HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 735, October 4, 1921-+,ar4tor�%r,iF+�T^,."�%1+"i:?"z:?tX�" �! i. �? -f.#''�✓ii%,��'..'v'f'{Uti,,
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
Loolahood, and ohnrpo enmo to the Riverside 110spital Addition Aoconnt. Adoptod,upon
call of the roll by the following veto: Yoas; Enton, Eaker, Tully, Ylillinme.and
Report of Paducah
Commissioner Ylilliams offered the following motion:. I move thnt the roport of
Laboratories for the.
month of 3opt..1921.1
the Paducah Lnboratoriee'for the month of1921 be received and filed. Adopt
ed upon call of the roll by the following, vote: Yeas,; Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Will isms
and Y-ntterjohn;-b.
Commissioner i'lillinms offered the following .motion: I move that 'the ropor>;,of ;;:"'
7•(; `.
Report of Fred
Engllsh,Seaton Onk
Fred Engliyli, Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery for the month -of September 19 P1 be received an
E Grove Cemetery for
Sept. 1921.
filed. Adopted upon call of the roll'by the following vote: Yeae;, Eaton, Ea;:er, Tully
Williams and Lettorjohn,-6.
1£ayor.KoitterJohn offered the following`motion: I move that the monthly estimate.
Monthly estimate.
furnished by the City Engineer for work performed by Reynolds Bros, on Broad, Street: •;
of City Engineer
for work performoa
during the month of Soptomber be received and filed, .and that,the Cou®iseioner of..
by 1loynolds Bros.
an ,Broad Street,
Public Finance be'nuDhorizod to issue Imorovamonl; Wnrrnnt for the sum of.�1848,60,
amounting to,',1848,
and Imnrovor•ent
being Wp of the wort: performed. Adopted upon oall,cf the roll by the following vote;
a.rrani issued.
Yoas, Eaton, Eaker. Tully., Williams and Yattorjohn,-6.
Mayor KattorJohn offered the following motion; I move that the monthly esti-
Monthly estimate of
1 ,.
City Engineer for
mato by the City Engineer for work perfo mod by 4eynolds,Broo, on N. 9th Street during
work performed by
Reynolds Bros. on
the month of Sontomber be received and filed, and that .the Coouniaston or. of Publio'
H. 9th ;t.nmount-
ing to y930.d0, and.
Finnnuo be authorized to issue Improvement Ylarrnnt for the sum.of ',930.80, being 65%
Improvement :lar.-'
" rant. issued,
of the wort: nerformed. Adopted upon call of the roll by thu following vote;'Yoes,'
Eaton; Ea::or, .Tully. Williams and I'.atterjohn,-6.
py 1lnyor.I:gtterjohn offered the foll+:wtng motion: I move .that the monthly esti=
Monthly estimate oft
City Lneinocr for
mate by the 0.ity Engineer for work'performed by i?aker'✓< Storrie on South 8th Street..
work performed by
F '
r.•r_1:er d: Storrie on
during the month of Sentembor be received and filed, and that. the Commissioner of
S. bth St: , arnount
i' inir to ;1663:60,
Public Finanoe'bo.authorized to issue Imnrovoment Warrant for the sum of {;1663.60,`
' and Improvement
Tarrant 13suod.
being. 66;� of work performed., Adopted upon call of the roll, by the following., vote;
Yoas, Eaton, Et, _er, 'chilly, Willirunc and I'nttorjohn,-5.
On motion the .Board ndJonrnod upon call of the. roll. by 6 Seco.,'
OCTOBER 4TH. 1921.
At a Oalled Meeting of the Board of Oommiselonore, held in the Oommissi,oners'
Ohambor in the Oity Hall, Paduosh, Kentuoky, on Ootobor 4th. 1921, at 11 o'clock A.M.
Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names; Oommiselonere Eaton,
. _
Tully and Mayor Katterjohn.-3.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit; To turn over Bonds to
Faker & :Storrie, and any other business that might come before the Board.
Bonds delivered.
to Eakbroone b-Sruction
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. I move that the Commissioner
for OOABLrt10ti0A
Sof driveways on
PI 10,11 12,13,14 6
of'Publ.io Finance be authorised and instructed to turn over to Eaker & Storrie, Oon-'
16th iLe., Detn.
tractors., the bonds issued for the concrete driveways on 10th, llth,.12th, 13th,
Br o a3 way and
Jefferson St.
14th and 16th Streets, between Broadway &.Jefferson Streets Be follows;
1 Seriee H, due Nov. let, 1921......$619.23.
R a q
2" 1922...... 619.23
3 a n w m a 1923...... 619.23
4 a a" n a 1924...... 619.23'
5. a q w a " 1925...... 619.23
«�:-..,.."..-�_.��.-a.....+. .. ,.-i1.. •i � -�_ ..- �...�J:...r J: ..�+.� ............•.-..Jn.-a'r:. " 1.j..�
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ k{'�
.Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner.
of Public Finance be authorised and instructed to turn over to Reynolds Bros., Oon-
traotors., the.bonde issued for the construction of concrete curb, gutter and driveways
on, 10th, 13th and 14th Streete....
Bonds delivered
to Reynolds Bros:
1 Series 1. due Hovember 1, 1921....... 127:82
for oonetruotion'i
2 " " " " 1, 1922....... 127.9E
of curbs and
3 w w w w 1. 1923....... 127.92 f
gutters on lOth,l`
. .• 4 " " w " 1, 1924........ 127.9E
b 1,
13tt..b 14th Sts.;
. 1928;...... 127.9E
betn.Broadway A t
6 w, w• « « 1, 19E6....... 127.9E
7 w w « w 1, 1927....... 127.9E
8 w « « w 1, 1928....... 1E7.91
w « w « 1, 1929....... 127.91
w w
" "
#10 1, 1930.:..... 127.91
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Eaton,Tully and Kat ter john -3..
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sun of $96.00 having
License to sell
been paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed by -the receipt filed herewith, together with
Malt war Oereal
Beverages lecued
.application to.eell Malt.or Cereal Beverage, I move thate, license to sell Malt or
;.to A:F.Yopp.
9th b Caldwell
Oereal Beverages or any. admieturee.thereof, be granted to A. F. Yopp on.the Horth -east
s .
corner of 9th ✓E Caldwell Streets, from October let to Dec. 319t, 1921. Adopted
call of the roll by the follojing vote: Yeas.. Eaton, Tally and Katterjohn,-3.
"E•'•,'=t,: `.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll b 3
y yeas.
CN, Clr...
.. '
At a Called Meeting of the Board.of Commissioners, held in the Commiselo'ere'
Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on.0otober 6th, 1921, at 11 o`clock A. M:
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,Eaker,,
:Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-8.,
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit:. To allow s000unts for the
last half of the. month of September, 1921.
Commissioner Tully offered the.following motion: I move that the accounts for
Report Oom'r. of
, r•
Public Finance
the last half.of the month of Septombor,.amounting to $30,127.61, as per the reporL.of.
of accounts for
- last.half of'.
the Commiesioner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and :the.
September, 19E1.
money appropriated from the General Fend .to pay enure. Adopted upon call of the. roll by
. A
,the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,.Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yene.
........_ --- —
.. ocmoBER 8th..192i.
.. ..
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 8th, 19 E1, et .10 b'olook A. 3i.
I i�
Upon call of the roll the follo:71ng answered to.their.names: Commissioners Eaton,-."
Willi ame and.Tully,-3. Mayor Katterjohn being absent, Mayor.Pro Tem Eaton presided.
Mayor Pro Tem'r^,aton stated. reasons for 0811 -to -wit: To allow pay-roll,for :the
week ending October 8th. 1921.
Oommieoloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that' the Pay -Roll for the
erside Hospit-
al for week
week ending Oct. 8th, for the DEPARTMEHT OF P1•®LIO PROPIOTY.::Rivereide'Hospital.' amount
ending Oct...
8th, 1921
Ing to $113.67, be allowed.and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General
Fund to'pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton.°
Talky and Williams, -3.
On moLlon.the Board adjourned upon .as]1 of the roll by -8 yeas.
4-x^"ell. C.; MAYOR
:f. � r ,� ..
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