HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 743, October 19, 1921.. ...,.�f +S!^F•.#,� zc�w. �d•k,"s. +riq^^t'.�r'r•.�✓�'"`.S' - o`ft�c� r. et c1 +'n •a Y. S rr,.c . r- w•� , a. .. .
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducahootober 19th. 1921
OOTOBIM 19th. 19E1.
At n Called Meeting of the Board of 0ommleeionere. held in the Oommisaionere',:,
N Chamber in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Ootober 19th; 1921, at 4:30 o'olook. tr"
P. M, Upon call of the roll the following' answered to their names: Commissioners ,•;
Eaton, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-d.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasona for oall, to -wit: To allow pay -roll and no- ,
oounts for first half of Ootober, and auoh other business is might come before the .}
Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion; I move that the a000unts for
Report Com'r. of.
the first half of the month of October amounting to $15614.47, as per the report of
Flnanoe of a000unte,
for first half of
the Oommiesioner of Publio Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the.
Ootober, amounting
to 816614.47.
money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the -roll
by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn;-4.
Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the Oity of
Yanoy &'Johnson,
Paduoah Is indebted to Contraotore Yanoy & Johnoon.for the oonstruotion•of oonorete
Oontraotors. allow-,,
$3794.06 duo from R
drivewayu on the streets .within the.Inner-faro limits and streets bordertnO thereon...
City for oonorete.
driveways on stroete
Eat. for inieraeotions..........:..... 3298.94
within Inner -Fire
" l,.for alleys ....................... 47.10.
Limits. and streets.:
" 2, for City Rall .:.................. 448,6E, a total of
bordering thereon.
$3794.66, I move that the amount be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriate
from'the General Fund to pay same out of any money not otherwise appropriated. Adopt -','y
ed upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, nilliame and
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. It appearing that the City
G.W.Katterjohn & i'
of Paducah le indebted to Contraotore G. W. Katterjohn & Bon for the Interseotione of
Son. Contraotore. P
allowed $252.97 forj
oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and gutters on South 7th Street, between Jaokeon and Jones '
interobotions of
oonorete sidewalks.
.Streets as follows;
ourba and gutters
on 3otith 7th St.
Pit #1 ... for alley on the test aide of 7th Street
In block #E6 ..............................84.90
hest side of 7th Street,.Rlook 1..,..... 1P.E.06'
East side of 7th Stroot, Blook 23....... 46.81' it total.':';,r,,.
of 8262.77. I move that the sum of 8262.77 be allowed and ordered paid and the money -
appropriated from the General Fund to pay same out of any money not othenvioe appro.
printed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the foliowing.vote: Yana, Eaton, Tully,
Williams and Katterjohn' -4.
.. tl
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties'having
Befimates paid by
paid the estimate's against property owners for the oonetr notion of'oonorete sidewalks,
property owners.on
3. 7th 3t:, betn.
ourbs and g'attera on.South 7th Street, betwoen Jaokeon & Jones Streets....
Jaokeon & Jonoe ;to...
to -mit;
Eat ..#5 .... Estate of Mre.F. A. Retheharee...... $38E.15
" 17 .... Estate of Mrs.F. A. Hethehares...... 187.11
$382.15; Ure.F.A. pp"'
" 9 .... Hattie & Chas.'Evane................ .85.00, a total of '
Bethahares 8187.11 1`
and Hattie & Chas. jr
$654.26. I move that Contraotore.G, W. Katterjohn &.Son be allowed the sum of $664.26
.':vans, $85.00, and
Contraotore G.W. 4
and the Commissioner of Fublio Finnnoe be inetruotod to draw a oheok.on-the Speoiol
Katterjohn & Son IR
paid $664.26 amountw
Street Furl to pay same.: Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yeae
of said estimates.
Eaton,,Tully, 'Williams and Kattorjbhn,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:
The following parties havira paid the eatimatea arminst property awn are for '
the oonstruotion of oonorete driveways on the streets within the Inner -Fire Limits
Estimates paid by
property owners
and streets bordering thereon ---
for oonorete drive -A.
ways within Inner- t
Eat. 4 Isabelle Grief and He'lre of J. E. Grief.... 8134.'68
Fire Limitsto-wit':
Inabolla Griof end ,'''
"'$6 Ifike I e an 48
" 11 Fisher & Boone
heirs of J. E. Grief
$134 68; hike Ise-
................ 94.11
"- lE Mike Isoman.............................. 269.06
man X490.99; Fisher,
17 Koller & Uahm, Exooutore.............:...,:. U1.80
" 1 rotate of 11.re. L.M.Doan for nllay44.66
& Boono,. 94.21;
86 ?stato'of bru. L,M.Doan..................... 01..68'
Mike Ijor..an $259.08;.
" 56 Loob-Bloom Realty 00 ................... .... 445.86
Y.oilon E 110hn; r5ce-.
outora e4E1r80;
" 46 Thoroon Gookol..................... 259.06 .
-. tAr t -« - `' 3Y'.". ' -1-y •r.ei•,:7�... �.;:• �;aa-•:.. Y •t :wr reel P. `''
Na f
Cominissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__
h.S;.Dean ;44.68 �
Est. 463 Paducah Railway Oo.....:.....:.............
Y 1266.36
and $21.60; Loolf=
• • •
"' 10 Luoy R. Ford.............. ........ 188.42, a to of''
BlOom Realty Oo.!`
There oa.$3634.53,.I
move that Oontraotore,Yanoy &.Johnson be.illovred.the sum of $3634.63 and the.':...`:
Gookol �259.06�.a'.
Paducah Hy.Co.. �Oommieeioner
of Public Finanoe be instructed to draw a check on the Special Street Fund
$1266.36 and' Luoy.
R.Ford $180.42, 'to
pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,'Eaton, Tully.
and Yanoy & John•
con allowed
Williams and Katterjohn,-4.
$3634.63 amount
of said esti-.
On motion, the Board• adjourned upon call:of:the roll by 4 yeas.
' t
OOTOBM 21st, 1921.
r.' " :+i"•
'. 'At a Called Meeting of the.Board of.,Commissionere, held. in the Commissioners'
z '
Chamber in the City Hail, Paduoah,. Kentucky, on October Elet. 1921. at 3 o'clock Pi M.
Upon call of..the,roll the following anew to their names: Commissioners Enton,Eaker;
r •.' ,"
Tully, Willisms. aryl Mayor %atter john, -6.
't '
Magor Katter john stated reasons for callto-wit: To allow pay -roll for the
week ending October E2nd; and such other business ae might.00me.before the Board.
Commissioner Tully offered the .following motion: I move that the Pay -roll
Pay -roll for ,
' week onding.
for the geek ending Oct. EEnd for the DEPARTLU0T OF. -PUBLIC PROPERTY...Rivere.ids Hospital;::
-.Oct.. 22nd; 1921
for. Riverside._
amounting. to $119.20, be allowed. and ordered paid and .the .money appropriated'.from,the
Hospital; amoim
ing to $119.20.
General Fund to prig same.. Adopted upon oall of,the roll by the following. vote: Yeas,'
Eaton, Eakor,.Tully, Williams and-Kdtter,john,-6:.;: ..
Commissioner*. Tully offered-the.+following motion:. Whereas.'it:hae heretofore
been.agreed between the.Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah and the Nagel •..,
.-: , .;'? `'';.:." ` ''
MoKinneq Company. Inoorporated, that.'tho assessment against their property for five
.. ..
yeare„beginning with the year 1919, should be fixed at $10,266..00 ani that the said
Nagel & McKinney Company was to be exempt froin any additional assessment for five yeare.
Nagel & Mo-
as inducement for them to locate their oannery.:in this city and sa-id'NaPel k McKinney
Kinney Oo.-
taxes for 1919,
Company nett tender the tnxoe.for.the year 1918, amounting to $216.66 and the taxes for
19EO and 1921,
' as follows:
the year 1920,. amounting to $EE6.86 and the taxes for the year 1921, amounting to.
` 1919,. 216.68
!` 1920, 226.66
$230.96, a total of $673.38, I move that the sum tendered be accepted in'payment 'for
1821, 230.96
total, -673.38.
the years mentioned and that the.Commiesion.or of Public Finance be instructed to'issue
tax rd'oelpto in full for those years. Adopted upon oall..of -the roll by .the following
*ote:'Ye.as, gton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and.Kattar John, -6. .�.
On motion -the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll. by 6 yeas'.
A4;.a1cd.51 , .
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.. -
OCTOBa 247H. 1921.
�;. •..
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the-Comniseionere•
Ohambor'in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 24th. 1981.. Upon call of the
roll the following answered to their.namesr Oommissionere Eaton, Tully; Williams and
Mayor. Kattorjohn,=4.
On motion of Oommissioner''Tully'.the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted as -read 'upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. lull,*.
Williams. and Kattorjohn,-4:
h Mayor Katterjohn offered -the following motion -.I move that -the o ommunioat Ion
Alvord & Bur-
diok; relative
.from 'Alvord'&:Burdick;;dated Ootober'20th, 1921. be received and filed.. Adopted upon
to Sewer Die=
triot ¢31 &c.
call of the -roll by'.the following vote: Yeas.Eaton.;;'Tu11y,71111iame and Katterj.ohn.-4.'
�:xt-1-•t .3.ti4;-:: J -. s - 'cr: aw.v.t u._.. :.w .•'i+��.�'.{r. .:µr.