonorete 6idewalke ourbe'and gutters on South Seventh Street between Jackson and Jones Streets-- .. Est. #6 tire. Mary Voelkel.................$339.11 ;tl Estimates paid " 7 Chris, Burger....................:. 65.00 •: < t r ' ` • Iby .property own- " 8 Ruth Cnrtwright:................... 65.00 -fere for sidewalk " 12 lease Clark.. .. 91.00 improvomcnt on " 14 Lars. Mary Voelkel ...................226.85 t'I8.7th 8t. , 'beta. " 16 River Conference Ass. 7th Day Jaokson and Jones Adventists............... 93.64 } Street, amount- "•t• "., '.l8 Mark Burrows................... 97.79 {1 .;•ing to $2113.16, 22 J. H. Roof........................ 121.67 _ s N and said amount E3 John Dipple........................ 97.00 :lallowed nnd.or- " 2b Ida Atkins ........................ 125.78 ... � 'dorud.paid to 26 J. H. Roof........................ 363.96 tG.17.Y.attorjohn &' " 27 Louvinia M. Allen Ridgeway........ 386.46, a total of $2113.16,1'i• ryt � peon, Contractors ¢� move that Contractors G. W. Kattorjohn & Son be allowed the eum of $2113.16 and the r; 4 �. • [ Commissioner of,Publio Finance be Instructed to draw a check against the Special Street Pund'to pay Game. .Adopted upon call of the roll.by the following vote Yeas, Eaton, t S" a Tully „and t7il3iome,-3. - Commissioner Tully offered tho'following motion: The following parties having::'t t Pg ` paid tho'eetimatoe against property owners for the construction of'oonorets driveways r})47, y, p on the streets within the Innor-Fire Limits and streets bordering thereon- Betimatee paid ' by property o-.rn- Este #18 tire. C. R. Milam..............$345.44 ,dere for Concrete 24 lire. Dora 7. Walters.......... 179:45 t ,.Drive*rnys within- " 26 Paducah Electric Cc........... '777.24 !the Innor-Fire ,' " 32 Frank Kirchhoff, Jr........... 672.93 ,(Limits, amount- " 3b Fred &Pauline Roth........... 373.47 fling to $8391.39; 36 Kolb Bros. Drug Cc............, 231.62• ;land said amount 38 Mike & Mohr Ifichael............ 1036.3E G ' allowed and order-.. " 39 i:fike & Mohr Michael........... 259.08 ;ad Enid to Yanoy" 4b Jennie Lockwood............... 847.90 Johnson;. Con:, " 48 9. L. Poung..................'.. 259.08 ;tractors.' bl DuBois noble & Snndera........ 44.86 5E L. S..DuBoie"Son & Oo......... 186.72 , rl' " 53 ilaz.Lit. & Ben. Inst.......... 1367.18 t .. " 64 Mother Francis & Trus.Ilaz..... 1810..10, a.total of $8391.39, I y move that Contractors Yancy & Johnson be allowed the eum of $6391.39 and the Commission 1� ;, or of Public Finance ,be instructed to. draw a check on the Special Street Fund to pay P' same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the .following vote: Yeas; ?nton, Tully ani 1` 'X` } Willicma.-3• 1, .r._ On motion 'the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. p, % r 'Adopted k , y . - JI ArAYOS'C' f " a �a OCTOBER 31ST. 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in .the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 31st, 1921. Upon oall..of the i r .y, roll the following answered to their names-. 'Commissioners. Eaton, Faker and 7llliame,-3. k: gor Yatter john being absent, ttayor, Pro Tem W. V.., Eaton presided. On motion of Commissioner Williams .the minutes of the previous meetings were l t. • adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.,caton.Raker and ^illiamn, 3 I` A.Commissioner 71111nme.oYfered the following motion: I move that the report of. .Report Fred''. i t ,.$n;,lish,Sexton Fred Fngllsh, Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery, for the month of October 1921, be received and '+Oak Grove Come- , ome- " d „tory for Ooto- filodo' Adopted upon oall"of the roll by the following vote, Yoae; Eaton, Eakor,and ,ber 1921. r. > 1. : 17111iams,-3. !: t k Cammi'6dionoi•,•Tu11y'•entdred: tlio'Commisefoner®1•''Chamber llote due City ,CammisGionor Tully offered the fol]owinP, motion T move that" the notion of the National Bank ,...• I i Oct., 26thCommission or: of Public Finance'in'paying,"taking up and _cancelling note for $36,000 $36.000.06, I` s taken up and due'.the City National Bank on October 25th',­ be".approved Aopto.upon call of the roll] oanoelled. by the following vote SsoaG,;raton, Faker, Tn11y andjwilliame 4 L' I { �.) rK•.,, i. 1 � t 1 ✓ ( � Its ! � t, • 4. ._. ,... .-..�..- s- -L.. ,� _, , �.n}. n, e1 .. ,.:..{., .'�......- •.,• e...t L-+rtr ..Lc...•7 � ,. -I. .,..o, [ �(. r _+r_+_y � ` - L1,CSri1-.._C_1.... ..-... ...--.._. - .. .s.. .Ws .r..•. ,...•......__ .u. _.>... ...-r. __,. ...... x a ...__- _ _..,s.. ...... .,. ... .. _. ...•_... .�.... .. ..._ �' <t _-- xt3.`br»a.e3y,y;srr:,c ^P1rti47KTe4wi.u� ate: ... ' I ' �.• �..} p, `� p"•' fiK' •', �'?:. f � �aw+w h ,� � "M A� 'bF;Y �, � t. f t _ �u --. .+r. • y ,i"i''�i: Y 1: tr✓! ",t . ..._... - _ ._.____,n?Mc+..nra+.,.hn:•n:s+.'a5'�+�*.i�*w6v`J+:ryr.:.^n•-'1q,7 . t No. ' 192-- Commissioners' :Proceedinge� City of Paducah. :492, Note due City Nat'l Oommisetons r Tully offered the following motion: I move, that the Commissioner Bank.Oot. 31st, a• for $E0,000.00' of Public Finanoe be instruotod to pay off, take up and, cancel note of $20,000 due the taken called up and can - called Bank on October 31at. Adopted -upon call of the roll by the following :• ' vote: Yeas. Eaton. Baker. Tully and Williame,-4. ' Scheele allowed Commissioner Tully offered the folloaina motion: It appearing that'there is due $9694.30 from tai oollootions for the Schools the sun of.$904.30 from the tax oollootlons'for tha,wook endlnOct. 29th R the week ending Oat. 29th, due I move that the amot be .d une allowed anorderod pni3 and the money appropriated from the the schools. Gonercl Yund to pay.eamo. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, .L.'aton, 3akor, Tully, dial "lilliama,-4. Statement of so- Commissioner Tully offored the following motion: 'I move that THE STATEVX11T OF count with G. til. Y.ntterjohp& Son, THE ACCOUi1T WITH G. t7. I:ATT.,;2JOHN & SOH, 00.W.;ACTORS, FOR THI. I14PROVa4:1IT OF 0011ORIRTR . r for i^provomont of. concrete uidowalkel. SIDLYAL'l.9, CURBS AND GUTTERS Oil 5OUTH.7T11 SClEET, BET"JE421 JAOGS011 & J0111:S SimF.F:TS, ourpo and gutters on S. 7th St. betn;. be received and fil'ed.. Adopted upon oall'of'the roll by the following vote: Yeas , t Jao`r.son & Jones Ste. � Eaton. , . . MakerTully and "filliame-4: y Commissioner Tully.offorod the,following motion: The following parties having. , Est.$4 Trustees neithor, aid the estimates 'e inst p Ba property owners for the street of con- f. African V. B. r dhuroh, having .improvoment orate sidewalks, curbs and gutters on South 7th Street,. bet'aaan Jackson & Jones neither p:.id the ..Streets, estimate nor tak- nor taken advantage of the Tan Year Payment Plan....,' en advantage of Ton.Year Payment Est. -14 Trustees. African M. g. .Chiuroh....... $397.26, I move that the . Plan,— the unpaid i estimate amounting, Commissioner of Public Finanoe be instructed tdeliver said unpaid estimate ruco P mn to Can. to 3397.26 doliv- a erect to Contraotore tractors G. "1. Yatterjohn.& Son. Adop.toupon paothe roll y the following d llf lb G. W.Yatterjohn'& u 'Son. vote: Yeas, Eaton. ?aker, Tully ani 171111ame;-4.' &&N Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having r " •Y eignifted their intention of aooepttng the Ten Year Payment Plan for ;the improvement i Property own ore taking advantace -of concrete sidewalke, curbs and gutters on South 7th Street. be Jackson & Jones . of Ton Year Fay- .1 Streets.... !. mont Plan for the improvomont of cons crate sido•walks. get. 2 ' J. A. Gardner ............. '.... 193.68 :.•4. ' & on 7th ', „ 3 L. D. Sanders............... .217.72 re ofS. Street. " 10 Matilda Jones ...............: 91.00 & Jones Jaokoon & Jonas " 11 Abram &'Ada Pullen........... 91.00 . ;. Stroot, amounting v " 13 Margaret Yopp................220.49 " i to 31087.69, and g M.argarot Yopp............... 88.20' Improverront Bonds 4 " 24MargnreL Yo pP•••••..•.....•..185.62, a.total of.$1067.69, .'l issuedfor said ',� amount.,' ..' _ I mobs that I� mprovemant Bonds be issued for same and.tho City Soliottor be instructed `{ to furnish copy of said bonds.. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote.: 4 ;Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully and t7111iams,-4. State account With Yanoy & 'John - commissioner Tully offored the following motion:' I .move that THE BTATF��ENT OF. ;r son for the street impr ovomont within,„ AOOCUliT ',7ITH YAL'CY & JOHIT5011, 0011TRACTOM. FOR TIN 5T4R-'1.•:T It1PROWFVRlIT 17ITHi11 THE Il 11- . • the inner -?ire q LLmito and stroot.e� ,t+i`lL'' LIMITS .:F'D S 4EETS BORD: iHTIIG 'iMCRIMH, be received and filed.. Adopted' upon oall t i is+.j;:+Y' 1. bordering thereon.) ,of the roll by the•followtng vote: Yons, Baton. Raker, Tully and "lilliame,-4. • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having y` { Property owners, neither paid the estimates against proporty owner3 for the street improvement within- ' having neither paid the entimr.too. the Inner -Fire Limits ani otroets bordering thereon nor signified their intention of nor eignofita in- tor.tion of taking taking advantage of the Ten Your Payment Flan.... taking Y 4`••. Ton Year Falinont Flan for improve- ; .... Est. 6 L. A. M. Greif......... $163.66. " ' 8 lira. L. M. Bloomfield......... ; moat, within the c Inner ].im12a,� 12.96.40 16 Jno. J. Dorian ................ 269.06 - -Fire ¢rnounting to. B " 22 O. B. l7hittemore.............. 224.31 ' n $3714.37, said un- Q . ' " 27 R. P. Gilson ................. 777.24 paid ostimatos de:;. " 31 Mrs. M. 1. l'lilllams............ 388.69 " livered to Con- 38 "lhooler & Hughes .............. 314.03 tractors Yar.oy &. " 67 Mrs. Yate Craig......,.......... 302.07, a total of'$3714.37, ' Johnson. I move that the Commianinner of Public Finance be instruotod 'to deliver the saidun- . J. d paid estimates to Oontraotors Yanoy & Johnson. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the' .1 :a following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully and .'.71111ams,-4.. � .. "... •- - .-•.-S7�L""'"'��5tw4=+'i^�°Iw'JNat14L•'.Jf.1L`Ei,LG.•1i`Y.kiT?•`V%��.V4M....: "'Z/_. Y�:'M1�i/-�_..4i.t' I...... -K. .�."..i:^'••MYru•:TNN I •1';�:j . ? - ,y,'r,5., ir.4 .;.p. ..., /...`t:-h;`•pA'e:p aN }r +n.,z .,"4'•�.. Yl. r,9'ra t t, .;,-r �, n4iY• •n .»t>•.`�eaf iu+r- IX AIb �7y J. Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following partiee having f f. signified -their intention of aooepting the Ten Year Payment Plan f,or the street.improveJ ' f. ment•within the Inner=Fire limits and streets bordering thereon--- Est. 7 Robt. L. Reeves..... 3777.24 " 9 J. C. Jones..... .. 259.08 J. Pnrtioo taking ° 13 JE James......... 259.08 r ' advantavo of 14 Mrs. Allis Cox...... 269.08. " 21 S. B. Pulliam......' 046.77 Ton Yoar Pay-" i ment Plan for " " 23 Poarl Sills .......... 388.59 tho street"im-•' r;]7r"..':' ',. " 26 Mary F.: Yeiser...... 209.16 provomont with - " 28 Jae. W. Bak or....... 777.24 in the Inner -.1•.; " 29 Susie Jackson....... 136.83 Fire 'Limits " 30 Mary Murroll Est.... 252.17 and streets bor. ". 33 A. B. Ray........... 179.45 daring thereon, 34 R. Calisei.......... 328.61 amounting to " 37 Jonnie.Lytton....... 231.68 311,113.60. and " 41 Covington Bros...... 995.94 bonds for said-- " 42 Coleman -Clark R.N.Co 995.94 amount issued. " 43 Jno. A. :+nkor....... 1296.40 44 G. & A. Inngstnff... 108.42 , ° 47 L. H. Quarlea........ 259.08 " 49 S. i. Foreman... .. 516.16 " 60 G. R. iioble......... 732.37 68 E11 a Wilhelm, . Est... 403.60. 69 A. 11.. uoY.innoy...... 220.70 " 60 Chris. Haralambo.... 166.08 A61 D. A. Yeisor, .Jr.... 162.74 " 62 Pauline Sevier:..... 289.80,"a total of $11,113.00. I move.that Im-1 provement Bonds be issued for this amount. and the City Solicitor be"instructed to fur= i I nieh copies -of said bonds. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Futon, Faker.Tully and ',7111iams,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following party having j L u 9 .: •._ ':"• paid the estimate againeL'property owners for concrete curb and gutters an South 7th Estimate #20 11..J. Davis, Streot, between Jackson & Jonse.Streete...e $233.62 for oon 1 or7to curb and But. #80 It. J. Davis...:ea..$233.62, I move that Contractors': gutters on S. 7th St. botn.-'• 0. We Katterjohn & Son be allowed tho eum of $233.62 and the Commissioner of Fublto Jackson to Jonoe ; Stroots,.paid, Financo be instructed to draw a check against -the Special Stroot Fund to pay same. and said amount delivered to Ad optod upon oall of the"roll by the follo%ling vote: Yeae, Eaton," Faker, Tully and .O. W. Kat for j ohn & 9on,'Oontract-� Williams, -4. ore. On motiontho Board adjourned upon call of tho roll by 4 yeas. 19�„ ' I ' Ade lei ' Ii0V71IBrEt 4TH.. 1921.SV tS6G4ii'�11� s I: At a Called ?,tenting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Comm leetoner e' OhamDar In the Oity Hall, Faduoah, Y.entuoky, on Ilovembor 4th: 1921, nt"11:30 o.'clock a.' A. It. .Upon call of, the,roll the following ane•aared to thoir names: Commissioners Eaton ;.Tully and Williams, -3. finger Katterjohn beingabsent, Mayor Pro Tem 7, V. Eaton. r t'�,Iry• - presided: ' Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for oa11 to -wit. For the pur. so of allow-. r /ng'.a000unte and pay -roll: ; r." Oommiaotoner.Tu].ly offered tho.following motion; I move that the Pay -roll .rind' Roport Oom'r. Finanoe'of accounts amountina'to .$26397.66, no.per'.the report of the Conmisstonor:of Fublio Finance' `aooa:nte and - .. Payroll: amour filod herewith;"be allowed and' .ordorod.paid. ind -the'money' appropriated from -the General in "to $26,397.'66•`'' Fund io'pay same. 'Adopted upon.oall of the roll:by the. following vote: Yeae,'Enfon .. "T.ully and On motion the Board adjourned "upon call of the Toll by, -3 yeas: Adoy'loilJE's�194� p't1"bi , ~. ..I .. .t. �.,.,h.,_ .t....;:.y _...� .....^...�:� _+.. ... .. .^ _ .. _ .. . , , -. . - .. - - ... . �'.,� ALL S I • I"' .