HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 743, October 19, 1921.. ...,.�f +S!^F•.#,� zc�w. �d•k,"s. +riq^^t'.�r'r•.�✓�'"`.S' - o`ft�c� r. et c1 +'n •a Y. S rr,.c . r- w•� , a. .. . Nay' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducahootober 19th. 1921 OOTOBIM 19th. 19E1. At n Called Meeting of the Board of 0ommleeionere. held in the Oommisaionere',:, N Chamber in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Ootober 19th; 1921, at 4:30 o'olook. tr" P. M, Upon call of the roll the following' answered to their names: Commissioners ,•; Eaton, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-d. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasona for oall, to -wit: To allow pay -roll and no- , oounts for first half of Ootober, and auoh other business is might come before the .} Board. } Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion; I move that the a000unts for I Report Com'r. of. the first half of the month of October amounting to $15614.47, as per the report of Flnanoe of a000unte, for first half of the Oommiesioner of Publio Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the. Ootober, amounting ': to 816614.47. money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the -roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn;-4. Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the Oity of Yanoy &'Johnson, Paduoah Is indebted to Contraotore Yanoy & Johnoon.for the oonstruotion•of oonorete Oontraotors. allow-,, i $3794.06 duo from R drivewayu on the streets .within the.Inner-faro limits and streets bordertnO thereon... City for oonorete. driveways on stroete Eat. for inieraeotions..........:..... 3298.94 1 within Inner -Fire 10. " l,.for alleys ....................... 47.10. Limits. and streets.: " 2, for City Rall .:.................. 448,6E, a total of bordering thereon. $3794.66, I move that the amount be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriate from'the General Fund to pay same out of any money not otherwise appropriated. Adopt -','y 77 ed upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, nilliame and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. It appearing that the City G.W.Katterjohn & i' of Paducah le indebted to Contraotore G. W. Katterjohn & Bon for the Interseotione of Son. Contraotore. P allowed $252.97 forj oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and gutters on South 7th Street, between Jaokeon and Jones ' interobotions of - oonorete sidewalks. .Streets as follows; + ourba and gutters ; ,• on 3otith 7th St. •,s Pit #1 ... for alley on the test aide of 7th Street In block #E6 ..............................84.90 •' hest side of 7th Street,.Rlook 1..,..... 1P.E.06' East side of 7th Stroot, Blook 23....... 46.81' it total.':';,r,,. " of 8262.77. I move that the sum of 8262.77 be allowed and ordered paid and the money - appropriated from the General Fund to pay same out of any money not othenvioe appro. printed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the foliowing.vote: Yana, Eaton, Tully, •� . Williams and Katterjohn' -4. .. tl Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties'having Befimates paid by paid the estimate's against property owners for the oonetr notion of'oonorete sidewalks, property owners.on 3. 7th 3t:, betn. ourbs and g'attera on.South 7th Street, betwoen Jaokeon & Jones Streets.... Jaokeon & Jonoe ;to... to -mit; Eat ..#5 .... Estate of Mre.F. A. Retheharee...... $38E.15 Irs.P.A.Bethsharas " 17 .... Estate of Mrs.F. A. Hethehares...... 187.11 $382.15; Ure.F.A. pp"' " 9 .... Hattie & Chas.'Evane................ .85.00, a total of ' . Bethahares 8187.11 1` and Hattie & Chas. jr $654.26. I move that Contraotore.G, W. Katterjohn &.Son be allowed the sum of $664.26 ). .':vans, $85.00, and ' Contraotore G.W. 4 and the Commissioner of Fublio Finnnoe be inetruotod to draw a oheok.on-the Speoiol Katterjohn & Son IR paid $664.26 amountw Street Furl to pay same.: Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yeae of said estimates. ' '. k Eaton,,Tully, 'Williams and Kattorjbhn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties havira paid the eatimatea arminst property awn are for ' the oonstruotion of oonorete driveways on the streets within the Inner -Fire Limits Estimates paid by property owners and streets bordering thereon --- for oonorete drive -A. ^l ways within Inner- t y Eat. 4 Isabelle Grief and He'lre of J. E. Grief.... 8134.'68 i Fire Limitsto-wit': Inabolla Griof end ,''' "'$6 Ifike I e an 48 " 11 Fisher & Boone heirs of J. E. Grief $134 68; hike Ise- ................ 94.11 "- lE Mike Isoman.............................. 269.06 " q'. man X490.99; Fisher, 17 Koller & Uahm, Exooutore.............:...,:. U1.80 " 1 rotate of 11.re. L.M.Doan for nllay44.66 & Boono,. 94.21; ........... 86 ?stato'of bru. L,M.Doan..................... 01..68' v. Mike Ijor..an $259.08;. " 56 Loob-Bloom Realty 00 ................... .... 445.86 .' Y.oilon E 110hn; r5ce-. outora e4E1r80; " 46 Thoroon Gookol..................... 259.06 . ' — +: -. tAr t -« - `' 3Y'.". ' -1-y •r.ei•,:7�... �.;:• �;aa-•:.. Y •t :wr reel P. `'' Na f + Cominissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ h.S;.Dean ;44.68 � Est. 463 Paducah Railway Oo.....:.....:............. Y 1266.36 and $21.60; Loolf= • • • "' 10 Luoy R. Ford.............. ........ 188.42, a to of'' , BlOom Realty Oo.!` There oa.$3634.53,.I move that Oontraotore,Yanoy &.Johnson be.illovred.the sum of $3634.63 and the.':...`: 1 ,$446.86- Gookol �259.06�.a'. Paducah Hy.Co.. �Oommieeioner of Public Finanoe be instructed to draw a check on the Special Street Fund $1266.36 and' Luoy. , R.Ford $180.42, 'to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,'Eaton, Tully. and Yanoy & John• con allowed Williams and Katterjohn,-4. $3634.63 amount ; of said esti-. On motion, the Board• adjourned upon call:of:the roll by 4 yeas. mates. ��// ,Adeylei . si'.19�� K ' t hCA"YUR• ' OOTOBM 21st, 1921. ` r.' " :+i"• '. 'At a Called Meeting of the.Board of.,Commissionere, held. in the Commissioners' z ' Chamber in the City Hail, Paduoah,. Kentucky, on October Elet. 1921. at 3 o'clock Pi M. . Upon call of..the,roll the following anew to their names: Commissioners Enton,Eaker; g r •.' ," Tully, Willisms. aryl Mayor %atter john, -6. 't ' ^ Magor Katter john stated reasons for callto-wit: To allow pay -roll for the �• week ending October E2nd; and such other business ae might.00me.before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the .following motion: I move that the Pay -roll t Pay -roll for , ' week onding. for the geek ending Oct. EEnd for the DEPARTLU0T OF. -PUBLIC PROPERTY...Rivere.ids Hospital;:: '. -.Oct.. 22nd; 1921 for. Riverside._ amounting. to $119.20, be allowed. and ordered paid and .the .money appropriated'.from,the Hospital; amoim - ing to $119.20. General Fund to prig same.. Adopted upon oall of,the roll by the following. vote: Yeas,' Eaton, Eakor,.Tully, Williams and-Kdtter,john,-6:.;: .. Commissioner*. Tully offered-the.+following motion:. Whereas.'it:hae heretofore +• ; been.agreed between the.Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah and the Nagel •.., .-: , .;'? `'';.:." ` '' MoKinneq Company. Inoorporated, that.'tho assessment against their property for five ' ! .. .. yeare„beginning with the year 1919, should be fixed at $10,266..00 ani that the said 4 ; Nagel & McKinney Company was to be exempt froin any additional assessment for five yeare. Nagel & Mo- as inducement for them to locate their oannery.:in this city and sa-id'NaPel k McKinney Kinney Oo.- taxes for 1919, Company nett tender the tnxoe.for.the year 1918, amounting to $216.66 and the taxes for 1 19EO and 1921, ' as follows: the year 1920,. amounting to $EE6.86 and the taxes for the year 1921, amounting to. s ` 1919,. 216.68 !` 1920, 226.66 $230.96, a total of $673.38, I move that the sum tendered be accepted in'payment 'for 1821, 230.96 w total, -673.38. the years mentioned and that the.Commiesion.or of Public Finance be instructed to'issue tax rd'oelpto in full for those years. Adopted upon oall..of -the roll by .the following - *ote:'Ye.as, gton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and.Kattar John, -6. .�. On motion -the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll. by 6 yeas'. _PPROV”MID t A4;.a1cd.51 , . �I .'`,��f7?�j�1/1 ��i """"��r�.. �,}• ' - CII CIN\ .. - �. OCTOBa 247H. 1921. �;. •.. : At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the-Comniseionere• Ohambor'in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 24th. 1981.. Upon call of the I' I roll the following answered to their.namesr Oommissionere Eaton, Tully; Williams and ' Mayor. Kattorjohn,=4. On motion of Oommissioner''Tully'.the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as -read 'upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. lull,*. Williams. and Kattorjohn,-4: Oommunioation h Mayor Katterjohn offered -the following motion -.I move that -the o ommunioat Ion i,.. Alvord & Bur- diok; relative .from 'Alvord'&:Burdick;;dated Ootober'20th, 1921. be received and filed.. Adopted upon to Sewer Die= t; triot ¢31 &c. call of the -roll by'.the following vote: Yeas.Eaton.;;'Tu11y,71111iame and Katterj.ohn.-4.' r J �:xt-1-•t .3.ti4;-:: J -. s - 'cr: aw.v.t u._.. :.w .•'i+��.�'.{r. .:µr.