HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 73, July 19, 1915... -� -.-�V' ..iw.' 'Ni.t,:'f1c-...L1r3 SHJ.sJ4 _aJ �itX9'T"xsvrtGcz•'Aq-:.-.-.. -..._� .. . - ..... _ �._ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ �'n '\ ��Tf 'efj tww! } c5 •. -,.y.., ,t �p rsr• GtY i•, ,.•. - rr _ r -. ; i ° -Sy y. ....._Z..�.,: p • •`• ' �' .. .. ' t ,,, ;�.'.r _ , S Cornnussioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah joy 19th 19J� _ At a regulab meeting of the Board of Oommieeioners of the City of _ . Paducah, Hy., held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, IF.. an i' July 19th, upon call of the roll the following answered their names s Burns, ~r Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read, upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeaa, Buena, HassUp. Marton. Wallace and Waahin3t as S. jj On motion by Member Burns, that 4860.00 be donated to make certain the y t. holding of our annual Pair, to the Paducah Pair Association, carried upon call of y the follows the roll b • ,t. � following vote: Yeas, Burne. Hanellp ,Marton, Wallace and Washing. ton - 6. On motion by Member Marton, that the controversy between Jim Chambers and «�r..Lsli �dyJra�i ' contractor Evsaa, in regard to said Evans' horses waning at large and destroying the!'p,-�r':�' ' y, meadow of Chambers. same was referred to the Committee as a whole to investigate, to .; prevent lose suit, carried upon call of the roll by the.following vote: Yaae, Burns, Marton, Washington - S: Hays. Hanellp and Wallace. a. On motion by Mayor Haselip. the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in ' . ,4.. .�••�Y.cc i�, L an ordinance to prohibit the use of surface closets 1n Bawer Diatriot No. B, carried . upon *all of the roll by the following vote; 'Yeae, Burns, Haselipt Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. !' t< . +C/F�.ew Oa motion by Member Burns, Dr. Linn wan empowered to employ another +: sanitary officer to devote hie entire time ridding the City of weede, until each time =` may so bis services 't y be di epended with, in the judgment of the Health offices, carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns Hazolip, Marton Wallace i add Washington - 6. iii On motion by the above, a transfer of a saloon license it 988 Findlay street from B. M. Turner to Columbus Hllmantoler at the same location, carried upon call of the.roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns. Haselip, Marton, Wallace end fo,�......„ j 1• '`'hi Washington - 6., f$ .� On motion by the above, a transfer of the saloon license from J. L.. ... - ,n t: Potter. located at 900 H. Eighth eisast to Will T. Miller. at 789 Harris street •', ' �/ a carried, and Miller offered as hie bond Equitable Surety Oo., which wasaccepted, ti f upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas Burne Marton and Waehi ton . S n8 Hoye, Haselip and Wallace .'2. On motion by Member Marton, the City Clerk was instructed to mail certified', copy of the.ezpenees in the snit against the Bast Tenasesee Tel. Co. with the Oity at'} Paducah,carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Hasa Up, Marton, {., Wallace and Washington - 0. Burns not voting. .,x On motion by the above, Geo. H. Goodman was refunded on pore =1 aseeaemenl ,I ,�•; ;}� $866.00, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Y*ae, Burns, Hoselip, Marton, + g Wallsoe.ead Washington . 6. s• :, ��� On motion by Member Washington, H. F. Crawford was granted permission to. 40 �'^'ooaneot with Bawer Diatriot No. B., as per oontraot, and the Mayor was authorised to s. Z' sign same, upon call of the roll by the following votes .Teas, Burns, Hasellp, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by the above, the pay roll of the Street Dept. ending the week <G�ZGG/ of Sat. July 17", not covered by ordinance, and paid by cash order, amounting to $189.76 - also pay roll for the repairing of the.bitulithic streete; ending the some {{• ?;-Q . "! µ+k::kl6i�Ja3i �.1pr�M4:a+�±'G3.?3.`4$a^.9tA+W. '"a%.haw:(Wn:G:`xi:r.L!dw::s..ak.►�:+.'aKt�en;�o�s+..we.,.r.owa:l:..r.: as'vwt'NcL'�5.:4;:�a:ir,u=a:..,,J.;f„xtt.ul:.ar=rS!..e.'fpaCYpi.'d.:�t+d.�' i ii fJ r1 Y 1Y1 i " r` ?1 _ 4 ,5 f l �\ try 7yr �'�1:r+i-'�, :��., .t.' "e•..•Y�^ �.''i 5' �. 2'1''_1%"-' '`jj ry'I�f1�� !()` r .l.'-r ''^4Si �Ff f r ^i 4 '1N`;d�'."!«:"•. Ci..',Y.:}-;�+yy (�+�p+ , r• '' , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah July l.1th 191 continued. �.• i`• .. week, nod,::covered by ordinance and paid by.oaeh order, amounting to $166.60, same •. E were. reoeiviDd and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne,• • Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.. On motion by Member Wallace, the desk formerly in .the Oonnoil Chamber C was donated to the Carnegie Library Board, for use in branch library, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and 9 Washington - 6. On motion by Mayor Haselip, that the report of sale of Franchise to operate a telephone system in Paducah, and.eold to the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co.' : bs received, approved, concurred in and filed, and written into the minutes - ee �•.. follows. " TO. THE HON: MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY r, "•f I. Thomas tt. Hazelip, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Paducah ire f. beg to report that under and pursuant to the terms of an ordinanos rr adopted by the Mayor and Commiseioners of the City of Paducah, Kentuoky on the 25" day of May, 1915, providing for the sale of e •.•- 8 franohiee or privilege to erect maintain and operate lines of.� . o telephone and telegraph in the pity of Paducah, Kentuoky..I adver- i.., . tieed the time, terms and place of sale, together with a copy of (' �,:• f.` said ordinance providing for the sale of said franohiee, for four consecutive issues of the Paducah News-Democrat and The Paducah Evening Sun, daily papers published in the City of Paducah and ,. having a general circulation therein, in the issues of June 15". 22d, i.. 29" and July 6", 1915 of the Paducah News-Demoorat, and in issues of ' June.16", 22d, 29" and July 6", 1916 of the Paduoah Evening Sun, ''•L, i and on the 16th day of,July,.1915 at ten o'clock A. M. offered the j t r;, said franchise .for Bale at public out-ory at the Oity Hall door of f Paducah, Kentucky to thehighest and best bidder, whereupon the j' 'D s• ;';:..'. .:•' ).. Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, inoorporated, pub'lioly l ( bid'for said franchise the eum of Five Hundred ($600.00) Dollars. The Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, incorporated, beingd'" the highest and beet bidder, the same was struck off to it, and said Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Oompany, incorporated, gave.to me the sum of Five.Hundred ($600.): Dollars, receipt of which Is acknowledged. ;,..' j�y,,,�,�- `,,�_,,•�: i„•,'Y All of which 1e reported this 19” day of July. 1916. ' >I Thos. N. Haselip, Mayor of the Oity of Paducah. Carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Marton; i..; .Wallace and Washington - 5. . On motion by the above, that the acceptance of the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co. be reoeived.and filed and inoorporated•In the minutes, as follows a " TO THE HON. MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUOAH, Ju , GENTLEMEN: 0. The Cumberland Telephone.& Telegraph Company, Incorporated, on i" { - the 16th day of July, 1916, purchased at public sale the franchise sold ! { by the City of Paducah on said date to erect, maintain and operate a I1 telephone and telegraph system in the City of Paducah, as provided 1n an + ,} ordinance passed .by the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Paducah on .' ryH� the' 26th day of May, 1916, and it hue .paid to. the S:,nyor of the City of Paducah, Five Hundred (`^,600) Dollara, the amount bid for such franchise. i 4174 • -You aro hereby notified,that the Cumberland Telephone & ; Telegraph Pompany, Incorporated, aooepte said franchise and the terms And, conditions therein, and agrees to ereot, maintain and operate a system of.' yp� telephone and telegraph lines in the Oity of Paducah under the terms and conditions of said ordinance. i Yr; . This July 16th, 1916: eoond Yioe Preeident. Atteett I a ,r (seal) sore ary 't ;•t , same osrried upon call of the roll by the following vote t, Teas,.Bnrne, i' a I ( { rc'� eVµ ,..lirt+.i. ' rl•:,:: ..u:Y..�:�rsr.'.'.-:r-: i. r:..•�...:•%�'...:FG .vu�r ..Lca:w y , q:.•aw..a.a+....... ...u.::.r__.,. v!.*..- . +t "` r ,_ a .{v ,•�•.'sii�'ti, ..._. • ^` t -.- i :1..:.,i:-.t.'r�. � 3n...'....c:u:�=... ` t e e • S S' .-i_.ic�. r .�.e.. 5 T a x No rh :,• :x. Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of•Paduoah 191 continued h , Harelip, Basion, Wallaos and Washington 6. Yyx u On motion by the above, an invitation from the Civic Department of the >_ .....CZ, Woman -s Club for the Board of Oommiesioners to attend the flag raising at_Holb'a Park on July Both; was aooapted.ead ordered filed and each member requaieted to . attend, carried upon cell at the roll by the following votes Yeae, Burns, Hosell p, g ` Marton, Wallace ,and Washington - 6. t; On motion by the above. that the report of the Philanthropic Dept. of. � , the Woman's 01ub be received and filed, came carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Haselip, Barton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by Member Washington, the Oity Bolioltor was instructed to. bring in an ordinance or resolution authorising contract for Bawer District No. 3 I, and the expenditure of the accumulated Bower Fund, eat 8eida for Sewer Distriot.Ro.3 carried upon call of the soll.by the following vote: Yeae. Burne, Hasalip; MartoI r Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion the Board adjourned, upon.oall of the roll by the 'following. votsl Ysas,.Burne,'Haselip, Barton, Wallace and Washington 6. YU 4, JU L Y Blot. 1916 •.� � At a called meeting of the Board -of Commissioners. hold ih the Council . ,•, f . aV Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, 8y., on July 21st, 1916. upon call of the roll.14 ?< 3,R;' t the following answered their names a Haselip. Barton. Wallace and Washington On motion by Member Washington ",iii ORDILAHOE AUTHORIZING THE BOARD. 01 COMMISSIONERS OF THE OITY OF PADUOAH TO LET A CONTRAOT FOR THE 0093TRUOTIO11 OF THE OUTFALL SEVER IN THE CONTEMPLATED SEVER DISTRICT NUMBER THREE OF THE CITY OP,PADUCAH{ If KFSTUCXY".'sald ordinance was instructed to lay over seven days from this data. II"+ On motion the Board adjourned. upon call of the roll by the following =r; - .. .votes Yeas. Heaslip, Barton. Wallace and Washington - 6. 4-1 JV �I • . PPS• �/t �.�\ sA . , � •Y,'f 'P f — t 1._ P Y.'1.1Y •+ ]' ... 1:.....