HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 745, October 29, 1921- ..,. ^".Z' #..�•,c'J'F,Ee'p�"e ..�:VP'Y!:t?:N14e'7�3.�rh.ran<ur..•:•+afaro,e,y.r�ewre�n ..w..wa��'s,fi�... .^4� ,.c6:t':: F:.: �--.. y.�:;i �t .,�.�ii�:. �; �!�.7 ,-f:+� ~ani... Fr..
�l �`7C•`,�vJ'"nM-,-i,.-�!'illt:a� 'f>'..,,SJ�' k.h''rk j1F� 's. •'4 resn Fie. r- 3y -.i :.. :.
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Commissioners' Proceedings; .City. of Paducah ' 192��
. - ! mayor xa r O O ore e O w ong m0 On: move 6 e ne
teat -mprovemen
Contract entered into by and between. the City of Paducah and Yanoy & Johnson, dated
I �
7 Acceptance of ',October 17th, 1921, for the construction of '.concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and
Stroet Improvemontit ;Y
Contrnot and Con- all necessary manholes, intakes, saw ore and catch basins. on ;he fleet side of Goebel
atruction Bond, k r,
executed by Yanoy G Avenue, from the Eaot property line of Goebel Avenue to a point .where the South curb,
Johnson for con �.
ntruotion of side= i! line of V7orten'.a Avenue, if extended, would intersect the West property line ,of'Goebel �:?s
walls &o. on Goebel ;1.;'.3;•
y Avenue. 'Avenue. also the East side of Goebel Avenue; from 'a stake eat opposite the front of
7 the building now occupied by the Union Drug Store to the South curb 'line of Torten'
l 'Avenue, r-nd the Oonet'ruotion Bond for the performance of,said work, exeouted-and.de-
1 A livered by Yanoy& Johnson, with the National Surety Company, ea surety, be received,
�t filed, accepted, approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the follow-
Ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improve -
ment Contract entered into by and between the City of Paducah and Eaker & Storrie*
Acceptance of dated October 17th', 1921, for the oonetruotion of concrete sidewalks on the West Bide
Street Improvement 1
Contract and Con- q of Broad Street; from -the intersection of Fourth and Broad Streots, to the dividing
struotion Bond qq
oxooutod by ',akor .1 line b_otwoon the property of Lottie Potter and Frank Potter, and the Oorietruotion Bond
{ & atorrie for the 11h
oonotruotion of r, for the performance of Luiid work, executed and delivered by Esker & Storrio, with the
aido,vulks on 4th &
Broud Streota. National Surety Company, as surety, be received filed, accepted, spproved and recorded. �.•;
r4' • v
Adopted upon as h of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Fat on- Tully, Williams and ,. s
;1 17 i
. .. Katterjohn,-4. ...
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there is due yrte
Taxes duo Schools k `�
from tax oolleo- .� the schools from the tax collections for the week ending Oct. 22nd the sum of $5387.04,
„ f tions for week
l ending Oot.22nd, I move that it be allowod and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General
1921. �
Fund to pay soma. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Forton,
Tully, Williams and Y.at.terjohn,-4. .
7 •
Cemetery Transfer Commissioner Wlllinme offered the following motion: I move that the transfer.
from Lire. Tilhel-
minna C. Pruess to ,from Mrs. R111helminna. C. Prueee,.to Yrank Gentry, to the rear helf of the South half
Frank Gentry.
{ of Lot x470, Section 32, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the
roll by the following, vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4, .a
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ; q
Adopled :D
OCTOBER 29th, 1921. •'1 � '
7 +
•At n Called Meeting of the Board of Commiesionere, held In the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y-entuoky, on Oo'tobar 29th, 1921 at 10:30 o'clock
* A. m. Mayor Y.attorjohn'being absent, Mayor Pro Tem.W. V.. Laton, provided.
Upon call of the roll,tho following anar7erod to their nu moo: Commfasionere Ston, '
1 Tully and W.illiams,-3.
h ~c y Mayor Pro Tem Forton stated reasons for call, to To allow Fay Roll for the
t, week ending October 29th, and any other business that'might cora before the Board. 1,7,•
• Commiesionor Tully offered the fol].o•aing motion:.I mone. that the Pay-roll'for ,the -,
Pay-ropl for week'
end int Oot.29th; week ending Oct. 29th for the .DIFTLRTLE-AIT OF PUALIC T??OP?:?TY, RT`/ R3ID?? HOSPITAL', I'
$112.20 -for''
Rivernide'Foopit-t cmodnting to 4112,20, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the
General Fund to pay 'same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas,
Eaton. Tully and Williams, -3, a
r • '
A '
- - t�•.^,�.,.,("+T'$7''�^: ii'i[':�T7F.i_. -.-.. � �.,<i.._u ..,.r. � ..,.:;9L't�+CX.'"7ir•-�R."�"'7.:'i'^i�^ct°�'. a•3�..,-+rS.'i•,'.T,-u"" �T�L�'!`
�f�� ,s"�?Z^ �,,fi'r+" "'�` ,. .`�*'+`-'�':w' m .c-,S;- .r..'"r'�',��:>;"�':R'S:t.• ox"aG'Mss'k""t�,.��a•c�`ras;,ry• r•• - P'•r�Y')--•#F's �J,•q _:... •.
. ' K t.
s. No. % F t
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192
Commissioner Tully.offored the following motion: The following parties having
paid the estimatos against property owners for the construction of oonorete sidewalks f`
ourbs'and gutters on South Seventh Street between Jackson and Jones Streets--
Est:, #6 Mrs: Mary Voelkel...:.............$339.11 ;!
Estimates paid ^ 7 Chris, Burger...................... 85.00' a' ``
by-property own- 8 Ruth Cartwright...... ............. 65.00 fl,.
•lore for aid ewalk 12 Isaac Clark........................ 91.00 '
„,improvemont on . " 14 tire. Vary Voelkel..................226.86 ���-;�'��
;8.7th 3t., betn. ;, ` ".• 16 River Conferenoe Ass, 7th Day s 0
•.IJackson and
no Advontiets............... 93.64 ti
r�Street, amount- , ^. 18 Mark Burrows. .....:............ 97.79
Jing to $2113.16, " 22 J. H. Roof..... 121.67
,.:and said 'amount E3 John Dipple....................... 97.00 I I
allowed and or- pp " 25 Ida Atkins.. 125.76 ;.
dorud .paid LO q "' 26 J. H. Roof........................ 363.96 A
G71Katterjohn &� 27 Louvinia 11, Allen Ridgeway........ 386.46, a total of $2113.i6.-
2113.16, Son, Contractors. <
i move that Contractors G. W. Kattor John & Son be allowed the sum of $2113.16 and the ? +
Commissioner of Public Finance be to draw a check against the.Speoial Street
V oi
Fund'to pay dame. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote Yeas'; Eaton,. 1
j r
Tully and Williams,-3. t' r
Commissioner Tully offerod the following motion: The following parties, having:-+ "
r'•7 i
paid tho'eetimatoe against property owners for the oonatr:rot ion of concrete driveways +,j IM
q on the streets within the Inner-Fire Limits and streets bordering thereon-=--
Betimates paid
,..by property orm- Este #16 lire. C. R. Milam.....
. ........$345.44 r
.!era f'or Concrete " 24 Urs. Dora W. ^falters........... 179:45
Driveways within- " 26 Paducah Electric Co........... 777.24
;the Innor-Fire " 32 Frank Kirchhoff, Jr........... 672.93 I
.Limits, amount 35 Fred '& Pauline Roth.......:... 373.47 + f
ding to $8391.39, '. .' " ' 36 Kolb Bros. Drug Co............ 231.6E•. la
land said amount 38 Mike & Bohr Michael ...... .....1036.3E
allowed and order " 39 }like & Mohr Michael........... 259.08
ed paid to Yanoy 45 Jennie Lockwood, ........ o ..... 847.90 ,
Johnson;. Con;', 48 l7. L. Poung....,............... E69.08
tractors. 61 DuBois 11oble & Sanders........ 44.86 't
6E L. S..DuBoie'Son & Qo......... 186.72
s. 53 11az.Lit. & Ben. Inst. .....1367.18 rS
sr. " 54 Mother Francis & True.Haz..... 1610..10, a.total of•$8391..39, I
move that Contractors Yancq & Johnson be all.orred the sum of ;$8391.39 and the Commission I{
or of Public Finance •be instructed to draw a check on the Special Street Fund to pay''
same. 'Adoptod-upon call of the roll by the .following vote: Yeas; ;?nton, Tully and
,7illiams,-3. I
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. (}
"Ads 'd 19AUL
r, y> 0CTOB:M 31ST. 1921.
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in .the Commiesioners' �.
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 31st, 1921. Upon call of the
+; •. roll the following answored to their names c' Commissioners. Eaton, Eaker and Williams
f yor Fatterjohn being absent, Mayor Pro Tem W. V.., Eaton presided,
On motion of Commissioner t71111ams .the minutes of the previous meetings wero r`
adopted upon Gall of 'the roll by the following, vote; Yeao.,Eaton,Faker and
° Commissioner Williams. offered the following motion: I move that the report of
-Report' Fred I
Enal1sh,3exton Fred FnFlish;'Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery,'fo.r the month of October 1921, be received and.
cOak Grove Come-'
1tery for Ooto filod� Adopted upon call of, the roll by?the following voter Yeas. Eaton, Eaker,ard
' r, r,
s ber1921:
Williams.=3. - � 7i'
Commi'sdiondi Tully'•entered'tho Commieeiori 'l Cha' er
Hote due City Camminuionar Tully offered the following, motion ,I move that the notion of the 11
National Bank ' •,, , :"'L �
Oct. 25th,...
Commissioner of Public Finance An'paying. ,taking up and,aenaelling note for $36,000 E'
0 L c ,
takon-up and due ,the City Hational'Bank on October . 26th,* approved:Adoptod upon *all of the roll] ' r .f
asnoel 161 .,...,a "_.
'by the following vote iene Eaton, Faker; Tully and illiame, 4 .
, 3 ...__..._. .r-.•_.. �. ., �lt. , ai .. ...,.r. _ .. i.T.,. .4. .._ -.r. F«. _ -.-, ..t I. ._ w� -; l_-, .. ...a +,:.1, ,.., r.-_- . -i .. •
e:1.ce:.3..�::5.. _ .•�_. . .. ... �.,,- __�... Z,.,]'!..aJ_. c. ,..:..-_;+•n .«,�a•..e_J..,k,:. ,-!. w t s..;......+er'...Y.>•-a,_�.-.-...,.._r:Y.3 ,• _- _....i .... ... ..