HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 733, October 3, 1921S ><.k <_`.• ��Y2tyR+.�+.yia '^Y f u F� Y s«.. d w- � �p '. s.. '� S ♦.: � "-'� X '•: y '
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah ` 192-^
.Oommleeioner Tully offereA the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll for the
pay -roll for week week ending Oat. let, un"ar the IWARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY, Riverside Hospital, ...
ening Oct. 1,
1921 Riversi'e i,amonnting to $117.40. be allowed anA orPereA paiA an' the money appropriated from the
t Hospital. NOeneral
Fund to pay same. A'optoR upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,
'Baton, Tully. Williams an' Katterjohn.-4.
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the itemiaeA
AccounL.Tyret $6 5.25.%e000unt of Robert L. Tyree forainti
L.Tyree,$615.E5.�• P ng, 'eoorating an' repairing at the".Carnegie
for painting,
eoorating an Library, amounting to $515.26, be alloweA an' ohargeA to the account of. Carnegie Libra-
at 'ry, an' that the Oommiseioner of Publio Pinanoe be authorised to 'raw check in payment
Carnegie Library. D Ym
}`thereof. i0opte' upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully,
Williams and Kaiterjohn,-4.
On motion..the Board sAjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
OCTOBER 3RD, 1921.
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, helA in the Oommiesionere'
Chamber in the* City Hall, PaAuoah, Kentucky, on October 3rA, 1921., Upon call of the
roll the following anewereA to. their names:Oommieefoners, Baton, Eaker. Williame and
Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
On motion of Oommissionor Baton the minutes of the previous meetings were
a'opteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Williams an'
Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the receipt from '.
Receipt L. B.
IUrrett,County L. E. IUrrett, County Court Clerk, showing that he has fileA Hospital Bong Or'inance
Court Clerk.'ln
re Hospital BonA ' be receive' an' file'. A'opte' upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.
Eaton, :esker, Williams anA Katterjohn,-4.
Receipt of L.E. I.:nyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the r000ipt from'
Durrett, County
Court Cleric. L. E. Durrett, County Court Clerk, showing that he has filed Sewer Bond Ordinance
tr. Sorror
Bond Ordiwnoo. be.received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:,Yeae,.
Eaton, Faker, Williams and Katterjohn;-4.
Commissioner Tully entered Ocmminsioners'.Chamber.
3tato^ent of Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the' statement of
grona oarnLigo,
&o. Pndunnh _Uil-:� groes earnings. operating expenses and taxes of the Paducah Railway Company for twelve
way Co. for 12 '
months arding,; months. ending September 30th, 1921. be received and filed and action thereon geferr-
l ed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by, the following vote: Yens, Baton, Faker, Tully.
Williams and Y.atterjohn,-5.
'.}' A000rt Paducah Mayor Kstter ohn offered the.following motion: I move that the Paducah Fleotrio
Electric Co, for
M $532.50 lighting Company,be allowed the Huta of $532.50 for electric service for lighting the Ylhite Way
fhi to :'lay, from
from August 15th
August 31st to to September 30th, 1921, and that said aum be charged to the White .
Sept. 30th,1921.
Way Account, and the Commissioner of'Publio Finance is hereby directed to issue
voucher for said.eame.Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,
$aton; En_er. Tully, Williams and l:ntterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I'movo that THE STATEME11T OF
3tatemort of no-'
ti ;torrie for work,
Bel 1
performed on aide`,- CURB LIiD.GUT1cLS 011 U•IIF.IIA A'l1:IlUL�, BI:T,7Frti. 12th AVD 13th STHiFTy, be received and
nal;:a on Eornheim?
Ave. botn.lP_th G 'filed. Adopted..upon call of the roll by the following vote: Use. Eaton, Eaker,
13th Sts.
Tully, Williams and.Kattorjohn,-6.
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f Y
Proceedings, City of Paducah
. „ Commissioner Tully offered the following moti'on:'The following parties, having
paid the estimates against property owners for the cons trust ion of sidewalks curb and �`...`
Estimntea paid.
guttore on Berhheim Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets.......
npntnnt property , 1 �•t,,,`,' - r
' rnmers for con-
it:ruction of Eat. 1. D. S. Holland ....................$ 31.70
didowill.ks; &o " S. 11ary ... ... 168.07
3 S I.1 le Smith... ... ... 1
on Dornhoim Ave.. ,4 Paducah :to hors Club............. 69.69_ r.
"" 6 .Ira C.. Dyorly.......:..... .. . 46.69
Uotn.. 12th and �� ;:•:: " ' -.
13th Streets. 6 T. J. r^rnaior..................,...o 46.69
1 ':..: ''' 7 M. J. Gallagher ....:...:......... 89.69
'J*Eaker &. Storrio ,
" 8' Ceorgiann Doyer... ...... ... 89:69'
.,. " 9 'Mary Ellen Rogers .......:......:. 94.69 ;
I oontrnotore
'+ " co10 Emma Pettnr..................:. 84.69 '
•.;allowed x787.62. 26.92, a total of $787.62,
13 Ida bt. Thomas ....................... � .
I.move that Ea)cor & Storrie, o.ontrerators,.be allowed the sum of $787•.62 and the Com-
mioolonor of Public Finance be instruotod to draw a.check-agninst the.Spocial Street 7'
Fund -to pay same..' Adopted upon call of the roll by the follrming vote: Yoae, Eaton,
Ea, -.or, Tully,. Williams and I:attorjohn,-6.
Oommiosionor Tully offered the following motionr The following-partioa having'
Property owners
on Bernheim Ave. signified their intention to take advantage of the Ten Year. Payment Plan for the carr-
'rhotn,l2th and struation,of sidewalks, curb end gutters on Dernheim..Avonue, between 12th and 13th
r1,13.th Stre.nte
i-'; tako advantage
Streets.....:' hof Ten Year Eat. 12 1..11. Tinsley..' ..............$ 89.69 �
".IPayment 'Plan, .an r, "
Improvement 11 J..I..Leseuer................ 220.78
jBond for t839.12 16 Flora Forornn..:............. 110.46
issued to Esker' 16 W. H. Cashon...... :....:...... 110.46 .
& 3torrie.. " 17 L. C. Torrell...........r...:_307.76, a total :of $$839.12;•
III I move that Improvement 'Bonds be issued to the amount of 039.12.nnd she City Solicitor
be instructed to'.furnlsh copy for said bondu. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the y
following.. vote- Yoae, Lnton, Baker, Tully, Willinma and IfttterJohn. -6.'
Commissioner Tully offered .the following motion:' The following' party having
Goorgin Ellen-. neither paid the estimate• against property ownors, nor taken advantage of the'Ton Yoar )i
wood failing e
nt Plan. or the of sidwalks curb anutters on Bernheim Avenue
'-• to pay oatiraate Pa�ub d
' B
trgn of Ten Yo or botwoon"12th and 13th'Strooto..... rl:
.Payment Plnn;
Bet. 412 Goor is Ellonc,�ood:......
said'eatignto B ..0307.93', I move that the:. I r
turned over to Commissionor of Puhlio.i'innnoe be nuthoritod and instructed to turn said estimnte over i
Baker & Storrio.
to' Contrnotbre La;;or &Storrio. :Adopted upon. of 'the. roll by the. following vote:' ..I
Yoan; Laton, Enkor, Tully, Willinme.nn'd Ynttcrjohn,-6. I t
Commissioner Tully.offorod .tho,'.foll"inr, motion: The sum of 060.00,having been �.
ccmotery Dcod'.1q `
Jan. L. ovems: pniIVinto o theaoury; an evidenced by the ieoe'int filed herewith, I move that -deed be
'exeouted.to Jae. L. Orubbe for Lot #72 1n Block Q3 on the.. South aid's of Hank Street,
between Ford and Hannan"Streete. in Oak Grove. Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll
by, the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Laker, Tully: Williams and Y.atterjohn',,6.".
Commissioner Eaton 'offered the following motion: "I move that the report of
' Aoport formi of of tho'Chief of Police for tho.month.of 3optomber 1921 be received and filed. Adopted upoi L,
..Polios. far month P _ ;
of fcpf..1921. onll .of the roll b the follows q,. •
y ng vote: 'Yeas 3•.aton,, Faker' Tirll Williams and P;atter
John, -5,.
Ronort Chief.of Commieelanor.Enton offered the following motion:'. I'move that: the report ki "
Firn - Department
I . .`
for. month of the.G)Jof of the'Piro Department for tho month of September 1921 bo'r000ived and,filod:
Sept. 19?1 Adonted.ir on call of'the roll, by the follows
j' p ng vote: .Yoae,: Eaton,. Enker, Tully. 'Jill iorne '
and ;atterjohn,-5.
Cohmiooionor Williams offerod.tho following motion: I move .that Gus Loo:'wood,' lr,t
+. Ona tooknVood r
Contrnotor alio; Contraetor,'be allowed 04,000.00,aa per aertifiorae of Y'/. L. 0ore,,-Architeot,. dated-
ated ed 04,000.00,' as. o tombor-24th. 1921; for work done and
par Certificate. " p performed and'materinls furnished .by. 'said Look-' '•
of :ore, wood in the construction of the addition o .Riverside 4000ital,,same beim the third'.
,tintedod :ieiept.24, tg
1921 forwork•
and rn'tertnle, payment under the•iorms:of his contract, and being certificate Vo. .3. and that the Com- ;)
furnished: in. .. I•,
construction miceioner. of.Publ'io Finanoe'ie'hereby directed and instructed to pay said sum to eaid
Hospital add ilio L. )
��. ,iiir,ir,.,A.y,a,<e4„i, +,.i. �a„. w.. i.. _ t:.�lt ..:., _,,,p_ 1 :�...:.. y _ y—,' -- s .,—;"--....z+ --' • r'.-^--..•+
Q_i =>•. ..�:�1;�•:Y iiLit,4 a4 �."1:11YYIt:51:3rU.'' ?? .. • uww.r.'vw�.:-.c.: •>,r .,l rA.•,+. '
I. 'J�'etP"�`S'.�. rQ9. �,t ''it rry„lf.G `. a<. iC•'N(n..y.•�e, xi!'i"TN' M�. � lY� � h..t7 to t, �•ragn-r•} n Yt,"•• ,'.
N0.. 73
CommissionersProceedings, City of Paducah 192-_
Lool.wood, and oharre enmo.to the Riverside,Hosoital' Addition Account. Adoptod,upon
onll of tho roll by the follows nt; veto; Yone; Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Y'filllnms.and
Renort of Paduonh
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion;, I move that the. -report of
Laboratories for the.
month of 5opt..1921.
the Paducah Lnboratoriea for tho month of September 19P.1'be received and Piled. .Adopt
ed upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yoas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Will isms•,,
and Yatterjohn;-6.
Commissioner W lliams offered the following motion:' I move ilint 'the ropor% of ,;
Renort of Freed
Erglleh,Seaton Onk
°red English, Sorton Oak Grove Cemetery for the month of Seotembe.r 19 P be received an
c Grove Cemetery for
Sept. 1921.
filed. Adopted upon call of the roll'by the following vote: Yeas,, Eaton, Eaker, Tully
Williams and Iattorjohn,-b.
Uayor.l:atterjohn offer ad'the following•motion; I move that the monthly estimate.
Monthly estimate.,.
furnished.by'the City Engineer for workperformed by Reynolds Bros. on Broad Street:'•
of City Enginoor
for worst performed
during the month of Septomher be received and f sled, .and that. the Copmisa loner, of. r ,
by Roynolds Bros.`',,
on L'road Street, �;
'Public Finance be nuhhori.zod to issue Imnrovemonf: iYnrrant for the sum of.y1648,,60,
nmountinr, to.: 1040.
and lmnrovorpent
being 66s, of the wort: performed. Adoptod upon call,cf the roll by tho following vote:
17arrant issued.
Yoao, Eaton, Easter, Tully,, Williams and Yntterjohn,-6.
Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion; I move that tho monthly esti-
Monthly estimate of!
City Engineer for
mato by the City Engineer for work perfoimod by 9eynolds.Bros. on 11. 9th Street during
wort performed by
Reynolds Bros. on
the month of September be rooeivod and filed, and that .the Convniastoner. of Public'
A. 9th :;t., nmount-
in., y930.d0, and
Finnnue be authorized to issue Improvement "larrnnt for the aum.of y930.80, being 661%
Improvement ;lar-'
" rant issued.
of the work nerformed. Adopted upon call of the roll'by thu following vote: Yoce,'
Enton; Ealcer, Tully, Williams and Y_atterjohn,-6.
pyo Mayor:I:ntterjohn offered the following motion: I move.that'the monthly esti=
Monthly e8timnte of
City'i4np.,Incer for
mate by the. City h:ngincor for work'nerformed by Eaker & 8torrie on South 8th Street.'.
work performed by
Xr.1_er & Storrie on
'during the month of Sentembor be received and filed, and that. the Commissioner of
S. bth St:, amount-.
f. ina.to ;1653: b0,
Public Pinanoe'be authorized to issue Imnrovoment Warrant for the sem of :1663.60,`
Ana Tmprovement
:`lcrrnnt issued..being'66j
of work oerfo rnied., Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following.,vote
'Yana, Eaton, Es'r_er, Tully.vllliruno and YnttorJohn, -5.'
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the. roll by 6 yeas, T..
OOTOBER 4TH, 1921.
Ata Oalled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiesi.onere'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Ootobor 4th, 1921, at 11 o1olook A.M.
Ilgon Gell of the roll the following answered to their. names; Oommisetoners Eaton,
Tully and Mayor Batterjohn,-3.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall, to -wit; To turn over Bonds to
Baker & storris, and any otherbuetneee that might come before the Board.
Bonds delivered
to Ukbr &"9torrie
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Oontniestoner
.'a for oonetruotien
of driveways on
10.11 32.13,14 b
of Publ.to Finance be authorised and instructed to turn over to Baker & Storrie, con -
16th Ste., Detn.
ppp tractors., the bonds issued for the conerete driveways on 10th, 11th,.12th, 13th,
Broadway and
Jefferson St.
14th and 16th Streets, between Broadway &.Jefferson Streets as follows;
1 Series H. due Nov, let, 1921......$619.23.
n n n n n 1922....:.'619.23
n n ■ n.' " ..... 619.23
3 1923.
4 q n tl o a 1924...... 619.23'
w s w e n •nee eye oa