HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 744, October 24, 1921}..�,,�'`r•;A�`,i'. •.',i ��h ' %{ar �. .J_.� .,�.. ;ti r, -a t_ �•'c:f,•�". }.. .
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah., -192-:
L.11 Den X44 68
Eet. 463 Paducah Railway 00....... ..1£66.36'
and 121.60• Lool-
" 10 Lucy R. Ford ........ .... ........ 188.4£, a"total. of
B10om Realty CO.!'
move that Oontraotore.Yanoy &.Johnson be ,allowed. the sum of $3634.63 and the,
Gookol ,�E69.06; i
Paduoah Hy.00..�0ommleeioner
of-Publio Finanoe be instructed to draw a oheok on the Special Street Furl
$1966.36 and Luoy,
.. .. .
R.Ford $180.4E, ht0
pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the".folloWing rote; Yea. e,'Eat On," Tully,-
airl Yanoy & John•
con allowed
Williams and Katter ohn,-4.
$3634.63 amount ,
of oaid,,eeti-
On motion, the Board adjourned upon call "of the roll by 4 yeas.
. mates.
, , • '�, : ..
`Ade0led 19 4�
I.. OCTOBER Blot, 1921.
At a Called Meeting of the.Board of. Commi'eeionere, held. in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Nall, Paducah,. Kentucky, on October 21st. 1921. at 3 o'clock P: M.
"•s":`;', a
Upon call of"..the,roll the following answered to their names: Commisolonere Eaton,Eaker,
T .
Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
s '•",'
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow pay -roll for the
week ending October 22nd; and such other business"as might .come. before the -Board.
, y
Commissioner Tully offered motion: I move that the Pay -roll
Pay -roll for
week onding
for the week ending Oct. 92nd for the DEPARTMENT OF."PUBLIO"PROPE3TY... Riverside Hospital;`i
....Cot. £End; 19E1�
amounting to $119.20, be allowed. and'ordered paid and Ahe.nioney appropriated'.from.the'
Nopital; amoim
ing to $119.E0.�Genoial
Fund to pay same.. Adopted upon call of. the. roll by the following. vote: Yeas;
Eaton; Eakor,.Tully, Williams and Katter,john,-6. ";. .
• Y'
Oommia61onor Tully, offered"'thea following Motion:.. Whereas. It.: bee heretofore
been• agreed between the. Board of Oo:rmiesi oners of the City of Paducah and the Negel • .'.
Mokinney Company; Inoorporoted, that.""tho assessment against their property .for five: ".
yeare,.beginning with the year 1919, should be fixed, at $10,266..00 aryl that the said
Nagel & McKinney Company was to be exempt from any; add It tonal. aseasemont for five years.
' -Nagol & Mo-
as induoement for them to locate their -cannery. in this oity:and said Nagel do McKinney
" Kinney 00.,
taxon for 1919,"
Company. now tender the taxoa.for.the year 1919, amounting to $916.66 and "the taxes for
1990 and 19£1,
so follows:
the year 19EO,, amounting to $226.86 and the taxes for the year 1921, amounting to
1919,. 216..68
1920. £16.86
$230.96, a total of $673.38. I move that the sum tendered be aooepted- in payment .for
, """,•" ,. .
18£1 £30.96
the years mentioned and that the Oommiesionor of Public Finance be instructed to issue
tax rd•oeip•ts in full for those years. Adopted" uponoall..of -the roll by .the following
aote:'Yeae, %ton. Ecker. Tully, Williams an& Ketterjohn,-6.
On motion" the Board ad journed upon call of the roll. by 6 yeas.
I '•. ' '
' r.•
R4 AY0$
OCTOBER 24TH. 1921.
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Ohamber'in the City Hall, Fadnoah, Kentucky, on October 24th. 1921.. Upon oall of the
roll the following answered to their.namee- Oommisetonbre Eaton, Tully, Williams and
Mayor. "Katter john. -4'
On motion of Oomekissioner"Tully.the minutes of the previous meetings were-
adopted as -read "upon call of the roll by the following,vote:•Yeae, Eaton. Sully.
Williame.and Kattorjohn,-4:
Mayor"Katterjohn offered -the following motion:.,I move that the communication
Alvord & Bic-
.. :.
diok; relative
,from 'Alvord'&:Burdick-. dated Obtober'EOth, 1921. be raoeived and Adopted upon
`- "'
r ""•
to Sewer Die=
" - triot $3, he.
call of the, roll: by -the following vote: "Yeae.Eaton,`Tully.71illiama'and Katterj,ohn.-4.'1
. ,s•Lt}'=4,' i.4':T,:�iMl.':.;f hfh:.YiY.•• �t.•...:t�{w�l?+J6.':1 vy .:.acre#1 h . c �.�:,:..r' :.w •�-.. w !-ar. "
'' .: .``. 7. f t.-'". ��H:t'.�.`r`,r ��++, ,'.'tet'! „t'�!.^; •i^,.e..t '�.... r..+='i�:,.S..i-r. -5-, .
;t%. ,tea a;.:°>%7a.,�,p,... 5*L �`' F`'� ''•� '� +- -
• ___ -__� - -. ... - .. - �....e�. �:atT.i4;t ••. ..v ..K: v L: .y -.?I: 4.1 ;:der,;\ t
.. t
a ; 1 t Na
Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192
t- - ---- -- - --
{.+ Mayor Ka tar o 0 ore e o ow ng motion:. move n e res mprovemen
(( r; Contract entered into by and between the City of Paducah and Yanoy & Johnsoa, dated
t Acceptance of October 17th, 1921, for the construction of .concrete sidewaIke. ourbs and,guttere, and
Street Improvement'
n Contract and Con- ,y all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins'. on ,the 7eet side of Goebel
struction Bond; k r
executed by Yanoy l Avenue, from the East property line of Goebel Avenue to a point .where the South curb .. t`
Johnson for con-
ntruotion of aide_ line of Worten's Avenue, if extonded, would intersect the Weet property line.,of"Goebel
walke &c. on Goebel
[ Avenue. "'Avenue; also the East side of Goebel Avenue; from a stake set opposite the front of
a r i
) U
14 the building now occupied by the Union Drub Store to the South curb line of l7orten's
i Avenue' nod the Oonstruotion Bond for the performance of,said work, executed-and_do-
livered by Yanoy & Johnson, with the National Surety Company, as surety, be received,
filed, accepted, approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the follow "
Ing vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully,,Williams and Katterjohn,-4.
p' Ksyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improve-:,.
entered into by and between the City of Paducah ani Eaker &. Storrie'
Acceptance of dated October 17th-, 1921, Por the construction of concrete sidewalks on the West aide �
Street Improvement F
Contract and Con_- , of Broad Street; from the intersection of Fourth and Broad Streote, to the dividing
struotion Bond
E i oxoontnd'by :.ckor line between tho property of Louis Potter and Frank Potter, and the Construction Bond
tltorrie for the 8.
construction of r for the performanoo of u[iid work, executed and delivered by Eaker & Storrio, with the S
sidowalks on 4th & a.
Breed Streets. Nationsl Suroty Company, as surety, be received filod, accepted, approved and recorded
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,'Enton; Tully, Williams and
Katterjohn,-4. i
r. t
I:. Commissioner Tully offered the following,motion: It appearing that there is due
Taxes duo Schools `
-from tax oolleo- •.I� the, schools from .the tax collections for the week ending Oct. 22nd the sum of $5367.04 ,
4 tions for week
erding Oct.22nd I move that it be allo:ved and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General sj
Fund to pay. as=. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas, Raton
Tully,.i7illiams and.Y.at.terjohn,-4. _r
} ,
Cemetery Transfer V Comm or Willinms offered the following motion: I move that the transfer.
} from Mrs. !Iilhel- RRR
minas C. Pruess to from Lore. Wilhelmina. C. Pruese,.to Frank Gentry, to the rear half of the South half
Frank Gentry
of Lot #470, Section 32, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the
.roll by.the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams nnd.Kntter�ohn,.-4
% r
On motion the Board adjourned upon call' of the roll by 4 yeas. ;
Ada,lcd ` 19%
' OCTOBER 29th, 1921. a�
At a Called meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held ir. the Commiscionere',`
y Chamber in the 'City Hall, Paducah, Y.entucky, on October 29th, 3.921 at 10:30 O'olook
* ' A M. hayor Kattorjohn being absent. Mayor Pro Tem,W. V.. Lorton,
Upon call of the roll,tho following an ever ed to their numos:'Coinmlasionere nton, 'r
Tully and i7illiams,-3.
III_ 1 j
Mayor Pro Tem. Eaton stated reasons for call., to -wit: To allow d`ay Roll'for the.
' r, weekending October 29th, and any other business that.might oor^.o before the Board. ti. ;.'t,
Corrmissior,or Tully offered the follo.�inR motion: I movo. that the Pay -roll -for ,the
Fay-rorll for-roek'� P �' r r
end tr:e Oot.29th; {week ending Oot. 29th for .the..Dr3tRTLL1 P OF PUBLIC 3'ROT...TY. PT✓�2STD•, HOSPITAL,
$112,20 for u"
-Riversido'?',00pit- OmOiintinr to y112,20; be all and ordered paid. and the money appropriated from the
r Genernl Fund to pay'samc. Adopted upon call of the roll by the foll].orrinrr, vote: Yeas,.
atop. Tully and ',4ill.lamo,-3.Id
-4A.iw�'+�'�^7✓..i;+r 4�"'T�''l. rs.ua .r•.. r*,I.v,.-<u. ...w. w,�a�'L`l.'^-Trn-'131T3'r3+S��•+"yYu^"S�""Z',7'�''t.:r'S'7t.,,i.'15'�`i'I:T" ."ST�.717"S