HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 735, October 4, 1921-+,ar4tor�%r,iF+�T^,."�%1+"i:?"z:?tX�" �! i. �? -f.#''�✓ii%,��'..'v'f'{Uti,, ' � � ^ _ qr� rY;R Jif. W '' u rMtllirG:• H..'bwNv'i`^.-.T' c"t�rC wC xjpw i-r,.-ty.s y.� p ,., - �ep,a :n rw � • ' r ) r i. S? �, i:' �'N7ir{•+�li �.+ , S} Ycv,;4 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah F_� 1i Loolahood, and ohnrpo enmo to the Riverside 110spital Addition Aoconnt. Adoptod,upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yoas; Enton, Eaker, Tully, Ylillinme.and Knttortohn,-6. } Report of Paducah Commissioner Ylilliams offered the following motion:. I move thnt the roport of Laboratories for the. month of 3opt..1921.1 the Paducah Lnboratoriee'for the month of1921 be received and filed. Adopt .September „ ed upon call of the roll by the following, vote: Yeas,; Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Will isms t c• t and Y-ntterjohn;-b. = Commissioner i'lillinms offered the following .motion: I move that 'the ropor>;,of ;;:"' 7•(; `. !' Report of Fred , Engllsh,Seaton Onk Fred Engliyli, Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery for the month -of September 19 P1 be received an E Grove Cemetery for Sept. 1921. filed. Adopted upon call of the roll'by the following vote: Yeae;, Eaton, Ea;:er, Tully ? Williams and Lettorjohn,-6. 1£ayor.KoitterJohn offered the following`motion: I move that the monthly estimate. Monthly estimate. furnished by the City Engineer for work performed by Reynolds Bros, on Broad, Street: •; ,• of City Engineer for work performoa during the month of Soptomber be received and filed, .and that,the Cou®iseioner of.. , by 1loynolds Bros. J . an ,Broad Street, Public Finance be'nuDhorizod to issue Imorovamonl; Wnrrnnt for the sum of.�1848,60, amounting to,',1848, 0 and Imnrovor•ent being Wp of the wort: performed. Adopted upon oall,cf the roll by the following vote; a.rrani issued. Yoas, Eaton, Eaker. Tully., Williams and Yattorjohn,-6. Mayor KattorJohn offered the following motion; I move that the monthly esti- Monthly estimate of 1 ,. City Engineer for mato by the City Engineer for work perfo mod by 4eynolds,Broo, on N. 9th Street during . work performed by a Reynolds Bros. on the month of Sontomber be received and filed, and that .the Coouniaston or. of Publio' H. 9th ;t.nmount- ' ing to y930.d0, and. Finnnuo be authorized to issue Improvement Ylarrnnt for the sum.of ',930.80, being 65% Improvement :lar.-' r. " rant. issued, of the wort: nerformed. Adopted upon call of the roll by thu following vote;'Yoes,' .... Eaton; Ea::or, .Tully. Williams and I'.atterjohn,-6. py 1lnyor.I:gtterjohn offered the foll+:wtng motion: I move .that the monthly esti= 1 Monthly estimate oft City Lneinocr for mate by the 0.ity Engineer for work'performed by i?aker'✓< Storrie on South 8th Street.. work performed by F ' r.•r_1:er d: Storrie on during the month of Sentembor be received and filed, and that. the Commissioner of S. bth St: , arnount i' inir to ;1663:60, Public Finanoe'bo.authorized to issue Imnrovoment Warrant for the sum of {;1663.60,` ' and Improvement Tarrant 13suod. being. 66;� of work performed., Adopted upon call of the roll, by the following., vote; Yoas, Eaton, Et, _er, 'chilly, Willirunc and I'nttorjohn,-5. ; r' On motion the .Board ndJonrnod upon call of the. roll. by 6 Seco.,' OCTOBER 4TH. 1921. ' ,y. At a Oalled Meeting of the Board of Oommiselonore, held in the Oommissi,oners' i Ohambor in the Oity Hall, Paduosh, Kentuoky, on Ootobor 4th. 1921, at 11 o'clock A.M. Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names; Oommiselonere Eaton, nl . _ Tully and Mayor Katterjohn.-3. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit; To turn over Bonds to Faker & :Storrie, and any other business that might come before the Board. Bonds delivered. y. to Eakbroone b-Sruction Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. I move that the Commissioner - for OOABLrt10ti0A Sof driveways on PI 10,11 12,13,14 6 of'Publ.io Finance be authorised and instructed to turn over to Eaker & Storrie, Oon-' 16th iLe., Detn. tractors., the bonds issued for the concrete driveways on 10th, llth,.12th, 13th, Br o a3 way and b Jefferson St. 14th and 16th Streets, between Broadway &.Jefferson Streets Be follows; '• 1 Seriee H, due Nov. let, 1921......$619.23. , R a q 2" 1922...... 619.23 3 a n w m a 1923...... 619.23 i 4 a a" n a 1924...... 619.23' ' 5. a q w a " 1925...... 619.23 r «�:-..,.."..-�_.��.-a.....+. .. ,.-i1.. •i � -�_ ..- �...�J:...r J: ..�+.� ............•.-..Jn.-a'r:. " 1.j..� h: Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ k{'� .Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner. of Public Finance be authorised and instructed to turn over to Reynolds Bros., Oon- traotors., the.bonde issued for the construction of concrete curb, gutter and driveways on, 10th, 13th and 14th Streete.... Bonds delivered i to Reynolds Bros: 1 Series 1. due Hovember 1, 1921....... 127:82 $ ' for oonetruotion'i 2 " " " " 1, 1922....... 127.9E i of curbs and 3 w w w w 1. 1923....... 127.92 f .4 gutters on lOth,l` . .• 4 " " w " 1, 1924........ 127.9E b 1, ' 13tt..b 14th Sts.; . 1928;...... 127.9E C" betn.Broadway A t 6 w, w• « « 1, 19E6....... 127.9E Jefferson'.8t. 7 w w « w 1, 1927....... 127.9E 8 w « « w 1, 1928....... 1E7.91 w « w « 1, 1929....... 127.91 w w " " ,.. #10 1, 1930.:..... 127.91 Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Eaton,Tully and Kat ter john -3.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sun of $96.00 having License to sell been paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed by -the receipt filed herewith, together with Malt war Oereal Beverages lecued .application to.eell Malt.or Cereal Beverage, I move thate, license to sell Malt or . ;.to A:F.Yopp. 9th b Caldwell Oereal Beverages or any. admieturee.thereof, be granted to A. F. Yopp on.the Horth -east s . Sts. corner of 9th ✓E Caldwell Streets, from October let to Dec. 319t, 1921. Adopted .upon = call of the roll by the follojing vote: Yeas.. Eaton, Tally and Katterjohn,-3. R' "E•'•,'=t,: `. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll b 3 y yeas. APPROV n:D CN, Clr... .. ' • OCTOBER 6th..19E1. MAYOR " At a Called Meeting of the Board.of Commissioners, held in the Commiselo'ere' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on.0otober 6th, 1921, at 11 o`clock A. M: Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,Eaker,, '" r :Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-8., r: ' Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit:. To allow s000unts for the W last half of the. month of September, 1921. Commissioner Tully offered the.following motion: I move that the accounts for Report Oom'r. of , r• Public Finance the last half.of the month of Septombor,.amounting to $30,127.61, as per the reporL.of. " of accounts for - last.half of'. ' the Commiesioner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and :the. S; September, 19E1. :;- money appropriated from the General Fend .to pay enure. Adopted upon call of the. roll by . r . A t, ,the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,.Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. i On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yene. Ad@PICd .' A PPR-O'V' ���� ........_ --- — KA .. ocmoBER 8th..192i. 4. •�"; .. .. •, At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 8th, 19 E1, et .10 b'olook A. 3i. I i� :f Upon call of the roll the follo:71ng answered to.their.names: Commissioners Eaton,-." Willi ame and.Tully,-3. Mayor Katterjohn being absent, Mayor.Pro Tem Eaton presided. " Mayor Pro Tem'r^,aton stated. reasons for 0811 -to -wit: To allow pay-roll,for :the week ending October 8th. 1921. PAY -ROLL Riv= '• Oommieoloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that' the Pay -Roll for the erside Hospit- al for week ' week ending Oct. 8th, for the DEPARTMEHT OF P1•®LIO PROPIOTY.::Rivereide'Hospital.' amount ai ending Oct... 8th, 1921 Ing to $113.67, be allowed.and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General • a Fund to'pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton.° 4. Talky and Williams, -3. On moLlon.the Board adjourned upon .as]1 of the roll by -8 yeas. _6PPR0V3@:D Ad' t 4-x^"ell. C.; MAYOR :f. � r ,� .. i • .,2.;.: :.isaa.•'r1.a � `. -sa� L-- .- ... w..-.r..e _ter. _, .r._,Cu_ .._ .> - .,. ' .Y�.; .L .. • iiMi.dtii_:s:µK'�<$.r :L 14- '.+i.ft,•:o.o. .s. -.ry .r"n..J,-ryP. - `..-.ISI..777-7..1.�