HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 727, September 21, 19211 P ufTSS�L.:fri' .M ,��. 'wan. � ., — '� taR Y.+,.`7?°.5.: 4.'}r• !`cK �:,.tl'.I,h'',, }'t'tl' ,'x Y•rf�f'v t. �:�l'�. T1 ,J,ir t?a7�",�• A: . 1"• i -t ,"'"!•" +''' ,.n�i',,�-n, r +'f n4 �:i'j T M^S. ,id -If if irt` <r�°?+wy 4f •t.J `�•`,� 3u S {t !'.^:� • •� -,..'.�?*?:�ft7,��t�'.�:n•a�.�w"m�'ran�::x�+'�krz,::�c•.^.h:;.�, No. 7 Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192- r o 0 nt D d on motion the Board adjourned upon call of.the roll by 6 yea a. Ak'.YROVDD ` SEPT MBER 21st. 1921. .. At a Called Meeting of the Board of'Commiesioners,.held 'in the Commissioners':' Ohamber.in the City Ha11,,Paduoah. Kentucky, on September 21st, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. 11. Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Tully, Uilliama and Mayor Y.atterjohn.-6. Myor Yatterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit; To accept improvement of the 0.. driveways in the Inner -Fire Limits, as constructed by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors,,.;. and such other business no might come before the Board. „ Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: Yanoy & Johnson. Contractors',," having finished the construction of the concrete driveways within the Inner Fire - Acceptance of 1 Limits, inclusive of the streets bordering thereon, to -wit: On Washington Street .from oonorete driveways 1'the ae aonatruoted by ,. 'Deet line of Third Street to the east line of Fifth Street, and on Fourth Street John13P YnnIn from a on Inner Fire the South line of Yentuoky Avenue to the Horth line of Washington Street and on g Limits. Llonroe Street from the West line of Second Street to the West line of Fifth Street, and ''on'Third Street from the Borth line of Jefferson Street to the South line of 1.lonroe Street, and on Fourth Street, from the Horth line. of Jefferson.Street to the " South line of Monroe Street, and on Fifth Street from the Borth line of Jefferson- ;{ Street to the South line of Monroe Street, in the City of.Paduoan. Kentucky, and i havingf complied with the ordinance adopted nrid authorizing said improvement, and hav- ing complied in all respects with the terms of the oont n t d i•t are, n o y,an ,be- f tween said Contractors and the City of Paducah, and having completed same aouordi•ng.,to 1 . the Plano and Spooifioations adopted for said work, and no complaints having boon...'' �• filed, protesting against said work, 1'now move that said improvement be,a000ptod. :Adopted upon call of the roll by'the following vote; Yons,, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Vill1isms and Y.attorjohn,-6. Jw,•• Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion; I move that 'the estimate furnish a i Resort of City ed by Y1.,U..Mitohell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by Yanoy & Johnson, ,: + Eneineer,W.1.i, Contractors, for oonstruotin L'itohell, for work.g.00narete driveways within the Inner -Hire Limits, inolu- a done and performed d b `'sive of the streets bordering thereon, to -wit: on Washington Street from the West line by Yanoy 1. Johnson G � ' . •` : i for constructing of Third Street to the East lino of Fifth Street and on Fourth Street from the South • ' • f ' oonorete driveways . Limits wit hin Inrer-Hire 111ne of Kentucky Avenue to the, North line of Washington Street, and on Monroe Street from the West line of Second Street to the West line of Fifth Street, and on Third Street from the North line of Jefferson Street to the South line of Monroe Street; and 4on Fourth Street. from the ]forth line of Jofforuon Straot-to the South line of'I.lonroe Stroot, and on Fifth Street from the Ilorth lino of Jefferson Street to the.,South line of Monroe Strnet, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be. received, filed and confirmed.. 3?jfi� ' Adopted upon call of tho.roll by the following vote; Yeas, Ent on, Enkor, Tully,lY1111ane and Yatterjohn,-6, Pinal Estimate for Hayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the. Final. Eatimate, .'T work -done and per- forr.ed b,y'Ynnoy:& furnished by G. 11. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by Yanoy & Johnson for'the i t i construction of Johnson,,Contractors, for the oonatruotion of concrete driveways within the Inner -Fire' " concrete driveways within the Inner -(Limits, incluelve.of the streets bordering thereon, to=wit: On Washington Street, from Fire Limits, fur- gggp nL hod by W.M.`the West line of Third Street to the Beet line of.Fifth.Street, end, on Fourth Street EnRtnoer, City from the South line of Y.entuoky Avenue to the' North' line, of Washington Street, and on'w A Monroe Street from.the'West.line of Second Street to the West line of..Fifth Street; 44 '.J,' ,aa�JY.:: :r< �-,.� »; y.+r ;'^'+"'.n\tt. �x-Vit^„r.,-'•�-,•y....�... 7�•:u,, tirw.,�r\ +,•.; r; Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192 r and on Third Street from the North line of Jefferson Street to the South line of 6lonroe Street, and on Fourth Street, from the North line of Jefferson Street to the South line }� of Monroe Street, .and on Fifth Street from the North line of Jefferson street to .the South,li,ne of Monroe Street in the. City of Paduoah . , Kentuo IpI, be reoeived, flled..and aoniirmad. Adopted upon on1T o4 theroll by the following. vote: Yens, Eaton, Esker, . Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-6. •�i , Commiesionor.Tully offered the. motions I move that an ordinanoe entitled, y I ''• :.;. n• "AN ORDINANCE: ASSESSING THE ABUTTINo PROPERTY Oil BOTH SIDES OF YIASHIt1GT011 9TRFER FROM >. THE SfESTLI11F OF THIRD .UTRiLST To Tim LAST LIllli OF FIFTH STREET, .AND 0I7' FOURTH STRI-EXT,. { FROU T1114,90u1H LINE, OF '0:11TUC__ AVi:ITU},' TO THE NORTH LINE OF WASHINGTON STREET,' AUD ON . LOITROF STREET FROM THE WEST LIKE OF SECOND STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF FIFTH STREET, AIM Oil THIRD STIIP:I T FROM .THI-, 11011i'FI LIN OF JISFF!1RSON S'T'REET TO THE SOUTH LIME OF !{OIiROE Aseosement Ordt- STREET, AND Oil FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE' OF J•r:FFERSOIl STREET TO 'S%E SOUTH LIRE nanoo for oon. struotion of. ,. OF 1.101TROr STREET;: THE SUI.I.OF 04.46621.PFR ABUTTIIIG FOOT, AND Oil FIFTH STR•c:ET FROLi TlTE driveways.with-' . in Inner -Eire 110RTII LIIfF: OF JEFFi:119011 8111iiiFT TO TID: SOUTH LITW moiricr,9TRLET THE SULI OF i; Limite• .OF .44.46853, . PER ABUTTING FOOT,, IN THF CITY OF PADUCAH. }x:11TUCKY, FOR TILS:. CONSTRUCTION AND 'RECON- . t, I{ 3 RUCTION OF' CONCRF:TF DRIVEWAYS, AND ASSESSING THE PADUCAII RAILWAY C01dPANY. Tt1E. SMI OF . 01266.36 VOR CAR TRAGI: BASF, Oil FOURTH VREET, AS SHOI.11 BY THE FNGIIII':GR'9 }:sTIMATE, t 1 EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF ?ADUCAH, A11D PROVIDING THAT SAID t SSESSkd:NT MAY BF PAID IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLI.rENT.S, Bmi o- ONE Y.ACH YEAH .POR A PERIOD OF. r,.TF11,VARS,"'be adopted. Adopted upon. oall of, the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, :Eaton; 'En:;er, Tully, Williams and 3;atterjohn,-b'. On motion tho Board ndjoprned upon onli of the roll by 6 yeas., 1 1, Ai,jlii. PROVAU. ' - ? CUT Cw a SEPTP7.1BI•R 24th: 1921. . At a Called Meeting of the Board of. Commissioners held in the. Commissioners, F Chamber In, the City .Han, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on September 24th, 1921, at.11 o'.olook 1' Upon oall of the roll the following.ensworeA to .their namoei Commisolonere'Enton, Eakor,l; Tully. and';1111iams,-4. Mayor Katterjohn being absent, Mayor Pro Tem 17.V.Euton; presided: t 1layor Pro Tom Eaton stated reasons for oull, to -wit: For .the purj)ose of allowing. �. r the Pay Roll for the weak ending September 24th, 1921, and snoh other business as might t ' I oome before the Board. commbuIher Tully `offered' the following motion: I' movo that the' pay -roll for the ray -roll wee for � eniflna,Sopt8 ,: week' ending Sept. 24th for. De partment.of Publlo.Proporty... Rivernide.Hoopital, amounting 1921.t Rivoreide }los ltnY... :. .. r P .to 4116.60 be allowed. and. or dere d aid and the mono a d from. the Oeneral Pun it P y pproprinte J-. �`•' . to a same. Ado Led.0 on oall of the roll b the following vote:' Ye Eaton Enkeri' P. y P P y. g . ` .., . Tully, and.Wi111ams;-4. , 9tntemont:of so- Oommisotoner Tully offoroA the following motion: I movo that.THE STA T'r*1:11T OF. c oount _withhEakor '< & Storrie, in •'ACCOUNT '31TR EAK:11 & STORRIE, OONTRACTORS, FOR THii COI;ST2UCTIOIl OF CONCRETE 1RIVr—,7AYS. re: Oonereto drive- way on 10,31,32,... Oil 10, 11,. 12,.;13, 14 :and 16th STREETS,' BETITE,21 BROAMAY All J) JiFFMS611. STRF^TS, be re - . br, 13;14 and 16th ooivod and filed: Adopted' u on-oall of. the roll by, B the following vote: Yens;Eaton P S Tully and Williamo,=4. Ij d Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having N IEstimates' pai . by property own- paid the estimates against property owners on 10th, llth,•12th, 13th, 14th end 16th iw re:. Con- ! , Iere, on 10,10112,1y3 10,10,12,13;: Streota,.betwoon Broadway and.Jeffornon Ste..for'oonstruotion of oonorete driveways... s on 14 and 16th Sts. 1 Ere. Ella Puryear......:..:....:...... 378.04 `f s , " •v.;: E Idre.• Ella Puryear.....'.::.......'..... 378.07 ” 6 Louie F. Kolb..... i� 349.16 ... % r > " 6,. ioeb-Bloom Realty 00. .... ..•.:•:.� 399,47_ .y . tib: -• Y 11 1. ; ..%:: - ) <,,...� .. 1;i;;1%,� Yl�:ii;,� K Gt.s�':k•,N kt;;r_..J�l:��; .s.: -;.J: t.c.6(.,..: -. �,.- iz i - -.. ,� .;�:.�`.. .. �_.. ...... �,-,.-•xv.1'''. x •.... c''M' 'ti 5•Ue4 tk.0.Y'S.• 't,Yt'.an+t' ... ,« w. f a.;,n„ :ru' aI p+:.eb. ri„ . ,..,.,. ,