HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 737, October 10, 1921.,
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Na 7,Commissioners'
Proceedings, City of.Paducah n�thp,toth 1921.
10th. 1 921.
At a Regular fleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in.the Commissioners'
r Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on October 10th, 1921. Upon call of the
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Williams and .
Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
On motion of Oommiesioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were
�.. adopted as readand corrected upon call of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Eaton,
?Aker, Willinme and Katterjohn,-4.
' Oommisaloner Tully entered the Oounoll Ohamber.
MayorKatterjohn offered the following motion: I.move that communication from
Chief Peduke Poet the Chief Paduke Poet NO. 31 American Legion, dated October 6th, 1921, be received,
J31 American Le-
gion. filed and referred to the Commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted upon.call of the roll
9by the following vote: Yeas, Faton,Eaker,Tully,Williame and Katterjohn,-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the follows
y � ng motion; I move that the oommunioation
Communication of
Uooquot & Berry, j.frcm Ilooquot & Berry, dated October 5th, 1921, relative to the assessment of.the
in re: Asnesoment.
of Southern Tax- Southern Textile Machinery Company, be received and filed and referred to the Oommis-
tile Machinery Go.�
stoner of Finanoe and City Solicitor. Adopted upon *all of the roll by the following
vote: Yean,.saton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,4.
Mayor Katterjohn' offered the following motion: I move that the communication
Communication of
r '
Mooquot & Berry from Mooquot & Berry, dated October 5th, 1921, relative to contract between City of
in re: Contract
between City and ;IPaducahand Geo. Z. and 0. T. Allen, dated April 10, 1916, regarding sewer. from Jeffers
Geo.S. and O.T. a
Allen, regarding eon Street to Broadway, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
sewer fr uDi Jafiar-+ r
con St. to Broad- " fdllowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-B.:
wa Y.
u' Mayor Katterjohn offorod the following motion: I move that the report of the
Report McCracken f.MoOraokon County Pi;b110 Health League Nursing Service for the month of -September 1921
Co. Publio Health
League•Nureing u be received and filed.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, -
5'• service for Sept.
1921. �I'Eaton, Eaker; Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-B.
9 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report .of
the Commissioner of Public Finance for the month of September be received and :filed
Report Com'r. , of y
Public Finance 4 and ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by'
for Sept. 1921. C
, i ;<-"•;
t h the following vote: Yeas; ,Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams andE.atterjohn,-B.
Oommissloner Tully offered the follo•sing motion: It appearing that there le
y Sohoole allowed due.the sohools from the•colleotions of 1921 taxes for the week ending Ootober.8th, :,
i $3449.57 due it
from the collect - the aum of $3449.57. I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appro=.•
•'\' :''
ions of 1921
+ taxes for ':week priated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol.
i end ing.Oot.8,
1921. lowing. vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-5.
Cormissionor Tully offered the following motion: move that the expense for
Expense for Spa-. special registration day of Oat. 11th, 1921, amounting to $294.00 be allowed and order-.
t ofal Registra-
tion day of Oct. ' ad paid and oharged.'to the Contingent Fund and the money appropriated fram the 'General.'".i:w'•.'.�
. .. ll.th, 1921, amount-
irg to $294.00 .' :b Fund to pay same. Adopted .upon call of the roll by the following vote:'Yeae, Eaton,.
a>E ''
Esker. Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-B.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having
Parties paying paid.the estimates ageinot property owners for the construction of oonarete driveways
estimates for
oonorete.dlive- on the,etreete within the Inner Fire Limits and the streets bordering thereon..'...
rmayo on the
Stroetu 'nithin Set. 13 Jae. A. Glauber.....:... $777.24
the Innor-Fire ” 16 Jae. P. Smith. Truotee..-$519.16
Limita. " 19 Jae. P. Smith........... 259.08 .
20 Glp Hpeb�:nde 1
1 " ............ 224.3 , a total of $1778.79,
I move that Contract. ora..Yanoy & Johnson, be allowed the _sum of $1778.79 and the',
F, .Oommiseloner of Publio Finance be inatruoted to draw a oheok on the. Speotal Street Fund
* y to pay came. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,.Faton, Faker,
' ..lL`�:'1`•%'1'"�•-^ p r.-y`T t . 1"4j .rr+.. ?rr.� t!4 �h,'s �.Z.T^Csi's : '„%'.C'rt :i
_ 4
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ootober loth . • 192_1•.
Tully, Williams and Katterjohn b.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Thefollowing parties having
raid the estimates against propertyowners for the construction of concrete sidewalks,'
ourba and gutters on South:Seventh Street from 'the South curb. line of Jackson Street to
r• ,^
the Horth Curb' Line of Jones Street....'.
James &Cella Pi_-
Est. 15 James & Oe118 P. Crawford...... 91.79'..
Crawford, and
" 21..Margaret Umbaugh............... 63.85, a total of
Marrarot Um -
bough paid esti.,
$158.64; I move that Contractors, G. It. Katterjohn & Son.be-allowed the sum of $185.64
motes against: h
and the 0ommissioner.of Public.Finanae be instruoted :to' draw a check on.the Special
on S:7th St. I
from Jaokson to
Street Fund to pay same. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,.
Jonoo St., and
Eaton Esker, y ,'
r , Tully,' Williams and Katterjohn -6.
' )
& Son ollowod'.
Commissioner Tull off or followin motion: I move that the Improvement
g mP {,
Bonds issued for the improvement on. Bornholm Avenue of concrete sidewalks. curbs and
Improvement i
guttere from the West side of.North 12th Street to the Fast aide of,'13Lh.StreeL at th6
Bonds for im-
provomenL on
intereeotion of Burnett Street .be delivered 'to Contractors Esker & 8torrie, the bonds
Bornholm. Ave.
delivered to.
'being as follows:-
Con.traotore -'
!'Baker & StorrieY'
l Series Ji due Nov. let, 1921..........$63.92
3 ". .n. w " ,• 1923 .......... 83.91
1924.......... 63.91.
1925....:..... 83.91.
6 " " " " .. " 1926. 83.91
7 1.927.:.:.:.... 83,91r
8 " " " " " 1928.......... 83:.91
1929.......... 83.91
" #10 e .
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,' Eaton, Faker, Tully,
Williams and Katterjohn.-b.
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I`move.that,the Financial,.�
statement ,of tho Riveroide Ho ital.for the month at.September 1921 be received and
September 1921.
filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas. Eaton, Eal:er, Tully.
W1111ams and Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move the Patients'.
Patients' Re-
port of the
Report of the Riverside Hospital for the month of September 1921 be received WA filed.
Riverside Hos-
pital for Sept.f
Adopted upon oall•of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,,Eaton,. Esker, Tully Williams
and Katterjohn,-8..
.Oommiasioner:Esker offeredthe following motion: That the Supt. of the City
Street Ligate to be installed
Light Plant be authorised to install street -Aro lamps at the follonina locations; to-
wit: (1) On Br-.4dge Street, Between :Hays and Tipple Track.
beth Haye.and
f2) Eleventh and Greer St.
Tipple Track,
(3 24.th. and Kentuoky Ave..
Eleventh &
(B) 4th. and Elisabeth Street.
Groot St.
24th & Ky. Ave. :
i Adopted, upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yeae, Eaton. Esker, Tally and '
4th & Elisabeth
f Williame,-4; Hays, Katterjohn,-1..
P commissioner Esker offered the followingi
motion:' That the report.'of the
Report ot •
Dept.for fir
or it st
De p artment te
for the first nine months of 1921; ending.Sepmber the 30th, be reoei*ed;
1921.. of
filed and ordered published and. charged to the Street account. Adopted p mon aflll' of
the roll by the following vote: Yeme; Eaton, Esker; Tully. Williams and Katterj6hn.-6.
on motion the Board adjourned upon ball of the roll by b yeas.
Aieplei 2'1"-' 19-L, * .APPROV Eli) /f
cff, MAYOR'
4 ..